Update: TIME TO HUNT will only air on Netflix Korea

Court accepts injunction request by marketing firm against Netflix release of ‘Time to Hunt’


    I don’t understand if it’s better or worse for the production company… Due to Covid, it’s not as if a successful international commercial release could be done within reasonable time, but Netflix release only in SK seems like a phyrric victory for the korean marketing company, once it’s on Netflix, it will shwo up on all illegal streaming sites, that’s a shame for all the professionals involved.


      @flyingcolours Fly Colours,
      I agree. Releasing it worldwide on a major streaming service made a lot more sense than a limited domestic release. Pyrrhic victory indeed. I don’t know the ins and outs of international distribution practices, but imagine there’s a good reason for raising a fuss. On the other hand, I doubt that there can or will be a return to “business as usual” even after the epidemic runs its course — whenever that may be.
