I’m curious about something, is drama watching the only “Hobby” alot of ppl on this site have? I’m asking because with a 9 to 5 & other hobbies, there’s days I don’t even know what time is. (pt1)


    (pt2) I’m currently regularly watching 2 and a half dramas right now (the half is my girlfriend is a gumiho, which I’m planning on eventually finishing.) But I also decided that I wanted to finally play & beat Zelda Breathe Of The Wild, and I’m also thinking of learning the bass.


    My hobbies in no particular order:
    drama watching
    Netflix watching
    yelling at the birds to pipe down
    scrolling the internet
    chatting on discord

    time? what is time?


      Yelling at the birds 🤣 😆 🤣


      wow, may we become hobbies buddies because yes, those are all my hobbies too~ maybe switching out knitting with crocheting for me. 🙂
      I also play shows in the background as I do other things so killing at least 2 birds with 1 stone is a great way to defeat the idea of time.


        oh definitely, knitting and watching dramas goes hand in hand

        Hi hobby buddy. I’ve never been able to get the hang of crochet hook beyond the using it for a particular cast on for knitting projects, and even then I’m clumsy as heck.


          Hi~ Tbh I’m not that good at it either. At some point, I kinda gave up on the possibility of making anything wearable with crocheting and go for the blankets route. 😛


          I’m also a knitter who cannot for the life of me crochet 😅


            It’s the hand with yarn that’s supposed to somehow run through it in a magical way that can’t seem to happen for me. Tension? hahahaha, you will not stay constant.


          I can both knit and crochet, but crocheting DESTROYS my neck and my elbow. It definitely doesn’t have the relaxed feel of knitting. In knitting I sit back comfortably, lean both my elbows on the armrests, knit on while looking at the screen, and more importantly, both my arms move similarly. In crocheting I have to look at my hands so I can’t look at the screen. I can’t lean back bacause then my neck hurts from looking down, and more importantly one elbow should stay still and the moving one cannot lean on an armrest because that messes your tension royally. And THAT my friends, is my completely unnecessary and uncalled-for rant at the poor ancient art!!


    I’d like to spend more time reading, painting, sewing and walking in the park but it’s so hard me to watch less than 6 dramas at once.


    I’ve been learning to knit, and I also read a lot in my free time. I also spend a decent amount of time taking care of my houseplants (I have…a lot of plants). Before the pandemic I also used to do boxing workouts 1-3x/week and yoga once a week, both of which I miss like crazy since it’s been almost six months since my last class. I also have been trying to write more but it it tough these days.

    I think I’m currently watching 3 dramas? Though I have two that I need to finish (last two eps of each but haven’t been in the mood to hit play on either one). I also picked up a few netflix shows which I’ll work my way through slowly.


    Drama watching at the moment is a major thing at the moment because I do a lot of watching during night feeds with baby 😄

    But other hobbies (in no order) include reading, sewing, knitting (knitting and boring hand sewing can be done while drama watching), language learning, spending too much time on the internet and playing games on my phone…..(the language learning is my attempt to legitimise the amount of drama watching time 😂)


      Also gardening but is winter here so that’s taking a back seat. I currently am only watching one drama but it’s usually two or three.
