started Twinkling Watermelon and though clearly it is a good drama, its so drowsy at parts that I fall asleep. is it like that through the whole drama?


    so drowsy at parts that I fall asleep
    That happened to me with Welcome to Samdal-ri .
    I either go back and rewatch it or I don’t. I didn’t rewatch it. Your milage may vary. If I fall asleep 3x ..😵‍💫


    I dropped twinkling watermelon twice
    Once after ep 1 then some weeks later I watched ep 2 and I dropped it again and in my 3rd attempt I watched it like crazy and finished it just in 3 days the magic happened for me after ep 4 I think, and now it’s 1 of my favourites
    I think it deserves another chance and if it didn’t work for you after 4 or 5 eps then you can drop it anytime
