Premiere Watch: Queenmaker

Time slot: Friday (single drop)
Broadcaster: Netflix
Genre: Political
Episode count: 11

Reasons to watch: Netflix is back with their next series, this time with the powerhouse cast of Kim Hee-ae, Moon Sori, Jin Kyung, and Ryu Soo-young. Our stage is the upcoming election for the Seoul mayor, and the drama follows an underdog candidate (Moon Sori) and the unparalleled “queenmaker” (Kim Hee-ae) who is backing her with an army of PR, expert manipulation, and sheer willpower. But is it enough to defeat the rival candidates Jin Kyung and Ryu Soo-young? Both characters are well-established in the political sphere, and are backed by power and money, so this is shaping up to be quite a fight for our ladies. The world of Queenmaker politics looks pretty threatening, and even if you’re like me and this plot doesn’t move your soul, the performances are sure to be great, and the intensity at level 100 or so.

After a lot of Netflix series that focus on shock effect and/or dark tones and settings, it’s kind of refreshing to have what honestly feels like a drama that would and could actually exist on JTBC or the like. Also, the most interesting question that’s hanging in the air here, I think, is how far our heroine is willing to go to win. How much of a chess master is she? How many strings is she pulling, and what are her vulnerabilities?

TL;DR: Powerhouse cast of Kim Hee-ae + Moon Sori and more, political stage, lots of tension and PR games


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This should be AWESOME!!!


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What! I had no idea that Netflix would drop all 11 episodes!
This should be good. Can’t wait to start this weekend.


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It gets 5 stars for the anticipation factor. Been looking forward to this for a while. I dunno though about Ryu Soo-young cast with these strong actresses, he usually bores me.


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Queenmaker certainly doesn’t disappoint! Just binged 4.5 episodes - need some sleep to continue tomorrow.

The opening sequence is nothing short of spectacular with a rapid downward spiral that nicely sets up the war path. Kim Hee-ae is the acting power house anchoring the show with Moon So-ri delivering much charisma required of her role. Jin Kyung is usually very good but somehow a bit one note here due to the construct of her character. The main antagonist is chillingly played by the always good Seo Yi-sook.

This is front and centre a women show with all the men in the background play.

I really love these Netflix dropping-in-one-lot dramas on Friday!


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