Answer Me 1988: Episode 18

Our gang is all grown up in some ways… and still exactly the same in other ways. But now that they’re a little bit older and maybe just a tiny bit wiser about life, they know what it means to have regrets and start to do things differently this time around. To what effect remains to be seen, but hey, I consider it momentous enough that they’re acting on their feelings now instead of denying and repressing and making puppy eyes. We’re all out of time for that now—there’s only one week left to go!


Lee Seung-hwan – “기다린 날도 지워질 날도” (Days I Waited and Days That’ll Be Erased) [ Download ]

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EPISODE 18: “Goodbye first love”

We’re all the way in October 1994 now, which means the gang is 23 this year. One by one they rush out to go over to Taek’s room for his birthday party, and both Jung-hwan’s parents and Deok-sun’s parents linger by the doorway, looking wistfully at their second child who never comes home.

Jung-hwan’s parents sigh that they miss the high school years because they got to see their son, while Deok-sun’s dad gets all huffy about her finally coming home and immediately running off to hang out with her friends. He perks up right away when Mom informs him that Bora is coming home though, and yells after Deok-sun that she can just stay out.

Sun-woo comes out of his room (in Taek’s house, squee) and takes issue with Jin-ju not greeting him. He reminds her that there was a time when she was alllll about Oppa, but Jin-ju pouts that Sun-woo is hardly home and always sleepy. Dad tells Jin-ju to be the bigger person and apologize first, and she considers it.

Mom sets the table for Taek’s birthday party and asks Sun-woo to check on him, to make sure he’s not down the street struggling to park his new car. That’s exactly what Taek is doing, in fact, and the hilarious part is that there are no other cars around him. He just has to park it against an empty wall, but can’t figure out why the car won’t go there.

Finally Sun-woo comes to the rescue and sends Taek home because the family is waiting, so Taek complies. Everyone rushes to the door when he comes in, and Jin-ju complains that Oppa came home so late that the food is getting cold. He takes out a lollipop from his pocket and gives it to her, and she’s happy again. Okay, I am actually jealous of a little girl right now. She gets to have Sun-woo AND Taek as oppas?

Taek opens the door to his room to find a lavish home-cooked meal set out for his birthday party, which is pretty damn moving, when compared to the pizza boxes and bottles of Coke he used to have.

Sun-woo heads home after parking the car, which is of course the exact time that Bora turns the corner and arrives on their street. They both pause and look at each other, but before Bora can say anything, Sun-woo gives her a silent courtesy bow and heads inside. Aw, he’s still heartbroken.

The kids sing happy birthday to Taek and give him a pager as a birthday gift, and he says he doesn’t need one or even know how to use it. They complain that he’s the only person without one, and Deok-sun says THEY need him to use it.

Taek asks how Jung-bong is doing and if he’s studying for the bar exam, and Jung-hwan tells him that Hyung isn’t studying at all. Honestly, I thought it was a miracle he even got into college. Dong-ryong says that Bora is the anomaly for locking herself up in a gosiwon and not even visiting her family just to pass the exam, and Taek gives a little glance over at Sun-woo, who’s got his head down.

Mom rattles off a million things to Bora all at once because it’s been so long since she’s been home, and Bora assures her that she’s living well. Dad complains about her living with her friend and Deok-sun always staying over at a friend’s house between flights, and No-eul always off to do another concert (he’s a college student, so he must be in theater/performing arts like he wanted).

They get a call in the middle of dinner because an employee at Dad’s bank took off with some money, and he has to rush off to go catch them. Bora wonders if Dad isn’t too old for the fraud department now, but Mom says he’s still spry and will still earn extra money while he can.

Taek’s birthday party now has beers instead of soda, and the boys grill Deok-sun on her latest boyfriend. She insists that she dumped him, so of course the boys tease her endlessly about being dumped.

Sun-woo and Taek’s parents come over to have drinks with Jung-hwan’s parents, and they ask why the phone line here is always busy when they try to call. It’s because Jung-bong is monopolizing the computer (remember dial-up?), his latest obsession. Some things never change. He’s in a chatroom with a few people, and when he mentions a space travel card, one of the others named Maggie’s Memories (Maggie was Mi-ok’s nickname in high school) names the board game that it came from, and it startles him.

Deok-sun’s mom joins them with today’s newspaper in hand, with a big story about a famous celebrity naming Taek as her ideal type. His parents say that they’d prefer someone ordinary, not famous, but they trust Taek to find someone on his own. He goes on plenty of blind dates all the time, and Dad figures he’ll meet the right person eventually by doing that.

Dad guesses that Taek’s friends are teasing him about that news story right about now. Deok-sun cracks up while reading it, wondering if all these famous people who like Taek know that he can’t tie his shoelaces.

Dong-ryong asks Taek why he can’t manage to have a relationship when he goes on more dates than any of them, and Sun-woo ignores Taek’s protests and tells them the real reason: He goes on blind dates and then gets rejected over and over because he never says anything and the women are frustrated and bored. Lol. Taek pouts that he tries, and they tell him to try harder.

Dong-ryong prods Deok-sun to set them up on a group date, but she doesn’t want to hear complaints from her girlfriends about the guys she brought. Dong-ryong and Sun-woo even get Taek to agree, but Jung-hwan refuses. He’s up in Seoul for a short stint, but eventually he’ll go back to his post and any relationship would end then anyway.

They ask Jung-hwan to play a song as they start drifting off to sleep, and Sun-woo tells Deok-sun to stay over too. But she says she’s going home after this song. Everyone shuts their eyes where they are, but then after a little while, Taek opens his eyes and stares across the room.

Then we see that Jung-hwan has his eyes open too, and they’re both staring at the empty space where Deok-sun was sitting just a moment ago. Deok-sun and Bora share a bed like old times, but both sisters lie awake deep in thought.

In the morning, Deok-sun heads out just a few seconds ahead of Jung-hwan and they miss each other on the street, and then again as Jung-hwan drives by and Deok-sun looks down at her watch. The whole sequence is set to Forrest Gump music, and she goes on a date to watch Forrest Gump with another guy.

The moms ask each other if they’ve seen their kids while they’ve been home, and Jung-hwan’s mom says she’s seen a lot of the back of Jung-hwan’s head. Sun-woo’s mom says she sees a lot of Taek and Sun-woo… when their eyes are closed. In flashback we see Mom and Dad just staring and staring at Taek and Sun-woo while they sleep, wondering if they’ve lost weight since last time or just checking to make sure they’re still breathing. Ha.

Deok-sun’s mom says that Bora does nothing but sleep when she’s home too. They ask if she’s chosen a specialty, and Mom says Bora wants to be a prosecutor, and thankfully her student protesting history won’t stand in the way of that. Jung-hwan’s mom sighs wondering when Jung-bong will ever get to that point, and starts chugging soju straight out of the bottle.

Bora’s friend reminds her about the blind date she promised to go on this weekend. She says it’s with a younger man—a third-year med student at Yonsei who’s a genius. Sun-woo? She says he has a nickname: “Garbage.” Lol, it’s Oppa-ya!

So Garbage Oppa turns out to be Sun-woo’s classmate at Yonsei, and they even share an office at the hospital (and a crossover character in their friend). They help each other out and are friendly, and Garbage asks Sun-woo for his pager number because Sun-woo owes him a favor.

Deok-sun’s dad comes home late and asks to be woken up early because of his big fraud case. He passes out right away, leaving Mom worried about his health. Jung-hwan’s mom stands by the window just waiting for Jung-hwan to come home, and Dad gently tells her that Jung-hwan said he’d be out late.

He’s hanging out at Dong-ryong’s hyung’s restaurant, where Dong-ryong works now. They close up for the night and wait for their friends, and reminisce about the time they saw JYP at that dance competition when they were kids. Dong-ryong asks why Jung-hwan hasn’t dated anyone seriously, and says that going on a few blind dates and dating for a month or two doesn’t count.

Dong-ryong points out that he still hasn’t given anyone his graduation ring (from the military academy, apparently a “fiancée ring” that you give to your girl when you graduate because that’s tradition). Jung-hwan says he doesn’t have a girlfriend to give it to, and Dong-ryong sighs that he’s going to die before ever being able to confess once. Yeah no kidding. Or I’ll die first.

Taek’s colleague at the baduk training center is super grateful to Deok-sun because she introduced him to one of her flight attendant friends, and the friend introduced Deok-sun to her current boyfriend in return.

The boys arrive at the restaurant before Deok-sun, and Taek says he can’t drink because he brought his car. Dong-ryong says that Deok-sun can drive because she quit drinking, which the other guys all say won’t last long.

Deok-sun arrives and they all greet her as Soo-yeon because Dong-ryong remembered that fortuneteller and her predictions, and Deok-sun scowls that she needs to move because there’s nothing they don’t know about her.

They ask if things are going well with the boyfriend, not really believing her, and she insists that she’s really popular elsewhere. Taek: “Where?” Jung-hwan: “Come on, let’s not lie to each other.”

She says she’s going to a concert with the boyfriend this Sunday, and Dong-ryong reminds her that they were all supposed to go see Forrest Gump together. Deok-sun and Taek have both already seen it, which makes the other three grump that they can’t go see a movie with just three guys.

Deok-sun takes that to mean they at least see her as a girl, and offers to cancel her date to go with them. They yell at her for acting all cutesy, and she scowls and asks for a drink. Taek informs her quietly that she can’t because she has to drive, and then continues to drink his beer. Pfft.

They see Dong-ryong home because he’s roaring drunk, and when Deok-sun trips over his front gate, Jung-hwan and Taek both jump in to hold her up on either side. Well that’s not awkward.

Deok-sun comes home and asks Mom why Dad looks so tired these days. She wonders if maybe he should retire, but Mom says he would hate not working, and she’ll make sure to get him some herbal medicine.

Jung-hwan’s mom is still awake until he comes home, and when Taek heads in, Mom is there to make sure he got in safe. She reminds him not to take sleeping pills tonight, and he smiles to find a cup of milk left out for him.

Jung-bong is a bundle of nerves as he decides to ask his chatroom to meet up in person, and he’s floored when Maggie responds: “First floor, not second.” Aw, he’s so happy. I really hope it’s Mi-ok!

Deok-sun’s dad brings up the topic of early retirement with Mom, but she tells him that he can’t retire before their kids are married off. She obviously feels bad for insisting, but doesn’t want their daughters to be at a disadvantage. He takes it back right away and swears he wasn’t considering it seriously.

Deok-sun gets all dressed up for her concert, only to get a message from her date asking to cancel at the last minute. So she changes out of her nice clothes and trudges out in slippers to go buy groceries for Mom, and happens to run into the guys on their way out. She lies that she’s going to the concert anyway, and lets Dong-ryong drive her just to keep up the ruse that she didn’t get dumped.

It must be Blind Date Sunday, because Bora heads out on her blind date and waits for Garbage to page her, and Jung-bong heads out to meet Maggie with his pink shirt and a bouquet of roses.

Taek washes his face in the bathroom, as Deok-sun’s flight attendant friend tells her boyfriend that the guy she set up with Deok-sun turned out to have a girlfriend on the side. Dong-ryong and Jung-hwan grouse when Sun-woo cancels on the movie, and they’re surprised when they notice Deok-sun’s boyfriend at the movie theater with another girl. Dong-ryong figures that Deok-sun got dumped after all, but Jung-hwan looks pissed.

He’s distracted through the whole movie and doesn’t hear a word that Dong-ryong is saying to him, and just as Jenny and Forrest are running through a crowd to get to each other in the movie, Jung-hwan darts up and runs out of the theater. Yeessssss! Ruuuuuun, Jung-hwan, ruuuuuuunn!

He races to his car and peels out of the parking lot, and outside the concert hall, Deok-sun leaves a message with her friend Ja-hyun to come to the concert and bring her some clothes. She’s freezing in her sweats and slippers, but insists on waiting outside.

Jung-hwan speeds the whole way, beside himself every time he’s stopped by a red light and forced to wait. He looks like he might start running people over if he can’t get there faster.

Deok-sun waits and waits even though the concert has started, and even the ticket-takers start to pity her. But then she looks up and sees someone approaching…

Jung-bong waits and waits, looking up and looking despondent every time someone else walks through the door. And then finally, someone makes him stand up…

Bora looks across the table at her date and asks, “Are you Garbage?”

Deok-sun gapes as someone runs over to her out of breath… Omo, it’s Taek!

And aaaaack, Jung-hwan was literally two steps behind. He turns and walks away, as he narrates: “Fate doesn’t come around at any time. To use the word fate, it has to be a dramatic moment brought by coincidence—that makes it fate. That’s why another word for fate is timing. If I hadn’t gotten caught at just one of those lights, if those damned red lights had helped me out just once… I might be standing in front of her right now, like fate. My first love was always held back by damned timing. That damned timing.”

Jung-bong looks at the girl who just walked in, and yay, it’s Mi-ok! She looks adorable. They don’t even need to say a word to each other, and he just rushes her in a giant hug, crying because he’s so happy to have found her again.

Bora asks her blind date again, “Are you Garbage?” But it’s Sun-woo, not Garbage, and he asks what Bora is doing here. She tells him to answer first, so we flash back to Garbage reminding Sun-woo that he owed him a favor. Garbage got told to go on the blind date, but earlier on Sunday, Na-jung fell and twisted her ankle.

Oppa-ya ran over to find her, and left a message for Sun-woo on his way, cashing in on that favor by asking him to go on the blind date.

Jung-hwan’s night only gets worse as he sits in his car listening to the radio. The news reports an unprecedented forfeit from baduk player Choi Taek, who suddenly forfeited today’s match for personal reasons. He skipped a match to go to Deok-sun?

Jung-hwan slams his steering wheel in anger and cries alone in his car. He narrates, “But fate and timing aren’t just coincidences that find you. They’re moments like miracles, that arise out of choices made because of ardent desire. Surrender and decision, without hesitation—that is what makes timing. He was more ardent, and I should’ve had more courage. It wasn’t the red lights, nor the timing that was bad… but the countless times I hesitated.”

Sun-woo and Bora sit in tense silence for a while, and Sun-woo says bitterly that Bora must feel nothing if she was able to go on a blind date with someone from his school in his department. But she says, “I came for the one-percent chance that it could be you.”

When she heard that his nickname was Garbage, she realized it couldn’t be Sun-woo, but then she thought that maybe he’d hear about the date because it was with one of his classmates. Bora: “And though it’s only a one-percent chance, if you still liked me, then couldn’t we start over?” Her eyes well up with tears as she says, “I know this sounds crazy, but I missed you.” Sun-woo doesn’t know how on earth to respond.

Deok-sun insists that she didn’t get stood up, and Taek just nods and says he knows. He lets her tell the white lie about her date getting into an accident on the way, just throws his jacket around her shoulders. She says she’s not cold, so he says he’s too warm to wear it, and follows her into the concert with a smile.

Jung-hwan wipes his tears and continues to narrate, quoting Forrest Gump: “‘Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’ Even if I’ve picked the bitterest chocolate of them all, it can’t be helped. That’s the fate I chose. There’s no regretting it, crying about it, or being heartbroken about it.”

2015. Deok-sun begins another interview at a coffee shop, and when Lee Seung-hwan comes on over the radio, she reminisces about going to many of his concerts. She wonders if they don’t have too much interview footage by now, and says asking her stuff is fine, but her husband normally dislikes doing interviews and she only agreed to do this one because her sister asked.

Husband arrives and stands around awkwardly while Deok-sun runs to get him a coffee, and she tells him to go home, promising that she won’t bug him while he works today. He lies that he likes interviews, and she laughs and tells him to go home. She reminds him to take out the trash, and he says he already did on his way to the comic book store. She mutters at him to stop with the comic books for his image’s sake, and he shuffles off.

Back in 1994, Sun-woo peels open his eyes in the morning to find Mom and Jin-ju staring creepily down at him. He tells them to stop being scary, but Mom pouts that everyone’s asleep. Jin-ju asks why he even comes home if all he ever does here is sleep, and Sun-woo asks to sleep some more, but caves and asks for breakfast.

Jung-hwan wakes up to find his parents doing the same creepy hovering thing, and he jumps out of his skin. He asks why they didn’t wake him, but Mom and Dad wanted to let him sleep in. Mom is so cute about having made his favorite dish, and Jung-hwan laughs into his pillow.

Bora and Deok-sun wake up face-to-face, which surprises Bora since she didn’t hear Deok-sun come home last night. They start the morning off with an old-school fight, and Dad chuckles that it sounds like home again. Dad gets a bloody nose that morning, and Mom looks more worried than usual.

At Sun-woo and Taek’s house, Sun-woo says that all the kids are getting together tonight because Jung-hwan is leaving tomorrow. Taek says he has a match, but it should end early. Jin-ju nags him to do fewer competitions, and when Sun-woo laughs, she nags him not to come home anymore if all he’s going to do is sleep. When Taek laughs at that, she nags him not to date that celebrity who likes him, or else. Guess we know who the boss is around here.

At Jung-hwan’s house, Mom stares and stares at the calendar feeling like something is off, and goes to check the calendar on her nightstand. We see her flip back a few months and find a date circled, but the past few months are clean. Hm, I wonder if it’s menopause.

Deok-sun and Jung-hwan head out together to meet the gang, and he notices that she keeps checking her pager. She asks if it’s okay to take his car when they’re going to drink, and he says she’ll be driving it home. He tells her to put on some music, but all he has are Lee Moon-se tapes so she picks one, and they spend the whole ride bickering like old times.

They have beers with Dong-ryong and Sun-woo, and Taek is on his way. Jung-hwan notices that Deok-sun looks up every time someone opens the front door, which just leaves tiny cracks in my heart every time.

Dong-ryong asks for Jung-hwan’s graduation ring, and Jung-hwan takes it out but says it’s kind of a waste to give it to Dong-ryong. Dong-ryong complains that he doesn’t have anyone else to give it to and will die before ever proposing to a girl, and says, “It’s my wish to see you confess before I die.”

Suddenly Jung-hwan says, “Deok-sun-ah…” and puts the ring box in front of her. HOLY SHIT. He says he was going to give it to her when he graduated, but he’s doing it now. Sun-woo and Dong-ryong stare at each other wondering what’s going on, but Jung-hwan just continues like they’re not even there.

Jung-hwan: “I like you.” He says it again so intently, and then laughs as he tells her about all the things he did, like waiting for an hour outside the house just to go to school with her, or not being able to sleep until she came home from the library every night: “All I ever thought about was you.”

Dong-ryong mouths to Sun-woo: “This bastard must be for real!” Sun-woo tells him to shut it. Jung-hwan names the times they ran into each other on the bus, or went to the concert together, or when she gave him a shirt for his birthday: “I was so happy I thought I’d go crazy.” He says he always wanted to see her more, and was just happy when he was with her. Deok-sun smiles as he says all this, and he adds, “I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time: I really like you. I love you.” Omg, I’m a puddle of goo.

The moment lingers, and then suddenly Jung-hwan turns to Dong-ryong and asks, “Is that good, moron? You said this was your wish.” Oh nooooooooes, Jung-hwan, you’re not going to act like it was all a joke, are you? I’m going to go cry in a corner now.

Sun-woo and Dong-ryong are so shocked that they don’t even understand at first, but then they take it as him pulling one over on all of them and laugh. Sun-woo asks Deok-sun if she was fooled too, and she just smiles, not knowing what to say to that. Jung-hwan smiles on the outside, but he looks like he’s on the verge of tears. Are you seriously going to take this TO YOUR FREAKING GRAVE?

Dong-ryong says he’s smitten and confesses that he loves Jung-hwan back, and they laugh it off like it was a prank. Deok-sun looks over at the door again when it opens, and Jung-hwan notes it again.

In flashback, we see that after Jung-hwan told Deok-sun she didn’t look pretty in a hanbok way back in 1988, he ran inside to stare at her from the window. And after showing up to give her an umbrella in the rain and walk away with his cool one-liner, he ran home and freaked out like big dork, and smiled at himself for doing the cool thing.

He was a total spaz about the Christmas present too, and nearly chickened out of asking No-eul to deliver it for him. He finally managed to give it to No-eul, who couldn’t comprehend why Jung-hwan would be giving Deok-sun a Christmas present, and to cover up his own embarrassment, Jung-hwan basically kicked him until No-eul was too afraid to ask more questions. Lol.

The group reminisces about old times over drinks, and they decide to move on to round two and page Taek to meet them there. They get up to go, and Jung-hwan’s ring gets left behind on the table.


Noooo, don’t leave it on the table! Is first love over, just like that? It can’t be over, there are two episodes left! I’m starting to have a mild panic attack here, because I was not expecting Jung-hwan to just fold like that. How can you confess like THAT, so sincere and heartfelt, and then say you’re kidding? That’s not… You can’t… AGH. That confession really threw me for a loop. And I still can’t read Deok-sun’s expressions throughout it—is it just sweet nostalgia for an old crush, and is she waiting for Boyfriend Taek to arrive? (Not that I wouldn’t squee about that either. I mean, that’s kind of the nice thing, or terrible thing, about this love triangle.) Or is she disappointed when he acts like he punked them and she’s trying to save face? I feel like Jung-hwan just took himself out of the race with that final I-love-you-just-kidding, but if he really did, I don’t know if I can handle it. *whimper*

It really is in keeping with their characters for Taek to go all in when he sees an opportunity and for Jung-hwan to hesitate so long that he shoots himself in the foot. So, so much that it kills me. But I am glad that he finally learned his lesson about making your own damn fate, because screw timing and coincidence—you make that fate yourself with every choice, and hesitation and inaction are choices too. That’s a really important thing for Jung-hwan to learn as he finally grows up, even if he learns it in the most painful way possible. The thing that throws a wrench in everything is that we still don’t know how Deok-sun feels about any of this, whether seeing Taek at the concert reignited old feelings, whether Taek finally confessed, or if she’s ever thought of either them in the years since high school.

I didn’t expect to be moved by Jung-bong and Mi-ok’s reunion, because their loveline has always been comic relief or just sweet. But Jung-bong was crying when he finally found her again, and I suddenly felt like he’d had a hole in his heart all those years. It fits his character more than anyone else that he’d be fixated on his first love and never move on, and because their loveline was never guaranteed, I was so relieved when she walked through the door.

Bora and Sun-woo, on the other hand, were always going to get back together; it was just a matter of how. It was the best crossover yet to have Garbage and Sun-woo as classmates in med school, since it works out that they’re the same age (I never really stopped to think about how the timelines overlapped, and find it funny that these kids are older than Na-jung and the rest of the 1994 gang, even though, duh). The blind date switcheroo might’ve been an actual twist of fate, but I liked that Bora owned up to saying yes for that tiny chance that she might see Sun-woo again. It’s nice to see the reversal too, because he always chased her and liked her more when they were young, and now she has to work to convince him to give their relationship another chance. I thought it was cute that she went on the date even after knowing that Sun-woo’s nickname could never be Garbage, just on the off chance that she could make him jealous. It’s so roundabout when she could just knock on his door, but he clearly hasn’t made it very easy for her to approach him.

It’s a big relief to know that everyone has at least attempted to move on and date other people, and that it’s not for lack of trying that they’re still lingering on first loves (I’d argue that it’s because some of you never confessed, but that’s water under the bridge). Taek and Sun-woo’s family is so cute that I just want to spend entire episodes with Bossy Princess Jin-ju telling her oppas how to behave, with Mom looking after Taek and Dad getting Sun-woo to play catch. They’re like a mini Brady Bunch, and I love it. Taek eats whole meals, has a little sister to dote on, and their house doesn’t seem so quiet and sad anymore. I found it hilarious that all the parents kept staring at their sleeping kids because they never see them anymore—it helped make the passage of time feel real, in a way that just cutting their hair or dressing them differently doesn’t do nearly as well. Because the parents actually act like they desperately miss their kids, I find myself thinking of them as having left the nest and living full adult lives out there. It makes the group reunions bittersweet too, but it means more that they still get together on Taek’s birthday because that’s tradition, and that they make time for each other even though their lives are going in all sorts of different directions. At least I know that no matter which way the loveline goes, our gang will always be the same. Okay, I’m off to go cry some more.


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DS ending up with TK over JH would be like Joey picking Pacey over Dawson at the end of Dawson's Creek. :((


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OMG we feel the same way!!! I still can't get over the fact that Joey picked Pacey and if DS pick Taek over JH I don't know if I will ever get over it! :/


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Yes, that ending never made any sense to me! That is why I am waiting to watch it and just following along with recaps because I want to save my poor heart. Lessons learned from the past.


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It's funny how this drama is now being compared to to get dramas. So far I've come across School 2015, How I Met Your Mother, and now Dawson's Creek?


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*to other dramas


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LOL, I actually liked that she picked Yi Ahn in 2015 and that she picked Pacey in Dawson's Creek. Here I would actually be okay with either Taek or JH. I think I would be more sad for Taek though if he didn't end up with her because DS seems to really have developed feelings for him on her own without a push from anyone else.


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Lol, I also really liked Yi Ahn in 2015 and both of the husbands in the past reply series. I just thought this show's love triangle was very similar to the triangle in Dawson's creek with the character's personas and all.


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Yes, I've liked the husbands of both previous Replys. However I will say the shipping war in 1994 has been unrivaled by anything else I have seen...scary.


Lol, I rooted for Joey and Pacey! Guess I was a Taekie fan even then.

I am such a hopeless sucker for the best friend becoming the boyfriend.


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....you know what? Although I do think JungHwan is the husband, I don't think I longer want him to be.

I was fine with it before but now that I think about it, ep 18 only made it clearer to me that he shouldn't.

We've all got that flashback that he actually did like DS since forever...but he never did anything about it. Even before DS liked SW, when he had a clear field, he seriously never did anything about it.

So, okay, maybe he didn't want to ruin their friendship, but when he thought SW liked DS, that should have been a wake up call for him, especially since he agonized over it so much.

But when the field was clear, he still didn't tell DS about his feelings. Sure, he went to a concert with her, and asked her out on a movie (which we didn't see, did they go together or with the boys?) but he still maintain the guise that they're going just as friends.

A lot of people say that he didn't confess his feelings because of Taek, but I think even if he didn't find out about Taek's feelings, he'd still just mosey along at his own pace. Still hide his feelings behind friendship.

We never got the feeling that he would confess. There were so many opportunities that he missed because he didn't use his words. That moment with the shirt especially.

Like he said, it's not about fate or timing, it's his own damn fault that he is where he is, feeling what he's feeling.

BTW, I think he intentionally left the ring in that cafe, the ring being a representation of his love for Deoksun.

Though everyone including myself was pissed off at him for that confession, I think he needed to actually say the words, maybe for closure, maybe to just clear the air, maybe to just actually tell Deoksun.

Is it just me, but I watched the confessing scene 5 times and what I see is this, when JungHwan said "I love you", Deoksun shifted and smiled awkwardly as if she was uncomfortable and I think JungHwan saw her being uncomfortable...and then told everyone it was a joke.

Maybe just me?


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JH never said it was a joke.. He just said he fulfilled DR's wish of proposing/confessing before he dies.


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I think it's pretty spot on about the ring thing :) very symbolic of the episode's title "goodbye my first love"

I personally think deoksun has moved on with whatever feelings she might have had for junghwan (she did look very nostalgic as he gave her his confession)

I want her to get with taek, but with all the JHxDS shipper's insistance, previous experiences with kdramas and their 2nd lead syndromes, i have become very very pessimistic and hopeless and remain doubtful to the bitter end xD just incase i get hurt. So who knows at this point!!


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Before JH found about Taek liking DS, he was starting to show his feelings, i.e. the umbrella scene, going all the way to Apgujeong just because she called him, "think hard about why I came here" (non-verbatim). Also, it's not like Taek confessed to DS either, and I'm sure he had a lot of opportunities as well.


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omo,now I have hope that ds will end up with taeki.more love for taek:)


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I still haven't watched these two episodes as the subs are not up yet (and the wifi in Greece hotels aren't so good) but have read the recaps, of course!

I'm feeling like when I'm watching a thriller/horror film - I really hate suspense. I'd rather skip over till after the axe has fallen. At this point, I just want the last two episodes to give me enough so I know everyone is happy and well, and i can imagine them continue to live their lives after the series is over. Not sure how to go through these last episodes...


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Its not over till its over. I'm still hanging on to my Jung Hwan ship. What keeps me going is the pattern that on every first episodes of the Answer Me series, the husband is always the first to appear with the heroine or get introduced (between the 2 possible husbands). 1997 -- Yoon-Je was introduced first, the brother was introduced much later; 1994 --- oppa-ya was with na jung watching tv, 1988 --- jung hwan was sitting beside deok sun and was introduced first before teak. I know I'm grasping at straws here but Jung Hwan's fake-out confession just breaks my heart. It feels like he has given up. Waaah! I just can't...


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So, having not watched the series at all, or even read through most of the recaps (and don't worry, I don't think I'll read the last one... probably) is it totally ignorant of me to suggest that the husband could be neither of them? Like, this whole shipping business is total trolling and it's gonna be someone else?


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haha if it wasn't either the two of them, knetz would throw a riot i believe xD

though that idea would be great tbh! just for the surprise factor :) but kdrama's tend to be extremely predictable & formulaic with their romance-setups and i think it's partly because of potential viewer backlash (as some ongoing dramas have actually been shaped or changed by viewer opinions) idk if reply series/writers are one's to do that though.


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Who will really be the DS's husband we do not know yet. However many hints are pointing to Taek. In fact, starting from the get go, so many hints were given out generously that Taek is the one. But in order to blind the viewers the producer/writer decides to show the story-line mainly from JH's perspective. The predicament that fell upon us now is the fault of our own, for we without a doubt, walked right into the trap that was designed just for us by following the story-line only from JH's view and empathized with him, not seeing the big picture. We never really got to see the drama thru Taek's point of view yet. Many even thought he was just a side character up until the episode 6. But every episode is loaded with foreshadowing and metaphors pointing to Taek and TKxDS relationship that can't be ignored.

It's especially difficult for non-korean fans, for they rely heavily on translations. Also if you don't have the far eastern(a.k.a china/korea/japan) background it might be difficult to grasp the concept of Baduk.

The main theme of this drama is Home/Family and Baduk is the biggest metaphor that symbolize Home/Family in the drama. Baduk is a game of building "Houses/Homes". Therefore it is fitting that the main character is a Baduk player.

In fact, the drama begins in Taek's house. Taek's room is where all 5 kids always gather, whether Taek is home or not. Take's room is indeed the kids' true emotional/spiritual home, a place where they spend their childhood and youth.

Taek appears as someone to be protected and cherished. He is tender, lovable, pure/naive and weak. The kids love Taek as he is and take good care of him, almost babying him. However, in reality Taek is the most mature one among all of them. He is socially successful and the only one who experienced the world of adults. He also displays superb emotional strength and maturity, generous, considerate and giving.

Taek himself also represents "Home" for the kids. Home is something to be protected and cherished. Home(Taek) is what holds these kids together, united. A place/someone where they can always return to is what Taek really represents in this series of Reply 1988.


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No, it has always been pointing towards JH. Even Kfans are like 'The husband is Ryu Jun Yeol' and it even trended on worldwide trend.

You don't see it in Taek pov and it will never match up to all the time the drama had spend on JH for the past 18episodes in just 2episodes.

This drama spend 18 out of 20episodes!!!(! because I am surprised she spend so much time on this but I love it) to build up the issue that drives the entire drama and the reason he cannot get the girl. It's sad that you failed to appreciate what the writer has built up and the message to get across.


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This comment is rude as hell. Chill out. They can see things differently. Trending topics and people being so "sure" of the husband don't mean anything. I guess i can see why Junghwan fans are flipping out now, because they were so sure he'd win and now doubts are introduced and they can't handle it.


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And this comment is HELLA rude too. If you're going to tell others to be wary of their choice in words you should be too...just saying. chill


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This is a great and cute analysis, thank you. I don't really know about what Baduk represents so reading something like this is nice.


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aww....your analysis touched my heart . so much love :)


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jung hwan fans are butthurt right now. they really can't accept the facts presented in the drama. and in so far as the last episode. it's over for him. regardless of what perspective your looking at it. accept that he's the chilbong of this series. guys, that's it.

All hints lead to taek as the husband. period.

Please watch the drama with an open mind and with fervor towards the beauty of the story not with the actors/actresses that you idolize. Coz if you do, it clearly defeats the purpose of watching a tv series which deems to present a relatable story to us.


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"All hints lead to taek as the husband. period." But this isn't having an open mind at all, and a lot can happen in 2 more episodes.


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This reads like a university lit paper! Have you considered submitting? I think you'd get an A..


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GUYS, I was looking comments in Korean on Instagram and apparently people are point out that the ring JH gave to DS isn't the girl ring.. I also searched and the girl ring is actually smaller... So I'm really thinking that they must have had their own confession time before they came to the friend gathering event.. The writer is really just trying to suspense it up.. The night before, JH was nearly crying a river because he lost his "timing" when he arrived at the concert a few seconds after CT.. And for him to sleep in the next morning and the way that DS and JH interacted in the car.. She says something like "Can you just talk politely?" and he looks at her and goes "Okay. (smirk)" Also, DS asks " Is it okay that you're taking your car when you're gonna drink?" and JH replies "You can drive." I definitely think something happened after her encounter with CT at the concert and before they both met her friends... For JH to act suddenly "okay" is quite weird for someone who was so heartbroken the nigh before.. DS's facial expression definitely said something..like she knew all along.. it definitely wasn't surprised or taken aback.. Knowing DS, she would have said something like "JH, are u for real? You live to make fun of me dont you!?" but she was more calm and almost moved.. and maybe CT even told her that JH liked her at the concert and the reason she was looking at the door was because she was worried that CT wasn't coming because she rejected him or to have him come to the friend setting after that possible rejection, she felt sorry for him to have to come to that awkward/uncomfortable situation..

Another clue that the husband points to JH is the fact that the ring was left on the table.. If it was REALLY "Goodbye First Love" for JH, then he would have given that ring to DR and it would have ended there.. but the camera focused on the ring.. I don't think it's for nothing in the end.. Also, SW and DR HAD to know that JH's confession was 100% true. For SW- he's someone that said by just looking into someone's eyes you can see their sincerity and DR is someone that knows the deep things about life, even though he may not be good at studying.. His friends definitely knew that this was no joke, but decided to make it a joke. JH also never said it was a joke.. He just said he fulfilled DR's wish of seeing JH propose/confess before he dies.

4 more days... I've been so into this drama so am beginning to re-watch scenes and analyze everything..LOL


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Is it me, or is the popularity for this one episode reminds you of Healer's? I recall Healer got this same amount of comments after 1 day...


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main triangle is so messy, i like SW-BR so straight


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I love ep18. 'Hesitation' being the factor that drives the series especially the main love line is different from the usual kdramas and yet realistic. I am still stuck with a certain trouble I am in because I have been hesitating all this while. It is the reason I cannot take the first step and make any progress.

I have been a firm #TeamJunghwan since ep1 even though I am only sure he is the main guy in ep3. But ep18 has make me become perfectly fine with the possibility of Junghwan not getting the girl. Junghwan can only blame himself and his hesitation if his first love is a failure.

This drama has always been my No.2/No.1 with another drama but this episode has make it become my favourite drama.


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Much as this will hurt me, I think the end game is JH. Why? In a reply series fashion, the most popular guy did not get the girl in the end.


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Except in 1997, the most popular guy was actually Yoonjae and he ended up being the husband?


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Yoon Jae's bro, Chilbongie, Taek. They did not get the girl in the end


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I really feel like saying his confession and then claiming it was a joke was, as the episode title states, "Goodbye to my 1st love" I think he felt he needed to say those things aloud before he could let go, and move on. That's why he left the ring behind as well.


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As i read all the commnet here and review some scene in the drama ...one thing i believe and hoping for that JH is the fiture husband is the picture taken January 1989 , both of them have it but there a difference between the picture ... which links to the conversation of future DS and future husband.. why future DS asking the date of the pics? because she didnt notice the pic that has a date indicated .. picture bwet DS&JH is not clearly seen in the pic becoz its only in there background while pics between DS&CT is clearly seen in the right side ....


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i am 100% sure the husband is Taek. they have a special childhood flashback scene, which is in my opinion or for most of viewer's is the biggest hint of the present husband. also by showing off the present husband being left handed is one more big hint. and Taek is starting to talk a bit rudely towards Deok Sun (remember the field scene when Taek was offering Deok Sun to carry her), that was after he found out that Jung Hwan also secretly likes her.


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As far as i remember from the previous installment of answer me, writer-nim never give the girl to the man who confess first. In answer me 1997, oppa confess first, but dongsaeng get the girl. In answer me 1994, chillbongie confess first but garbage get the girl. So, if writer-nim doesn't change the pattern, i think in the end HJ will get DS.


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As far as i remember from the previous installment of answer me, writer-nim never give the girl to the one who confess first. In answer me 1997, oppa confess first, but dongsaeng get the girl. In answer me 1994, chillbongie confess first, but garbage get the girl. So, if writer-nim doesn't change the pattern, i think JH will get DS in the end.


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um.. i think it's JH who confess first. no? TK said he likes DS but it was btw guys. DS had no clue about it. JH is the one who confess first to DS. So according to ur theory, i think it'll be TK who get the girl.


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He never say that confession is a joke!!! I believe junghwan is the husband!! Even though i'm crying and really upset because we dont even see anything romantic momment of dukseon and junghwan. Oh pleasee writer-nim let me be in peace next week!! I want to see some more romance of junghwan dukseon!! #teamjunghwan


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Thank you for the recap.

I'm not a shipper of any of them because I love both guys but I think I'm more towards Taek (like a 51%-49%) because he was always more honest with his feelings (even if he didn't confess), never felt ashamed of liking her, never care what the other guys thought about him for that and also as long as I recalled he never put her down so masquerade his true feeling like JH did constantly with DS, so for that even if I really like JH and I know he is a good guy and he loves her very much still Taek will be my choice.

Is what JH said in the car that at the end "He (Taek) wanted her more than I did...", when the radio is telling in us that Taek forfeiting his match for personal reason aka meeting with Deoksun.

Am the only one that every time the door open I had a bad feeling? Like why Taek hasn't arrive yet? They said it was on his way... plz show don't hurt him I would take broken hearted over car accident... Although I think it would be DS dad who may die? those hints about his health...


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gahh please no D: i would hate for a tragedy to happen right in the last 2 eps!

also idk why this idea came into my head (maybe im twisted lmai) but how messed up would it be for the writers (if deoksun liked taek at the time) to kill taek off and then have her end up marrying junghwan in the future haha i think that would be real off putting. I hope to god none of this comes true lmao it'd be a real downhill for the show


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but it would be so strange if none of the charater had died in 2015/2016
1988 is 28 years ago..


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wow now I really have hope that taeki is gone end up with dk.but I fill sorry for Jung hwan.I fill his pain when he confess but still I'm rooting for taeki.


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I am absolutely agree with youu!! I think something has happened between DS and CT before. Thankyou for making me less desperate waiting for next episode for clue!! Lol


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Ahh man i have no idea what knetz were complaining about with junghwan's confession. To me he didnt seem pitiful at all by saying it was a joke because what matters is that he confessed seriously and that deoksun took it seriously as well (you can tell by her reactions that she knew he wasn't joking). So whether or not he played it off as a joke to the other guys shouldn't matter because in the end he finally made his confession

Personally to me it seems like deoksun has moved on... her expressions while he was confessing were nostalgic as she reminisced from those times and you could tell she knew jungwhan was serious but in the end it kinda seemed like it was too late and she doesn't like him like that anymore (maybe back then but yeah junghwan missed his chance) i think she's interested in Taek now the way she kept looking at the door, her beeper and just last week's ep of her being disappointed she got blown off by him and that moment where he carried her while she was injured.

Not sure how it'll turn out the next eps (writers could still pull a 180 and have the husband be junghwan) but to me rn it seems like she likes taek :)


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I totally agree with you...Go Team Taek!


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i'm in teamtaek#
but i'm sure DS will end up with JH.. because i realized something was wrong when DS watching towards the door, waiting someone.. her expressions were flat at the time when he was confessing but i think it is not the case as we are seeing and thinking as writer want us...


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I was so neutral at first... i think I still am but this episode makes me want to root for Jung hwan... The writers are either awesome or cruel. But i think this is Jung Hwan giving up... and leaving the ring just means leaving it all(his love) behind.
Its ok if i am wrong... if im right, then it will be alright as well, the writers will know how to tell the story good enough for us to accept everything.
I do feel as well that Duk Seon was waiting for Taek. Something happened after the concert... I was just wondering why was she smiling during the "FAKE" confession.
Still there is still a chance that after that gathering, JH and DS talks about things... who knows, the writers are just....
the thing about KDramas is that they always make second leads so lovable...
Two episodes left and all we have to do is guess who the husband is.
Basing on the past, Its now likely to be Taek since odds are with him. and all the focus of Duk seons affection have been closely liked to Taek.
Basing on the present, the Husbands personality is still like Jung hwan except we havent seen him smoke in the past. if in the next episode, Taek starts to act a little like Jung hwan then the husband is no mystery.
right now I'm team Jung Hwan, but damn the title just says Goodbye First Love. I think its screaming at us...........
then again DS is also Taek first love... Who am I kidding.
Who else is having a headache trying to guess who the husband is? :)


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damn, tears are flowing out of my eyes T.T I am really hoping deok-sun end up with Jung-hwan T.T


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I really didn't think I was rooting for one team or the other until the part where Duk Seon was waiting outside the concert hall and I found myself wishing that Taek overheard Duk Seon's sunbae and was on his way to meet her like Jung Hwan was. Even though we didn't get to see Taek's rush to her, I felt so much suspense watching Jung Hwan drive because I was thinking he was racing Taek, not just the clock.

Up until this point, I would have been happy with either guy, but I feel like Taek is the better choice because he's always been so open with how he feels and shows it despite not saying it. Jung Hwan put himself too much in the background and while that confession made me squee like no other, he couldn't even own up to it. The progression between Taek and Duk Seon seems more natural than with Duk Seon and Jung Hwan romantically.

Alas, only two more episodes so there won't be much more of this debate! Can't wait to see everyone get their happy endings!


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Seriously?? I cried like a baby when Jung-hwan confessed because it felt like a good bye, don't do this to me, show!!!


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anyone knows what song during the scene where Taek & JH staring at DS's space after birthday party?


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OMG thanks!


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if I were DS, I would definitely pick Taek.


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I was wondering why they call Jung hwan 'Jung Pal'?


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OMG writer !! please make JH ended with DS. if it won't happend i wont never watch reply series anymore. so much damn things i confused and im going crazy think about JH. he is so pityfull


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The disease that you get from watching much Answer Me series is that even when you're eyes are seeing it, you're brain is telling you it isn't


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#TEAM TAEK all the way!

I just wish that present TAEK was either Jo In Sung or Jung Woo Sung... or Lee Seo Jin at the least...

Oh well... still #TEAM TAEK!!!!


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I'm both on Team Taek and Team JH xD but who else got the vibes that the future husband was Dong Ryong. ._. The way he acted in the cafe with LMY was kinda like Dong Ryong. DR liked comics too. Idk how he'd become famous in the future but it's still a possibility! Hahaha.

Can't wait for the last 2 episodes! I'm drinking lots of water now because I know I will be dehydrated after crying drums of tears on Friday lol


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I think that this is really fun drama to watch. I can even say that this is probably one of the top three best kdrama i've seen in my whole life. And it saddens me that the certain fans of this drama who are bias towards a certain actor that they favor (ehem, jung hwan, ehem ehem) are acting crazily about how their bet is not in the limelight and still keeps on insisting that he should better be the husband and all that.

Rather than feeling distraught and pained by the development of the character your rooting for and saying curse words and all about how the writers are trolling your shipping blah blah blah, just enjoy the show for all it's worth no more no less. Set aside your biases when watching kdrama, because as an art form, it's main purpose is to deliver us a sound story that will be relatable to all of us.

I can firmly say now that I am 100% team taek especially with the development of his character in recent episodes. But Probably, if things would have been the opposite because the story tells us so and because of the decision of its writers then I would gladly accept Jung Hwan as husband. period. no sour graping whatsoever. And i guess I could honestly say this, you won't hear me saying "i hate this drama for trolling my feelings" "i hate this drama because taek did not end up with DS." and so on and so forth. Why? Because I am no way intruding with the spectacular creativity and amazing writing skills of the writers of this drama.

Don't make it look like the writers and/or the series is flawed in many ways just because your ship isn't what you expected it to be. Don't let the brilliance of the drama's story be of less priority just because your ship isn't sailing well enough. Be mature, as kdrama fans in watching this kind of amazing drama so then you'll be free from pain from expectations and delusions.


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totally agree with you. just enjoy the show how it will end.

so much feels and lessons from this drama and i'm loving it to the fullest.


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I totally agree. That's why that even though I am rooting for Junghwan, I have mentally accepted that Taek will be the husband. Therefore, I won't be disappointed when it happens and my emotions will not stop me from appreciating this wonderful drama for all its worth.


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I don't understand JH at all. How can he always play verbal tussle with DS and expect her to choose him? He did not say anything at all to DS all these years. As a result of his hot and cold treatment to DS, the poor girl suffered from depression and lost of self confidence. I hope that Taek wins the girl (DS) in the end bec he deserves her. He was still nice to DS even though he failed to confess his feelings. I know that there is a big chance that JH will be chosen as the husband but I am still hoping and praying that Taek will be eventually chosen as DS's husband. I love Taekie!!!


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It is always like this. If JH gets the girls TK's fans will find every flaw of JH to show he is not worthy and TK was because he loved DK, he blah blah blah.

I see fans saying JH had all the chances to confess, but what about Taek? He also had, lots of chances, even trips with DS that JH never had - and he also didn't confess, took him years too ( I'm guessing he confessed in that concert 1994)

So, I think both waited too many years, and both care a lot about their friendship, and yes it is frustrating but also touching.

I'm rooting for JH, and I think DS always liked JH.

But JH was away, and stopped showing hints, and not using the pink t-shirt. DS, being around TK more than JH, got confused about her feelings, and she kissed TK to get a confirmation. ( We saw PD using this "test/confirmation" scene in the other series, and imo DS did it to know what her feelings were for TK.

So this can go both ways: DS grew feelings for TK and they end together. DS got confused but realized she still likes-loves JH.

Imo, the writer might trick some viewers, but not me, JH is the husband since first episodes and the hints pd threw around. To make some suspense he tried to trick some people that TK is the husband, and some people got tricked again, for the third time by him. The pd/writer is evil.

I hope TK fans don't say they were cheated.


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Official fb page of Reply 1988 has just posted ep 19's preview and I couldnt understand a thing they say!!!>"<
I just see that Taek meets JH, DS meets Taek and says something like "we are FRIENDS, arent we?", to which Taek gives a blank reaction....OMG!!!
The writers sure know how to play with my heart...?


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Why does this show have to put my heart through the wringer like this? I love Taek, but why are you killing me Jung Hwan?? How could you take back that confession I have been waiting so long for?! How dare you get stopped at all those red lights?! How dare you wait this long to make a move in the first place...? I hate this show... I love this show. I'm going to have the most severe withdrawals when it's over. Now excuse me while I go back to writhing around the ground in agony...


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the writers will not give easiest hints of present husband. they just want to troll the viewers by making the husband same physical feature and a bit rude attitude towards Deok Sun with Jung Hwan. if JH is the husband, it would turn out to be the easiest-guess-the-husband game. i personally think the deepest hints are really referring to Taek since the beginning of the episodes.


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exactly! and it would be really wrong if the writers will miraculously change the husband from taek to jung hwan just to satisfy the viewers/JH fans. I mean, all the hints they been presenting since the beginning of the series all point towards taekie. Most especially the last two episodes where we see that it has become obvious that DS has developed feelings for him on her own and not just some forced feelings she used to have with sun woo and jung hwan in the first few episodes of the show.

But well, if the writers decided to that, it's their call, but it will be really flawed for them to do that kind of thing

Anyway, I've seen the teaser for episode 19 and yeah, it feels as if the writers are hinting of turning the tables around for junghwan and his fan's sake. but those writers are very smart and mind you, they really are a troll, so i'd better not take the teasers seriously. take note that in the first few episodes, they have shown the same style and pattern in creating highly insinuating and confusing teasers but the actual episode is completely its polar opposite. So I suggest we just wait for the actual episode and not fall on for their teaser bait,. hahaha damn writers!


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But it is easy because jh is the husband and PD made sure it would be clear so no husband hunting. ...


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Some people felt outraged about Dukseon's reaction. Personally, I would've had the same reaction too if someone confessed to me and then pretended it was a just a joke. I would've believed it at first and then when I find out it's a joke, I would've tried to play it cool, change the subject or something.

I love both Taek and Junghwan and genuinely would've been happy if she ended up with either guy until now. Sunday's episode makes me want to root for Junghwan. The way he described his love for her and all of the things that he did for her . . . it reminds me of myself.

I think this drama should've been longer, much longer. Even though every episode is 1 h 40 min long, there still isn't enough time to cover everything thoroughly enough. Answer Me 1988 resembles other family weekend dramas in that it focuses not just on the main characters, but on the supporting characters and multiple different families. This loveline feels a bit rushed because they spent so much time focusing on the other characters. I think Answer Me 1988 should've been at least 24-26 episodes long.


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Exactly! I cant get enough of this. This applied for the previous reply series as well. I believe if they plan on giving us a satisfactory closure, they'll need to focus more on romance in the last eps otherwise the pairing might seem too rushed.

Besides, we all are in need of a bit of romance and skinship. Just BR-SW couple or that dream kiss dont cover for most of us, right? ^-^


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I wish they would have extended it. They could even go into married life with this type of drama. 25 episodes sounds about right.


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Am I the only one who is quite sure that the hudband surely is not Jung Hwan. Like the main reason for me is that Jung Hwan would never ever smoke mainly because one his brother has a heart condition and two his parents would feel awful about having their son smoke because he grew up being a healthy child, so to have their son risking his life (dramatically speaking) by smoking would make them so disappointed in him I think. And we have seen him getting so emotional about his brother being sick and the fact that he became an airforce pilot was because it was his hyung's dream... So ifffff the husband turns out to be Jung Hwan, I wouldn't mind seriously but I would be pissed off since that would imply that he smokes and that for me would make me so angry, I don't know haha. I don't know if I'm making sense right now, it's just it's been keeping me busy for weeks now. Jungpal and smoking? That better not be true for real. Haha


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I'm not even up to this episode yet I can't help but spoil everything for myself, it's like I have a need to know how my ship will go. My ship being Jung-hwan and Deok-sun. 10 times out 10 I'm always right when it comes to my OTP ships, they never sink... Even when I think an ice berg is closing in on them (Feast of the Gods) they still dodge that ice berg and survive. So I have hope for my tragic ship.

I'm hoping the creators of the Reply series hasn't changed their game. 1997 was easy to read it was obvious who the end game was, there was no guessing and it wasn't a game. We knew right from the start who would end up with who. 1994 was a lot different and a lot harder to read but I knew Trash was the one the moment they held each other in the hospital. However as the weeks went on and the story progressed a lot of watchers were shipping the second lead. I couldn't see it and I don't see it to this day. Na Jung and Trash are like a mirror image of Deok-sun and Jung-hwan. I just hope the creators haven't decided to mix things up by turning the tables so in 1988 Taek (the sweet guy who every body loves) wins the girl in the end.


I'm sorry, Taek is sweet n' all but NO! Just nooo!
Whenever Taek and Deok-sun have alone time it's the only time I can shift my eyes to something else. I want them to hurry up so I can watch my Jung-hwan.

I'm going to hold off on continuing this drama until the end. Even if My ship do sink for the first time it will be quite the blow but I'll just remind myself that I still have a lot of heartbreaking scenes from Jung-hwan to watch and my OTP aren't the only reason I love this drama.


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Shes so cute


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+ 1, 000

We're all getting distracted from the real star of this episode - Min OK!


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I just saw the preview for ep. 19 and I literally feel like I am going to throw up from the anxiety. I am going to be devastated for Taek if Jung Hwan is the husband and I am going to be devastated for Jung Hwan if Taek is the husband and I am going to be devastated for both if neither is the husband. :(


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oh my gahh THANK YOU I didn't realise there even was one for this episode :D :D :D x 100000000


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She may end up with Taek...why, because when they were at the restaurant everytime the door bell rang that someone is entering the restaurant she turned around to look. Look at it this way, if the person you love is right in front of you, you'll pay the utmost attention to that person. Instead she was distracted and looking at the door to see if Taek was coming. That's why I think she'll end up with Taek. Another reason was the husband behavior. He was acting just like Taek's father! I can't believe it! Wasn't my first choice but the evidence is weighting heavily towards Taek.


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I can't with this show, they played with my feelings way too much. I consider my feelings as DS's feelings lol, both of these guys are stupid and have to make a move. Both of them think that she will stay as an option forever, this makes me so mad at both of them.
Although, I'm team JH, in the last episode seems like Teak is endgame :(


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Lol! i totally saw his behaviour as similar to JH father. I guess we're all really fervently shipping our ship and reading the signs as we want it to be!!


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Oops sorry - meant it to be a response to@Fiona


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That's why I wish she could have found a good man to date. Not these jerks who dump her or cheat on her. They think she'll be around forever while they decide what to do with themselves.


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I still think JUNGHWAN is the husband because of the comic book scene. He was shown to give Dongryong a comic book while he was in the hospital so .....


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and what episode was that that you mentioned jung hwan giving dong ryong a comic book?


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Episode 17. JH held the comic books up and told his mother he was heading to the hospital to give them to Dong Ryong.


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But then .... the interviews. Only Taek does interviews I'm so confundled


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