I feel bad but I’m getting kind of bored with Absolute Boyfriend. I don’t know why but everyone in this show is getting on my nerves and I can’t stand how everyone’s acting. Except for Zero Nine. <3


    Da da is so broken I am becoming annoyed with her, especially after last nights episodes. You cannot tell a robot who is a literal machine (seriously, he takes what you say literally) to stay in one place and you will be back for them.

    Then when she got played (again) take it out on the thing that has never done that to you and make it their fault.

    It almost makes me want to say her and Wang joon belong together because they are both complete and total idiots with a bit of a mean streak.


    Your sentence:  and I can’t stand how everyone’s acting
    I read: and I can’t stand everyone’s eyebrows.

    Me: that’s one reason to drop a drama, I guess..
