Oh drama gods! Why would you do this to me??!!
MM ep14: Mme Park: Up until half the episode, she still has layers. I was in awe at the writing that kept us guessing – is she over confidently evil or did she just do a solid assist to our ML?
But that borderline deranged evil half-laugh towards the end, looks like the writing finally decided to push her to mad scientist territory.
Here is me, hoping against hope, that this is also a clever subterfuge by the writer and not just them running out of ideas.


    No one is able to guess what Lady Park is up to, that’s the brilliance of the writing. I.cannot.wait!

    Also that ending, I need to know how they arrived at this point.


      True. But I will be SO mad if they just go “Got you! She was pure evil, after all! Hahahahaha!”
      Oh well…
      As to the ending – first time I am glad the episodes pairs were broken, cause we will see what’s up tomorrow.


        Oh I thought the same. I am so glad we don’t have to wait a week to know what happened there.

        Yes, really hope they keep Lady Park’s layers and don’t make her pure evil. Let’s wait and watch


    I actually took that to mean she had finally gone too far and was starting to crack. The pressure and emotional toll of finding out the truth about how her son died and then killing her husband and brother and blaming everything on her son was just too much for her, and now she’s greedily trying to reclaim what she once had in the only way she knows how. I thought it was a really interesting shift!


    I love her layers. I appreciate the cutthroat world she lives in. But at the end of the day she plotted and committed murders. That has to have pushed her over the edge.


      True, but I was looking for some remorse. Why cannot they write a remorseful villain? She has brains, she has loyalty to her family, and love for her son, so by extension – she should have some empathy, no? And consequently remorse? Why make a layered character and then for plot convenience, not follow the logical path of the layers? Oh well…


        Huh, I hadn’t looked at it that way, but I agree with you. Villains are usually only remorseful when they’re caught. And sometimes not even then. We may yet see some remorse from her though. On the bright side, this writer has an amazing career ahead of her, so hopefully she adds the remorseful layer to her next villain 😉
