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I think this is very common in cdramaland and doesn't affect the actors as much. WHD follwed Love between fairy and devil with very mediocre shows but that didn't put a dent in his popularity. Fans there still seem to be pretty loyal whereas I feel elsewhere in the world the culture being dedicated to only one celebrity is dying (which imo is pretty good because I've seen how notorious cdrama fanwars can get). Retaining popularity is hard but LYN has several things going for him. Also interesting take on the shimei. You see it from a different perspective that gives her more grace and well should be more encouraged. I don't think MSD will die. ZBF definitely will, WJL and LiuLin will as well probably. But the treasure is surely a legend.


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Open Thread #865

Open Thread #865

by DB Staff

I just finished watching the C-drama Parallel Worlds. The rules governing the alternate world were so random and inconsistent (at least to me) that I gave up trying to follow them, and just went with the flow. I still ended up to enjoying it.

But oh how satisfying when a show gets alternate-reality/time travel right! Those are some of my favorite dramas: Kairos, Live Up to Your Name, Life on Mars, Circle, Signal, My Perfect Stranger, et al.


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Great list with some older dramas.


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Good plan, this is a great way to learn about dramas new and old and the spreadsheet really helps to show the most popular and also over time how the drama favourites have changed. The watchlist may be long initially when you you collect the titles but once you have done your own research into the genre and main storyline you will be able to fine tune it to a shorter list based on your preferences.


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I'm trying so hard to space out my viewing of Part I because I do think it'll be worth it to watch it closer to Part II. But it's so hard! I have to say that I read the novels years ago and liked them, but when I heard that they'd be adapted for television/Netflix, I wasn't optimistic. Also, I was underwhelmed by the initial casting announcements. I am delighted to say that I could not be more wrong--the show just gets better and better each season and I'm impressed with how addictive it remains.


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I am so confused. I feel like I already saw a trailer for this. I thought it was a movie.


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That Winter, The Wind Blows: Episode 5

That Winter, The Wind Blows: Episode 5

by HeadsNo2

There are a few veteran beanies still on the site who may respond depending on the drama and the day you post. At the weekend the site tends to be slower and glitchy due to the sheer weight of traffic for some of the weekend posts so you may have limited responses but mid week when things settle you may have more success.
One way to catch the eyes of currently active beanies is to post what you are watching on the What we are watching post. Have you looked at that post? If you have a look through a few of the posts you will see how different beanies add their comments on currently airing dramas as well as the older ones. I would recommend trying to add a comment on a Saturday when that post drops as then you will increase the chance of a response as that is when most beanies will interact.


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I am so looking forward to this as the more we hear the more it sounds like it will definitely have the features I liked in the film The dude in me which had a very similar story and was very funny.
I hope they can add humour and light elements alongside the darker elements of the story.


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You might have read this already but just in case:

‘S. Korea to boost support for single-parent families’.:

“ In response to criticism that the system is insufficient to help families in need, the government has expanded the eligibility criteria to families who earn up to 100 percent of the median income level.

The government will also place administrative sanctions and criminal penalties on non-custodial parents who willfully refuse to pay support.

The ministry's plan also includes specific measures to improve the child support collection rate, which is only 15.3 percent currentlyA.“


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