K-Dramas have an annoying habit of humanizing evil people. Yes, his father is a vile human being. Yes, Ma Hwi-young has suffered. But he had a hand in getting someone killed and a subsequent coverup.


    I’m behind on this show and I think he’s one of the reasons I lost interest. I hate bullies! Even just seeing them in fiction irks me to no end. And Show wants us to excuse/understand him? I’m sorry MHY but own up to your actions.


      Ok. So I made a mistake. He did not get the guy killed. It was an accident unrelated to the bullying I think. @greenfields?


        Actually I’m not clear on this. At one point, they expressly say/it is heavily implied he committed suicide after he was bullied by the guys Ki Tae paid off for Ma Hwi Young – Ki Tae and Hwi Young even argue over it remember? and Ki Tae’s girlfriend overhears it. BUT later, it is said the friend’s death was an accident on his way to work. *doesn’t understand*


        Hwi-Young did not get the guy killed. It was not suicide either. But he did hire bullies (via his minion) that made the guy decide to move, where he was hit by Car of Doom. So he does have some responsibility. And he asked his mom to cover up for him, because if the news gets out his perfect image would be ruined.

        Currently he feels tormented and has moments of guilt, but he still hasn’t changed his ways. I’m hoping he gets redeemed though.


        I think when he died everyone assumed the worst. Especially the guilty ones. That’s why they all reacted.
        But apparently he died of an accident. Nevertheless the bullying was the reason he left town/schooling and was trying to make a living when he got into an accident.


    Actually I find this habit of kdramas good. It makes you understand why people like him exist and why they do what they do.


      Yes. The importance of identifying children being abused and what they become if left alone. These kids needed help – long back.
      This is just one outcome.
