Last night, after my umpteenth rewatch of Castaway Diva (yes!! I’m still stuck here!! Don’t judge XD) I fell asleep writing this essay lol!!! 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyways, I’ve started to think that the reason for Bogeol’s behavior is to create a purposeful contrast with past Kiho (and not just for the viewers, but for Mokha too**)

Specifically, on one side there is Woohak, who is nice and sweet and has always been on the forefront in regards to helping Mokha.
Meanwhile on the other there is Bogeol, this grumpy, kinda condescending PD, uninterested on the surface..
..but then!! SURPRISE!! He’s actually the one showing up to save Mokha from psycho dad!

EXCEPT!! In my opinion, the “surprise” didn’t work that well because we’re already lead to believe that BG could be Kiho (because of some similarities and things he did for Mokha), and his behavior could be part of him hiding his identity, for example, so the shock value of a reveal is lessened.

Though I have to say, I have now watched it at least 3 times and the last scene of ep4 got me every single one of them 🥺
(I’m kinda scared to see what’s next, because I know he might lie or deflect and I’m dreading that tbh 😅)

**She would never believe Bogeol could be Kiho in the beginning imo.


    I’m on the same page as you! Plus current day Ki-ho – assuming it is BG – has characterisations that are an extension of Ki-ho before he met/befriended Mok-ha; he was a much more pragmatic, almost ‘calculative’ and aloof/uninterested individual. He only seemed to open up more once he met Mok-ha and also saw her struggles, so it makes sense that after everything, grown up Ki-ho has reverted back because he assumes that’s what’s best for everyone – but Mok-ha re-entering the scene means he can’t help but look out for her in his own ways.


      Yes!! I totally agree!
      (Hopefully the writer agrees too ahah)


    Sooo CD is like ‘Reply 2023: Guess Who’s Potato Boy’ edition?
