Unlike most of you Iโ€™ve been suspecting Yool Moo being the boss for two weeks now. Iโ€™ve been commenting under the recaps that his Prince Charming persona is definitely a facade. So I wasnโ€™t surprised I was proved right.

BUT what I definitely didnโ€™t expect was how deliciously bloodthirsty the writer made him. He bored me with his charming smiles and meek demeanour but I was excited to see his crazy eyes and all. Ha, I guess I looked like Minister Heo when Yool Moo revealed his identity 😂


    I would much more prefer proper character development for him than this shock factor we got


      For me the shock factor worked. I knew he mustโ€™ve be hiding something because no one can be that good and perfect. Itโ€™s not like Yool Moo only became The boss and was scheming when the drama started airing. No, he already established that way before the show started. Him killing the young prince or the minister didnโ€™t come out of nowhere for me. He mightโ€™ve been scheming to become a king since he was a child. So heโ€™s been in the game for a very long time and the Chef facade was just to hide the true devil underneath.


        They should make sense of his fond of Dong Jo. Does it sincere?if it’s not sincere, ha has no reason to hide NokDu’s identity, unless he already know he is a long lost prince! I don’t think he is completely evil. But we will see!


          So, our 2nd male lead is another prince mad with lust for the throne. One who is ruthless, well organized, and with his own power base. Oh, and PATIENT.

          So, why his interest in Dongju? A king newly crowned after a coup dโ€™etat would be looking to marriage shore up his power base: Dongjuโ€™s family/clan are all dead, as far as we know. Hard to believe he is still following up on his arranged marriage?

          I thought the actor did a fine job playing the rich dilettante chef feeding Aengdu meat and then the ruthless prince going for the throne.


    One giveaway was that he was able to call out the soldiers to stop the minister from taking Nokdu and Dongju. Minister was shocked. So he obviously had some kind of power or powerful backer.


    1. You’re smart.
    2. DELICIOUS! My interest in the show was to be very honest waning a little, but it just shot up to hitherto unforseen levels.


    I mean just look at his face in that first one! Gives you the chills.

    i like that they did this with his character, and from the last episode still in love with Dong Joo despite the fact. So nothing really is inconsistent from what heโ€™s been showing us aside from the evil prince thing
