2023 Round-up, Day 26 – Freestyle – Best poster.

Alchemy of Hands Souls: Light and Shadow

The Glory

Stealer: The Treasure Keeper

Taxi Driver 2


Worst posters: Pale Moon, Longing for You


    Pale Moon, watch the J film is my advice.


    Great freestyle, Elinor! I love these posters 🥰


    OMG it took me a full minute to see that the Pale Moon person is lying on a second hand. I thought it was like pig trotters or something synthesized by DALL-E2!!!

    I too, love, the Stealer one. I’m used to seeing the photography-based posters, but this one really sells it!!

    And, finally, look at that spunky, happy-go-lucky poster for the feel-good rom-com of the year, HeartBeat. Fuck you, show.


      You know what? I’m going to justify that f-bomb more.

      You know what really gets my blood boiling right now, months and months after HB ended? It’s that that STUPID show actually went a long way towards ruining my enjoyment of Matchmakers as a live-watch.

      I know other shows had disappointing ends, but not heart-crushing ones, and I had gotten myself in a place where I (and many others) was truly worried.

      Fuuuuuck you, HeartBeat. Taec and Won Ji-an?? You OWE US. Make it all better–like the Demon did when he made his lady friend dance on his feet to that creepy warped LP version of that Trot song, or whatever.




        Is it safe to come out? Sorry to trigger all that trauma again. I was looking at these mostly for visual composition, color, overall feel, and sheer beauty, and only secondarily for their inclusion of references to the shows (most of which I haven’t even seen). The HeartBreak poster, in hindsight, doesn’t tell any lies in the visual cues to the show’s props and plot points, but the feel sure as hell tells a whopper. As you know, I had the same experience of having that show significantly affect my enjoyment of MM. My faith in dramas’ ability to deliver satisfying endings was already precarious; I’m not sure I’ll ever get over it.

        Yes, PIG TROTTERS. That’s what I hate about that poster. So disturbing, so much the opposite of making me want to watch it. Ick. And the other one makes the woman’s head look like giant scorpion claws. Or maybe an adjustable wrench. Ugly, anyway, and everyone in it looks pinched and miserable.


          * I should say, hate most about the Pale Moon poster, because I hate every single thing about it except maybe the title font.


          Yeah, well. Phooey. DO YOU SEE THAT PICTURE OF THE CUTE CARTOON CAT IN A RUFF at upper left? Is that supposed to be CATMAN??? Don’t you tell me that there aren’t outright lies in this poster. **breaks into uncontrollable sobs**

          No, srsly. I’m fine, and thank you very much for all of this curation! It was a delight to see all these delightful works of graphic design in one place.


        That is so very true. Heart💔Beat made me distrustful of all dramas.
