I know I’m going to finish Hi Bye Mamma but I’m hate watching it at this point.
KangHwa’s character is the worst! I now agree with all the other comments that KangHwa does not love MinJeong.


    KangHwa doesn’t deserve MinJeong. Nor does he deserve SeoWoo or to be a doctor. For five years this dude has been given a pass at work. I couldn’t believe it when he told MinJeong that he his Yuri’s return from her because she was happy having friends!! The nerve!! 😡 He should have never remarried. Not because remarrying is wrong because no one deserves this dude. All those scenes of him hyperventilating only made me mad. Maybe if the show had chosen to tackle this, I don’t know 10 episodes ago and it hadn’t shown Yuri, HyeonJeong, KangHwa all repeatedly lying and deceiving some on in each episode I might have felt sympathy. Now all I feel is 😤😖😡


      *hid Yuri’s return


      I guess I see it a little more as a show about how each person expresses their grief differently and moves on (or not) differently. I’m not giving anyone a pass on how they hid Yuri’s return though.


        I was giving it a pass for awhile for that reason. Grief is nonlinear and very hard to deal. I understand that but KangHwa manger to date and marry MinJeong. He did that without dealing with the issues he had at work or his grief related to Yuri. His friends and coworkers enabled him to not deal with grief. Also, the show is not addressing/showing how KangHwa managed to take care of SeoWoo till he married MinJeong. All the montages of him suffering and barely holding it together and all I can think of is “Where is SeoWoo? Who is taking care of the baby?” It does seem like after he got married he just left SeoWoo to MinJeong. A lot of my frustration is that the writer/show has been harping on KangHwa’s great “Sadness” and Yuri “Enduring” his second marriage for 14 episodes. We are told all the issues are due to his guilt and he FINALLY starts to address it and BAM he finds out Yuri is doing to die again unless, wait for it, she takes back her family. So if she were to die now it would once again be KangHwa’s fault because he remarried. It’s a mess!


    I felt like it was frustrating because his character was going nowhere all this time. This is coming in super late into the show that it doesn’t work for us anymore.

    Also, everything would have been so much better if Yu-ri told everyone the truth from DAY 1.


    I think he does love her. In a very different way from how he loved Yuri but still. He has not been a good husband to her however. Love is not enough and one has to make effort in a relationship which he hasn’t been doing.

    His grief made it hard for him to give himself wholly to her but he should have tried harder given that he did bring her into his world. I think people deal with grief differently; some rise above it, some work through it and others become so crippled by it that it takes up most if not all of who they are. Kang-hwa didn’t exactly deal with his. He kept putting band-aids on it while getting on with his life…somewhat.

    He is a neglectful husband but I do think he loves her.


      I was wondering why I got so mad about KangHwa and I realized it was not so much about love but about trust. He (along with Yuri and HyeongJeong) repeatedly broke MinJeong’s trust. KangHwa not only keeps stuff to himself he repeatedly lied to MinJeong and recruited HyeonJeong and GuSeong to lie for him. While I’ve raged mostly about KangHwa, Yuri and HyeonJeong don’t come of looking too good either. The show had us believe that Yuri watched KanhHwa and MinJeong when she was a ghost and knows all about them, so she knows how alone MinJeong felt both in her marriage and among the other mothers. Yuri would have know how hard it was for MinJeong to open up and trust her and HyeonJeong. HyeonJeong too listened to MinJeong pour her heart out to her and then just continues to deceive her. The show/writer wants us to sympathize with these characters but letting them carry on with all the deceit (including not telling Yuri’s family the truth) is making it very difficult to do that.


        I agree. They did her dirty by not telling her the truth. They, Kang-hwa especially should have come out with the truth not long after he found out about Yuri. I get freaking out at the beginning but he should have told her before they even hired Yuri. It’s messed up that they didn’t.

        Another thing I didn’t like was Kang-hwa telling Min-jeong he withheld the truth for her sake. I hate when people take away other people’s agency like that. She had a right to know and make her decision or choice after.
