Damn you Flower Of Evil! How can you be this good?!
I’m gonna watch a lot of dramas to have more beans to give to you! The ones I already have aren’t enough!

I haven’t watched ep11 yet but this clip made my hair stand on end! What a performance! What a confession! It is f**kin painful yet satisfying! My soul was waiting for it!

And dear Lee Joon Gi n Moon Chae Won, you are the owners of my heart!


    It’s going to be hard to divide my beans this year. I keep saying “You get all my beans” and then another show wins my heart.

    Lee Joon GI and Moon Chae Won are amazing.


      Haha, Yesss! That’s what always happens but I didn’t watch many new dramas this year and among the ones I did, LJG n MCW ‘s drama is the winner.


    Watch the entire episode. It is an effing masterpiece. Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won have earned a place in my heart forever for their performances in this show. If it keeps up like this, then this will be my favourite show of the year (in a year with Weather, A Piece of Your Mind, Diary of a Prosecutor, Hyena, and Hospital playlist, that is saying a lot indeed).


      “ in the year of Hospital Playlist” THIS!
      I was drown in HP’s love but I was living for each character separately n together but the story wasn’t something to make me eager to continue.. I started FOE two days ago n it just sucked me in.🙊
