I always laugh about this with my students: Lawyers cannot suddenly develop expertise they didn’t have before but this always happens on TV and in bad movies the world over. I know, I know. As I was reminded haughtily a while ago, it is bloody obvious that a glossy soapie KD would do glossy, soapy KD-esque absurdities (paraphrased!) but a divorce lawyer would never ever have the competence to conduct a criminal trial as they would likely commit malpractice due to lack of competence and expertise. Not in a million years it could happen and it shouldn’t happen in a $40M production. Just laughable beyond belief. At least, with time-slip dramas, one knows they make it up as they go along but KD glossy soapies are a different kind of fiction.


    Great point!! Wouldn’t the world (specifically: law school) be so much easier if you can develop expertise in an entirely different branch of law overnight though 😆


    I have always been curious about this!

    Can they do it slowly though or does it need special training either way? What I mean is for example can an older criminal lawyer decide to only take divorce cases from now on because they are more profitable?


      I just wrote you a long response and was censored “ You have posted an inappropriate word.”. Who knows what it is. Grrr! I have to run now but I will respond again.
