should I give chicken nugget another chance?


    Chicken Nugget, IMO, is a series of loosely-affiliated situational-comedic sketches about some characters. Yeah, there’s a plot, but it makes little sense. So, if you like sit-com-style humor–but weren’t expecting that on first watch–you could give it a try again. If you aren’t finding a scene funny, SKIP IT, and move to the next. It’s not like you’re gonna get confused plot-wise, as there’s no real plot to keep track of.

    On the other hand, if you found literally NOTHING funny through the end of episode 3, the humor simply isn’t for you. But I would suggest getting yourself through to the end of 3. Each episode is actually closer to 25 minutes than 30-35, so you’re talking a little over an hour’s investment.

    I’ve seen it three times, once subbed, once dubbed and once comparing the two, so I also clearly really, really liked it. YMMV, obvs.

    The Nugget Nerd community is growing…mwahahahaha.


      well I do keep scrolling a lot like it is just kinda boring nonsense but I want to see the end result


        Oh, if you are in it to see what happens in the end, this is not the show for you.


    I just finished it tonight and really loved it! The humor is definitely off-the-wall, so maybe it’s just a matter of the mood you were in when you first saw it. On the other hand, I agree with @attiton that if you don’t like it by the end of episode 3, it’s probably not going to be enjoyable for you.

    One tip I have is to try watching only one episode a day. That seemed to keep me interested and laughing. In other words, it’s best in nugget-sized viewings 😬
