I may not have loved Dream, but i absolutely want to see this pair of actors & characters together in a better written story.



    Their chemistry was really good for the first 40 minutes for me, then blahsville. I’m happy with the way the film had their relationship situated at the end though (avoiding spoilers, like it matters, but still).

    I would also like to confess here that I’m a complete fan of how PSJ now has some years on him. As he gets older, I find him way more interesting to watch on screen. This is both superficial of me (I’m admitting), but also I think he’s becoming more interesting as an actor.

    Here, it’s funniest (and this isn’t totally helping my argument, but still) when he’s clearly only barely keeping it together because everyone else is so funny. Sometimes it seems like that’s how he’s supposed to be acting (in that car scene), but sometimes, like when that one guy just runs circles around him for no reason, it’s like PSJ himself isn’t holding it in.


      I get what you mean! I discovered him in Hwarang and i find it a miracle that he made me a fan through that mess and awful hair 😂 I think he’s great but I especially like it when he gets to do comedies. Can’t wait for his drama later this year!
