Open Thread #33


I try to keep my political opinions to myself (nothing gets volatile opinions flaring faster than discussions on politics and religion), but it’s Open Thread day so I’ll just say:


(Policies and party affiliations aside, the man sure can speak.)


Mates of State – “The Re-Arranger.” This song makes a bad day better. (Liberal applications of chocolate and coffee also help.) [ Download ]

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I missed that the other night. It must have been truly a charismatic moment because it sure has created a buzz. Hopefully it can be found on youtube.
Have a fabulous weekend,
P.S. I'll be watching latest episode of Absolute Boyfriend and hopefully an episode of Last Scandal


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I also missed the other night and like Cafegirl, I hope to watch it on youtube :)

Go Obama ^^


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What a difference then what we were use to with the shrub.

All things aside though, I wonder if it's enough to carry him through the general election. There's a lot of people who could care less about his charisma and focus on other things he can't control.


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I feel Obama is all words and no action...well i guess we will see. But everything he says seems to idealistic....he needs something to back up what he says. I also find it sketchy that he has such a "star" campaign. I mean is Oprah supporting him because he is the best president out there or because he is black...I dunno.

Eh, I am hoping Hillary will still get on the ticket as VP. Obama should do an adequate job i guess.


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Without getting too into the issue (like I said, politics and religion make people touchy) -- I don't understand calling Obama's oratory skills a negative for the reason that it sounds TOO good. (None of us prefer Bush's clumsy gaffes and simplistic rhetoric, right?)

None of the candidates have had a chance to back their promises with actions as president, but Obama gets singled out for sounding too positive. When was it a BAD thing to inspire hope? (I don't know about Hillary as veep. She blasted Obama too much during primary season for it to seem like anything but kissing his ass for a spot on the ticket now.)


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OMG my friends got in (in Minnesota, Twin Cities), b/c they were working with a campaign (that involves environmentally friendly politics), and had front seats to Obama's speech!


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Charismatic and well spoken.

I agree with you Javabeans (on the VP matter) they trashed on each other too much during the primaries, there are a lot of things that were said over the course of these past months, it would be weird if they made nice now. That being said, in an ideal world I would love to see Obama and Clinton on the same ticket.


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Obama in 08. I would have loved to see a woman as Prez, but Hillary didn't have it. Gas Tax holiday= Political pandering.

Obama and Hillary actually has very similar platforms just different approaches.

I can't see Hillary as VP. How about Pelosi?


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I could wax poetic on the man for hours and hours and hours - about his oratory skills, his writing skills, and his policies. The guy is a rockstar - he's going to make a fantastic President - and at the very least, he's going to be an improvement over whatever it is in office now.

As for an Obama/Clinton ticket - that would probably be the one thing that would make me turn against him. After the way that she campaigned against him with her so-called "kitchen sink" strategty - having her on the ticket would completely undermine his message of change.


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I totally agree with you, Javabeans! That's what's wrong with this country--since when did it become a bad thing to inspire hope and positive ideals? At this point, I'll be happy with anyone being in the White House who isn't George Bush. But as a democrat, I'll be cheering Obama on all the way! ^_^


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I'm sooooooo with you!! OBAMA! :)

I think the people who criticize him either need to get their facts straight or stop deluding themselves.....how can you criticize a presidential candidate that's TOO optimistic or TOO good of a speaker? I swear Bush has rubbed off on people too much........hell yes for having some political sanity finally!


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Everyone seems to think that Obama-Clinton is a dream ticket. Sure, both of them have tremedous popularity in a wide range of demographics. But getting elected is one thing. What about the atmosphere in the Oval office once they get elected? Clinton will probably act like she's president. She's too alpha; she won't get along with Obama. And if she does get VP, nothing will change in Washington - she's old blood. We need to infuse new life into the U.S. govt. to get some REAL CHANGE.

once again, Go Obama!


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honestly Obama didn't do it for me...he is a great speaker and theres something about the way he carries himself but I was a Clinton supporter....

but now that Clinton is out it'll be Obama all the way...hopefully we see a Obama-Cinton ticket in November


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Eh, I personally prefered Hillary Clinton, because it looks to me as if health care is a big priority for her, and health care is one of the things I care most about. With that said, I don't mind if Obama wins, because his priorities pretty much align with mine too. At the end of the day, I just hope its a democrat taking the presidency.

I feel kind of sorry for Hilary Clinton. She gets so much flak for being a woman, I just want to tear my hair out and go, what the freak America, for a supposedly progressive and diverse country this is so disappointing. I just see A LOT of people calling her especially mean and scary, but if she were a man and did the exact same things, would people be calling her "scary" or would they just see her as another politician just being a politician? So what if she's hard-assed, no-nonsense with a cutthroat competetive edge-- as if those traits are soooooo rare in politicians, right? Oh wait, but she's a woman, and women are supposed to be softer and nicer. Apparently mean in a man translates to REALLY mean in a woman. And then, when she shows a bit of emotion and sheds a non-tear, there's suddenly speculation and a big media hoopla over her "exploiting" her gender for the presidency. Oh. my. god. I MEAN, COME ON.


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Here's something we agree on. ㅋㅋ

Empty orator or whatever, let's get the the oil tycoons the hell out of the White House.
The funny thing is when the Korean Government realizes Obama doesn't care much about the KORUS FTA, or any FTA for that matter., then 2MB will start understanding what 자업자득 means.


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It really seems like OBAMA is the better bet right now. His so-call campaign about “HOPE” and “CHANGE” seems really idealistic doesn’t it? If this guy were to be elected as president, he is a “Change” himself….don’t you agree?...and he sure gives hope to everyone else who always wanted to be a president, but they are not white…right? But I guess this is really not the hope and change we are looking for…or is it?

Once, I was reading through his pamphlet since curiosity was kicking in…and I just wanted to see what is so idealistic with his plan. After finish reading it…I can understand why people are so into his idea of “change” and “hope”…there is no doubt this man know how to speak…he knows how to hit the right spot…and he also have the advantage of being a black man himself…Americans right now are pretty fed up with the government because they keeps on interfering into our lives and doing the wrong thing…but making us coughing up our money so they can do those things…we need to change this…and clever OBAMA he is…hit the Americans right on the spot…I should give him an applaud for that…no wonder those people who goes to his campaigns are so mesmerized by his speech. Everything he said seems to give so much hope and hope is good right?...but it is never a guarantee that we can achieve what we “hope”…and not that easy either. While I was reading through his pamphlet…the only thing that ever comes to my mind is where the hell is he going to get all the money to achieve these things…everywhere is money, money, and money…and all these money coming from where?....our own pockets of course…and before we even get to see a “change” or achieve our “hope”…we already need to cough up some money…and there is no guarantee that it will be successful…is this what we are really looking for?...what difference does it make from the government we are having now?...that doesn’t seems like a change at all to me…

Then we have McCain…a war lunatic…this man just totally LOVES war…and in order to have a war…we need MONEY…yea…that whole money issue again…but when is money never an issue?...it has always been…we will need to cough up billions and billions of money for this man to go invade all those little countries out there that have no threat against us…but in order to have a war…money is not the only thing we need…we also need a military…but our military is in a shortage of people right now….what should we do? DRAFT!...yes…that is a solution right…congress has always wanted to have a draft…but fortunately…it never push through…but with this war lunatic McCain as president..it’s gonna push through…men and women from age 18-42 will have to go to military for 2 yrs..even if they are still in school…that doesn’t sound too good does it?

And there’s Hillary Clinton…I’m glad she’s no longer in the race…her whole free health service program may sound appealing to the ears…but it is a problem in the long run…everything that is associated with socialism will cause problems…just imagine if Best Buy were to give out free TVs at 8 tomorrow morning….can you imagine how long the line would be?...and if you were able to get into Best Buy….would you only grab ONE tv…of course not….you will get all your family members along and grab as many as possible even though your house doesn’t evem need that much…but who cares right?...and what will happen to those who are late…they will get no TVs….and there will be a shortage…and will the employees at Best Buy give you good services?...of course not…what’s the point….what benefits do they get….you’re just there for free TVs anyway…they won’t have that incentive to serve you….well….that’s socialism for you…you probably will have to wait 2 years if you were to schedule to see a doctor…I don’t think I would want to wait that long….i can’t even wait 1 week….how can I last for 2 yrs….and what if there were a shortages in medicine….ooh….that’s not good…then the price of medicines will rise…and you’ll have to pay higher taxes for it…so…it’s not FREE after all is it? And will the doctors and nurses treat you good….ummm…free service….no pay…pointless…so nah…they don’t care about you…

Socialism will only bring long lines, shortages, lower quality, and higher taxes….equal to “no good”

What we need is capitalism…capitalism is what satisfy us…yea….we have to pay…but a small amount of money can gain us satisfactions…..i would rather pay for a doctor and get treated immediately…than waiting for 2 years….and still need to PAY for it through taxes…hmm….

So you may ask…who are you suppose to vote ffor afterall…who deserve that seat in the white house…who will actually bring “change” and “hope” to this country…well…for sure not these 3 lunatics….we need someone that actually does something…not just say it and achieve it by taking money out of our own pockets…

We need a Jefferson of our time...and who is that…RON PAUL…that guy is the only man that never ONCE voted to raise taxes for us….that man is the only man that follows John Locke, Jefferson, and, Madison ideas of natural rights---the rights of life, liberty, and property. He hated war and he values natural rights…and that is the change we should be looking to right now….he was the only man in the group of republicans candidates that was against the idea of setting a nuclear weapon against Iran…that man knows what to do for this country…but the government hated it because it does us good and bad for them….they hated his radicals ideas and that leads the media to poke fun at him…oh poor man…

What congress is doing right now is nothing else but violating our natural rights…believe it or not…16 years from now….we will be coughing up 40% of our income for social security because of the senior citizens from the baby boom period in american history….40%!!!....not just that…then we have to take away property taxes…car insurance…utility bills…and all those other crap…we will only be holding about 25% of income in our pockets…but before we even reach that state…..OBAMA or McCAIN already make up cough up a great deal of money…sigh….that’s America in the future…

You know…..back when Jefferson was still president…he decrease the govt budget from 8 hundred thousands to 3 hundred thousands…now…the govt budget is 1.5 trillions…crazy right….and they still want more…


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To Charmie,

When Jefferson was president the United States, the US was still a small nation following an isolationists policy. The world today involves a global economy, international military policy, intricate foreign relations, and the worldwide net and technology that connect us all. So back in the day, cutting a budget that in half is much easier compare for a isolationist country than a superpower that is involve in high budget domestic policy and foreign affairs. Our government’s fiscal policy has uncontrollable expenditures and entitlments that Jefferson’s United States does not have. And its too late to change these uncontrollable expenditures without heavy losses both from the working class and high entrpreneurs.

The government actually only spend about 20% of our GDP. (Lets not even touch GNP). There are other factors that contribute to the outcome of the economy. They really have less control of the economy then the mass expect. Though that does not excuse them from the economic state of the US, let’s cut them some slack.

TO everyone else:

Furthermore, there is something wrong about giving people false hope. In the business industry its called fraud: to give hope about change and then crush it. Not that I am saying that Obama is a fraud, I am saying that the man can SPEAK, but it doesn’t show anything about his CAPABILITIES to CARRY out what he say he will. So what the citizens that vote for him can do is HOPE that they chose the right candidate and HOPE that he will do as he said he will. Obama is a great speaker but he is a very vague speaker. He avoid specifics that makes people wonder..”what else is this man besides hope and change?” and if so ”how does he plan to change?” It is easy in politics to talk, it is hard to do.

Hilary Clinton does, for her part, get a lot of beef for being a woman, for being a Clinton, for being an old blood. And for that, I sympathize with her. However, I can not turn a blind eye for all the times she lied to the media and citizens. Dodging bullets huh? Anti-american reverend? Posing questions in the audience? Come on lady, there is a limit. I am not saying how she is cut edge competition. I actually admired that in her. The determination to finish what she started. I am just very skeptical about her moral integrity.

That all being said. I am happy that Obama won the democratic nomination. Despite my suspicions on his speeches all about hope, he seem like a good and competent man. His policies and goals coincide with mine. His blatant desire for change, though skeptical, is moving. And, by goodness, he is one charismatic man.

To say that Ron Paul is a man of action and Obama, Clinton, and McCain is not is one big assumption. To big to considered true don’t you think?


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What troubles me more than the prospect of Hillary becoming a gunner VP is the possibility that a final Obama victory will be stunted if she *isn't* placed on the Dem. ticket. All the Hillary boosters who decide to sit out or vote Republican in Nov. may do so as a statement of personal disappointment, but ultimately, this sort of rift in solidarity is going to prove fatal for the party.


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So as I heard Oprah's show rate dropped down after she gave her support to the man. Hmpp, politics


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wouldn't it be stranger (or wrong even) to have a candidate for presidency that didn't have good oratory skills and couldn't inspire the public to hope for improvement and change?!?! it seems Bush's presidential reign really has dulled down public expectations!


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I agree with a lot of your points there Jenny!

A politician can promise the world, but when push comes to shove, can they actually execute the plan? Is hope bad? Of course not, but is what is being promising realistic?

My whole thing with any politician is that when they promise to do "X", who is going to pay for it? Government only gives back what it has already taken from the people.

Anyways, IF Obama gets elected, he is going to be under a lot of scrutiny to get stuff done fast since that was his platform. If not, I can almost say with certainty that we'll have a republican president afterwards.


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i'm very disappointed of the way Hillary handled it all.. She could've been the bigger person, but NOPE, she kept on being selfish... and now all of the sudden she wants to be chosen as the possible vp?? i'm very stunted of how she handled it... very


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Remember, ACTIONS speak louder than words(however well they are spoken)!
If Obama gets elected I'm waiting to see just how many of those fine words translate into reality. I live in HOPE!


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there's nothing wrong with inspiring hope, it's just sometimes people can be too optimistic and then disappointed later on. i just reeeeeeeeeeeally hope, if elected, Obama will be able to do a good job. under the circumstances, nobody seems to be able to, thus the pessimism.
america just needs some good diplomats, especially as a declining power.


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As long as Hilary doens't win, I think I'll be one happy American. Though Clinton AND Obama have lots of weak points, I'm not willing to give up the Presidential title to a devil woman. And I'm not sexist, I would gladly vote for a female candidate, just not her.

So I guess my vote goes to Obama, I would vote for McCain but I'm not Republican plus I don't agree with his status on some issues.

I like the way Obama presents his speeches, it's like watching a black priest preaching. Racist, I know.


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I went to Obama's Rally in Dallas.
It was my first act of political activism, then I voted in the primaries.

Either way you look at it, both parties have moderate views, it's just the two major ones that divide the nation: Iraq and Economics.

I'll be voting for the first time in a presidential contest in November, I hope Obama wins, just so I'll hear something different in the news other than how many bomb blasts occurred during the day, the latest death toll from the latest natural disaster, and the soaring price of oil due to US dependency.

I'm sorry, I know that I have to be aware of these things, but sometimes it gets too depressing (so depressing, it's heart-wrenching). I really hope a different leader will inspire different changes in the way things are being dealt with now.

As you can tell, I totally bought into Obama's message for change.
Obama 08: All the way!


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Obama is cool. I like him.


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obama is def a likable candidate...but my interest in politics is practically nil. sorry. i can't place my faith in a person who has a way with words. that way i don't get disappointed. i only hope that whoever is up next does a better job than this president.

i'm much more superficial so i'll turn to a new topic that's closer to my interests...dramas!!!
i must say that My Sweet City with choi kang hee is adorable. i only started liking her recently after years of feeling like she was just too spacey for me. in this drama, her spaciness is totally cute. it's offbeat while using familiar material (old maids, younger men, BFF guys/gals, white-collars, etc); it's promising. i'm interested to see what you think, though, tastes seem to vary unless it's something as phenomenal as coffee prince/samsoon/dalja.


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As a Columbia student, I'm extremely proud of Obama's accomplishment.


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I love you for saying Obama!


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i was a former Hillary supporter.. but a lot of how i feel still aligns with Obama's policies..
so i guess im somewhat obama's supporter by default.
mccain..hell no. excuse my language.
it would be AWESOME if it was a obama/hillary ticket
i think they can get over their differences/past or at least some/most of it..


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I like obama and all
but i didnt vote for either him or hillary
i voted for that crazy lil elf kucinich

theres things i like and dislike about both of them
but its obama all the way in the fall
cant wait til they start printing out signs so i can put one in my front lawn


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