Would You Rather #41

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this weekly feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


The results are closer than they’ve been in the last few polls, but there is still a clear winner: the option to time-travel and save your favorite idol — with the caveat that you forget the last 10 years, of course. For @Britney and @babylilo, though, the most appealing part of the winning prompt was actually the memory loss and the potentially different lives they’d have when they returned to the future.

The rest of our potential time travelers, however, indicated that they picked that option because, well, the idea of living without a filter seemed dangerous — especially for a teacher like @dncingemma who’d probably loser her job after going off on her students and/or their parents. And even if your career wasn’t on the line, there was still an almost guaranteed chance of hurting someone’s feelings with your words, a consequence @pynyc didn’t want to risk. Although, since most of you saw this as the lesser of two evils, you were a bit perplexed as to who you would be saving if you went back in time, as a fair number of you admitted to not having a favorite idol. But that’s all right — there were just as many Beanies in the comments section eager to go back in time if it meant rescuing Sun-jae/Woo-seok.

As for the opposing option, well, there were 79 Beanies who’d actually prefer to lose their filter. @attiton believes it would be liberating to no longer have the internal debate over the appropriateness of what she’s going to say, and @darkcc (in what was perhaps the most comprehensive response to one of our Would You Rather polls) agreed whole-heartedly that losing one’s filter could be a blessing, especially for someone neurodivergent. She converted me to Team Zero Filter — unless Sun-jae/Woo-seok really is part of the time-traveling equation.




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Ok, so the lifespan thing is obviously tragic and would be a really tough burden to bear, BUT I'd still choose it over being possessed by a ghost.

I'm enough of a control freak to find ghost possession a total nightmare. Not being in control of your actions and responses, absolutely not! If I was aware of it and could remember what I'd done while possessed - even worse! It's a hard pass.

Knowing a person's lifespan could be really tragic in some cases (seeing a short one on a newborn child), but it could also be reassuring (knowing that your spouse is going to live for the next 40 years). And even in cases when the lifespan is shorter than you would like, you'd have time to prepare and spend time with that person. There would never be a situation when someone would die suddenly without you knowing, so you could make choices that would minimize your regret about your relationship with that person. I mean, I'd also get a really good therapist, but I think it could work.


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I didn't watch About Time, so I don't see the benefit of seeing someone's lifespan? At least being possessed by a ghost would allow you to have no inhibitions and say and do things you otherwise wouldn't say or do. You just have to share notes with the ghost once they've ejected from your body, so you would know what happened once people start asking questions.


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What if the ghost who possesses you is very shy and insecure?


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Then the male lead will help her come out of her shell and fall in love with her. 👻


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as long as I don't remember what the ghost made me do, I'm fine with that. No embarrassment if I don't remember or relate to the actions of the ghosts.
And if people ask, I'll tell them it's my other personality, Patricia.


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neither is possible


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Being possessed by a ghost means losing control of yourself but suffering the consequences of its possession.

Having "the ability" to see a person's lifespan is my choice because I can choose not use the ability like I have the ability get into my car and drive 120 mph in a school zone but I choose not to do so.

I voted have the ability to see a person's lifespan as a means of not getting possessed by a ghost.


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I wouldn't want to be possessed because I wouldn't want someone controlling my actions like that. Oh my god, that feels like such a nightmare to even imagine. I don't remember the drama (though I *think* I saw it in the past) so I don't know how the possession worked in it but having someone controlling your body while you're aware or unaware of it and powerless to do anything seems terrible.

I'm sure in the drama it's more tolerable and fun(ny) but imagining it, it is just horrible to me.


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Name of drama with Lee Sung-kyung please


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About Time


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Thank you ❤️


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I'm abstaining from this week's poll because both options sound excruciating 😅 Giving up control of my faculties is a big NO and seeing everyone's lifespan would be too heavy a burden to bear. Sorry!


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I'm with you on this one 🤗 I can't bring myself to select an option, even though I know it's just for fun.


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Same here. This one's not fun.


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Yes, this week's poll was an impossible choice. I went with: What's the option that scares me the least?


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You could do all sorts of things (for good) knowing someone's life span but there is not much self control if a ghost has the drivers wheel if possessed by one, and what if it is a very bad ghost? Shivers thinking of all the trouble you could get into!


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So yes to knowing time spans!


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The awful stress of being possessed and possibly be made a fool, or making others seem fools would be infinitely worse than seeing people's lifespan. Of course, seeing children and knowing them for maybe not surviving the year would make my heart bleed, and even so knowing that I couldn't do anything about it. But, I'm the kinda of person who's crafty in making lemonade from the lemons of life so I would try to balance the pain with motivating people to do the best with the time given to them. And there's ample meaning and happiness to be found in that.


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As others have said, what if the ghost is criminal?

So I vote for seeing lifespans and try to figure how to put that to good or at least non-traumatic uses.
- You can avoid the tragic loss of your spouse at an early age simply by never dating anyone who won't be around for quite a while.
- There could be some profitable life insurance scams if you seek out and marry someone who hasn't got long.
- Are there places where you can bet on which celebrities will die when???
- Find a job in the life insurance industry and win Employee of the Year every year for somehow knowing who to insure and who not to.


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@lordcobol - Genius... Pure genius!


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Hahaha!! This gave me a laugh!


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That last one was darkly funny haha
I chuckle each time I think about cause it's so messed up yet funny haha


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Neither choices are 👍🏽. If I had my way I'd choose none.

I picked having the ability to see a person's end date. I'd rather this than being possessed by a ghost.

I don't want an entity I'm unaware of take control of my cognitive function, nor am I willing to subject myself to such a burden. Talking about subjecting myself to something, I'd rather subject myself to dealing with the tragic knowledge of when A, B and C will meet their Maker. It is not exactly about them here. It is about me. And what I can stomach. This one is an easier pill to swallow.

Besides, there'll always be occasions where someone beats death. I'll take those little sparse victories to assuage the many deaths that couldn't be jumped.


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No to a ghost! But I think knowing someone else's lifespan would be plausible and possibly bearable. It would be stressful if it is the people near and dear to you.


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I find the idea of another entity taking control of my body abhorrent. With the ability to see individuals' lifespans, I would at least retain the autonomy to use or not use the information as I see fit.


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See people's lifespans, hands down.
Like so many other Beanies, the thought of being locked in my own head/absent entirely for the duration of the possession and being left to deal with the consequences, benign or otherwise, is not something I'm comfortable with at all.

In contrast, death is a fact. As unpleasant as it may be, it happens sooner or later, and I would not dare to mess with the universe, destiny, or whatever by trying to stop it. Thus, knowing when people are going to die will not really affect my life that much, unless they are close to me, in which case, I'll take advantage of the time I have left with them to do what I can to make them happy and make our remaining time together a pleasant memory.

I feel like a better modification of this second option might be seeing the cause of someone's death. That would be more burdensome, I think, and might move me to action if I saw that someone was going to die because of, say, a hit-and-run or a robbery.


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I rather have the ability to see a person's lifespan. Losing someone is one of the most painful experiences that we could ever have. Knowing when its time for a person to leave this world, I could use the information to help the person and his/her family to prepare for it.


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I had that anxiety-reducing game when I was a kid: I was scared that people would die in their sleep (no, honestly, I don't know where 5-year-old me got that idea from; it's not something they talked about in the Care Bears movie). So, aside from the fact that you would have hated doing a sleepover with me—cue to the terrifying vision of a random child standing at the side of your bed in the middle of the night to check you're breathing. My soothing game, when I couldn't check people in their sleep (apparently, you shouldn't probe people when they sleep; I've been told it's rude) was to ask myself "and then what?" until I ran out of consequences.
someone might die> and then what?>they won't be there anymore> and then what?>I'll be sad> and then what?>well, then it'll pass.

It used to reassure me in my childish mad mind. I can't even begin to imagine the actual anxiety of seeing their life countdown. I was already stressing out without knowing their lifespan. I don't want to know when it's going to be the last time, it's going to ruin all the other times before the last one for me.

So, I'm happily giving my body away to a ghost. Do as you please. I don't care, I won't remember.


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I'm only choosing option #2 because I don't want some other entity taking just taking over my body, the only one I have T-T on the other hand, seeing how long your loved ones have to live doesn't seem fun either. for the latter scenario, refer to the drama "100 Days Until You Die."


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Ugh both tough options!

I wouldn't mind being possessed by a ghost if it was a nice, talented young lady who knows my work and knows just the right things to say. Would be nice to be possessed around dinner time and then "wake up" to find that she has cooked dinner and meal-prepped for the week. But chances are, I will be possessed by someone terrible. So no, thank you.

Just give me the lifespan thing. It will be sad, and I may wear myself trying to elongate the lifespan and go against fate. But maybe if it is an ability that I'm born with, I would be more zen and okay with accepting death than I am now?


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