Would You Rather #42

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this weekly feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


The results of the last poll are almost not worth discussing since an astronomical 90% of you chose the ability to see a person’s lifespan over the option of being possessed by a ghost. Aside from @lordcobol, who had a whole list of interesting reasons (including some rather ingenious money-making schemes) to pick the visible death clock option, the vocal majority really, really hated the idea of being possessed by a ghost. @shinayame agreed with everyone, saying, “the thought of being locked in my own head/absent entirely for the duration of the possession and being left to deal with the consequences, benign or otherwise, is not something I’m comfortable with at all.”

Shoutout to @panshel and @darkcc, though, for going against the grain and opting to host their bodies on Airbnb. For Panshel, having a ghost take residence could be liberating — you know, assuming the ghost is rather tame. Cecee, on the other hand, was extremely uncomfortable with the idea of knowing people’s death dates, and preferred ignorance — with a side of possession — over the burden of knowing how long someone else has to live.

As for me, well, unless there’s a benign ghost out there who likes doing dishes and going to the gym on my behalf, then I think I’m going to follow Lord Cobol’s lead and place a bet in the celebrity death pool.




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Another easy one! Why on earth would I jeopardize my fav drama when I could just not watch the hit reboot of my least fav drama? Also, since my fav drama was really popular, wiping it from existence would probably influence the whole of dramaland in ways that are hard to predict, and I am not willing to risk that.

Plus, I'll be honest, my most hated drama (the only drama I've ever hated?) was already super popular, so I have to skip over a LOT of conversations about how great it is/was while reminding myself to unclench my jaw, so if they reboot it my life would be essentially the same hahaha!


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Any hint on what's your most hated drama then? 😬😉🤭


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Well, I'm imagining that it's my most cherished drama--I don't have a "favorite," per se, I just have one that struck me just in the right way at just the right time that it has taken up residence in my heart and always bring me joy when I think of it.

It's also one of the more divisive dramas, which means that I don't ever really get to talk about it because of the divided conversation that is likely to ensue.

That's why for the sake of being the person to say such a thing, I'm going to choose to erase my "favorite drama" from the universe on this "Would You Rather?" rather than be subjected to Taxi Driver 8 or Hospital Romantic Playlist Doctor 1,000.

Or maybe I'll just hope that it is wiped from my own memory and y'all can just argue on your own.


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ETA: I just want to make sure that everyone knows that I have no idea what Unaspirated's actual favorite and least favorite dramas are...I wasn't directly referencing them at all! I was just riffing off the idea @jls943 presented (I don't think they took it the wrong way, either, but just in case--this was in no way personal, friend!!)


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Oh not at all! I think I sort of invited folks to picture their favorite drama in that slot - somewhat intentionally - and it’s a really good point! I try not to talk about dramas I didn’t like too much (after the initial recap discussion) because I don’t want to be a downer if people are having fun, and it’s a shame that you don’t often get to talk about a drama that you really love. (If you’d ever like to, tag me in a secret comment on a fanwall post or something and I’ll swap things I loved about it with you, provided I’ve seen it hahaha!)


No, I get you. I didn't vote because I was like "oh dear God, no" at the second option, despite being so familiar with hated dramas. 😂


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I don't think you can't not watch the reboot of your hated drama. Sadly it is part of the package of Would You Rather?


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Oh is it? I did not assume that. Regardless, I hope I’d be open minded enough to give the reboot a fair shake, and I can always chase it with episodes of a drama I loved to remind myself why I made the choice I did!


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Where! There's nothing in the wording that suggests that! hahaha


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You only have one... ? :o


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I use dramaland primarily for fun, so if I’m not liking a show, I just stop watching it, and it rarely ever gets to the point of hatred. Plus, there is almost always something that I find enjoyable about a drama, even if it’s distinctly not good (for me) overall.


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*can't relate* *even for dropped shows* *😆😆😆*


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It's quite easy to choose.

I keep the one I love and I could like the reboot after all. They could make a reboot to change the things that made the original bad (like the writing, the casting, the end, etc.).


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I thought about this too! Who's to say the reboot wouldn't be excellent? So if we could lay aside our prejudice for the first one, maybe everything would work out great for everyone!


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The amount of dramas I haven't liked that I've rewritten in my head anyway... 😂


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I voted for "Have your most hated drama get a hit reboot" because simply I don't have to watch/hate watch the reboot. Perhaps the reboot would correct the egregious errors in the original. If wiping your favorite drama from existence means also erasing your memories of it, what other tangential memories associated with that drama would also be lost?


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This is really easy. Having my favorite drama erased is something I can't handle, but I can just ignore the drama I hate.


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Absolutely true!


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It sucks not being able to find a drama when I wanna watch it so losing a favorite would be even worse. Favorite shows tend to be favorites for a reason and to lose that comfort would just suck.

Who is to say the reboot of a hated series can't be better than the original. Apparently there was some potential in the material that made people decide to reboot it.

This question makes me wonder if there are any unanimously loved or hated dramas. Like I know ALOT of people seem to consider Melting Me Softly as JCW's worst work yet when I watched it, it wasn't the worst thing I'd ever seen. Meanwhile, I think Weak Hero Class 1 is my favorite drama yet I've seen people criticize it.

If I personally can't get into a drama, I tend to drop it (intentionally or unintentionally) so I wouldn't/couldn't have the emotional investment to hate the show. I really can't think of any shows I hate.
Hate is a strong word haha


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This question makes me wonder if there are any unanimously loved or hated dramas.

I doubt it. There will always be at least one person who hates any given drama, or vice versa, as everyone has different tastes. There's no such thing as a universally loved drama.


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I already hate most of hit shows anyway, why one of them being rebooted would be a big deal? But whoever tries to take away ANYTHING I like from me is gonna catch these hands, you've been warned.


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It can be so much fun mocking the prospect of upcoming sequels to shows that were so bad they were almost good, shows that were just terrible, and even shows that were just meh. If those shows didn't rise from the dead then we'd get lots of original-but-equally-bad shows I'd have to sort thru. #vagabond #arsedal2 #poopthejoseonproctologist


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I'd rather get my most hated drama a hit reboot. I can always decide to skip it regardless.

Just do not remove my favorite drama from existence!


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This one is easy peezy. I am watching the reboot hit of my most hated drama.

Reboots are either remakes, or a revival after cancellation. So a reboot means my most hated drama is told by another person. I expect autonomy of writing to enable the writer and director of the reboot make different executive choices, choices that might correct the errors made in the first rodeo.

It is risky. But I'll take that risk.

And if that drama is Why Her?, they have to cast an actress that matches the energy of Seo Hyun-jin. Actors that embody the ML like Heo Jun-ho, however rare, are easy to find. It is not the same for actresses.


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Why do people dislike Why Her?


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Honestly, it got a lot of things right and a few things wrong. But the few things it got wrong were huge. Real huge.
Unnecessary ToD ruined it for me.

The FL already had enough motive and reasons to bring the villains down - her boss, his son, and the social network her boss has. But, Why Her assumed that no, it wasn't enough reasons and decided to ToD last minute on a daughter she just learnt of her biological link to a few seconds ago. The accident happened right in front of the FL.

That was the straw for me. I don't hate it. I'm highly displeased. I don't express the displeasure because it was mediocre - Why Her is no mediocre drama. It was a solid drama that derailed for what it was worth.

I stopped watching at episode 10. I followed 11-16 via recaps. But, the 6 episodes I didn't watch had many things to hate about Why Her? so I'm glad I took a rain check then.


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This choice was easy. Why would I get rid of something that brings me joy?

And who's to say the reboot, done right, wouldn't do the same for its fans? Dramas to love for everyone.


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Lots of my most hated dramas (plural) are hits anyway...


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I know the implication is that because it is your most hated being remade, and to wildly popular success, that therefore it has all the same elements of your most hated and for the same reasons BUT...
On the other hand... there's actually nothing in the wording to suggest that the "Hit Reboot" isn't actually just a remake that did it RIGHT/Better this time... since when have reboots or remakes always been accurate to their source material... Consider.


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I think Why her with the female lead getting a different age appropriate partner, no Noona romance triangle, no repeat random body drops after the first in context one and no TOD could become a hit that maybe I would love too…


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Huh, I'm realizing that while I could instantly name my most hated drama (actually two: Most Hated but Completed, and Most Hated and Dropped, Preferably From a Great Height with a Swift Kick for Extra Velocity), I don't actually know what my favorite drama is. It depends on my mood.

Anyway, back to the prompt: there are definitely dramas I would never, ever want to see erased from existence, but all of them have plot elements and actors and PDs/writers that could be swapped around and reassembled and who knows? Lightning in a bottle could happen again any time. On the other hand, if either one of those truly hated shows got a remake, I'd never hear the goddamned end of it and I'd have to either avoid DB for months or bite my tongue not to snap back at all the praise and stanning, and my blood pressure would go through the roof and my alcohol consumption would blow past the leads' in Doctor Slump. One of the two is hugely divisive and the other is almost universally loved, to the point that I've long since just shut up about it. So I vote for erasing something that, no matter how beloved, I've already seen (because nowhere in the prompt did it say I'd have to unsee it) and that could be replaced by another favorite on another day.


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I don´t care either case. perfectly ok to do both it doesnt affect my life in any way


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Yes, for once, we all think alike! I can ignore a reboot of a drama I don't like. Hell, I keep missing dramas I'd like because there's far too much out there and I don't even know they exist. So, it's highly unlikely I'd even notice a drama I don't like has got a reboot.


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From all reliable sources it appears that the Thai adaptations of Full House, Goong and Boys Over Flowers were much appreciated dramas.
So hit reboots please.

Full disclosure: I was pretty much obsessed by these dramas when they aired. They were a product of their times and are perhaps unwatchable today (I haven't dared to rewatch). So I would appreciate a chance to revisit beloved stories without the cringe. Win win. 🙌


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