Beanie level: Errand boy

I spent an hour watching Interest of Love ep. 12, and I really regret it. So much angst over so little. So many drawn out moments, long gazes, and conversations with deliberate double meanings. Compared to the angst over what might happen, very little happens. It’s heavy and suffocating, and I could hardly root for the OTP, because it’s hard to think anything good lies ahead. About the only person I want to see more of is his mom.


Can I just say, I am really enjoying Oh Dae-hwan as the priest and matchmaking uncle in May I Help You.


The fact that Jung-ho was punched mercilessly but had no bruises on his face the next day says a lot about Law Cafe. Why get bogged down in petty details that could spoil the hero’s good looks?


Wait, is this really a kdrama? Law Cafe ep. 13, first 5 mins. Yuri broke new ground for explicit dialogue. Not sure I needed to hear that, honestly.


I gave Love in Contract a chance. With Go Kyung-pyo and Kim Jae-young, I had to, right? KJY’s character didn’t have much screen time, and GKP’s was more dull than mysterious. Too many elements, too little story, and no one to really care about. It has been a long time since I liked PMY in a drama, and I don’t see that changing. I might read the recaps, but I don’t think I’ll spend any more time watching.


    I thought it was a rom com but I didn’t laugh once. I know they use the first couple of episodes to set the scene hence me aiming to give a four episode grace period for most dramas but as you said a lot of elements were introduced but currently the foundation feels flimsy.


    I’ll at least try ep. 2, but it’s definitely not what I expected. The dark elements were too dominant.


    I will give it a try. But I can see why this won’t work for me.


    Not again…… Maybe I’ll scrub it from my weekend list then.


    I thought the second episode was an improvement but my main impression at the moment (though I don’t like to comment on size) is that Park Min Young is looking uncomfortably thin.


Undecided about Law Cafe. There’s so much shouting and posturing and annoying behavior that I almost turned it off in the middle of ep. 2. But there was an honest moment at the end that gave me hope.


I’m surprised at the number of plot lines left to wind up in the last two eps. of Atty. Woo. The romance, the suggested move to Boston, Min-woo’s plot to get a job at Taesan, Tae Su-mi’s campaign and the reveal of her daughter, Min-woo and Sunshine, CEO Han’s machinations, Jung Myung-Seok’s illness and possible life-changing decisions. Not to mention getting Dad to a better place, and possibly bringing back Atty. Ryu and her better work ethic and better work-life balance. Phew! How can they possibly wrap that all up well in two episodes????


Not gonna lie, I ff’d through parts of the lottery ticket case. That’s the first time I’ve done that with this drama. (Atty. Woo)


    I have been doing that for a while now tbh. Apart from some cases being less engaging and some being too whimsical (pied piper), the editing (abrupt scene transitions and unbalanced episode stucture) has been a consistent weak point for me – most notably starting from episode 5.


      I’d agree to that – the court cases are pretty lacklustre and is probably the weakest link for me, ironically. But I enjoy the characters and their interactions way too much to let that get in the way. I think my fave court case was the one with the three brothers, and the North Korean prisoner, the rest have been pretty meh. Having said that, I appreciate the impact they leave on young-woo and the questions they generally tend to pose in the grander scheme of things, which I guess is the whole point. I just wish they were a lot more…engaging?


        Have you been to trials? This is exactly how they are. My lawyer friends say trials are pretty boring in general.


          I understand trials wouldn’t be all that engaging in reality a. Due to levels of severity, and b. The semantics of judicial jargon, but I think perhaps on a more dramatic scale, the way they’ve chosen to explore these cases does somewhat pale compared to other courtroom dramas. But I also appreciate these cases on based on real narratives to some extent, so there’s that. Either way, I’m just glad the characters get to grow as a result of these cases – some more than others of course!


          Exactly it’s pretty realistic and I love the subtlety of these simple cases . All these cases are based on real events so I have to applaud the writers to bring these cases coz these are so fresh and new


          Who doesn’t know that real trials are boring? But a drama is meant for entertainment. The writers have taken up a challenge by making the cases more realistic than other legal dramas. It’s hard for each case to hold everyone’s attention and that’s ok. For me the show works best when it focuses on the characters like @namedx says. Indeed that’s what’s making EAW so popular.


            Oh and the whales. How could I forget about the whales?


    The cases seem to come with growth from Young woo. This showed that she had to bend. She didn’t want that woman to go through what her father did.


Tae Su-mi had been so gracious to YWY up to now, I was really shocked by her behavior today. No warmth toward the man who endured so much raising their child, just a selfish demand to disappear.


    I’m not. All of that is by design. She knows what face she has to put on to get what she wants. She thought Young woo’s father was not worth that and show who she always was. The fact that she had the gall to say that he was blackmailing her…..yeah, bye. He thought having Young woo around was more important than her thinking he would just roll over. That is why she is such a jerk. He thought that the two of them were just destitute and at their worst and it turns out be raised a genius attorney. Notice how she brought up how he didn’t give her proper doctors for her autism. She was straight up gaslighting him.

    I hope he does open a small law office now so that he can leave it for Young woo.


    Yes, that was a hard watch.


I’ve watched the last five minutes of today Atty. Woo about five times already. Squee!

Maybe because I’ve seen it so many times, I have a problem with the scene transitions. First, Jun-ho is home eating dinner (evening). Then he runs back to the office. It’s daylight and Young-woo is just leaving. And then suddenly it’s dark and late at night for the next scene. This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed this kind of inconsistency in scene switches, but today it is bothering me.


Here’s a wild thought – what if, around ep.14, Ms. Tae offered Taesan to Young-woo? Her son isn’t interested. Why not give her firm to her daughter who loves the law? Would Young-woo take it?


With all her feelings of loss, abandonment and yearning for a mother whale, Young-woo’s last conversation today could have been a wreck. Instead, she was composed, dignified, and said nothing hurtful.


Three things I loved about today’s ep. of Attorney Woo. 1. Dad figured out CEO Han’s motive. 2. Young-woo told Dad to let her live her own life. 3. Young-woo shone in front of Ms. Tae.


    And Min woo is self sabotaging. What does he think is gonna happen. Does he think CEO Han got where she is being nice? Young woo is really good at her job. And you can’t tell me if he wasn’t connected, he wouldn’t use them. The self righteousness and hypocrisy.


    I liked all of that too but most of all I loved that Su-yeon is such a fierce and loyal friend to Young-woo.


    Great three picks – no dispute!


In ep 5&6, Young-Woo grew as an attorney and got closer to Su-yeon. The show practically ID’d her mom for us. But these eps weren’t as sweet or fun. They needed more time with Jun-ho, Geurami and Dad.


    I am glad to see Woo young with another friend. Su yeon really is a sweetheart, and it seems not just to Woo young, or out of pity. Their walking through the mall scene was so cute and by season’s end Woo young probably won’t move away from her touch anymore.


    Agree. This week’s episodes didn’t have the same level of charm as last week. I’m all for developing the supporting characters (Minwoo and Suyeon) but it should have been balanced better. Even attorney Jung took a backseat in ep 5 and it was sad to see him not pick up on Minwoo’s animosity towards WYW.


Ah, so that’s what was behind Ms. Han reaching out to YWY’s father and making sure she was hired at Hanbada. I’ve never seen Baek Ji-won play a kind character, so something seemed off. Now I get it.


My no. 1 suspect: the police chief. There’s no other character we’ve met who stands out the way he does, and his bullying of the piano teacher could have been a cover. #Link: Eat, Love, Kill


    I could be wrong but I think he’s just incompetent and can’t can’t do his job right.


      Then who’s left who could be the killer?


        The husband of that lady who first found out who GyeHoon is is super sus to me, I’m not sure but I think that was his truck in front of the red gate.


          I noticed the truck too! The unknown of what happend to Dahyun’s dad still bothers me though and I wonder if he factors into the kidnapping case?


    I think so too!!! But I’m trying to work out how DH’s mum and grandma might be tied up in all, whether that’s a red herring or if they have a link to the police chief somehow


      The only other scenario I can think of for now is that it was all just one massive accident that was caused by people jumping to conclusions and mishandling a situation – I guess drawing a parallel with how mum/grandma and also the taxi driver all assumed JG was dead initially and stuffed him into a freezer/tried to bury him alive – situations that could’ve gone south so quickly. It would be so absolutely tragic if it turned out GY died because an entire town tried fumbled the ball big time.


        I don’t think this could be the case, because if it were, then there wouldn’t be any reason for someone to ask in a sinister way, “How’s your father doing, Eun Gye-hoon?”


I found the first two episodes of Extraordinary Attorney Woo to be really warm and full of likeable characters. I’m a little disappointed Kang Ki-young has a relatively weak character. He hasn’t had a chance to show off his comedic talent. And you can’t think too deeply about the plot, or it wouldn’t make any sense that an experienced senior lawyer wouldn’t be able to see the twists that our rookie genius finds in each case. I wonder if a certain scene with Young-woo in a lovely dress will be repeated by the end of the drama for real, or if the show was just teasing us with that possibility. And I wonder who Young-woo’s mother was, and what the relationship was between Young-woo’s father and Ms. Han. Can’t wait until next week!


    Same, I want more Kang Ki Young and I want his character to be stronger. At first I thought he was going to be some mean but charismatic boss, and then I thought he was going to be a fun and cute boss, but he’s neather. 🙁

    I’m so ready for the wedding, did you see the male lead’s face? he’s in love with Woo already LOL


    I find your comments heartening. I will start watching this soon. I really hope I like it, because I have given up on both Alchemy of Souls and Cafe Minamdang.


Kiss Sixth Sense, I watched you to the end and I regret it. You had so much potential, and I kept giving you another chance. Sigh. Next time, I swear I’ll walk away.


Did you notice how the cute little dog went from begging for leftovers to sleeping in a dog bed in the garden to sleeping indoors? Actions speak louder than words, Eun Gye-hoon! #Link: Eat, Love, Kill


I want to swoon over Kiss Sixth Sense, but I just can’t. I feel sorry for Cha Minhu, because he really likes Ye-sool, but she hasn’t really shown any interest in him as a person, even on their dates. He’s just the guy she slept with in the vision. I hate the childhood connection, and I think the last five minutes of ep. 8 are really lame. Why would he jump to the conclusion that she’s in danger? Why would a bad guy be lying in wait for her in that place in that time? Show, you could be so much better!