Book challenge catchup post!
14. book turned into a movie and desecrated
The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy
The book is very funny. The movie is just not. At all. It’s terrible. Don’t watch it. Just read the books and remain in happy ignorance of the movie.

15. Fav male character….I feel like I should pick someone from a series or some sort of influential book for these but I’m just going to choose one I’ve been reading recently 😅 today I will go with Hugo Darracott from the Unknown Ajax by Georgette Heyer. I like most of Heyer’s heroes, but Hugo really appeals to me – everyone expects him to be big and dumb but he’s very strong and smart (but playing up to expectations with a cheeky sense of humour)
16. Fav female character….Princess Amy from The Ordinary Princess by MM Kaye. I love Amy….she’s fun, hardworking, kind, a princess 😄 I love this book to bits, as a child I memorised the entire first chapter.
17. Fav quote from fav book….not necessarily my favourite quote, but one I like: “For though she was ordinary, she possessed health, wit, courage, charm, and cheerfulness. But because she was not beautiful, no one ever seemed to notice these other qualities, which is so often the way of the world.” (The Ordinary Princess)
18. A book that disappointed you …..Cousin Kate by Georgette Heyer. By the time I read it I’d read most other Heyer books so I was excited to get hold of it…but it’s just not very good, unfortunately. It lacks the charm of her other books.
19. Fav book turned into a movie…. A Room With A View. Watching the movie makes the book better; reading the book makes the movie better. Plus, the movie is stacked with people you know and they’re all so young! Baby Helena Bonham Carter!
Honourable mention to the Princess Bride – not because it’s my favourite book (I really really do not like the book), but because it’s a favourite movie based on a book (that is SO MUCH better than the book)


    Gosh you’re reminding me I should re-read Heyer sometime! I haven’t read her since high school, and I remember how much I used to enjoy those books.


      They’re so good (mostly, there are some duds), I revisit them regularly! My favourite is probably Cotillion….maybe I should choose my favourite male character again lol.


        oh yes they’re a lot of fun! Her crime novels are utter rubbish, though. Golden age crime fiction is my crack genre, so I have read a lot of detective fiction from the mid-20th century. Heyer is definitely bottom of the pile in that list :p


          Oh I agree, I can’t read her crime novels – I’m not a super fan of the more serious historical novels either, give me my light and fluffy romances 😄


        I LOVE Cotillion too! I always feel like she thought while writing Friday’s Child: I wonder what the story would have looked like if Ferdy was the lead instead of Sherry! And then she did just that! She even used almost the same name for him!


        I love and re-read many of them a LOT, but my absolute favorite is Sylvester. I read it every few months and it never gets old.


          Oh my! I have read ALL these books – Cotillion, Friday’s Child, Sylvester, Cousin Kate.. But I can’t for the life of me remember anything (other than having enjoyed them thoroughly when I read them). My friends and I even have a group called These Old Shades… I’m now itching to pick them up again.


            Time for a re-read then! Keep us posted so we can fan-girl along. And if by any chance you happen to read False Colours tell me if you agree that it is the PERFECT script for a kdrama!


            I will! I need to make the trek to my aunt’s bookshelf for this. She has the complete collection. I will put False Colours on my priority list 😀

            That said, I remember there was some copyright issue over Heyer’s works, which is why her books never made it to TV or cinema. I recall reading somewhere that this might have been sorted out recently, and someone (BBC?) had acquired rights. They’re all so eminently dramatisable!


            Uh oh! Now I’m scared they will ruin my beloved stories!


          Sylvester also on high rotation for me, I’ve read it so much the cover is falling off 😄 And False Colours is also a favourite. I could go on a list of all my favourites but it might be nearly all of them 😅


    Did you ever see the BBC TV version of Hitchhikers?


      I’ve only seen a couple of clips of it, not enough to form an opinion. Is it any good?


        I discovered it and the books around the same time so they’re sort of linked together for me. Some of the effects are dodgy but because it was made by the BBC it has the right British sensibility.


    OH MY GOD Hugo Darracott!! Never did I ever dream to see his name on DB! He is one of the most perfect Heyer Heros!

    And about Cousin Kate. I was very fortunate that the books belonged to my mom and she always told me beforehand what to expect from each one I started. With CK she said you can skip it. I still read it because I was a teen and I didn’t really listen, but at least I knew it wouldn’t be good.


      I had no warning 😕 and I think it was the very last one I had left to read so it was sadly disappointing. I had to go read some of the others again to make up for it (any excuse, right? I’m totally going to go and pull them all out and read them again after this!)


    😁 I so agree with you about A Room with A View, the film and the book really enhance each other. Yes, and so many stars st the beginnings of their careers! Daniel Day Lewis!
    As fabulous a movie as The Princess Bride is, it’s true that the book is even better. I read it in a day and laughed sooooo hard.
