I like Hospital Playlist a lot but I won’t really be sad if none of the pairings work out. I will be discussing my reasons here:

Ik Sun and Joon Wan: In my opinion the show never delves in to who they are as a couple, what are their similarities, their differences, we never truly see them confiding in each other and because we mostly see Joon Wan, Ik Sun’s feelings for him feel vague. I am not saying the show should do more for them, their romance is one of the many plot lines but because their moments seem so surface level, I won’t be sad if they end up going different ways.

Winter Garden: I love the two characters and I am rooting for them, but I don’t want Gyeo Wool to be the reason Jeong Won changes his ambitions. The show has repeatedly stressed on the fact that Jeong Won wanted to be a priest since he was young, however they have not convincingly shown that Jeong Won’s feelings for Gyeo Wool are greater than his longtime ambition. What I want is for Jeong Won to realize he is extremely happy with his current profession and that he wants to continue doing it and after that realization eventually pursue Gyeo Wool.
will continue in the comments


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    Seok Hyung and Min Ha: To be honest I am not exactly a fan of all the residents that are of the opposite gender being attracted towards the professor and I feel like Seok Hyung and Min Ha would show a great mentor mentee relationship, Min Ha has a lot of potential as an independent character too, so I want her plot line to be more about her journey as a doctor.

    Any of the Song Hwa pairing: I honestly prefer the Ik Jun and Song Hwa pairing, really the only resident professor relationship I am somewhat rooting for is winter garden. Chi Hong is great, I just like Song Hwa as his mentor. I like the idea of Ik Jun and Song Hwa but I am fine even if it isn’t the end game, the show has established them as such good friends that I feel like even that is good enough.

    If somebody read all of this, thank you!!


    lol..maybe he was waiting for his crush to materialize..but if she ain’t marrying, might as well become a priest 😛


    Interesting POV and it’s refreshing to read an opinion that’s different from mine. 🙂


    Jun Wan and Ik Sun: Although I’m totally for this ship and would be so devastated if they end up breaking up, I totally agree with what you’re saying. We saw them together really fast, we don’t know why and when Jun Wan started to even like Ik Sun. I wish they showed some sort of flashback to show this, just so we’re more convinced that the relationship has some sort of foundation. Though I feel like together as a couple, they’re really compatible and I love that Jun Wan is just different with her, like there’s a sweetness to him that he just doesn’t show when he’s with his friends and definitely not with his colleagues.

    Winter Garden: Definitely agree, even though Ik Jun is really supportive of the relationship, I feel like it’s too early to push for this relationship now . At this point, we need Jeong Won to sort of really rethink what he wants in life, he obviously love kids and loves his job. I feel like he’s too focused to the idea of being a priest to see that and question it – if Gyeo Wool could be a catalyst (at least) for him to rethink his priorities, I kind of won’t mind.

    Seok Hyung and Min Ha: Agreed. Nuff said. Though as you said, I’d like to see more of a mentor-mentee relationship with them more. I love that Min Ha is really learning a lot from him, not just technically as a doctor but also how to be a good person overall.

    Song Hwa and Ik Jun: This is the ship for me!! We’ve seen the signs, Ik Jun has finally confessed his feelings. She’s already being a great partner to him without realizing it, she’s taken care of U-Ju quite a few times and adores him. I think it’s because they’re really good friends as well, but it’s so great that they just get each other. UGHHH THIS SHIP I CANNOT.
