My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho: Episode 13

Oh, My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho just kicked it up a notch. Yeah, I cried like a baby in Episode 13.

Ratings-wise, this week was a real hit, since Baker King is out of the picture. Numbers shot up to 15.2% for Episode 13, then even more to 19.2% for Episode 14, which aired back to back on Thursday night. (For consistency’s sake I use AGB numbers, which are more readily available, but TNS numbers for these two episodes were even higher — 19.4% and 22.5%.)

Meanwhile, Playful Kiss had a 5.8% (6.0% TNS) and Baker King’s special drew a 16.8% (17.9% TNS).

Special request: I know you’re all probably itching to discuss both episodes, but we’d really appreciate if you could keep the commentary in this recap to this episode. We promise the next one will be up for you to talk about soon!


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Mi-ho is coming to terms with the idea of dying in order to protect Dae-woong, so the remaining days take on heightened meaning. Dae-woong had thought she’d want to cross the days off the calendar quickly to get to the human part, but she explains that every day with him is precious.

She wants to go for a “walk,” but now that Dae-woong’s all grown up and accepted his feelings, he calls it a proper date, taking her hand as he asks her out.

Adorably, when Dae-woong orders ice cream mash-ups for them, he uses terms Mi-ho understands best: cow color, mixed with some pig color and some chicken color. Mostly cow.

Then, Dae-woong notices an affectionate couple nearby — the ones who taught Mi-ho her cheesy finger guns — and gets the idea to feign tiredness as an excuse to lean on Mi-ho.

But Mi-ho takes him at face value and looks at him worriedly, then picks him up to carry him on piggyback. How appropriate for this drama to reverse another gender stereotype after giving us the wimpy hero and the assertive heroine. I love it.

Dae-woong sees the girl feeding her boyfriend, and opens his mouth to signal that he’d like some of that action… only to find that Mi-ho’s all done with her ice cream. How great that Dae-woong’s getting a taste of his own medicine, after Mi-ho tried to cozy up to him earlier.

Mi-ho looks over and sees the cheesy couple making hearts with their hands, and Dae-woong demonstrates a big one, lifting his arms over his head. In response, Mi-ho puts up V signs, which disappoints him — after his heart, all he gets is another cow reference?

Mi-ho’s explanation turns him around, though — she learned it from Aunt Min-sook, and they represent her “heart’s antenna,” always pointed in his direction. Aww.

Speaking of whom, Min-sook meets with Director Ban, who has come back directly from film shoots in the Chinese desert. So directly, in fact, that he smells. Min-sook suggests gently that they clean up and start fresh with a day at the saunas, so off they go — where Dae-woong and Mi-ho have also ended up.

Dae-woong has come back to Korea without the director’s knowledge, so he hurries to keep out of sight, and he and Mi-ho take refuge under a towel together. Director Ban sniffs at the public display of coupley affection, but Min-sook finds it sweet.

As they walk along, Dae-woong notices an elderly couple walking hand in hand and says that they’ll be like that in fifty years, which is a thought that dims Mi-ho’s mood.

Dae-woong shows Mi-ho how to toss a coin into a fountain to make a wish, and she thinks of how she has to leave him in order to save him:

Mi-ho: “But after I’m gone, don’t be too shocked or hurt. Even so, call for me every once in a while… Then I’ll live in your heart forever. Right? You’ll remember me forever, right?”

Hye-in is peeved to hear from Byung-soo and Sun-nyeo that the happy couple plans to go to China together while the movie finishes filming. Knowing Mi-ho’s identity, she doesn’t understand how Mi-ho could have a legitimate passport, but she suspects that Dong-joo’s behind it.

Dong-joo owns up to making the documents, but he intended to use them to send Mi-ho away. Since Mi-ho won’t budge, he decides that they have to work on Dae-woong, and tells Hye-in to scare him, to insist that he’s in danger and needs to stay away from Mi-ho. Hye-in resents being forced into this, but she’s still scared enough of the Gumiho Hunter to comply, albeit grudgingly.

Mi-ho sees that Dae-woong has posted up their life plan, and he’s fully onboard now. However, she grabs it down, saying they’ll have to put it away for the time being; she rushed into things, and she can think about those things after she’s human. Right now, she should think of what to do in the remaining 52 days of being a gumiho.

Dae-woong is a little concerned as he make sure that she doesn’t mean to get rid of the plan for good. She can’t answer that, so she deflects. As they flip through their photo album, Dae-woong things of all the things they can do to fill it, like going skiing in the winter, or preparing for Christmas.

Mi-ho knows it won’t snow within the next 50 days, but she agrees to his plan to fill the album with new photos. For instance, she wants to go to the zoo, which for some reason makes Dae-woong uneasy, and he suggests the aquarium as a substitute.

At the very end of the night, Mi-ho finally allows herself to cross that day off the chart. She even finds sleeping time to be a waste, and wants to stare at him all night.

The next day, Hye-in finds Dae-woong to try to dissuade him from bringing Mi-ho along with him, not convinced that it’s safe for him to keep the fox bead. She’s not doing this because she wants him, she says, but because she’s truly worried — she is positive that Mi-ho and Dong-joo must be hiding something. He’s being used by them for something, she can sense it.

To her surprise, Dae-woong admits freely that Mi-ho is using him, and that he told her to do so.

Dong-joo sees that he can’t stop Mi-ho, and just asks her to be sure to come back in a month. He makes an excuse to run an errand, asking Mi-ho to stay behind to wait for him, and she eagerly agrees. The reason being: She had actually followed Dong-joo when he went to put away his magical dagger, to make a note of where he kept it. With some time to search his place for it, she heads down to his Emo Lair.

Dong-joo’s no dummy, and he suspects that Mi-ho has figured out that she can kill herself to save Dae-woong. He waits a few minutes outside before heading back inside.

Mi-ho finds the case on the desk and opens it, and the blade starts to emit some sort of energy. Dong-joo’s voice cuts in to warn her not to touch it, and Mi-ho sees that she’s been caught. But she doesn’t make excuses or defend herself; she tells him, “I need your knife.”

Dong-joo asks whether she’ll kill herself if he tries to force the bead out of Dae-woong, and she nods. He confirms that she’s going to give herself up for him, and she answers, “I have to protect Dae-woong.”

This frustrates and angers Dong-joo, who calls her actions too one-sided, deciding everything on her own. She may love Dae-woong enough to die, but does he feel the same? Dong-joo believes not.

He tells Mi-ho to ask if Dae-woong could die for her, guessing she doesn’t have confidence in his answer. And given that, isn’t it too unfair and wrong for her to die for him? Furthermore, if Mi-ho dies without telling Dae-woong, he’ll soon forget her and another woman will take her place by his side.

Mi-ho asserts that Dae-woong would never forget her, but Dong-joo disdains her “immense fantasy about love.” Even if Mi-ho says she doesn’t feel that it’s unfair, he urges her to confirm it.

So she goes home and tries it out, presenting Dae-woong with a few what-if scenarios: What if they’re about to drown and there’s only one wooden plank? What if there was a fire and only one person could safely escape? What if they were clinging to a cliff, and there was only one rope?

Not understanding her motivation, Dae-woong laughs off the scenarios, saying that they’d never happen anyway. When she grows increasingly agitated, he concedes that he’d give her the cliff-rope, but he’s just humoring her and she knows it.

Calming down, Mi-ho consoles herself with the thought that he doesn’t have to want to die for her for their affection to be real: “That’s not what I want. All he has to do is keep remembering me. That I’m sure of.”

But even that conviction takes a hit when forgets that he already bought sneakers for her. She tests his memory, asking what they were running from when they met, and what he called her. His memory is intact but a little fuzzy on the details — like whether the leaves on the tree she put him in were pointy or round.

Mi-ho gets more and more worked up, and Dae-woong guesses that she must be worried that a fading memory is part of her de-gumiho-ifying process. She retorts that he’s wrong: “I remember everything!”

Again, a little time to calm down is enough to get her to convince herself that it’s okay if he forgets some things. She suggests that they go out today and make sure to remember everything about it, and he agrees. But he needs to be reminded of where she said she wanted to go yesterday, and that freaks her out again:

Mi-ho: “If you can’t remember what I said yesterday, what in the world will you remember? You’ll forget everything, and you won’t give me the rope, and you’ll be with Internet Slander [Hye-in] and Melong [“neener,” aka Sun-nyeo], won’t you? If that’s true, then it really will be too unfair to me!”

Mi-ho broods, asking the chicken ajumma if people just live on happily after someone dies. The ajumma says of course — the living have to keep living. If we all clung to our memories, we’d be crying all day and never be able to move on.

She realizes the wisdom of that and heads home to make up with Dae-woong, but finds the door locked. Thinking he’s mad at her, she apologizes to him through the closed door, but Dae-woong won’t open it, so she breaks open the door and heads in — where she finds that he’s surprising her with a packed lunch for their trip to the zoo.

They drop by to see Grandpa after their outing, and Grandpa surmises that Mi-ho must really be special to get Dae-woong to go to the zoo. After all, his parents had died in an accident after they were coming home from the zoo, and ever since, he hasn’t liked them.

She hadn’t known this, and it makes her reconsider things: “I just wanted you to remember me. I didn’t think of how painful that memory would be.”

As she and Dae-woong cross off Day 51 from the calendar, this puts them square in the middle of the 100-day process. She says, “I’m sorry if you feel pain, but I want to give you a lot of things to remember. Then I won’t feel wronged at all.” She thinks to herself that she’ll be satisfied with 50 days “that are more beautiful than 500 years.”

Day 50 marks the day of their departure for China, and the couple plans to meet at the airport, because Mi-ho has a few errands to run first. She makes the rounds saying her goodbyes to Dae-woong’s family and the chicken shop ajumma. While the others assume she’s saying goodbye for the duration of her short trip, she knows it’s for good.

Hye-in finds her to make one last attempt to stop Mi-ho from joining Dae-woong — she just has a bad feeling that something will happen to Dae-woong if Mi-ho continues to stay with him. She even threatens to reveal that Mi-ho is a gumiho, but Mi-ho laughs at that, since everyone will just think she’s crazy, especially since Mi-ho is now a documented citizen.

Hye-in snaps that Dae-woong’s the one who lost his mind. How did she bewitch him? Mi-ho replies simply: “By liking him. Because I liked him so so so so much, he liked me too.” If Hye-in wants to get a guy to like her, she out to try telling him she likes him so so so so much, too. And she teaches her the finger guns.

With that, Mi-ho says goodbye to the loft and gets ready to leave — which is when Dong-joo finds her, knowing she must have made up her mind to disappear in China.

Mi-ho asks if he thinks she looks pathetic for dying instead of Dae-woong. Dong-joo doesn’t see why she would do that for one measly human, but she thinks she’s rather impressive for doing it and asks him not to stop her.

Mi-ho: “I’m a gumiho and I can’t end up as a human, but to the one person I like, I can give everything. I like that me.”

Now Dong-joo reveals his motivation for trying to prevent Mi-ho from trodding down a path that, to him, is all to familiar:

Dong-joo: “I believed that doing what the other person wanted was love. I did that, and for more than a thousand years I have regretted it. I don’t want to repeat the same mistake.”

Mi-ho tells him, not unkindly, “I’m not your Gil-dal.”

Hye-in tells Dong-joo that there’s no stopping the couple, who are determined to leave together. So finally, Dong-joo brings out his last card, and says that the only thing he can do is tell Dae-woong the full truth.

He explains the whole gumiho-turns-human concept, including the part where the human who gives the bead back to the gumiho must die. Thus armed with the truth, a shocked Hye-in is instructed to stop Dae-woong from leaving with Mi-ho, at all costs.

Hye-in cuts off Dae-woong’s van as he’s leaving for the airport, and urges him to run away. By now he’s tired of her meddling, but this time she has important information to reveal: That if he stays with Mi-ho, he’ll die.

While they’re having their tete-a-tete, Dong-joo finds Mi-ho at the airport, waiting for Dae-woong, and tells her he can’t let her go after all. He drops the bomb that Dae-woong has now been made aware of the conditions of borrowing the bead.

Mi-ho is upset — why did he do that? She’d wanted to make sure he never found out the truth. She never wanted to put Dae-woong in the position of making that choice between dying or living for her.

Dong-joo insists that Dae-woong won’t come once he knows he’s dying — he’ll run far from her. Even if he came now, as death looms over his head, he’d run later. Once again, he calls her faith a foolish fantasy, and says that he’s here to shatter the illusion. That’s exactly why she can’t give Dae-woong the chance to make that choice honestly, because then her grand illusion of love will shatter. She needs to protect herself, and once she realizes that Dae-woong won’t come, she can accept the reality and live on (with the bead, of course).

Now Dae-woong understands the choice they face — that at the end of the 100 days, either he dies or Mi-ho dies. Hye-in thinks Dong-joo had his own reasons for telling her the truth, and Dae-woong deduces that this must be his way of breaking up the couple. He understands that he is expected to run.

Instead, he decides to go to Mi-ho, which prompts a shrill outburst from Hye-in, who can’t understand why he’d do that when being with Mi-ho would make him die. Dae-woong bursts out, “I won’t die!”

With that, he runs to the airport while Mi-ho waits for him, growing ever glummer the longer the wait grows. (One word, people: PHONES!)

All the while, Dong-joo keeps watching, and makes another, gentler push for her to listen to him. If she leaves it to him, he’ll take care of everything, and they can go together to Japan. She can rethink her decision over the next 50 days.

Dejectedly, Mi-ho agrees to try it his way, and walks with him as he leads her to buy new plane tickets. Except, the moment his back is turned to ask for directions, Mi-ho bolts. She races toward the exit, aided by a crowd that keeps Dong-joo from spotting her running away. As she runs, so does Dae-woong, speeding toward the terminal just as she’s leaving it.

She’s not quite sure where she’s going — I think she just wants to get away to think for herself — but she tells herself it’s okay even if Dae-woong doesn’t come, because her feelings aren’t fantasy.

And then, Dae-woong’s voice calls out to her from across the street. With purpose, he walks into the crosswalk, pausing at the halfway point to ask, almost angrily, “Are you just going to run? Even though I’m here?”

Her reaction mixing worry with relief, Mi-ho makes up her mind, and starts walking toward him, meeting him halfway. (Agh! All this symbolism about meeting in the middle? IT KEELS ME. In the good way, not in the OMG what do you mean Dae-woong’s gonna die? way.)

He confirms that it’s true that one of them must die, and challenges, “Since that’s all decided, you want me to just sit still and accept it, or to save myself and run away?! Well, I can’t do that. I won’t!”

He turns his head to see Dong-joo watching, and tells her he won’t accept those two options: “Half of the 100 days have passed. Mi-ho — take the bead now.”

What in the WHAT? Mi-ho’s scared of that prospect, and Dae-woong admits that he doesn’t know what’ll happen. “But,” he adds with a pointed look at Dong-joo, “that guy won’t know either.”

Dae-woong: “We’ll make the decision and take it how it goes. I’ll give up half my life, and you’ll give up becoming human, and we’ll see what happens. I don’t know if we’ll live or die.”
Mi-ho: “Then we’re both grabbing the only rope.”

Dae-woong nods.

Dae-woong: “Mi-ho. I love you. So I won’t die alone for you, and don’t die for me either.”
Mi-ho: “Dae-woong, I love you. I won’t die for you, and don’t do it for me either.”
Dae-woong: “As the person who loves you, this is my decision. Who knows where this will go, but let’s do it together. If we live, we both live. And if we die, we die together.”

With that, Dae-woong kisses Mi-ho while a tear falls from his eye.

He pulls back momentarily, then moves in close again — and this time, a blue light starts to glow between their mouths as Mi-ho retrieves her bead.

Dong-joo looks at this in angry disbelief, while back in his lair, this cosmic disturbance sends the Sandglass of Doom toppling — with the sand divided perfectly in half, equally among both chambers.


AH! This episode KILLED me. I was completely onboard, hook, line, and sinker, which I realize is a total mixed metaphor but I don’t have enough brainpower to think of one that makes sense right now.

Actually, it wasn’t until the latter half of the episode that the awesome really happened, because in the first half, I thought things were cute but wondered when the story would really kick in. But then the second half happened, and BOY DID IT EVER kick things up a notch.

I’m glad Dae-woong found out the truth one episode after Mi-ho did, because I hate these noble idiots who always decide to shoulder big burdens without telling the other person, thinking they’re sparing them pain. And I love that the growth is as much an emotional, mental thing as it is a romantic one — as the story progresses, the more Dae-woong is becoming assured of himself. His speech at the end? HOT DAMN it was fantastic. As I mentioned in the recap, the motif of “halfway” was done particularly well — it was built into multiple aspects of this episode with the 50 days, the crosswalk, the sandglass.

I’m sure we’ve all harbored our own theories and suspicions about what would happen with the fox bead, but I was still happily surprised by Dae-woong’s decision to remove it now. I wasn’t expecting him to be so decisive or commanding, but he really impressed me with his reaction. I was not surprised that he ran back to Mi-ho instead of running away (that was a gimme), but his conclusion about taking that step together was a very nice twist on that expectation.

It has the added benefit of flouting known gumiho lore — Dong-joo can’t interfere because he doesn’t have all the answers — and this sets up a metaphor I particularly enjoy: they’re heading into the unknown together.


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OH, thank you JB for the recap!
It's been like 500 years of waiting, atlast!
And it was worth killing my time since I'm already dead after reading your recap. :D
Now, I'm going to watch it.
Whoah, i'm still recovering though, rebirth!


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What a episode, im so worry about the ending, i really really really want a happy one.

.... OMG DJ is sooooo sexy in the last photo of the recap omo omo ^_^


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thats all i can say.

thanks javabeans for this awesome recap!!!! i haven't watched it yet and I have already squealed and cried along while reading this :D


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Miho and dae woong fighting !!! thanks JB ! anticipating ep 14 now ....


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This episode was really killing me.
I cried a lot just by reading the recap.

What should I do to make them live happily ever after??
Should I share my ki??
If yes, then take it, I really don't mind..

ps. This is what you call a great episode.


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Gosh, how can I get so emotional watching this episode ? Luckily nobody was around, otherwise it would have been really embarrassing for me!

I simply love this show and not forgetting the two leads, LSG (he is the best !) & Shin Mina. I will probably suffer from withdrawal symptom when this drama ends next week. Can't wait to know what happens in the end but don't really want it to end, such dilemma we humans have to face (sigh...).


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aww i want to know did anyone of you guys watch the ep 14 raw? can you give me some insights please... DW left miho he went to continue filming and basically left her for good. when he came back he was sad once he saw their promise ring. so he dropped by at DJ clinic but seems like he left .. on another episode miho's walking alone dressed nicely some lady asked her to fill out some paper works when she forgot to write her name she smiled and said her HUMAN NAME.. she looked so happy DOES IT MEAN she went with DJ?


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Hey Spoiler Mc Spoily Pants. I thought there was a not so silent pact about spoilin'. I'm sure GF will have the recap up in no time.


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Please be patient, friend. I don't think anyone will be giving you insight on episode 14 here, because as Javabeans said at the very beginning of this recap:

Special request: I know you’re all probably itching to discuss both episodes, but we’d really appreciate if you could keep the commentary in this recap to this episode [episode 13]. We promise the next one will be up for you to talk about soon!

Let us respect her wishes. Of all the people, she's the one we most want to keep happy.


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Is that so...

Hmm.. give me more please XD.

GF is too lazy this week, i wonder why?! :)


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I am shrieking like an idiot in my head. I'm on the bus as I read this but...I totally just flailed my arms a bit. I think they call this happiness. o(^-^)o


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JAVABEANS, YOU WIN! There will never be another episode in the history of the entire universe that will be as good as this one was. Unless episode 14 ends up being even better, which would crack me up.

I just finished watching Episode 13, and I cried like a bitch. I cried like three bitches. I'm still crying, but luckily I'm a touch-typist, so I don't need to see in order to type as long as my hands are properly placed on home row ... WHY AM I DISCUSSING TYPING? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING!!!

God, this was so amazing, and I'm so thrilled about the ratings! Such wonderful news. I'm so glad for Seung-gi (cutie) and Min-ah (my God, I love her too much). This is the validation that people have always been watching, even with Baker King doing its melodramatic thing. Now I'm looking forward to an epic ratings high next week. Thank you for this wonderful recap, Javabeans. A thousand times, thank you!


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Actually I think episode 14 is better. It has the kind of tragi-comedy which I love. I was like laughing one moment and crying the next.

This show is the best! I haven't rooted for the main couple so hard since CP.


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Are you serious? You think episode 14 was even better? Well, hot dang, that settles it. I was going to go to sleep, but now I'm off to watch 14 raw instead!!! Yes, it's almost 2AM here and, yes, I have work tomorrow, but I don't care!
Sleep? What is sleep? I ONLY KNOW GUMIHO!


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hot dang?? You are funny!!

the things we do for MGIAG..


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LOL. Sleep is overrated in the face of awesome-ness. All I've to say if you cried like "three bitches" for episode 13..you better get yourself a new box of kleenex :P.


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Argh, I should have just slept.

1) I need more than four hours of sleep. I almost got myself killed driving to work this morning, I was so exhausted. Did you know that red lights mean you should STOP? Well, that sort of thing stops mattering when you're tired. I love MGIAG but never again, damn.

2) Episode 14 was good, but I still think 13 was the daebak-est (that's totally a word -- I have just decided). It could be that I was too emotionally drained from episode 13 to adequately process 14, or because I was just too tired. But I don't think those are the reasons. I have issues with a sudden lead characterization, displayed in 14 to cause maximum drama and angst. No more comments because I know Girlfriday will discuss it in the next recap; she never misses a trick.

I'm just gonna re-watch the excellent speech and kiss at the end of episode 13 again. At work. Because I am hardcore like that. And also because there's almost no one in the office. :D


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haha one of the many reasons I walk to work. But yeah, it would help if some people, ahem cough cough, did stop at red lights :P.

That speech at the end of 13 was AMAZING. Now I'm tempted to re-watch it.


I am in awe of this drama!

Thanks so much for the very thrilling recap JB!

I felt like I was watching the episode while reading it!

That's how amazing you are!


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this by far the best Korean series.. sorry BOF, Coffee Prince, etc.. This series already went first place in my list..


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Still have to say that CP was better.

Much better, fleshed out supporting characters and secondary storylines, plus better soundtrack.

What MGIAG has going for it is the absolute charm of Shin Min ah.


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I've been thinking about this for awhile, what if she takes the beads now and never finish the 100 days. I'm glad they included this scenario for the plot.

Appreciate all the recaps! I love it. Thanx!


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this episode so many scene abit similar to prosecutor princess i guess.... Miho piggyback dae woong scene, sauna scene... Sorry for my rants..


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heartbreakingly amazing. im so anxious now D:


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I wanna know what happens next like please oh dear JB & GF post the next recap pretty please?!?!?

WOW I haven't had a chance to watch yet but OMG I love how DW thought of the unexpected. HE thought of halving the lives..like srsly DJ why didn't you ever think of that? but I understand WAY back those 1000 years ago you didn't think of it the only option that was given was one must die so the other can live. I STILL feel bad for him. I want DJ to have some kinda happy ending.
But oh man DW & MH I love their confession. DW is so head over heels in love with her...gosh I feel like crying cause it was so damn sweet.
Damn it I need to know what happened in the next episode. Thanks JB


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What a great episode! Dae Woong really surprised me with his action. I did not expect him to be so decisive, but for the sake of the story, it was a brilliant move by the Hong sisters.

My only criticism is that (and I know I might get killed here for saying this) I thought LSG could have done a better job delivering his oh-so-beautiful (SWOON!) last lines at the end of the episode. It was the first time I found LSG's acting to be a little awkward in the series. (*ducks the tomatoes being thrown my way*)


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Great twist to the story. Don't worry I won't be throwing tomatoes at you as I might get some thrown my way for saying this- I thought LSG's acting was a bit weak throughout the drama so far,compared to Shin Mina.


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i love LSG to death. while i think he has improved a LOT, he still has room for improvement so he needs these comments to become better, so, no, i'm not going to throw tomatoes at you. i do feel LSGi's acting a little awkward here, i dunno where to put my finger at. but he impresses me during the emotional scenes in Ep14.

i think its a little unfair to compare LSG with SMA who have 4 dramas + 9 movies under her belt. SMA has been known more as a cf model, so i'm happy for her that this drama finally gives her a breakthrough.


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well i thought he delivered those lines perfectly. his eyes were a blazing mix of love, anger and a burning will that insists on defying all odds, no matter how highly they are stacked up against him.

so those lines that could very well be said in a mush romantic way were delivered in a more declarative, emphatic and insistent way which I thought was more fitting of the scene.

It's a lovely contrast to how he began the show being his indecisive, wishy-washy self.


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WHAT THE FLIP!??!?!?! hong sisters are getting BETTER and BETTER. i really NEVER saw THAT coming. props, sisters.

love you for this recap. again, i'm so swamped and exhausted with busy school/work life, so thanks for the recaps on this drama. it's shot to the top with my other number one.

thanks and much love. =)


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Wait im confused... when did Mi-ho know about Gil-dal? Did Dong joo ever tell her before?


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Oh!!!! Yeah! Another mystery... Did he talk about gildal to miho?? Huh? That's a strange comment she made....


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I'm glad this show only had 16 episodes. Otherwise my body won't be able to take this constant dying from each episode.

Thanks so much for the recap!


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...sigh... Loved. It.


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wow. this is probably the best episode, for me. thank you so much javabeans!


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Wow!! COngrats to MGIAG Team for the increase in Ratings!!! I know it shouldnt matter but it really did go up!! I havent seen the episodes in subs but I have in raw.. Gahhh!! I just LOVE this drama!!

Thanks for the recap JB!


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Thanks for the recap...i like the end of this episode...never sacrifice yourself for each other if you love each other~~


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"Ratings-wise, this week was a real hit, since Baker King is out of the picture. Numbers shot up to 15.2% for Episode 13, then even more to 19.2% for Episode 14, which aired back to back on Thursday night."

Not only that,It is the No.1 program last night according to TNmS


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Wow. Amazing stuff.


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Thank you so much. I love it. keep it coming. (=


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i almost cried by only reading the recaps.

dae woong is the best hero ever!!!!!

and hong sisters are great..

and GF just make my day today...

can't wait to see the end of the kiss


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EPIC ending!


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MGiG..is simply AWESOME!!! The HONG sisters are superb writers!!!
Though I haven't watched ep.13 yet, your recaps are great, as always, JB!!


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Thank's soooo much....for this....


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WOO! What an episode. Okay, Lee Seung Gi -- I TOTALLY get it now, why noonas and schoolgirls love him. And his chemistry with Shin Mina is sooooo good, this is my Korean McGosling. MiGi?


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Thanks sooooo much for the recap! Been waiting since last night! :)


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Thanks for the recap! This drama had my husband into k-dramas. We've been watching it together and were both waiting for the updates to come out.
On to episode 14!


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I super like it! ! Can't wait for the next episode. .!


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Thanks for the great recap JB!

Btw, I am wondering where do you download your episodes from? You are always able to get them really really fast!


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Thanks for the recap. I am waiting like crazy for the next episode.


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I have to said THANK YOU. . . For the recap I was waiting for this

But I don't understand DJ anymore?? I mean what does he want now? I mean he wants DW to die?


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This is just AWESOME.

From the past episodes, it kept bothering me that Mi-Ho had to sacrifice her Gumiho's nature for the the sake of luuuuv (and sacrifice her tails, her gorgeous tails)... But NOW we're talking :)

And I just love the fact that DW is the one who came up with the idea of removing the bead like. Er. Right now lol I'm proud of you DW ^^

I can't wait to start my visual recap of this drama now :)


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I love this episode. Compare to the ever so popular baker king I like GUMIHO the best. Everything about miho and dae woong is just frawless. Thank you so much for the recap. Can't wait for ep 14. i already watched it but I still read your recap. I guess I just can't get enough of it. HAHA


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i agree! the script and dialogue is so much better!


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Fantastic recap as always. Can't wait to watch it tonight. But can someone please explain to me, what is the point of wearing towels on the head in that unusual way when visiting a spa? I see this a lot in Korean dramas.


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I broke my cardinal rule of never wandering into Dramabeans during office hours, just to check if the recap was up. It was not then. Grumpily went home (half day today TGIF). Checked the viikii site to see if the subbed version was up. It was not then. Turned to JB again in desperation. Oh my dear lord, you were there! After devouring yours and ep. 13 on viikii, I am typing this, teary eyed, to say thank you, and to give my love to all you beautiful souls!


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Gahhh!!! This show rockssss!!!! Hong sisters can come up with a plot that nobody guesses!!! Kyaaaahhh!!! So excited!


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OMG!!! Damn this drama rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!best one i watched so far... Hong sisters, congratulations!


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plase please JB let lee seung gi on your banner too togehter with shin min ah love them both XD my hi hoi couple XD fullfill my request please ^^


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i actually squealed at the end of the episode because I did not expect Dae Woong to be so decisive and determined to remove the bead right there and then..

and next thing we see him swooping in for the KISS!!!

That's it right there.. somebody should have called 911.. my heart just stopped beating.

I cannot believe I am saying this, since I refused to acknowledge it even in Shining Inheritance.




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Thanks so much. I'm always waiting for the recaps of this show every week since i can't watch MGIAG because finals are coming. :D


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I think with the release of Mi-ho from her painting, some magical force also elevated the Hong sisters to a place they have never been before.

Everything works in this episode, everything clicks into place...Mi-ho's realization about good memories and bad, chicken lady's comments about only through forgeting one can live...DW's fingering the aunt's desires to be with her love...

In the last scene, I sensed SMA, as an actor, was holding back, deliberately, so to let SG front and center. It's very giving.

Love this drama!


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How can you be so fast and so thorough?! Thanks! I was all teary just reading your recaps. What an amazing guy Dae Woong has become!


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Note to self: When Javabeans says that an epi had her "crying like a baby" and she is doing the recap -> HEED SAID WARNING! :,-(

Now I have to head into work all red and puffy eyed. -> Thanks JB ! (:-&

Just kidding :*) -> Great Job! Thanks for the recap JB

I haven't seen epi 13 & 14, but thanks for the heads-up.
[***I'll be stopping at the store to pick up an extra box of tissue after work***] '-)


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