Keep em’ coming! I’ll be going through and scouring for your posts to add to the playlist, which you can see here. Will update the playlist photo and description to something jazzier when we finish up. Please use the #LovelyRunnerPL hashtag that Ally mentioned in the Open Thread so I can find you – if there’s any songs I’ve missed out, you can comment below and I’ll be sure to add them.

Very excited to listen to some old favourites and new finds 🤩


    Comment was deleted


    If you can’t see the embedded playlist, here’s a direct link:



    Lapis and @ally-le
    Brilliant idea and awesome execution.


    #LovelyRunnerPL Hi lapis! Just because I love Lizzy McAlpine, “I Knew” has first love feels but also angst about being left behind.

    I knew that you loved me
    When you walked me back home one night
    I knew that you loved me
    When I saw that my shoe was untied
    You bent down to tie it in the middle of the street
    There was snow everywhere, it was turning to sleet
    But I knew when you looked up at me
    This was where I was meant to be

    So why?
    Why did you have to go?
    Why did you have to go so soon?
    Why did you leave me there?
    Why did you leave me without you?
    Why did I think I knew?


      I’m a bit teary listening to this, the ending is hitting different with all the instrumentals stripped back and ☔️ I didn’t know about the song or the artist before so thank you for commenting and sharing a great recommendation! Added to the playlist!!

      Catch me listening to this non-stop and acting like I’m the main character.


        You’re welcome! I’m currently listening to the playlist. Thank you for doing this.
        I discovered Lizzy McAlpine during the pandemic, she’s young but such a great singer-songwriter. She just released a new album. My favorite EP of hers is “When the World Stopped Moving”.


    I’m a little late on Lovely Runner (I have watched the first four episodes so far) but I’ll try to suggest something for the list.
    And I’m going to listen all the songs, of course!


      That’s okay – post anytime you feel like it! It could even be based on vibes of what you’ve seen so far (I’ve only watched up to ep four too, by choice because I wan to wait till it finishes now, but I’ve been somewhat keeping up from the edits and posts that I’m seeing about it hahaha)
