I found myself just randomly watching some variety shows and good lord did my facade on shows and dramas crack. Everything is superficial. Food and drink scenes with people who are so damn thin it is unbelievable.
‘You face is so slim’. ‘You are so thin and pretty’. ‘You are so handsome’ ‘You are no swollen at all’.
And don’t even get me started on the comments posted on post production on these variety shows.
Complex issues far and wide with this and you have to think what can change to not have so much of this talent to have the pressure they do.
I live in America, I have seen it all.


    After watching a few yt channels and podcasts of many idols like dive studios you realoze how scripted these interactions in variety shows are. The stars still look like star while at their channels or pdcasts they’re more like normal human beings. But I’m guessing some scripting goes in that too.


      It was more about the physical and mental toll these performers are going through to keep this ‘complements’ coming.
