HCCC- Will go down as one of my favourites for 2021. Yes there were many other deeper, more better written shows  however I think after the year we have had (extended lockdown/covid drama) I needed a feel good, fluffy, non toxic with fabulous acting.
The writer did justice to all the characters from Gongjin and their dialogues will stay with me for long.
KS proved his immense talent while looking amazing🥰 and SM was just perfect as a strong, impulsive yet confident FL.
The proposal was perfection- low key and lovely.
Saying goodbye with this gem by Gamri
“Look around yourself closely and you’ll realize that you’re surrounded by many precious things.”

PS the PPL was just ridiculous🤣🤣


    The pizza insert could literally be used as an advert. No edits needed hahaha
    Also, yes – it wasn’t mind blowing, but it was the drama I looked forward to every weekend for the upbeat and touching stories…


      Totally agree, I think LSY and KSH need an ad/show together asap


    I really could use a video of so much of what Gamri said. That was very well written.

    The 🍕! Like someone up high at Dominos said (around ep 14) I don’t care what it takes, get us on that show before it ends! They made an offer the production company couldn’t refuse 🤦🏼‍♀️
    On a show that’s repeatedly emphasized Korean food. Funny.
