Just watched ep 1 of Liver or Die / What’s Wrong Mr Poong Sang and I’m so happy bc it’s so much better than I expected.

I’m so glad PS isn’t a hopelessly devoted idiot who lets his sibs walk all over him and get away with murder, but a genuine authority figure who yells and who tells them off and rants ‘is this how I raised you?!’ when they rebel. I’m so glad that his sibs genuinely care about him and know he’s done a lot for them- they just don’t recognise how much, and aren’t as appreciative as they should be. I honestly thought I’d hate at least one of them, but every single one has their charm bc they all care about each other & PS in their own way. (Actually, I’m surprised to find the main chara I dislike the most rn is PS’s wife lol.)

Spoilers for the 1st ep below:

I was so confused about the English title but now it all makes sense and I just 😭😭😭. Of course Poong Sang is doing the same thing his father did, not letting anyone know about his illness bc he doesn’t want to take any of his siblings’ livers. I do wonder if he’s so careful to hide it bc he thinks his siblings would offer him their livers in a heartbeat considering all he’s done for them, or if it’s bc he’s secretly afraid they wouldn’t even offer (not that PS would accept, but still, oof). Either way, they’ll no doubt find out anyway.

Most of all, I love how this drama is brimming with so much heart. Every interaction between our main cast is full of meaning, giving us a glimpse into their personalities and histories and dynamics. I can’t wait to get to know each sibling’s story, and how they all interconnect, and what in the world their mother did that was so bad PS refuses to even let his siblings know. (Wouldn’t it be easier to just tell them and let them hate her too? They might even be more sympathetic towards their dead dad, who seems to have had a harder time of it than the drama’s shown so far. I have so many questions.)


    I didn’t watch the show and I don’t have much idea about medical, but doesn’t the liver regenerate? I mean unlike the kidney transplant, I have heard that a liver transplant just requires a little part not the entire kidney.


      entire liver*


      Yup the liver is a super cool organ- not only will the donor’s liver regenerate, but the portion donated will grow to full-size in the recipient as well (tho afaik the donor has to give about half of it rather than a small portion).

      That said, PS likely just doesn’t want his sibs to have to go through surgery, recovery, and any possible complications, just for his sake. He’s the type of self-sacrificial famly man that’d rather die than ask his loved ones to look after him when he’s ill, let alone ask them to suffer pain so he can get better.


        Oh i get it now. It is the character perhaps not the medical stuff that is causing an issue.


          Yup, though to be fair to PS, there’s always a risk of death with any surgery, and while the risk for liver donation would be small, it would still be there. I don’t think someone who loves his family as much as PS could bear to take any chances.

          It’s funny tho bc if any of his siblings needed a liver transplant, I have no doubt PS would forcefully give them his even if he had to pretend it was coming from a random anonymous donor. It’s irrational, but such is familial love lol. I really rec the drama if you’re into those kinds of main characters!


      It does, liver is the only part of human organ that can regenerate itself entirely, it just need time


    I just finished watching the first ep. Poongsang is such a sad sad character. I feel for him. There was so many things going on in ep 1. So many characters were introduced. I would like to know more about this family, esp PS.


      I felt for him so much too. I completely understand what it feels like to have family members so dependant on you they feel more like your kids than anything else, and how raw and vulnerable those ties are. Ughh, only the first week and I just want PS to be happy lol.


    I had zero expectations for this drama, but I ended up enjoying the first episode. There were so many characters I was a little confused trying to sort out who was who, but I found myself laughing several times.


      Lol, ngl I spent at least 5 minutes staring at the list of actors memorising who was who before the start of the ep. 😂 I’m glad you enjoyed it beyond your expectations! Here’s hoping it doesn’t let either of us down.
