Holy cow, this is scary:

‘Asian glow’ from alcohol isn’t just a discomfort. It’s a severe warning’



    I saw that! Yikes!

    I’ve seen a number of BTS clips where actors take a drink or two before filming a drinking scene. I find the excessive drinking depicted in Kdramas exhausting and annoying, but now I’m going to be *worrying* about folks, too.


      It’s really been bothering me lately, how so many plots move forward because of super-drunken confessions or situations! But now I’m very worried for everyone’s real lives.


    Whoaaaa. How informative and scary.
    I come to dramabeans to chat about dramas and leave better informed.


    I’m glad that I stopped drinking because just the taste of alcohol itself makes me sick already


    Thank you for sharing this! Now I can send the article to people who insist that I need to let loose and live a little when I say no to alcohol!😂


    Consider me warned.

    I don’t even need a drink or two to get me there. I actually get flushed from a portion of Tiramisu, Vongole, or food with a dash of alcohol.

    It is so bad that my employers, and friends would actually stop anyone from offering me a drink because they weren’t believers and saw how I had puked and drunk from.. ONE SIP of alcohol. LOL.


      Oh my gosh! I’m so glad you are surrounded by supporters!


        @bbstl it was legit a journey itself.

        @mellowarmadillo OMG people used to tell me they don’t believe until they saw it for themselves, and I was eating prawns a friend cooked and I asked if there was alcohol in it, and it wasn’t the test, it was how I immediately felt off like my body was rejecting it even though the taste and the discomfort was very very very very very subtle. We could have our own party! Do you get red patchiness that goes away pretty swiftly with perfumes and sunblocks too?

        @elinor this is what I have been told as well, yet I will always felt it in cooked food, so I have no idea if it was some components I am allergic to. But I have gotten giggly and slurry from Tiramisu and Vongole and totally knocked out drunk from drunken prawns.

        Not sure if it is an alcohol tolerance thing, it incapacitates me, but I can think very very clearly and not drunk off my ass kind, but physically I just got real red and high. BUT, I sober from it very fast as well. Like by the time I get home, I don’t feel it and will be super awake to shower. But, like I said, it’s just one sip.


          Do you have other food allergies? Like, I guess the Vongole and prawns could possibly be a shellfish allergy but you’d probably know that. Wow! This sounds awful!


            @bbstl I do have a lot of weird allergies but none as consistent as alcohol, but I don’t actually have a shellfish allergy cos I take plenty of crabs, and cereal prawns are okay without the alcohol. The vongole I had was plain (cooked by a friend for a huge gathering). I also had one tiny cube of fruit from sangria and I threw it up. HAHAHAHA.

            Once I had one sip of soju for the first time at a company event hosted by SK counter parts, and i broke up in hideous hives all over my body and my eyes and lips swelled so much they quickly gave me an antihistamine. I pity the director who had to clean up my puke in the washroom.

            I am allergic to silver on skin, and also coffee… -_-

            @dramadillo YES. I NEED TO GO TO BED IMMEDIATELY, cos I am kinda blacking out from the effects of blood rush. I just go from 0-100. Yet, I will be okay within an hour and be more awake than ever.

            The redness on my skin goes away really quickly though and it doesn’t itch.


            @pikpokpikpok 😧 that’s horrifying! How scary!


          Haha we should totally have our own party!!🥳 It sounds like you have it worse than me, though – that must be tough! I mostly feel it in my head and face, almost immediately. It’s a heat and a pain (that’s not too bad as long as I stop having any more). If I actually drink, I don’t get to experience any of the fun effects and basically need to go to bed with what I’m told are the exact symptoms of a hangover. It makes not drinking an easy choice!

          I don’t seem to be affected by alcohol applied to the skin, luckily. I’d struggle otherwise because I use hand sanitisers a lot!


      We must be similar! My superpower is that I can tell after one bite whether a piece of chocolate has alcohol in it. I shall retire from this party trick now!😂


        I’m genuinely curious – what about food cooked with wine or other alcohol? I’ve always understood that all or nearly all of the alcohol evaporates during cooking, but now I wonder if I’m inadvertently poisoning some of my guests. 😳


          The is a good question, and it sounds like @pikpokpikpok is, which must be tough! For me, I’m not sure because I don’t actually eat sauces or food cooked with wine very much (as far as I know). We don’t even having cooking wine at home. I feel terribly boring!!🤣🤣🤣
