Sorry for the Bidulgi rant post (not in particular order) post#hospitalplaylist2.
Let’s see.
1) they mention hawaii and junwan so many times last season, but it was unmentionable this season.
2) they create iksun ilness but by the end her ilness seems to disappear all of sudden.
3) they mention how lonely junwan can be. But seem nobody doing anything to help him.
4) before iksun appear, he’s so in love with golfing. What happen to that hobby by the way?
5) wtf with junwan lines at the end of steakhouse scene? Seems confusing that even koreans youtubers questΓ­oning what his lines suppposed to mean.
6) what’s the meaning of iksun stare in ep 11 too? Why did we have all this scenes but no continuation for all of it?
7) wish we have some of their POVs tho😭


    HP 2 was lukewarm. Maybe the crew thought they could make another season but realized they didn’t have enough story to tell (or budget) hence they wrapped it up in the second. At least we know enough about Junwan and Ik Sun to question why their arcs were left incomplete, we don’t know anything about Song Hwa except for the fact that she is a perfectionist and likes camping. But yeah this couple had potential and they ruined it this season. They also ruined Winter Garden honestly.


    I should add at no.3 that seem nobody help him with his loneliness EXCEPT for Do Jae Hak. He’s the only one actively trying to engaged in some kind of activities with his favorite Prof Kim instead of letting him “veg out” 🤭 at home, all alone on the weekend or try to invite him to have lunch together with his wife.


    He lost his whole character πŸ™
    But still had the best hospital interactions with patients so… at least it wasn’t a total %*+=* up?


      not lost per se . but more they decided to expand his character on hospital setting only. he was kinder to everyone this season, to jaehak, to changmin to his patients . but outside of Yulje, he’s the most lonely guy ever. his live this revolved around yulje and band practice. we dont even meet his sister (who seems very interesting person btw) or any of songhwa’s brothers too while we already saw jaehak’s wife and gyeoul’s brother.
