Author Gu Hye-sun holds fan-signing for Tango

Actress-turned-writer Gu Hye-sun published her novel Tango last month, and it has been selling briskly. The actress is even holding a fan-signing event, which will be held on May 10. It’s doing so well that plans have been announced to adapt the novel to a manhwa as well.

I think it’s fantastic for Gu, but I will say that I’m reading the book now, and I’m… not impressed. It’s not bad, but I can’t say it’s well-written, either. It’s adequate. Which, I suppose, is fine, since it’s not literary fiction so much as it is an almost diary-like (first-person) recounting of the main character’s growth through various relationships.

The story starts as a twentysomething young woman named Yeon grows tired of a relationship with her boyfriend; when they talk, they find themselves arguing and missing each other’s points, and he drinks too much, and isn’t considerate of her feelings. They break up, and she learns stuff.

I think she really needed an editor, because what drives me nuts is the kind of faux-profundity sprinkled throughout, as though repeating simple phrases gives them extra depth. For instance, Yeon and her boyfriend argue over coffee (he thinks she doesn’t know the true taste because you’re supposed to drink it bitter). She thinks, “I don’t know how to drink coffee. How to make it. Or why. I don’t know. I really don’t know.”

There’s also an entire chapter that is only several sentences long, that serve to tell us, “I’m going to become happy.” It gets tiresome reading an entire novel of short, staccato bursts of thought. Writing like that. Like this, I mean. Doesn’t make it more meaningful. It doesn’t. It really doesn’t.

But like I said, good for her. The story itself isn’t bad — not special, but I suppose if you’re a fan of the actress it’s an intriguing glimpse inside her head — and I’m not so turned off I won’t continue. (But I do think it’s an example of someone’s name getting them published rather than their work. On the other hand, I also picked up Cha In-pyo‘s historical novel Goodbye, Hill, and I’ve only skimmed through the beginning, but immediately it reads much more literary.)


Ryuichi Sakamoto – “Tango” (Versão em Português). I previously posted the Castellano and regular versions to Gu Hye-sun’s inspiration song by Ryuichi Sakamoto. Here’s the Portuguese version, and now I’m out of “Tango” renditions to post. [ Download ]

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Via Sports Khan


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Before I start, i would like to say I do not want to in any way sound like I am putting down anybody's opinion about anything. However, I do not feel comfortable when people criticize so righteously of someone else's work without really reading it themselves. Some of you have not read the book but only have read the opinion of one reader, even if it may be that of JB. I know, many of us go and see movies after reading the reviews. Yes, reviews can kill a movie before it even come to the public. But there are plenty of movies that I have loved that the major critics shredded to pieces. I respect JB's criticism of the book. I know you write well as seen by your writings of the dramas. As Samsooki said, your taste must be much more refined and elite. I was not an English major and I do not know what it means for a book to have a "literary sense" or what exactly is today's standard to be called poetic or not. All I know is that I enjoyed the book. I also am not an artist. However, her illustrations made me feel like I was floating along with her writing and thoughts. Some of her illustrations also made me feel like I was looking into mirrors because of the drawings within the drawings. Perhaps that was GHS' intention of reflective, thoughtful writing. Her writing flowed for me that it was a great big bother to stop and find the meaning for words I did not understand, as my Korean is about 6th grade level. Again this is only my opinion of the book. Some of you who may actually read the book may even have different opinions yet. then, I would have loved to discuss the shortcomings as well as strengths of the book. I loved BOF and I thoroughly enjoyed GHS' acting in the series and became her fan. And as many of you know, it is based on Manhwa or Manga---type of book that is not considered refined or literary by many smart people. Heck, I just wanted to say what I feel.


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I think Sarah works or has worked in publishing (read that somewhere around here?), so I can see where she is coming from with how GHS's novel went about.

I kinda view it as a treat between her and her fans, and kind of a memoir. I'm not saying the actual story is taken exactly from her life or from people she knows, but it seems a way of her expressing aspects of her private side behind the mask of "fiction." Also, it's to me different than, say, her directing or writing movies. Working behind the camera is what she's studied, and what she eventually wants to transition into at some point in her career.


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@belleza: Grown-up Chobit. LOL You're not alone thinking that.

Goo Hye-sun's book is not my cup of tea (no, I don't have issues about her writing, my preference for books are more on the chick lit side, so there) but I do enjoy her drawings. Definitely something one wouldn't expect from her.


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I can't say I ever expected to read her book due to my lack of Korean skills, but the little bit you translated helped me not feel disappointed about missing it. I lost interest about half way through the passage about coffee and just skimmed to the end... Such attempts at writing in a "stylized", wannabe sophisticated manner bore me. Maybe that's just me though, ha.

I am curious (and someone else already asked this), you had posted about Tablo's book before it came out, did you get the chance to read it? And if so, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts ^^


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From the insights and exchange of ideas, I gather that GHS' book might be amateurish to people who have a more discerning taste and who have been exposed to a lot of literary writings before Tango. But I think that liking a novel or a book is also to one's taste. I for one am interested in SUSA's interpretation of the novel because i'm partial to novels which utilizes imagery and pathos.
I like that at GHS' first attempt at writing, she gets good and bad critique, because at least she can take it from here and be more literary next time? Although we can all agree that her management really did take advantage of her popularity, i still admire the talent. Not anyone can write a book, and i think GHS was able to pull it off notably, because there were praises for her book too.
Whether her book is pulp fiction or poetic fiction, i guess the simplicity of the theme - something every woman can relate to, and the rawness of emotions (that was evident in the translated piece atop) is the main attraction of her novel. Her novel might have a different audience share and may not be liked by those who prefer literariness in their novels, but her work is appreciated, and that's what matters.


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It doesn't matter whether the novel is bad, what matter is it came for the HEART. Let's face it GHS cannot please everyone even if she gave her best effort and share her abilities to us. I wish GHS more big opportunities to come!


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maybe she does not know how to articulately express what she wants to say. maybe thats the reason why its so boring to read.


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for me the story is quite difficult to understand but if you keep reading it you will know the concept of the story. ya, it's true that the story is frustration but try to analyzed, it comes like a nice story. If you don't under it try to read again.^_^.IT doesn't matter the piece is too bad it's ok i like it^_^


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aja aja fighting hye sun! Continue to discover and develop the skills and talents you have. You are a good influence to a lot of people.


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I haven't had the chance yet to read Tango but am hoping that i'll grab a copy of it soon..Whatever feedbacks most of the viewers have for GHS, it does not matter at all. Each and everyone of us differ in our opinion. For me, Goo Hye Sun is very blessed! She is not afraid to explore her world. Such a talented lady.


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