The Last Empress

This drama is CRAZY! It is like the director and writer are high on some potent stuff which is affecting ALL the actors too! The amount of overacting, screaming, crazy plotlines and just all out senselessness is unbelievable! Some scenes/ characters are just plain out repulsive and YET, despite all that I finished 6 episodes in record speed and now even done watching ep7!

This is the kinda drama that I wish I was watching with someone because the amount of snark that comes outta me while watching this deserves an ear!

P.S. Is Shin Sung- Rok making up for all the times he didn’t have any love interest in his earlier dramas??? He has already kissed three different females with one of them repeatedly and a lil too passionately! 😅

P.P.S I am equally crazy for wanting to watch the next episode NOW!!


    Watch with us on Muchie! We will watch this week’s episode in a few hours (at 8 PM EST US). There are a handful of us who snark the heck out of Last Empress for the last couple weeks and it amplifies the crack delirium to a record level!


      I reallyyy wish I could but it is 00:22 here right now and a few hours later, I will be up and at work 🙁 I am jealous of you guys being able to get your snark on heheh! Have fun! <3


      I have GOT to figure out how to join you and watch! I’m on Rabbit but still have yet to learn how to watch with you.
      The Last Empress is like watching a horrible wreck – it makes you cringe, but you can’t look away!


        Join us @stpauligurl!! Will you like to watch with us tonight at 8 PM EST? Rabbit is glitchy but if you create an account and search for kimbapnoona to befriend me, i will add you to our group. With the group you will be able to see a link that will be posted to our “room” for the group watch a few minutes before.

        Or perhaps simpler, if you friend @justme who will be hosting the watch, you can also access her room by clicking on her icon.


          Im justmeDB on rabbit! Please join. This show was meant to be viewed in groups!


          I think I can. 8 pm EST is 4 pm PST and I will be home by then! I believe I signed up as stpauligirl on Rabbit too. But I’ll find out and join you.
          sometimes it just isn’t as fun to watch a drama alone. Aren’t you 4 hours ahead of me or is it 3?


          Thank you! that was so much fun!!! I can’t wait to get my keyboard fixed so I can type better.
          It was such fun watching with other Beaners/Beanies!


            So glad you could join us today @stpauligurl! My head is still reeling 😆 Boy that was intense.


            That emperor is getting more and more batshit crazy with each episode. I bet they are having fun overacting and emoting like wild people each time.
            Except for the grandmother, she is/was the only sane one in the cast.


    Honestly the only reason I am not watching this is because I can’t watch it with anyone else!!!! I won’t be able to handle it going in solo!


    My apologies @obsessedmuch for hijacking your thread into the Rabbit organization meeting! 😂
