#2022 Roundup
Day 24: Freestyle

My dad deserves a shoutout for willingly watching dramas with me! Granted they have to be action-y and with little to no romance, but still he gets into them and it’s fun to have someone to talk to about dramas. I’ve mentioned it before, but he really loved Vincenzo and has rewatched My Name twice on his own. Right now, he keeps reminding me that the second season of the Korean Money Heist has dropped and we have to watch it. I’m totally not in the mood for it right now, but I can’t say no to my drama watching buddy😆


    That’s really funny being forced to watch a K drama but was it you that made your dad watch zombie dramas? I know one of the beanies did that.


      I don’t mind zombie dramas, so I’ve watched Kingdom and All of Us Are Dead with my dad already😊 I mean I scream a lot and close my eyes, but he doesn’t mind, he is used to my drama lol😂


        Yes your dad deserves parent of the year award because that quality time is priceless. What would be funny is if he gets more into it than you researching the dramas that he likes and dragging you into watching them🤣


          He moves quickly to the next new show, but he does pressure me to finish them quicker together lol😂


            Love it. Does he know you have this community and that he is famous on here too?


            @reply1988 I don’t think he knows. I’ve asked him before to give me reviews of the dramas he watches so I can tell my friends, but he really is unaware of things he isn’t interested in, 😅
