I have like 3 windows of comments which look like this.. AND 12 pages of notifs !!
The battle is on @obsessedmuch & @sicarius !! BUHAHAHA !! but given their speed perhaps I’m already losing the battle
(but not yet the war.. *spirit of kdrama heroes who dont give up lives in me!)

*Calling for arms and help from other beanies!** I cant do this alone**Help a gal* #NotifsFloodingWars

PS @ravennightstar – are u a dedicated recruit of their end or open to be wooed onto my side?!
@wakimary & @kaybee – I can count on u right?! I mean I love u sooo much and all that.. plus i’m helpless against their speed!


    *Captain Raven is always loyal*
    *Sorry Rainbow* *Guess you’ll have to look for others to join you*
    *@kaybee and @wakimary do no be swayed by rainbow words spoken by Rainbow* *Us Errand Boys(Gurlz) still together!!*


      Heyyy hey hey!! I’m a fellow Errand gal too.. ! We should be banding against them – It’s them roof dwellers and loan sharks not allowing us to progress in our life stations! 😂😁


        Bwhahaha! Sorry I didn’t realise 🤣🤣🤣
        *aishhh this is a dilemma then*
        *i want all errand galz to be together*
        *but I’ve sworn allegiance to Commander Sic!* *and you know..she’s got a whole ninja army to back her up…*
        *racks brain trying to think of a solution*

        Walkie-talking-ing @kaybee. *kaybee can u hear me?* *i can’t read this situation* *what do we do?* *we’ve got our House Hunter level to set up!* *and the scooter race*
        *over and out*


          Sorry guys, the Punnery Sergeant will have to sit this one out. Am completely emotionally drained after a rough-ish day, so need to sit down with some dramas and do nothing -.-


            *dun dun dun*
            *there goes one..*
            *Alrighty you rest up,gather your strength and we’ll see you back emotionally recharged!* 😉


            Aww.. rest up! We will regroup after fattening ourselves up!*wait fattened things are sacrifice only or can be used for like rejuvenated and up for a battle?* take care aye!


            Rest up Kaybee!

            *still undecided on the nickname for the nickname?


            @Raven, I hope so! O.O It’s helping a bit to just watch some BTLIOF. Pure fluff is always good for rainy days!

            Hahaha Runi, I think that’s only used in terms of sacrificing 😛 (and thanks ^^)

            @wakimary, Thanks ^^ I think we decided that it’s a nickname in itself lol 😛


        I’ll try to help out Raven and Runi..while I drown at work..
        but let’s not challenge Sic and Muchie too much 😂 I’m scared just imagining..


          Hahahaha! Me too me too!! Although i challenged them back rather bravely.. perhaps we will be like the David against their Goliath skills! *have no idea how we will actually succeed though!**but we shall overcome*That’s the one thing all kdrama leads do.. win against all odds!*


            *we gott call in the experts*
            *i mean..not we…you. yes you and you’re team*
            *call in @azzo!!* *she has won a war and knows some tricks*

            *why on earth am I helping you!?*


            @ravennightstar you still are dilly- dallying I see 😛

            And I think @azzo1 has been off Db for some time now 🙁


    Okay I literally have tears in my eyes- from laughing so much!

    *mission accomplished*
    *I won this battle*
    *would appreciate some statistics as to who all helped so that I can personally thank them too* 😛

    *will lurk here to see how this recruitment process plays out*
    *kudos to @ravennightstar for managing to not be fully swayed till now ✯✯✯✯✯*


      You guys are funny. Really tempted to join your war. 😂


      *being loyal is much harder than I thought!* *the Rainbow is tempting with with Dimples!!*


      I have the same rxn as you did in the morning..! Dunno whether to kill you for the drowning in comments when I’m trying to limit DB or love you even more cuz I haven’t laughed soo much in sometime now.. wait when was the last spazz we had?! Lol

      *Oh wait I’m not supposed to fraternise with the enemy**oooh this could one of those really angsty dramas where they really love each other but are forced to fight on opposite sides of the battle lines**


        Hahhahha *sorrynotsorry* Didn’t we spazz on Waki’s post recently? 😛 But yeah it has been a while since your perfect 1:3 ratio and Winner spazz!

        *LMAO* *You are one dramatic unicorn* *Cue in Balaji telefilms tanann tanan tana* *only Indian beanies would know what I am referring to here* 😛


    That was what I WAS going to say! My notification panel jumped from 1 to 7 just a few minutes ago, thanks to the new site improvements and also thanks to you and @sicarius.
    Thanks for all the likes, Unni.
    AND belated congrats on the Errand boy promotion!🎉🎊


      Hahaha! Always happy to help a maid level up to idiocy ! 😉

      Also Sorry! I just cant seem to resist upvoting ppl when they need to a little help leveling up.. !
      btw if u are gonna start posting more often u totally ought to turn off notifs for likes or ul drown in them!

      how things with u? no good sagueks lately.. did u ever post/mail them about the hair pins?! what do u watch other than sagueks? i think i only saw u active around then


        Thank you for the support!
        And yup, I’m already drowning! However, isn’t there a bit of a downside to this? I’m glad that I’m able to see alllll the support I’m getting, but you always have to open up the “See all the notifications” page if you don’t want to miss anybody that replied to you! WHICH I won’t be able to do often and easily enough as now when I use up uri monthly GB and be in slooow connection.
        Now that would be the real pain! You remember how hard I tried to post TWO pics at a time when in slow connection,back then?
        Speaking of which, I feel incredibly honoured that you remember me and my interests I just can’t BELIEVE it!☺
        No sageuks…..yunno. Sigh…! I dunno why ‘re they taking this much time,considering how the sageuks just RAINED few months ago exactly when I was preparing for exams!😕 (the massive budgets,stunt doubles…difficulty of finding sageuk-able people (You know what I mean right? Just think about Baekhyun😜) yada yada and I know that,but I’m still craving more SAGEUK!)

        Oh however, lemme say that I LUB supernatural stories! I’m waiting for I’m not a Robot!!! Perhaps when the recaps come out…….

        On hairpins, I posted a link to the whooole site, rambled on (actually posted another person’s rambling,hehe) the gorgeous MLSHR pin, shared my favourite pin of all time…And called it an,…end??? However,I’ll share as soon if I find another interesting one,of course!


          Haha! Those hair pins were so beautiful and unique.. how could I forget?! Plus it was super cute to see the then-newbie you testing out & learning all the DB features =)

          but yes.. ughh slow internet speeds are the most frustrating things ever! ROFLing at the ‘saguek-able’ ppl bit.. u sure have that right! lol

          Ooh i love supernaturals.. kdramas do suchh a good job of mixing the supernatural in everyday life. It was the first catnip which got me addicted to kdramas! though now im a sucker for slice of life.. did u catch Avernger’s social club? its a super cute and adorb slice of life-ish drama!


            The problem is, I,for years usually don’t check out dramas that don’t have recaps anywhere! I know that can sometimes lead me to miss hidden gems,but without intellectual recaps,I worry I won’t be able to catch all the hidden meta and cultural jokes. Yunno, if I spend my time and GB, in exchange I want it ALLLL!!
            I saw many were rambling good and interesting things about Buamdong, LYw and RMr are my personal favourites,so only if I can find some good,dependable recaps……


    I totally missed this entire thread and that’s a shame because it’s beautiful hahaha. But I think that was my day off DB.
    Also, @ravennightstar I sure hope your allegiance swung back into place my dear or you would have your Queen’s wrath to answer to! 😛 Hahaha
