The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 3-4

If it were all up to our pontifex, I bet he’d rather be singing in the heavenly realm than on earth — and in the body of an idol no less. No one said being an idol was easy, and his case is further compounded by the presence of The Evil One who’s out to get him. But with the holy vow of confusion at stake, what else is a pontifex to do?


The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 3-4

Following Rembrary’s visit to the hospital last week, he is diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. Apparently, the doctor thinks he created the Rembrary identity to evade his current reality as a washed up idol, preferring to be a pontifex of another world instead. And after the stunt that the real Yeon-woo pulled during his telekinetic session with Rembrary, this might as well be his diagnosis. Lol.

Rembrary’s participation in the Sing Survival show is the first step to winning Artist of the Year (and returning to his body), but the other contestants dismiss him as actual competition — after all, he was cast for the buzz and not actual talent, since Yeon-woo is a terrible singer. But aside from having issues with the “harmful and materialistic” lyrics of the song chosen for the first round, Rembrary is pretty confident in his vocals — after all, 100 years of singing in a heavenly choir will do that to anyone. Wait, how old is this guy?

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 3-4

We finally get our introduction to SHIN JO-WOON (also played by Lee Jang-woo) — the vice chairman of the network airing Sing Survival, and The Evil One’s earthly host. But unlike Rembrary who acts differently from Yeon-woo, The Evil One is right at home in Jo-woon, and he infects everyone around him with a dose of evilness, turning them into his little red-eyed minions. I’m sure his choice of Jo-woon as a host is part of his plans to mess with Rembrary — who ends up putting on a spectacular first round performance that puts other performances to shame! Unfortunately, Rembrary and Dal don’t get to bask in the euphoria of his performance, because they return to the dressing room to meet Cash in the middle of a panic attack.

Apparently, Cash developed a panic disorder after harsh criticisms for his behavior on a variety show a while back. And from dissociative to panic disorders, these Wild Animal boys are going through a lot. Sigh. Rembrary’s divine powers can’t cure illnesses of the mind, but Dal has a better solution: Rembrary can just become an idol who comforts and gives strength to his fans. Sounds good! But when Rembrary — who can tell that Dal is also fighting her own inner demons — offers to cure her too, she’s touched, but she denies having any such problems.

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 3-4

Back to Sing Survival, the result of the first round is released, and while Cash wins fourth place (yay!), Rembrary comes in last. What!? This clearly has The Evil One’s fingerprints all over it, but Rembrary handles the loss better than I expected him to. For the second round, he is paired with the winner of the first round, SEON WOO-SHIL (Tak Jae-hoon) — a senior artist who just so happens to be Wild Animal’s former vocal coach. Woo-shil loathes Yeon-woo because Yeon-woo preferred to coast on his good looks rather than improve on his nonexistent singing skills. Now, Woo-shil is determined to crush Yeon-woo for good, and that cannot be good for Rembrary.

Things get worse when the first episode of Sing Survival airs, because as expected, Rembrary is slaughtered on the altar of malicious editing. Dal blames herself for not being firm enough with the PD (who is now a red-eyed minion), but as usual, Rembrary takes it all in stride. Since he can’t cure Dal’s self-blame, he promises to win in the second round so as to make her feel better. He’s learning fast! Unfortunately (no thanks to a spiked drink from another red-eyed minion), Woo-shil loses his voice when he goes onstage with Rembrary for the second round. Gasp!

While Dal and the audience begin to fret, Rembrary — who knows that this is The Evil One’s doing — carries on with the song, his hand clasped firmly in Woo-shil’s for his divine powers to flow into — and heal — Woo-shil. The plan works, and they’re able to finish their beautiful duet to the delight of everyone — except The Evil One, of course, and a Black-Hooded Minion who accompanied him from The Other World. But unlike The Evil One who wants to end Rembrary in a flashy and amusing style, Black-Hooded Minion just wants to kill Rembrary anyhow and be done with it.

Rembrary and Woo-shil win first place in the second round (yay!), but Rembrary wins an enemy alongside, in the person of popular idol and fellow contestant OH JUNG-SHIN (Oh Jin-seok). In the meantime, Rembrary tries to adjust to life as Yeon-woo, finds out that Dal is THE biggest Yeon-woo fangirl — or worshipper, as he calls her — and thinks she’s in love with Yeon-woo. Heh.

Rembrary also learns from Wild Animal’s leader — and resident papa bear — CHOI JUNG-SEO (Hong Seung-bum) that Yeon-woo was about to join a secret religious group shortly before he “became a different person.” And Rembrary recognizes the insignia of the group as a symbol of Lord Redrin. Interesting.

When Cash gets into a dating scandal, Dal is reminded by the reporter — who leaked the news — about the incident from her previous job. (Apparently, an idol under her care committed suicide over hate comments.) Rembrary rescues Dal from the horrible reporter and this leads her to address him as “Rembrary,” as she finally decides to differentiate between his two personalities. The duo share a gentle moment together where she says she likes being with Rembrary more, and I share Dal’s sentiment because with everything we have seen about the real Yeon-woo, it’s hard to reconcile him as the caring guy who saved Dal’s life back then. (By the way, is it just me who noticed that Rembrary has mentioned more than once that “his calling is to heal people” — which is exactly what Yeon-woo wrote on the photocard he gave to Dal? Hmmm.)

As it turns out, the source of the dating rumor is Jung-shin’s manager, or more accurately, Jung-shin himself — under orders from The Evil One. For the guy who pushed a trainee (who was supposed to debut in his stead) down the stairs, The Evil One expects more from Jung-shin because Yeon-woo went unscathed in Cash’s dating scandal. So, Jung-shin is turned into a red-eyed minion. And from the Sing Survival PD to Jung-shin, it seems like having a naturally evil nature is a requirement to becoming a red-eyed minion.

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 3-4

On sighting him at the third and final round of Sing Survival, Rembrary can tell that Jung-shin is now a minion. To worsen matters, Jung-shin’s minion powers are at an all-time high, and he’s strong enough to lift and fling a staff member to the ground when she catches him messing around with cables backstage. Rembrary heals the staff member in the presence of Dal — who can’t comprehend what her eyes are seeing — and they track Jung-shin to the parking lot. And this is where we close for the week: with Rembrary gearing up for a face off against Jung-shin — who basks in all his full minion glory. The dude is even sprouting horns! Whoa!

Okay, Dal has to be one of the most courageous people on the planet, because I’d have fainted after what I witnessed backstage. And even if I managed to stay conscious, there is no way I would’ve followed Rembrary to face the darkness waiting in the parking lot. On the bright side, this is undeniable proof that Rembrary doesn’t have a dissociative disorder as she thinks. But between her beloved idol being diagnosed with a disorder, and learning that he’s currently in another realm, I don’t know which option is meant to ease Dal’s worries the most. Lol.

Speaking of realms, The Heavenly Idol introduced us to yet another one this week: The Afterlife — where the humans’ Book of Life and Death has been changing more often of late. “Who dares to meddle with the humans’ destined lifespans?” The Queen of the Underworld bellows? And if this was a multiple choice question, I’d shade the Rembrary option since he’s always healing sick people. Heh. Anyway, the queen (Jang Young-nam) sends an inspector to the earthly realm to bring in the “fool” who’s messing with their order, and inspector SA GAM-JAE (Park Sang-nam) gets himself hired as Wild Animal’s new roadie. Hehehe.

Between The Evil One and his minions, and now Gam-jae, Rembrary has his hands full. There’s also the matter of the vow of confusion with Yeon-woo. Sigh. No one said being a pontifex in an idol’s body was easy, but if there’s anyone who can handle the burden, it’s Rembrary. And all he needs is to just be armed with a constant supply of tributes — hypoglycemia or not.

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 3-4


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I so wanted to like it but alas! Dropped at ep 1


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I was hoping against hope that this wouldn't be another romance-focused tale of an idol, and I'm glad that the one Dal seemed to be falling for was Rembrary (well, despite how that looks like to the outsiders). It made things more interesting while the drama kept on making unexpected dive into the many, many "uncomfortable" aspects of idol life that we somehow has managed to normalize as Kpop grew into a cultural monster.

I couldn't stop laughing at Yeon-woo practicing his very stiff and awkward dance. The contrast between that and the dance practice of my fave boy group I just watched was laughably stark.

I also have to applaud the use of sounds effect in this drama. It's both juvenile and fun, and so effective at reframing certain scenes into something more hilarious. Like when everyone discussed Kasy's some relationship, or when Dal mimed pulling off the "dagger-like criticism" she said to Yeon-woo. I guess I just appreciated how this drama never took itself too seriously, while still lightly delivering some important stuff at the same time.


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I also love the sound editing! It's really good.


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This one is actually HILARIOUS. I was in a terrible mood yesterday and this week episodes made me HOWL from laughter, esp everything about duo performance (the meta of song's choice coupled with Rembrary's antics being interpreted by everyone, including sunbae singer himself, as BL-heavy LOL). Also have to admit that I really like Rembrary now - both as a character and a person. He's just right balance between holy all the way cleric, funny dude and super warm human to be around. Well, human part may be juuust a bit questionable here given the hints about his age given - wow, he is INDEED a grandpa as I've feared))) Do people in his realm simply live longer or is it side effect of his powers? Anyway, this really explains a lot about his personality. And puts another huge issue into spotlight - the romance tag among genres.

Like how this is even supposed to work? Dal's side I get, it hard to not fall for someone this hot AND nice at the same time. But Rembrary himself? Dude is happily married to his job and apparently has been so for more than a century, yet shows ZERO hints at having any problems with total celibacy it requires. And he works his holy ass off like crazy to return to that lifestyle asap. Idk how writer is going to make him change his ways and trade his love for humanity as a whole for a romantic relationship with just one person, Dal or not. He even ships her and Yeon Woo - and is very grandp... uhm, fatherly about it lol! Trolling poor girl by turning the heavy smoulder on when she demands unthinkable - for holy man to act suggestive - from him is one thing, but other than that...

Rest of the show continues to be entertaining, tho I kinda hoped we'll get more actual music from it. Other members of Wild Animal have barely anything to do as well (and little to no personality aside of Cash/Kasy and Jungseo), but instead of developing them we have to waste time on some bitchy idol with dark backstory and now a totally new character joins the fun... It's only 12 episodes, right?

I do like that show is still all about kpop meta, including addressing rather dark parts of it. Hate comments and their destructive effect on artists, idea that only unattractive people need talent to make it in the industry (this one slaps hard! and real Yeon Woo is still an idiot), dating being a career-threatening scandal, fear of getting forgotten once you're too old for cute image that propelled you to stardom, evil editing, rigged nature of so-called talent variety shows etc, painful contrast between popular and not so much members within the same group...

P.S. Can Dal stop to starve Rembrary now that she knows the truth? He NEEDS those sweets, abs to display be damned!


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The kpop meta is so on point, it's hilarious. I was in a bad mood too and episode 3 really cheered me up.


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I think Rembrary has those rare abs that grow more sharply defined the more candy he eats.

As far as the priestly celibacy issue, I've wondered about that too. I'm thinking that in order for any romance with Dal to be consumated, Yeon Woo must come back with some elements of Rembrary's personality. Or maybe this show will just follow the current kdrama trend (The Interest of Love, Strangers Again) of having the leads realize they are happier apart.


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Well, he can fix his - and anyone else's - body with his powers, so... Maybe he IS absolutely perfectly healthy, abs and other muscles included, as long as those powers are fully charged.

Oh no, not the another "happy ending with the same shell but different host"! Yeon Woo can go on fighting demons, singing terribly in choir or barbering heavenly sheep as far as I'm concerned, but Dal deserves better than the huge disappointment that his real persona is.


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I was not expected but these week's episodes were very entertaining .Lembrary' reactions were everything :)


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I'm happy that Dal knows the truth! It was kinda frustrating to see him talking about things and nobody believing him. He will finally be able to eat all the chocolate he wants to get his powers!


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Rembrary's antics as Yeon Woo and his belief clashing with idol's lifestyle continue to be funny, but the rest of the evil arc is very boring.


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I'm sure I'm going to forget things but one of the moments that made me snort and laugh was when Dal was telling Rembrary that he always had to find his sexy angle no matter where the camera was and then she zoomed into his face saying even his nostrils had to be sexy haha

Idol life, the more I learn about it, seems sooooo unappealing. Between the diets, spartan like training, criticism, and the way your life is controlled. It almost makes me wonder why people get into the entertainment industry at all (aside from the fact that if, and that's a big *IF*, you're lucky and successful, you become rich/wealthy while doing something you're good at or passionate about).

I didn't feel the critique of Kpop idol life as much (maybe because Rembrary didn't explicitly complain as much about it) but I do like the moments when he refuses to just conform to the status quo even though that will make his goal harder to achieve. Just because his approach is different doesn't mean it can't work such as when he wanted to change the lyrics of the song and perform it in a choir. The outcome was beautiful and it earned him fans. I also really like how he's not fazed by the things everyone else is fretting over because his perspective and priorities is entirely different. I hope he can keep this trait for the entire series.

I'm so glad Dal saw for herself Rembrary both saving/helping someone and the idol minion in his demon like appearance. I'm glad that wasn't drawn out, having her still believing he has D.I.D.. I'm not sure how this would make her treat him differently since either way she had to cover for him and explain things to him. Oh! I guess one thing that might change is she will let him enjoy sweets haha
He'll likely still have to be on the rabbit diet cause he has to maintain his idol model body.

So, Rembrary (the group) is going to have two managers? I never even thought about that; do idol members each have their own managers or is there one manager who oversees everything or is there a head manager with assistant managers? Only Dal would likely be doing things for the whole group though haha

Speaking of the group, I guess it's because the leader isn't supposed to outshine the main character of the drama but he doesn't seem like much of a leader. He seems like a cool second in command. He seems like the guy people might talk to when they are having issues with the leader haha
None of the other guys are particularly dynamic and I'm not sure if there's a character thing or the actors.

I know I should feel for Kasy since he has his panic disorder and I think he's the youngest and most nervous but hmm, I just don't feel it. I know and understand the character but I'm not really any attachment to him.
I felt more attachment to Jung Seo when he was the first to really register and accept that there was some wrong/weird/different about Yeon Woo and then it fell on him to look out for him. I'm still...


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...hoping he also learns about Rembrary really being from another realm and having powers. I imagine after his disbelief he would bombard him with questions (but then again maybe not haha. He might just be focused on the group and doesn't want these otherworldly shenanigans ruining things even more).

I don't even remember how many guys are in the group. Is it 4 or 5? I know there's a guy who seems to really not have patience for Yeon Woo. I wonder if there will be any moments with him to flesh him out any.

The Evil One is like an old school Bond villian as expected haha
I wonder if his second in command is going to turn on him because of his procrastination of just dealing with Rembrary.

Why did two bad guys make to the modern realm but only Rembrary, representing the good guys, made it? How is he supposed to defeat them all by himself? I know Dal will end up being of assistance but she's just a muggle vs divine/evil powers.

I wonder if a "power of music" thing will happen.


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It's actually easier to understand the manager issue in the webtoon version since the original manager never quit (they changed it to kim dal and added a nonexistent love story...)

Having another manager assist the original manager is a realistic approach since the manager has been with the group long enough to have an assistant manager, and the sudden popularity of the group makes him need some help.

When they change the manager to Kim Dal, I think they'll ditch the underworld story altogether....I just hope there wasn't some love triangle thrown in too at this point.


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Re: idol managers - it depends HEAVILY on 2 factors: a) how many people are in the group (obv - the more of them, the more people are needed to keep them in check 24/7); b) how big/rich the agency group works under is (again, smaller/poorer agencies and their groups tend to be understaffed, which we see here). Wild Animal only has 5 members, which is REALLY small by nowadays trends, so 2-3 managers on rotation probably would be enough. FL doing ALL the work alone is unrealistic ofc, esp since she's also tasked with things like damage control, concept planning and so on. Technically as a road manager she should just do what it says on the tin - giving boys rides to all their scheduled destinations and caring about their needs there.
Oh, and leaders often get the position by seniority, not actual leadership skills or desiring to have such responsibility. Maybe Jungseo is simply the oldest and there's nothing more to it.

Kasy doesn't really make sense as a character - we're supposed to believe that he has variety shows PTSD and was terribly nervous to appear on one again, but somehow this did not stop him from doing an extra risky move of smooching with that idol girl in a dark corner between the shoots))) I'd understand if they were an item even before the show, but nope, he literally says they just hooked up there and then. Interesting method of distracting yourself from stress, dude...


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Re: idol managers, I also never thought about it until I recently started watching the variety show The Manager. The episodes featuring Super Junior and their team are particularly hilarious!


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Kim Minkyu is slaying this one! His dancing was beyond hilarious, partly because of the look of utter disbelief on his face as he was expected to follow the training. He's also moving between fatherly-petulant-cynical-sexy-confused-concerned-sugarhigh and more so well that he's genuinely interesting to watch.

As other Beanies have mentioned, the small insights into the idol world are deftly done. A moment that really stuck with me was when Rembrary mentioned food in the car and all the other band members instantly told him to stop - all starving, all unhappy, but all accepting it as normal. What a way to live...

I'm slightly disappointed that the evil one has started controlling minions so quickly. I love fish-out-of-water, and there is masses of potential here, as we're seeing when priest is confronted with what is expected of an idol. However, Rembrary now doesn't have much opportunity simply to interact with and blunder about in his new world - he's now going to be chasing minions all over the place. Feels like a bit of a shame.


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I totally agree that it would have been much better if the show had slightly delayed the evil one's control--it would have given Rembrary more time to experience the "evil" but not supernaturally so aspects of the idol world.


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I'm still watching, and that is a lot. I enjoy KMK as Lembrary and the way he tries to find his way (totally clueless) into this idol life. I love how he and Dal are knowing each other and specially how careful is Dal when dealing with him (in the most professional way, even if she is a fan), and also how he is beginning to understand what his members really mean.

But besides that, the drama is a bit stupid: minions everywhere, we still don't know why Devil and Rembrary are in this realm, why the body swap, what is the aim of Devil because if he needs to kill Lembrary, just go ahead, but the whole "it's not funny enough"... where does it come from. Seriously, the idea I had of the Devil was a guy that liked things done, and personally. So every time I see red eyes I roll my eyes. This whole part is really boring.

One thing I'm willing to see is more of Park Sang Nam. I never get enough.

Also, thanks a lot Unit for suggesting that the YeonWoo Dal met was probably Lembrary (a Lembrary in the future who travels to the past, a little confusing but making sense), because then I can totally understand why he was so insistent with her.


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Yes, story wise they are all over the place. As long as the drama focuses on Rem's (hilarious, out-of-water story) journey as an idol in our world, it will be fine. There is this survival show (that actually didn't need intervention from the "Evil One"), Wild Animal individual members stories that Rembrary can help to solve, actor storyline, and the added romance subplot too....

But, no....instead, they added more storylines to "Evil One" that were both ridiculous and cringeworthy.


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This show is the perfect guilty pleasure. I laughed many times, but my favorite moment was the BL duet.


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Adding elements of an afterlife inspector and the Evil One messing with human lives (to create an evil army?) and turning idols into monsters is really not helping the premise or movement of the main story (which objective is still very muddled). Rembrary needs to get back to his realm but he seems overmatched by humanity’s own native evil forces (greed, power, fame). The Evil One is a very flat character and has no scripted traits to accept him as a worthy villain. Except for Dal, there is no defining personal failing to acknowledge and overcome in order for the character to grow and be accepted for who they are. By changing Go’s disheveled look for a good appearance and competence makes her eye glare of disappointment much better. But Kim is stuck with a Golden Retriever facial expression which is bit mind numbing after four episodes.


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Thanks for the recap!

I'm really enjoying this. Juvenile, but so entertaining! With a bit of heart too. It was touching to have Rembrary learn that illnesses of the heart can't be healed with his powers. And it made me tear up that Dal was saved by Yeon-woo because he saw and recognized that she was sad. We may see idols as entertainment but for some people they could be a reason to look forward to the next day.

I've been following kpop for even longer than I've been following kdramas, so I really like the references to kpop life. The finding the camera and angles scene killed me. It's so true! I think there was a post I've read once of actor-actors and idol-actors at some press conference and the idol-actors were really good at finding and looking into the cameras. In some of the kpop performances, cameras do get really close to the idols' faces. I also loved that scene since it made me squee when Dal tried to get the shot from the floor.

I'm excited for Park Sung-nam since I just find him so attractive.


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I've finally caught up and I rate this show so much!! Firstly - Kim Minkyu is such a stunner 😍 Although ever since I heard he trained alongside Seventeen for a bit once upon a time, my brain won't stop autoplaying random Seventeen songs when he's on screen (it doesn't help he's got the same name as one member and looks a bit like another one of the members either).

The plot overall isn't without it's flaws - I stop paying attention a little bit when it's just the Evil One on screen doing Evil Things - and it is somewhat ridiculous (just imagine trying to describe this show to a friend 😂) but it's a brand of ridiculousness that works and is pulled off by the script/cast/direction pretty well so far!

Also as an avid K-pop fan, the satire had me giggling so much this week. The Survival show reminds me a lot of the sh*tfest that was Kingdom and that scene where they introduce Seon Woo Sil when he's ad-libing on the piano reminded me of that one JYP meme (for reference: https://youtu.be/Rp8j4Evn1go?t=12).

I'm glad the fantasy elements are coming back in as well, and I'm keen to see where the story goes for our hero (Legolas-nim as a redditor put it) and our FL now that she knows especially that he's not making things up.


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I am finding this much more boring than I had expected. Kim Min-kyu does his best with what he has been given (same with Go Bo-kyul), but this is dull other than the fun flashes of fish-out-of-water idol life. I will stick with it for now because I don't have another show going at the moment, but I find myself checking the clock a lot while watching to see if it's almost over - not a good sign.


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its the red contact lens for me


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Yesss. Dal has clear evidence to Rembrary's truth! It's only the 2nd week, but I'm glad she can't deny it anymore after this.
Seeing them running to the parking lot gave me flashbacks to the zombie drama Happiness lol. Good, creepy times.

Really liking Rembrary! He's such a good guy and his wish to heal others is sweet.

I haven't watched music show performances in a while so it was nice to see them. Wanted to see the other singers perform too, at least Kasy. Rembrary was wonderful when he sang those beautiful, heartfelt ballads.

Like others, I agree that the Evil One is a flat character. I haven't seen this actor before so I'm more curious about him than who he's playing, hah.

I recognized Jang Young Nam's voice immediately!!! Looking forward to seeing her. Not sure why the writer is adding another realm to the mix, but I'm curious about the new characters. Gosh, had to look up Park Sang Nam. He is fine. What an entrance.


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