It can’t be that lifesaving which leads to future seeing dreams. Because Hong joo first started her dreams before her dad her saved her life. Either that or someone saved her life before dad. #WYWS


    I know that I’m just overthinking the drama but I can’t help it. It came to my mind while I was taking a wash…


    I think she may have been saved before then because her dad didn’t really believe her dream til the end so he must not have had that power. I wonder if something happened where she got saved but also convinced that she should never grow her hair out where everyone thought she was a boy (in the same fashion that she didn’t want to grow her hair out because of her dream of mom). I just feel like there’s a story about her hair as a child, too.


      Hopefully we will get her backstory and won’t end up like hwarang where they just left the story about park seo joon’s disease to hang in the air!


        This writer is pretty good at tying loose strings. I don’t think she’d introduce something without purpose. Her downfall actually is relying too much on coincidences, but so far it works in this drama since the “coincidences” come from seeing the future. (Well, I guess you could argue how “convenient” it is that the brother/cat killer happens to be the guy she buys chicken from and his sister is the barista at the coffee shop they frequent).


          I’m actually looking forward to it. Let’s see how it ends and hopefully the ending would be good. And I love how connected everything is and how she drops little hints so that we could figure it out on our own like the green umbrella.
