365: Repeat the Year: Episodes 21-24 (Final)

Big respect to 365: Repeat the Year for delivering a finale with plenty of logical answers, surprising twists, and an ending I think we can all agree fits perfectly with the tone of the show. The few travelers left still have a lot to accomplish as their reset year nears its end, but I don’t think any of them expected things to get so complicated and dangerous. And then, of course, there’s a decision to be made… do they continue their lives, or reset again and try to fix their mistakes a second time?


Ga-hyun runs into Sun-ho outside her house, and she struggles to pretend she doesn’t know he’s the killer. Thankfully, he just asks about her talk with Shin, then heads to his trophy room and sighs heavily, thinking about how suspicious Hyung-jo is of him.

When Hyung-jo gets to Ga-hyun’s house, he’s beside himself with worry for her safety. She says she’s okay, and his eyes fill up with tears as he tells her she was right — Sun-ho is the killer. Hyung-jo collapses to the floor and sobs with grief, and there’s nothing Ga-hyun can do to comfort him.

Ga-hyun returns to Jian Clinic to ask Shin more questions about her time-traveling activities. At first Shin pretends not to understand, but when he says that Hyung-jo told him everything, Shin asks if Hyung-jo mentioned his reason behind resetting.

Sun-ho demands to know what Shin knows of his future. Shin says that nobody escaped their fate, not one of them, so he should at least be safe until they’re all dead. She gives him one hint — a picture of a stranger on a motorcycle, saying cryptically that “it happens every time.”

That night, Sun-ho sets out to confront Hyung-jo. There’s a tracker on the burner phone Sun-ho gave Hyung-jo, but he left it behind in his hideout to misdirect Sun-ho while he turns himself in to the police. Sun-ho returns to the station and sees Hyung-jo, but Hyung-jo walks right past him without acknowledging his presence.

Shin’s assistant, Ji-hyun, shows up at No-seob’s cafe, but before anyone speaks Ga-hyun bursts in and accuses Ji-hyun of taking the crime scene photos. She says that they’re proof that Ji-hyun might be an accomplice, but Ji-hyun just glances guiltily towards No-seob. Hmmm…

No-seob is closing up the cafe later when Sun-ho suddenly leaps on him, demanding to know why Hyung-jo turned himself in. No-seob gasps that he doesn’t know anything, and Sun-ho tightens his grip on No-seob’s throat.

A few minutes later, Ga-hyun texts No-seob asking if Shin has contacted him. She gets a response that his wife has taken a bad turn so he’ll contact her later. It’s actually Sun-ho on No-seob’s phone, still sitting beside the cafe owner’s body.

Ga-hyun goes to see Shin and finally asks the question she should have been asking a year ago… how would the travelers overcoming their fates benefit Shin? Seeming to speak truthfully for the first time. Shin says that she needed something to pass the time, and it was comforting to watch others who also have no hope.

Ga-hyun counters that as someone desperate to save someone, Shin was terribly cruel to the travelers. She says angrily Shin didn’t reset for her daughter, but because she can’t bear to move forward without Young.

Shin goes to Young’s room, and the little girl is still angry with her for breaking her promise to ride a train. Shin says that they’ll ride a train as soon as Young is well, but the little girl pouts and refuses to go to the hospital for treatment tomorrow.

Shin says it would break her heart, so Young hugs her, and Shin says despondently, “I only live for you, Young-ah. I don’t care as long as you can stay here with me. I will live through this. I’ll make sure I live through this time.”

Sa-kyung approaches Ga-hyun to ask if she knows what Hyung-jo is hoping to accomplish by turning himself in. Ga-hyun says that Hyung-jo had to get inside the station in order to get Jae-young’s phone from the evidence room. She says that Jae-young’s ever-present headphones have gone missing, but that they have GPS, so if the killer kept them, the phone’s tracking app should lead them right to him.

Sun-ho hears Ga-hyun through his bugging device, and he hurries to his trophy room. He starts dismantling Jae-young’s headphones, but suddenly the door opens and Hyung-jo walks in.

We back up a bit and see that Hyung-jo found Sun-ho’s bug not long after he planted it. He and Ga-hyun had figured out that Sun-ho was keeping a memento from each murder, and they’d decided to use the bug to trick him into leading them to the evidence.

Even Captain Heo had sent Sa-kyung to talk to Ga-hyun, so that Ga-hyun could mention the GPS tracker in Jae-young’s headphones. She had also given Sa-kyung a USB that Ji-hyun had passed to her, which contained CCTV footage proving that Hyung-jo arrived three minutes after Jae-young recorded Jung-tae’s murder.

So Hyung-jo was set free, and he’d followed Sun-ho to his hideout. Sun-ho correctly guesses that this was all a setup. Hyung-jo punches Sun-ho and they grapple for a moment, then Sun-ho points his gun at Hyung-jo and growls that he has to kill him. Hyung-jo keeps approaching him, so he shoots.

Sun-ho is so horrified at having shot Hyung-jo that when Hyung-jo gets up (he has on a bulletproof vest) and backup comes in to arrest him, he barely even reacts. Back at the station, Hyung-jo asks why he killed those people, and Sun-ho says honestly that he really had no reason.

With a smile full of unnerving pride, he tells Hyung-jo of his first murder. He’d just been promoted to lieutenant, and he’d hit a young man on a motorcycle while driving home. At first his instinct was to help the man, but he’d been infuriated when the man called him “Detective” despite the fact that he was wearing his new uniform, so he’d bashed the man’s head in with a rock.

Sun-ho is delighted by the fact that he was able to disguise most of his killings so that they weren’t even flagged as murder. He marvels all but one person he killed this year were Hyung-jo’s fellow travelers, except the deliveryman who turned out to be another traveler’s replacement.

He says that he started believing the time travel story, and figured his victims were just destined to die. He even confesses that he framed Hyung-jo for the murders in the hopes that Hyung-jo would be locked up and he wouldn’t be forced to kill him, too.

Hyung-jo nearly breaks down hearing that, but he thanks Sun-ho in a calm voice, because he’s regretted resetting just to save a murderer. Sun-ho asks what he means, but Hyung-jo just growls that he’ll have lots of time to think about it in prison.

He goes to Ga-hyun’s house and talks wistfully about when Sun-ho made lieutenant and bragged that he’d be a good cop, but that’s actually when the killing started. Ga-hyun says that Hyung-jo proved there’s no perfect crime, but Hyung-jo tells her that she did that, and he gives her a sweet smile.

Hyung-jo informs Shin that he’s arrested Sun-ho, and that now she has her answer to whether people can change their fate. He vows that her days of experimenting on people are over, and that he’ll do whatever it takes to stop her from resetting again. Shin only says that things will be interesting from now until the reset date.

Ga-hyun walks Maru, and when she gets home, Hyung-jo is waiting on her steps with a birthday cake and a couple bracelet/collar set for her and Maru. She tells him to bring his copy of Hidden Killer next time so she can finally autograph it.

As Sun-ho is being taken for transport to prison, he makes a comment to Hyung-jo about No-seob. Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun realize they haven’t heard from No-seob in a while, so they go to the sanitorium. They’re told that Hwang No-seob isn’t the guardian of a resident, but a director from Samo Pharmaceuticals who comes several times a week to run clinical trials with patients.

On top of all that, CCTV footage from the sanitorium shows No-seob and Ji-hyun talking together. The receptionist tells Hyung-jo that Ji-hyun is No-seob’s secretary. It starts to become clear that No-seob is behind everything and is using Shin to deflect attention from him.

Sure enough, Shin enters “her” office at Jian Clinic, and No-seob is sitting behind the massive desk as if he owns the place. He says it’s time to start preparing for the next reset, and that he’s considering getting another person to help.

Meanwhile, Sun-ho is in transit to prison when a man on a motorcycle cuts off the bus, which fishtails and hits a barrier. It comes to a stop on its side, so Sun-ho is able to unlock his cuffs and escape. When Sun-ho takes off the motorcyclist’s helmet, he chuckles to see that it’s the man from Shin’s photo. He takes the motorcycle and rides away.

Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun go to Samo Pharmaceuticals, where a man leads them up to No-seob’s office and gives them a box. They open it, and what they see inside makes their eyes widen in shock.


Before Shin learned about the possibility of resetting, No-seob had approached her with information about the same train wreck she used to lure in her travelers. She had taken him up on his offer to go back in time, and had woken up next to her daughter, who had recently died.

But because of the reset, Shin is forced to suffer through Young’s death on the evening of every December 21st. It had worn on her, but No-seob had promised that if she keeps resetting, eventually they’ll find a way to save Young’s life.

Disturbingly, he’d told her to have fun in the meantime, watching people die. He’d given her a file about Sun-ho being arrested as a serial killer, and said that Sun-ho would escape and kill two more people. It had been No-seob who gave Shin the idea to get rid of Sun-ho early in the year, then gather the victims and all reset together.

No-seob left a box in his office at Samo Pharmaceuticals, knowing that Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun would come looking for him. Inside is a familiar-looking envelope, of the kind that Shin used to “warn” the travelers of their upcoming death, with a message inside: The clockwork of time disturbs the silent dawn. They don’t have time to wonder what it means, because Hyung-jo gets a call that Sun-ho has escaped.

No-seob tells Shin that he’s thinking of getting someone else to help them prepare for the next reset. Sun-ho walks into the clinic right on cue, and we see that when he attacked No-seob, he hadn’t killed him. When No-seob woke, he’d offered Sun-ho a chance to erase his sins by going through the reset.

While Hyung-jo goes to the station, Ga-hyun runs home to look through her book Pieces of Destiny for the quote on the card. She finds it in Chapter 1, Volume 9, which means that either she or Hyung-jo will die on January 9th, only two days before the reset.

At Jian Clinic, Hyung-jo tells Shin that he knows No-seob is behind everything, and he arrests her for concealing a criminal. During questioning, Shin says that Sun-ho was at the clinic but that she told him to leave. The CCTV cameras were conveniently blank that day, so Hyung-jo guesses that No-seob was there, too.

When Shin won’t tell him where Sun-ho and No-seob are, Hyung-jo threatens to keep her for the maximum 48 hour hold. She panics because tonight is the night Young always dies, but when Hyung-jo holds firm, she still won’t answer. Hyung-jo suddenly realizes that she’s protecting No-seob because she can’t reset without him.

Sun-ho is with No-seob at a remote cabin, where No-seob tells him to stay until the reset. He tells Sun-ho that at one time he’d tried to die, but instead he woke up one year in the past, and that’s how the resets started.

Ga-hyun watches Ji-hyun let herself into No-seob’s cafe and take a small box from behind the counter. No-seob calls Ji-hyun and tells her to administer the drug in the box to Young, but she refuses to harm the girl. No-seob says darkly that she will, because she always does ~shudder~

She obeys, and enters Young’s hospital room to inject the drug into her IV bag. Luckily Ga-hyun followed her and stops the IV drip while Ji-hyun runs away. But when Shin arrives (having finally caved to Hyung-jo’s questions), she sees a familiar sight — her daughter surrounded by doctors trying to save her life. Except that, when the minute arrives when Young always dies… she doesn’t. Ga-hyun changed her fate.

Ga-hyun tells Shin that dying was never Young’s fate, but that No-seob instructed Ji-hyun to kill her in every reset. Shin has a hard time believing that, since No-seob always helped Young with his clinical trials, but Ga-hyun says he needs Young to die in order to make Shin go through the reset.

Ga-hyun confronts No-seob at the cafe and tells him that they know he lied about everything. He admits it, saying that it’s thrilling to watch people die when he’s the only one who knows it will happen. Ga-hyun asks if it makes him feel like a god, and he thinks about it, but he says that a god wouldn’t warn them about their deaths in advance.

Shin finds Ji-hyun and asks if it’s true that No-seob told her to kill Young. Ji-hyun wails that No-seob promised he would take her to see her own daughter, who died three years ago. Shin tells her something that No-seob never revealed — he can only reset one year, so he isn’t capable of taking Ji-hyun back far enough to see her daughter again.

She confronts No-seob, who justifies killing Young by saying that she won’t live long enough for a cure to be found, and that he’s preventing Shin from making the wrong choice not to reset. Horrified, Shin argues that that’s her decision to make.

But Shin agrees to keep resetting with No-seob so long as Sun-ho is left out of it. No-seob claims that he never intended to bring Sun-ho, and is only stringing him along to ensure he kills Hyung-jo. No-seob gets a call from a mole at the police station that Ji-hyun reported him for instigation to murder, and that there’s a warrant out for his arrest.

It’s January 8th, three days before the reset and one day before Sun-ho’s next murder. Hyung-jo’s plan is to catch No-seob and keep him on 48-hour hold to prevent him from resetting. Ga-hyun recalls that No-seob mentioned being from Mujin, which is close to the reset spot, and Hyung-jo confirms with Sa-kyung that someone reported seeing No-seob in Mujin.

Hyung-jo heads to Mujin, leaving Ga-hyun behind. She thinks about her last conversation with No-seob, in which he’d revealed that Hyung-jo will die while trying to save her. She had checked with Shin, who’d told her with genuine regret that she still needs No-seob in order to be with Young. Ga-hyun had rebutted gently that Shin doesn’t know what Young’s future holds, but that she’s preventing her daughter from having any future at all.

She had called in a false sighting of No-seob in Mujin, to make sure that he was far from her on the day he’s slated to die. As he’d left, she’d said, “Let’s survive no matter what,” and they’d shared one last fistbump.

That night, Shin calls Ga-hyun and warns her to get out of her house, saying that this is the only time she can help her.

Luckily, Ji-hyun calls Hyung-jo and tells him that No-seob is at Jian Clinic. Hyung-jo shows up and threatens to arrest No-seob if he doesn’t tell where Sun-ho is. No-seob just says there’s a reason he only left Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun one card — they die at the same place, on the same day.

Ga-hyun tries to take Shin’s advice, but Sun-ho is waiting just outside her door. He forces her back inside and calls Hyung-jo, ordering him to rip up the arrest warrant for No-seob and come to his apartment. Ga-hyun calls out to him not to come, but Sun-ho disconnects the call.

Sun-ho knocks out Ga-hyun and she wakes up at Hyung-jo’s place. Sun-ho tells her that in the original timeline, she and Hyung-jo became friends, and were growing interested in each other while he acted as a consultant for her manga series. Sun-ho had used Ga-hyun as bait — he’d abducted Ga-hyun, then had texted Hyung-jo a picture of her unconscious body.

When Hyung-jo arrived, Sun-ho had tried to shoot Ga-hyun, but Hyung-jo had covered her body with his and taken the bullet. Ga-hyun had woken up to find Hyung-jo’s body on the floor, and Sun-ho had shot her, too. In the present, Ga-hyun tells Sun-ho why Hyung-jo reset. Sun-ho says he knows how much Hyung-jo loved him, so he’ll be careful not to get caught next time.

When Hyung-jo gets home, he finds Ga-hyun on the couch, bleeding from a stab wound to the torso. She’s barely conscious, but she can see Sun-ho approaching Hyung-jo from behind, so she uses the last of her strength to fling herself on top of Hyung-jo. She takes the knife meant to kill Hyung-jo, giving Hyung-jo time to kick Sun-ho away.

The two men fight, and eventually Hyung-jo wins and handcuffs Sun-ho. He begs Ga-hyun to hang on until the ambulance arrives, and she gasps that next time, she’ll give him that autograph. Then she’s gone, and Hyung-jo holds her body and sobs.

The next day, Shin is shocked to see Hyung-jo alive and well, living proof that fate can be changed. He informs her that he’s going to reset again, but Shin says that she’s decided to stay in the present and see what her daughter’s future holds.

She apologizes for her wrongdoing and warns Hyung-jo that a whole different kind of pain might await him if he resets, but he says he doesn’t care. Shin tells him that she only knows part of the way to the reset point, because No-seob always made her take a sleeping drug for the rest of the journey.

No-seob had told her that the road forked at the end of the tunnel, and that one side leads to the reset while the other leads to death. Hyung-jo makes his way to the fork and chooses the right side, which leads him towards the mountains instead of the ravine. No-seob is forced to reset alone without Shin or Sun-ho, and he takes the left fork.

As Hyung-jo drives, he thinks about Ga-hyun saying that she hopes to someday meet a friend like him, who would travel through time just to save her. He thinks to himself, “You have me. I’m on my way.”

Time flows backwards, and No-seob makes it back to 2019. He crosses paths with Hyung-jo, who barely acknowledges him, but later Hyung-jo walks into No-seob’s office at Samo Pharmaceuticals, revealing that he successfully completed the reset. As it turns out, it didn’t matter which fork he chose because they re-converged, forming the road that led to the ravine and the reset.

He arrests No-seob for falsifying data in order to get approval for a clinical trial. No-seob growls that he won’t be found guilty, but Hyung-jo says that he will spend a year in jail fighting the charges, so he’ll miss the next reset: “You will never be able to play with people’s lives again.”

Next Hyung-jo breaks into Sun-ho’s trophy room while most of the trophy cases are still empty. He completely takes Sun-ho by surprise and arrests him for murder, stopping him before he can kill any of the (former) travelers.

Hyung-jo runs into Ga-hyun outside her house, and he’s moved almost beyond words to see her alive. She recognizes him from the news reports of Sun-ho’s arrest, and he pulls himself together and pretends they’re meeting for the first time. He “recognizes” her as Maru and says he’s been trying to get her autograph.

He turns to go, but Ga-hyun stops him to asks tentatively if she can consult him regarding her story. Hyung-jo agrees in exchange for her keeping her promise to give him an autograph.


I really gotta say, this is one of my favorite drama endings of all time. The show itself had a few issues with storytelling flow and continuity (well, the story was fine, it’s just that the way it was delivered wasn’t always easy to follow), but the way it was wrapped up was just ~chef’s kiss~ perfect. I loved the shock of realizing that the traveler who seemed the most innocent and helpful turned out to be the one behind it all. I just thought that the way it all played out was so exciting, with No-seob being the true villain (and wow was he a sicko, killing a little girl just so he could reset and amuse himself watching people die). It was awesome to see Shin turn on him and help Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun, realize that what she’s been doing was wrong on many levels, and ultimately decide to move forward and let fate take its course.

I think it was realistic that Ga-hyun was unable to survive the year, but she still proved that fate can be changed by saving Young and then sacrificing herself to save Hyung-jo. Her sacrifice enabled Hyung-jo to catch Sun-ho, then reset again and put everything right. And it wasn’t explicitly said, but by catching Sun-ho early, Hyung-jo saved all of the travelers’ lives, making him a true, if now a bit weary and jaded, hero. One of my favorite things about this drama is the relationship between Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun. They evolved so naturally from strangers, to friends, to partners, to loving each other enough to give their life for the other (though they never got a chance to declare their feelings). This all took place as everything else was happening, and it was never the main focus of their interactions, but you could definitely sense how their feelings changed over the course of the year.

And that’s another thing I love about the ending of the story — we were told that in the original timeline, that Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun met and were colleagues who became close enough that they died together at the end of the year. It was the timeline in which Shin arranged for Sun-ho’s death, causing Ga-hyun and Hyung-jo never to meet, that was the anomaly. So when we see them talking at the beginning of the new, and hopefully last, reset, and Ga-hyun asking for Hyung-jo to be her consultant, you know that their relationship was always meant to be. Now they can let it unfold without the shadow of their deaths hanging over them.

In fact, I found all the characters interesting and complicated, which is quite a feat considering how the show was only twelve hour-long episodes, so we didn’t get to know most of the characters too deeply. Our main leads were delightfully complex, none of them all good or all bad (with the one notable exception of No-seob). Hyung-jo was the most straightforwardly good of the travelers, but even he had his moments of weakness. I absolutely adore Ga-hyun, who was never afraid to speak her mind and is honestly one of the strongest female characters I’ve ever recapped. Even Shin had a soft side, and Sun-ho truly did love Hyung-jo in his way — you could see that moment when he regretted the pain his murders caused to his former protege. This is all due to the fantastic acting done by the entire cast, who took the story to a whole new level with their rich characterizations.

I do think that some of the plot points were a bit forced… by that I mean that logic was set aside in order to create suspense or misdirect the audience into thinking something was true that wasn’t. One good example is how it took the main character, a well-respected detective, almost a year to ask Shin questions that he should have asked her from the beginning. Another example is the way Shin did seem to delight in the travelers’ murders, when it wasn’t even her plan in the first place and all she really wanted was more time with her daughter. There were also a lot of inconsistencies… who was driving the limo during the travelers’ reset if only No-seob knew the way and he was in the back with the others? And if Ga-hyun was in a wheelchair in the original original timeline, then how was Maru with her, since he was lost at the time of her accident? I can’t say I’m willing to completely overlook these obvious storytelling contortions just because the ending was satisfying, but the story ended with such emotional success that they won’t be the main thing I think about when I look back on 365: Repeat the Year.


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I actually binged through this show last week (instead of studying because I'm a great at adulting and making responsible decisions). And I just adored it so much. I usually enjoy being "smarter" than the show making connections before they actually are made clear. But with this show I just really enjoyed sensing things without actually understanding how they are going to make sense and rely on the show to give me an answer when the time comes. This certainly caused me to be more sensible to tiny cracks in the storytelling but they didn't break my love for the show for a second.
It also helped that I adored our heroes ^^
Thank you for taking the time to recap this drama. Usually when i watch something I come here at the end of every episode and read the comments - it makes me feel like I'm watching it with other people - feeling great when others have similar opinions like me, or marvelling at things I never thought of.
(I also tried to play out the serial murders in my head what they might look like in the "original" timeline and I think they do all make sense but to be honest all the thinking just gave me a headache and I'm tempted to make a sketch unless one of you already did and would like to share :')


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I liked this show, the investigation, how the piece put together made the big picture. I really like the main characters and how they worked together. The actors were good and I liked the chemistry :)

My issue was the reason of the villains... No-seob just loved to watch people dying and Sun-ho just chose his victims by chance. I was hoping for a better and deeper reason for all of that :p


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They were psycho, evil people, playing gods.
We usually tend to think that there must be a reason for a murder, but there are just evil people in the world.


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I totally agree with you about the ending: for me it was perfect. They were meant to be and they will be. And as I wrote many times in the beanie wall I don't accept anything except Maru's mum and dad together forever.

GaHyun and HyungJo were a fantastic couple and their chemistry was evident. It was so nice to see them grow, as you say, from strangers to friends and then to loved ones, although it was evident the admiration from minute one HyungJo had for Maru. His fanboying was so cute. I need more LJH smiling in dramas: he's always concerned (Are you Human too?) or shady (Stranger, Designated Survivor), or stoic (A poem a day). I need a sweet, smiling, happy LJH in a drama: Are you listening, dramagods????

I have to say I always thought there was something that didn't fit with No Seob, I could never say what it was, but I was no surprised to learn he was the mind behind the whole reset. What was surprising to me was how psycho the guy was: killing a girl like Yeon just to have a minion by his side, watching people die for fun, playing god with other's life. That was hard to see.

I also had the feeling that SunHo knew more than he was telling. My initial thought was that he could remember being killed in the previous reset. But it wasn't that: he was acting weird because he was alaready a criminal, and maybe thought HyungJo was suspecting him. He was another psycho: his cold response that he didn't had a reason for killing was appalling. I could feel HyungJo's pain, and all the Police staff concern as one of their own was everything they fight against.

Shin was for me the most inconsistent character, changing from episode to episode like a vane, depending on where the wind blows... if we needed a villain, villain; if we needed a concerned mum, then a concerned mum; we need a lunatic, here you have...

I wished we had seen a little bit more of the other reseters. If HyungJo decided to check on them or not, but we didn't and I suppose some of them would be doing ok (KyungMan, YoungGil, HyeIn, YeonSoo), others not so good (JungTae, JeungSeok, JaeYoung and specially SeRin).

Anyway, this was a good watch, I loved it with all its flaws, I had so much fun with it!!


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I think Ga Hyun's [final] words to Shin actually sums up Shin's character pretty well. Unable to move on from her daughters' death at first, she was slowly corrupted by the professor and started to feel some enjoyment from play god in reset on one hand. On the other hand Shin's concerns for her daughter made her able to summon up her remaining sanity not to undergo another reset. IMO this character is much better written than the professor, with all the inner struggles that she had. No-seob remains a one-dimensional villian in the end.


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365: Repeat the Year ep 21-22 (2nd last)

Posting this without having read the recap--
I don't buy it. There has to be more. There should be more because otherwise Sun Oh's reasons for murdering those ppl are pretty nonsensical. Except for his first victim I don't see any good explanation why Sun Oh would suddenly start on a killing spree. A grown adult, who's worked (atleast) 12 years as a detective, why would he suddenly have the urge to kill after spending most of his life catching killers!?
And even after we grudgingly accept that for some weird reason his killer instincts suddenly sprang to surface after one non-intentional but not accidental (since it was a conscious choice) death, how am I to believe that except for the first one, all of his victims just happened to be connected to Hyung Jo through the reset!?
It doesn't look like it but I really hope there's more to these explanations!

Moving on to the reveal about Sajangnim being the professor, I think I read a comment previously which already predicted it but I don't think they or anyone else for the matter, predicted that he's actually the one pulling all the strings with Shin just being a puppet! I have to say it was an interesting development.

With all the fast developments this epsiode, I'm guessing they want to deal with the reset stuff in the final episode. Seeing how speedily Sun Oh was arrested (We were only half an hour into the episode) I kinda guessed he would escape.

Some cute moments:
Ga Hyun's birthday celebration!🎉🎊.
Both of them had such wide smiles on their faces :D. Was glad to see them like this after much anguished expressions!

Also, when Ga Hyun takes Maru to a walk and reminisces about meeting Hyung Jo in the park with Maru, I was totally scared that Maru would run away again and something was going to happen! The show has me on edge lol.


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365:Repeat The Year (Final ep)

Posting this without having read the recap--

All of us guessed that Shin was going through the reset because of her daughter's death however the fact that her daughter was murdered each time was surprising.
I wish Sun Oh's sudden urge to kill was better explained. I just don't get how, except for the first one, all of his randomly chosen victims just happened to be the ones connected to Hyung Jo through the reset!
Regarding the professor and why he did the reset, wanting to have fun wasn't a good enough reason. His story could have been developed more properly. Since he was a professor, they could have delved into his previous questionable scientific experiments to establish that he would do anything in the name of science. And the resets were multiple scientific experiments which he did to prove some of his hypothesis. I feel like this explanation is the right amount of sadistic and believable. They could also have explained the why's and the how's of the reset through this.
I did like that there was only a certain day when the reset could occur and if we pass by it that means no more resets!
Happy that after all the betrayel she went through from close friends, Ga Hyun finally found someone who would do a reset for her. Overall it was a pretty solid show🌟
The ending scenes with Ga Hyun and Hyung Jo were nice and cute. I really really liked them (Yes I went back to watch the scene more than a couple of times lelz). I also like the fact that both were friends (and then eventually smth more😉) reset or no reset. I did kinda feel sad that in the new reality Ga Hyun will not have the awesome memories of both of them working together to solve the murders and the mystery. But anyway, new (and happier) memories can always be made, right!?
Overall it was a well developed show. Fun and thrilling, I really enjoyed the run🌟


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They were not connected to him in the original timeline. The professor gathered everyone sun ho killed in the original timeline including hyung jo and ga hyun and made them reset, that's how they became connected to hyung jo. Sun ho didn't know about it at first, he was killing randomly, only the professor knew and was having fun with it.


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Im a bit confused on the part where Sun Ho said in orginal timeline, he killed Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun together. But I remember Shin said in her previous reset, the killer Oh Myung-Chul killed Hyung-jo instead Sun Ho. Only in the 6th reset, she convinced Myung-Chul to kill Sun Ho instead. Thats how Hyung-jo and Ga-hyun survived for the 7th reset. If in the original timeline, Myung Chul killed Hyung-jo, how can Hyung-jo know Ga-hyun and become his consultant?


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The thing is Shin said Myung Chul could not kill Hyung Jo. But he was successfully able to kill Sun Ho with he was convinced to.


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As in he failed to kill Hyung Jo each time.


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Ah, I must have missed the part he failed to kill Hyung Jo each time.


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Thank you for the Recap. i will definitely miss this drama. Overall, it's a nice drama. I really liked Nam Ji Hyun and Lee Joon Hyuk in 365. The best role for them.
Congrats to the Cast and Crew of 365. You did an amazing Job.


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One of the few dramas i watched till the last episode big like for this show. Recommend for everyone


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i'm happy and proud of Nam ji hyun for nailing her role as shin Ga Hyun in 365 Repeat the Year. In this drama, she's able to prove her versatility as an actress.
I'm looking forward to your new projects Nam Ji hyun, i do hope that they will be as good as 365.


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what about ga hyun and her wheelchair. The accident taken place before yeon so killed. So it means that in the original timeline ga hyun fate is on a wheelchair and then killed by sun ho, together with hyeon ju in the end of year. While in the anomaly timeline ( timeline that we watch together ), sun ho died, ga hyun got an accident, never met hyeon ju and decide to reset.
So now, in the new timeline, there is still possibility that ga hyun will have an accident. Am i wrong..am lil bit confused here. : D


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Yes, her fate is to end up in a wheelchair, then be killed a year later by Sun-ho. But since Hyung-jo knows about the accident, he can help her avoid that fate like he avoided her murder by arresting Sun-ho.


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But Ga hyun had an boyfriend before reset .So what if she didn't find out that he is betraying her .
In normal timeline , she didn't know the truth .But in reset, she and Hyung jo found at the park and she didn't go vaccination for maru .So she came back home early and she found out the two backstabbing her.As Hyung -jo reset to save her, she will have a boyfriend.And then they didn't breakup .So what will happen to our hyung -jo ??


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A really good show, highly recommended. Cute couple and a satisfying ending!


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MBC released an extra clip explaining why Maru recognized HJ although the dog didn't join any of the resets. There are still fragments of memory Maru can recall from different timelines, due to "Akasik Record" theory that everything that happened in different timelines is recorded somewhere.


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Ooh thank you!


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Many thanks for that link. The last thing I was expecting was the Akashic records enabling Maru to remember Hyung-jo. LOL! With the Akasha providing a unified field, the fact that he met the dog during each reset would enable Maru to recognize his scent from one time line to the next, right?


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Guess so. Some pointed out that could be the reason why Maru ran so fast in this scene during the 8th reset.


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Thanks for your recaps LollyPip! The drama was a fun ride but I wish they had just one more episode to elaborate on some parts of the finale. I had a question after the finale of whether Hyung-jo's final reset should have led him to the beginning of the 7th reset so all travellers would repeat that reset, but it went to the original timeline. It's a reset not a rewind.

I was sorry that Ga-hyun did not get to keep the memories. She was seriously awesome all the way! It feels really good to know that they are meant to be in every timeline, and in the latest one shes not been in the accident and gets to make new happy memories.

I was also not happy about the villains and their motives but thats alright. I think the show got really unpredictable these last 2 episodes since before that most of our theories had come right.

I actually felt really bad about both Se-rin and Jung-tae's deaths. Their stories were well done. The entire cast did an amazing job!
365 was thrilling all along, I really enjoyed it.


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I like how they didn't elaborate on everything in their finale and so don't think there was a need for another episode but agreed with everything else in your comment!


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I loved this show from beginning to end. Everything about it worked for me, especially the chemistry between the leads. it's been a long time since i liked a drama ending the way i did this one.


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Thanks for the recap.


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We're getting a lot of series suddenly that don't even try for that golden number of 16 (or 32) episodes. Are 11-12, or 22-24 episodes the new standard?


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I kinda hope so... the shorter ones tend to be better :)


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I found an article on Han Cinema that covers this.
I have no idea if this will post as a link, but at the very least it will give you the search terms.

Some of the points covered I had figured out, such as the tighter storytelling with fewer filler episodes. Others I hadn't considered before, like the lowered financial risk.

365 is a good example of this format making the story better- although I also think it also had a solid writer, terrific direction and editing, and an outstanding cast that were able to add to the material.


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Thank you for that interesting article, @waywardhistorian. I've been wondering for a while now when reduced episode counts would be used to keep production costs in check. It makes much more sense to me to plan for a shorter drama from the very start than to suddenly announce a cut while the cast and crew are knocking themselves out during live shooting. The latter is such a waste, and an insult to audience, cast, and production staff.


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Yeah, I've seen both cuts and extensions do damage to the overall story. Either interesting sub-plots get dropped (Beautiful Mind) because of a cut, or the show subjects us to an extension length loop or extends the noble idiocy to epic proportions (examples too numerous to mention).

I've also seen shows that have started out having trouble filling the contracted episodes. A memorable example would be Faith, which began with unique animations, some well done fish out of water schtick, and ended with "soooo, Kim Hee-sun's character has been poisoned... again..."


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I love this show so much! I don't have much to say beyond that lol
It's one of the few dramas I will definitely rewatch every few years :)


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such a good show! but i’m confused about 1 point throughout the entire show..

How does encouraging oh myung chul to kill sun-ho at the beginning of the show stop the rest of the time travellers from dying?

Sun-ho at the point of dying would have already killed the rest of other the time travellers, so how is it possible for them to all go through the reset together?


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Sun-ho died at the beginning of the year, so the travelers weren't killed in that specific timeline. Heyong-jo's first order of business once he had reset was to "save" his partner (along with the Judge and the prosecutor). Besides the accidental death of the delivery driver which was caused by the reset, the first murder happened after Sun-ho was "saved". (The bus driver with the lotto ticket.)

The reason why I put the word save in quotes is because if Shin and No-seob didn't put the idea of killing Sun-ho in Oh Meyong-cheol's head, so he probably wasn't in danger this time around.

Does that help?


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And i just finished a great show in 2 days....


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This is honestly my favorite drama of all time. I love love this drama. I highly recommend


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I cant praise this drama enough. I love everything about it. Maybe there are still some holes but I don’t really notice until you guys point it out. I love how they still keep the theme of resetting from beginning to end. There are so many twists and they actually make sense!! There are so many questions opened at the start and they are getting answered!! Many dramas nowadays tend to have a lot of problems without a solid logical resolution. I think this is one of the few dramas this year that I’m TRULY satisfied with the ending. No hung ups, no me being “wait, b-but why..???”. I love how the last episode is very exciting, the most climatic, this is how a story should be!! I think the 12(or24) eps make the story tighter and it works. I want to recommend this show to everyone seriously!!!! Also super loved Gahyun’s bravery and Hyeongju’s big brain. They are so cute together T.T, we all really do need more side clips of them being cute together ~


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Wow, I really loved this show! Seriously, I decided to rewatch it because I loved it so much, and I think it has become my favorite.

I am personally a big fan of time travel stories, so whenever there's that plot I tend to watch the show. I had stopped watching k-dramas for a while because none really interested me, and suddenly I stumbled upon this one. I only saw the poster and read the synopsis, and I knew it was my cup of tea.

There were some aspects in particular that I loved about the show, so I'd like to list a few.

- I really loved the partnership between GaHyun and Hyeong Ju. As you stated above, it felt very natural how they moved from strangers to partners. And I really loved that they were truly a team. Many times in other dramas, the characters find new information and just keep it to themselves and try to solve everything on their own, but here they both discovered many important things on their own and shared them with each other, plus they also told about those discoveries to the other resetters when they gathered.

- I really loved how the emotions of the characters were portrayed. I think regardless of this story being fantasy, the role of emotions on the characters made it very realistic and believable. Made one think "These characters are people too. (Like based on real people reactions)" They weren't all perfect, and it felt real.

- I really liked that even if the main plot is familiar, the story was delivered in a refreshing way. When one likes this kind of dramas, one may predict what will happen most of the time, but I think that even if some events were predictable, the way they developed was unpredictable. I feel like the writers took risks and moved away from many clichés from the thriller genre, both in shape and concept, and that made the story very enjoyable to watch. (But honestly, this aspect sometimes played really bad ones on me lol. Like that time when they wanted to make us think that Hyeong Ju was the killer. Seriously, that was too much LOL, but again, after reassuring that he wasn't, it felt refreshing. )

In general I think that this is what made the drama so good, that it portrayed real teamwork, had very interesting characters, and was original on the delivery.

On a personal note, I'd like to say that I was very surprised when Sun ho was revealed to be the killer. I remember that I was so shocked for the entire day after the episode where it was revealed. My heart broke along with Hyeong Ju's :'( I was so naive that I didn't suspect him at all.

Anyway, I think I could write a complete essay stating all the reasons why this drama was so good from my personal point of view, with everything I liked from each episode. I just loved it soooo much, and I will remember it dearly. It was also a show that I watched (and rewatched) during quarantine in my country, so that makes it even more memorable for me. I will miss it.

PS. I've seen the question about the limo driver,...


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Ps. I've seen the question about the limo driver, and the answer is that it was a driverless vehicle. That was shown on ep.1 :)


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yes like an autopilot mode to drive.


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i think i can answer this question: if Ga-hyun was in a wheelchair in the original original timeline, then how was Maru with her, since he was lost at the time of her accident?
answer: as it was shown that ga-hyun was texting hyung-jo about the latest episode before she gets abducted by sun-ho; and we see maru tied to the bench nearby, i think since they both met; hyung-jo returned maru to ga-hyun as maru was with hyung-jo post her accident; it must have been that they met at the park (the park where they meet post reset) where she used to take maru for walk and got acquainted, thus becoming friends and maru coming back to ga-hyun. (like how they met post reset)


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