Non-drama related – finally checked out Peaky Blinders and I’m glad I did. But now I’ve got the voice in my head speaking in a British accent and I can’t get it to stop.
Does that happen to anyone else?

If you watch something where the accents/language is different from yours, does your in-head voice (the voice that you think with and read with) adopt the accent?
When I first got into K-dramas (and even now) my in-head voice converses or thinks in incredibly broken konglish. When I watch British things, it does the same. Also with Japanese dramas or anime.

Does it happen to anyone else? Just me? Okay 😅


    i have tried to watch that series some 10 times now.. don’t manage beyond the first 5 minutes.. and my cousins keep telling me its great..
    hmm.. i guess it is?


      If you like it… it’s good. If you don’t… it’s not? It’s a matter of preference, I guess. I like it, I think it’s good but I don’t if I can say it’s great.


    I like to call Cillian Murphy’s overall look ‘Serial Killer Sexy’. I am pretty sure he is a cool dude but he looks intense.


      So intense and boyish yet manly… I don’t know. I think it’s his eyes. I get what you mean. If you watch his interviews, he seems like he’s either bored or lost in thought. He’s hot regardless.😏


    LOL, yes! Anytime I watch something British, my in-head voice adopts the accent for a while.

    And since I watch Korean stuff all the time, I also have my own weird version of konglish going on.


      I knew I wasn’t the only one. When I watch something in Japanese, it’s a shit-show in my head. Just confusion between Korean, Japanese, English, Hungarian and my mother’s tongue. Nobody wins!


    Even when I read. My best friend who I won’t see for weeks will call me and five minutes later: “You’ve been reading Brit lit again haven’t you?”
    It’s not even just the accent. Like I find myself apologizing with clasped hands, which is not terribly American!


    Surprisingly that doesn’t happen to me with English- a language i understand but with all these Asian languages (korean, chinese, Japanese) when I watch dramas. It’s like I’m thinking in that language with my own subtitles 😂


      My pronunciation in my head-voice is top notch! God knows I’m butchering the language but it makes so much sense. I guess it’s why I pick up languages relatively easier than other people but clearly not well enough.


    YES. All the time!! British shows are especially infectious, but I binge-watched The Wire many years ago and the voice in my head had a Baltimore accent/slang for WEEKS. :’)


      😂😂 I’ve been spurting ‘By order of the Peaky FOKIN’ Blinders’ in the most ridiculous, cringy Brummie accent that my flatmate is this close to throwing me out of the apartment.


        😂😂😂 I’ve been meaning to check out peaky blinders for a while. I somehow could never make it past the first episode. When I try it again, I’ll report back here if the voices take over my head too xD


          I didn’t really get into it till the 3rd episode and I think it’s because I somehow started finding the main character, Cillian Murphy, incredibly attractive 😂
