Well if you die because of your own stupidity, I am not sure how much actual sympathy you’ll illicit from me, sir, (more likely just annoyance), but I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. Aiyooooo~


    Donโ€™t say thatttt. Nooooo.

    I refuse to believe we for a switch now. Like why!??????? why is he alone. Like why!!??
    There better be a plan.
    Oh noes. Itโ€™s not going according to the plan. How did the mole know they switched or that he was in the black site.
    We will find the answers soon. But. But.
    Yeah, no dumb deaths please. Lol.
    I am
    Still hoping HS is a red herring and is actually helping the twins. not too confident though


    😂😂😂 Dead! Not the character, but the story. 🤷‍♀️
