Hi Beanies. I usually don’t like to voice my irl frustrations online because there’s way too much negativity in online and I like to be more positive but I just needed a place to get this off my chest.

As some of you may remember, I just landed a job recently. To be more specific, it was a part time job for the summer before my classes begin again in September. This job was supposed to be a financial help for my family because my parents have to pay for not only my education but also my brothers.
Now, this job I am at is starting to cut a lot of my hours. So much so that I went from working 5-6 days a week to only 2-3 days which means I will be paid less and I won’t be able to reach my goal in time. This is quite frustrating to me because this isn’t the first time this has happened at my part time jobs. At first I thought that maybe I was incompetent at my job and that maybe this is their way of forcing me to quit. However, I know for a fact that I am such an indispensable person in their team because I’m not only hard working but I’m also adaptable and a quick learner so I can easily be put in to a different position and manage.
Then, I thought that maybe it’s because they had to cut labour costs and that they couldn’t afford paying me. But, if they can’t afford to pay a part timer, why are they hiring?

I am just frustrated.

PS. I already applied for a loan for the upcoming school year but I still have to pay the initial fees first since I don’t know when it’ll get approved.


    Sorry to hear this. Are there any other part-time jobs you could look for, to fill up the spare time? 🙁


      I’m trying to look into finding one but I’m worried that I can’t make the amount I need because people take quite a while to respond back 🙁 praying that I do find one that pays well and helps me fill up the remaining days of nothing


    Do you feel comfortable enough to be able to outright ask them why your hours have been cut? It’s amazing what asking things outright can do – sometimes it’s literally just because they overlooked something and it’s an accident or a mistake. But only ask if you’re comfortable doing it. Do you think that if you left or got a second part-time job that would cause them to up your hours in order to keep you on? Do any of your coworkers have the same problem, or are you the only part-timer?

    Best of luck, I hope things work out for you.


      There’s another part timer who’s been working there for 3 years and she’s also getting her hours cut but not as much as me. I’m planning to try to talk to them about it but if it doesn’t go well, I’ll have to look for a second part time job.


    This is also happening to someone I know. Summer is the slow season but they don’t want to let people go because they’ll need trained people for when business picks back up. So they cut hours to keep them. It’s a terrible business model, especially for the employees, but also for the employers because now the employees are mad and will go to a new job as soon as the opportunity arises., and the employers are stuck training new people again in the busy season.
