After watching episode 9, my opinion of Kim JiSoo has gone from neutral to negative. She seems to have only thought of HaWon after she heard about InWook and HaWon’s mother and started feeling guilt.


    It appears that she was happy to not be in touch with HaWon or worry about him till InWook tod her about his mistake. Then she writes letters to Counsel Moon saying all sorts of nonsense and that she misses HaWon. I’m side eyeing this quiet a bit 🙄


      I had the same thought! I thought Ji-soo was a psycho before this episode, but now I’m even more frustrated with her. However, I did end up understanding why she was so torn up about what her husband did. I thought it might be something innocent or forgivable. Instead, it turned out to be way worse than I thought and motivated by ill-will towards Ha-won (whom I absolutely adore at this point).


        Yeah, the mistake was way worse that what I had imagined. I was also surprised that it was an intentional lie rather than a honest mistake. Also, InWook wasn’t a child when it happened, he was 18. So I can understand JiSoo’s pain. I’m conflicted by InWook’s story arc. I feel for SoonHo. She deserves happiness, can the show pair her with KimHoon who I’m liking quiet a bit or just make her not be sad. 🤞🏽
