It’s here! It’s here! Behind Your Touch bts for eps.7-8.

Oh my gosh! It’s the meatiest bts ever with our favorite scenes in here.


    Omg!!! You didn’t lie it’s literally all the best scenes… except for the touch-off!!! 😂 Come on JTBC, give us one more!

    Man, the whole culture on the set seems like so much fun! The other day I was watching the BTS for the scene where Ok-hui and her crew stage the election fight, and even being one of the very minor characters seemed like SO much fun! I know acting is hard work, but sometimes it really just looks like playing around, too. 🤭

    I can’t get over how cute Han Ji-min and Lee Min-ki are together. The way she had to turn around so her laughing wouldn’t make him laugh but he could still see her shoulders shaking 😂

    I don’t know what’s better, their reactions when someone messes up or the impressed “oooooo” when they do well, hehe.

    HJM taking a pic of LMK with the dots on his face 😂


      I know… I was actually hoping waiting for the touch-off bts. Haha…

      It really seemed that everyone had fun in the shoot.

      Now if HJM or LMK will just post that LMK dotted face photo in their IG, I would have def squid squeed.
