Meet Me After School Apologies, beanies. I have been distracted by binge-watching this Jdrama, which is a very slow moving train wreck. “Like a moth to the flame”, I got hooked on it.


    Enjoy the ride!
    (I liked the first part, not the rest. But I may be in the minority. 😅)


      @dorotka The ending insinuates a hopeful outcome, so in fairness I should say this show is only a minor train wreck. Nevertheless, it was excruciating to watch the FL and ML purposely self-distruct their lives for love. I type “love”, not “LOVE”, because this show never convinced me that the love they shared was worth the terribly high price they both paid to finally be together (especially the FL).


        I don’t remember too much from the show now, but I found what I wrote in 2020 about it:

        I did reasonably like the first episodes (but that slap), how they portrayed the first love awakening of Akira and how Hijiri was trying to do her best as a teacher figure… but then the show changed into a makjang and I got frustrated with the overhonest martyr Hajiri… and even more with the Mothers. I think part of my frustration stems from a cultural difference (where I live 18yr-olds are legal adults) and part (a big part) from my beliefs about what is good parenting. Also… why was everyone so interfering?? Anyway, rant short, I personally think they should cut out most of the second part (which was more less a repeat of the beginning) and more concentrate on the inner problems of the couple (and their age difference)… and on showing me why I should root for the couple, why these two are such a good fit and should be together (the poems in the first part was a good start).


    I remember that I loved it. I think it was really interesting because it was wrong and they didn’t deny it. But the actors had a great chemistry and in a certain way I wanted them to be happy.


      @kurama good to read your comments on this show. It is 9 years old, but it was just recently released on Netflix NA, so I could watch it now. While the ML never denied his feelings, I struggled because the FL did, in fact, deny her feelings many times. Not until the final few episodes did she fully surrender and openly acknowledge it to everyone – thus triggering her final societal Seppuku. I, too, wanted them to be happy, but the cost just seemed too high. Yet, I realize “the heart wants what the heart wants”.


        But the FL didn’t really have the choice. A teacher-student relationship is wrong. She loved her job. She had someone in her life too. She was loosing a lot because of her feelings.

        It’s nice that Netflix is adding Jdramas!


    So funny reading all the takes on jdramas on the beanie fan page right now. 😂


      @alley-le so I am not the only one? If so, that makes me feel better.


        They suck people in. As terrible (by popular opinion) as they may be. 😆 I’m a Japanese BL fan. Honestly, find their communication better than in heterosexual shows. And several watching Eye Love You for one very obvious reason and only one, at least the only reason I’m watching it. But one of the second leads looks just like a friend of mine which is weirding me out a bit.
