I was so pissed off at someone’s comment that I couldn’t wait to reply only to notice the reply button is nowhere to be found.

I told myself not to bother but here I am anyway.

Sorry to break it to you but celebrities do not owe us any explanation about their personal lives.

Yes, you can say that a fan’s support is very crucial to someone’s career but to say someone’s future solely depends on that support is absurd. For you to say that celebrities wouldn’t exist without fans’ time and money and that they owe their entire career to their fans is just horsesh*t.

You know what? If anything, I owe them… for giving justice to the characters in kdramaland, for inspiring me with their superb and admirable performances, for giving me joy and hope amidst the ugly reality in the world that we live in. And I know there are a lot of genuine fans out there who feel the same way.

Seriously, I can’t believe fan entitlement is still a thing in this day and age.


    My thoughts exactly, thank you!
    I was literally just reading about dating rumours, and the majority of comments were people saying how relieved they were those got denied, because they would rather one of the actor date “someone else” instead of the one they’re being rumoured with. 🙄🙄😒😒


      As if your family was not enough to tell you that and interfere, you need the whole world to help you judge how wrong your personal life will be! Because why not?
      Height of people being delusional!


    Preach man.
    Your posts have been like a relief for me, saying everything I’ve wanted to. So thank you for this.
    Celebrities do NOT owe us anything. I’ve said this for a long long time. Fan expectations and entitlement drives me up the wall and is present in even the smallest of ways, it gets very tiring.



    fan entitlement = crazy
