Lovely Runner: Episodes 7-8

At the halfway point and back in the present, our leads are all grown up. We’ve traded high school uniforms for designer duds — and cutesy crushes for otherworldly intensity. While our heroine does her best to outsmart fate, it seems to have a way of sneaking up on her. But that doesn’t mean she and our hero can’t kick up some excitement before it does.


Woooow. How is this drama pulling off the emotional whirlwind it’s producing in me? All this time I thought the adorable high school timeline, with its little heart hiccups, was all I wanted out of life. And now I see that the adult versions of these characters in the present day were the sexy surprise I didn’t know I needed.

Phew. While I’m fanning myself, let’s get back into the 2008 action and sort out what the heck happened by the reservoir that awful night. We start out by witnessing the events in the original timeline. Sol and Sun-jae are on a bus together, he’s crushing hard, she doesn’t know he exists, and when she gets off the bus, she’s kidnapped by the crazy cabbie and tied up in the backseat of his taxi.

When Sun-jae finally follows her, she’s escaped the car and is running away, but before he can reach her, she’s smashed into by the taxi and tossed in the air before landing in the water. It’s brutal and Sun-jae is in slight shock. But he regains composure quickly, dives in after her, and pulls her up — in a way that’s impossibly delicate for how frantic the scene is.

On land, Sun-jae fights with the crazy cabbie until the police arrive and haul away the criminal. And all of this information suddenly comes back to Sol when she’s in the new 2008 timeline that she’s currently creating — just at the moment when she’s kidnapped again. Luckily our heroine is not a pushover and this time when she escapes the car, she takes the keys with her.

But you know how crazy dudes are — they always seem to have another vehicle laying around somewhere — and so, she’s chased down anyway. In this version of the timeline, Sun-jae arrives again, in a re-creation of the earlier scene, but another car intervenes before Sol is attacked. Crisis averted! She’s managed to change her fate and assure she’ll be able to walk when she gets back to 2023. And 2023 is exactly where she’s headed the minute the past changes.

Back in the present, she works for a film production company (the one that rejected her earlier when she was in a wheelchair, but this doesn’t seem to fluster her). And in 2008, we see Young Sol re-enter the picture with no memory of what happened, which can only mean heartbreak for Sun-jae.

2023 Sol checks the news to see if Sun-jae is alive. He is! And it’s perfect timing because they’re supposed to open the time capsule together right now. But when Sol goes to dig it up, the tree they buried it under is gone. Disappointed, she stands outside Sun-jae’s apartment building and looks up at it.

Just then, a sasaeng gets into Sun-jae’s building and right up to his door. It turns out she’s a repeat offender and security is quickly on her tail. But in the mayhem to chase her down, Sol is mistakenly apprehended as the trespasser (same coat, obvi). This leads to a whole debacle where the police and Sun-jae’s manager think Sol is a stalker (but Sun-jae doesn’t know the stalker’s identity).

There are a few changes in the future. One is that Sol is no longer an Eclipse fan (ciao Sun-jae merch) — and that means she no longer has that watch that was controlling her time travel. The second is that Sun-jae’s acting career seems to be going well, but he and In-hyuk are still besties. (Did I miss something? Didn’t they have a tussle because Sun-jae was leaving the group to pursue acting?) Plus, we get some clues that Sol is not remembering important events between 2008 and 2023 that might come out to haunt her.

With everything seemingly on the up and up, Sol tries to settle into this new existence. But it’s bittersweet. Sun-jae is alive, but they’re no longer in contact. She thinks back on all their sugary moments in high school (where he looks soooo pretty), including when he confessed that he really likes her. And then she thinks about how she rejected him and hurt his feelings and decides there’s no sense in trying to reach him. Buuuut, we also see him looking at the photo booth pic they took together, smiling, and thinking of old times, so we know where this is headed.

Sol changes her mind about reaching out to Sun-jae when she learns that the December 31 Eclipse concert was postponed until later in January. That means that Sun-jae could still die after his last concert — it just hasn’t happened yet. No! She needs to see him now! Oh, but that damn restraining order. If only she hadn’t been mistaken for a stalker.

Instead, she leaves a bouquet of flowers at his show with her business card tucked in the top. She waits outside the venue as the concert plays — and everything is just like it was in the original timeline. This gives her confirmation that things won’t end well for Sun-jae and so she runs to the bridge where they met after his show the first time around.

She’s standing in the snow with her umbrella when she gets a call. “It’s me.” And she turns around and he’s there. (Squeals!) She puts her umbrella over his head and it’s a repeat of that original encounter, but with a few changes. He’s as cool as ever, asking if her car is broken down. She replies, “No. I was waiting for you.” (Ohhhhhh. I can’t take it.) His face softens and they chat, until his manager says he needs to go to the afterparty.

Lovely Runner: Episodes 7-8

She grabs him, “Don’t go.” She’s frantic and will say whatever to stop him: “Let’s be together tonight.” (Heavy pause) “Let’s be together tonight you and me.” (Omo, omo, omo.) He asks what she means, “You and me, just the two of us?” And she responds, “Yes. Don’t go. Stay with me.” And with that, they get in her car — he’s driving.

Independent of the real intent behind these words, this is so not a high school drama anymore. So much loaded tension! And it only increases from there when Sun-jae takes Sol to a hotel where they can be alone without the public eyes on him.

As they walk into the lobby, Sol suddenly worries that she gave him the wrong idea. So, she clarifies: when she said “be with him” she didn’t mean it in a sexy way. Not that there’s anything wrong with two consenting adults wanting to do that! I mean, they’re not strangers, they did have a thing together in the past, no judgment — it’s just that she’s too conservative for this (as she wraps her coat around herself). Sun-jae lets her talk (looking startled, then confused, then amused), but afterward he takes her to the hotel bar — which was his intent from the beginning.

I have to interject to acknowledge the refreshing undertone here. Sol is clear, direct, and non-judgmental, normalizing the idea of consenting adults. And Kim Hye-yoon is the perfect person to carry this out because she’s both cute and comical and nothing about it comes off as squeamish or undercutting. Really, nice writing and delivery.

Lovely Runner: Episodes 7-8

At the bar, they discuss the time capsule. We already learned that Sun-jae dug it up six months prior — and he was there on January 1 when they were supposed to meet. He waited for her, she never showed, and he opened the capsule, where he found a small clock and a note from Sol containing the line, “Thank you for being alive.” This is what he said to her on the radio show in the original timeline (which he shouldn’t have any recollection of now, but somehow seems wistful about). He doesn’t admit any of this to Sol, though, and both say they weren’t there that night.

Rumors have already started that Sun-jae entered a hotel with a woman, and so, he tries to leave Sol behind to avoid the press. But she’s not having it. She sneaks him out and into her car, where she buckles him into the passenger seat and then lays it down flat (making him gulp). At his place, she’s determined to come upstairs — you know, to stop him from dying, not to hit on him. But that is not at all how Sun-jae takes it.

Inside his apartment, Sun-jae overhears Sol on the phone with her mom saying she’s with a man and she’s not coming home — to which Mom gives full permission. (High five, Mom.) His heart is beating out of his chest as he tries to act nonchalant. Sol wants to see around his ginormous digs and he takes her on a tour, where she kills as much time as possible by acting overly excited about every detail.

When she needs to stall further, she gets flirty. Isn’t he hungry? Shouldn’t they have some ramen? She’s smiling innocently but nothing he’s thinking is innocent. So, he makes her some noodles, which she eats before feigning sleep in order to stay and keep watch over him. He knows she’s faking and gets very close, sitting next to her at the table, looking at her intently, with his arm on the back of her chair. “Are you really going to stay over?” (My god his powers of seduction.)

Finally, she fesses up. She’s worried he’s going to die tonight, that’s why she’s there. He remembers her premonitions from high school, but tells her not to worry. He’s not depressed at all. And then, after a thread of events that lead to her spilling sauce on herself, needing a change of shirt, and finding a sexy cardboard cutout of a woman in Sun-jae’s room (it belongs to In-hyuk! He swears!), they find themselves jokingly tugging on a blanket while standing on opposite sides of his bed.

As they pull back and forth, she loses balance and falls on the bed, where he lands above her. They look into each other’s eyes from a narrow distance, and then Sol suddenly looks at his lips. (Yes!) But In-hyuk walks in and ruins everything (*shakes fist*).

Before Sol leaves, she finds the time capsule and realizes that Sun-jae did go to meet her that night after all. And so, after he drives her home, she admits she was there too. She was late, they must have missed each other. She goes on to tell him that she liked him too back then and apologizes for hurting him by not telling him. “If I ever saw you again, I wanted to tell you that I liked you, that I missed you. I really desperately wanted to see you too, Sun-jae.”

Lovely Runner: Episodes 7-8

She goes into her building clutching her heart and after a pause he follows her inside, dashing up many sets of stairs in a breathless hurry. At her door, he wants to confirm: She liked him? She missed him? And now? The tension is rising as they lay out the truth until a neighbor opens a door and Sol drags Sun-jae inside. Except now, they’re alone in her house with that same terrible tension.

He can’t take his eyes off her. She’s gripping at his coat sleeves. And then there is some very grown-up kissing action where Sol is the one that leans in to seal the kiss. The PD has not forgotten about filming hands here, but we also see the kisses from every angle — on and on for well over a minute — until they’re tastefully pressed against the wall. How are these two so pretty?! (And there are no words for how I feel about Byun Woo-seok right now.) When they finally pull back, they smile sweetly at each other, and the whole scene is just natural and beautiful. Well, and hot. Totally hot.

And now, they’re dating! Both stricken with stupid smiles that they can’t wipe off their faces, they go about their days in a flashback-filled daze thinking about each other. But all excitement is wiped clean when we see Sun-jae on that hotel balcony where he was in Episode 1. There’s a ring at the door, just like there was the first time, and next thing we know, Sol is hearing on the news that Sun-jae was attacked and is in critical condition.

The suspect is a convicted murderer, who Sol recognizes as the crazy cabbie that kidnapped her. “Why?” she asks. “Why Sun-jae?” And, honestly, that’s what I’d like to know.

Lovely Runner: Episodes 7-8

On one hand, noooooo! Poor Sun-jae! But on the other, we’re talking about time travel and we’re only halfway through. My optimism is outweighing any deep-felt emotions at the moment. We’ve seen fate change before and I have full confidence in our female lead to save the day. I’ll hold off on my tears until we know for sure.

In the interim, holy crap what just happened with the change of tone and affect the drama was able to deliver? These actors are so impressive. They’re totally believable as cute teens and even more believable as seductive adults. I’ll admit that during some of the high school scenes, I sensed it was getting a bit spicy, but I tried not to read too much into it. Now I see where we were headed the whole time!

The buildup of their bond has been so well crafted that it just hits seeing them together after so long. I mean, fifteen years go by and all Sun-jae says on the bridge is, “It’s me”? Gah! I’m buying anything they’re selling. Can we stay in the present please?! And also can the serial killer leave so we can get back to the kissing?


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While I thought ep 7 was a bit boring now that we graduated from high school, episode 8 changed everything.
It was absolutely amazing to see them as adults. And that kiss was fire!!! 🔥
I like that adult Sun Jae is still the same adorable awkward dude.

We saw the 2ML for like 3 seconds? Come on show, give us something more. What does he know?

I am not liking this killer seeking revenge story line but I hope there is a reason for the third time travel if and when it happens. For now I just wanted to enjoy the adults dating and kissing but alas it didn’t last.


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I think it's somehow a butterfly effect in terms of Sun Jae death...First i'm sure the killer killed him because they looked and saw each other back then, after that the second time Sun Jae didn't see the killer now looked when the car passed him so mostly the effect was in what we didn't see,what happened after and the crumbs we saw while Sun Jae and Sol remembered scenes from the past,just liek in the frst timeline the killer passed by Sol dropping her phone...Now we'll see what Sol couldn't remember more than blurred scenes and for sure alter them even then because it's not the same Sol...Curious if Taesong became a cop just like his father and kept tabs on the killer or Sol after he got out of prison...In a twisted way i'm considering that that killer seesSun Jae as someone who is in between him and his prey(Sol) and wants revenge....


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Your theory seems totally tenable. Although I'll be happy to see the back of the serial killer asap, guess we would have to go through a bit more.


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The tension in this episode was SO palpable, storyline and tone shift incredibly well done. the actors, writer, and production crew are knocking this out of the park.

I love the little bits of information they dole out episode by episode, as we learn more about the murder and Sol’s unreliability as a narrator also keeps us guessing. The perspective shifts between Sol and Sun Jae are also great ways to create misdirection and then clarification, as we see the story from both ends.

Sun Jae’s personality is still so adorable when he’s flustered over Sol, the way he was keeling to her every request had me laughing. The comedy plus suspense in this show complement each other well, I haven’t laughed this hard in awhile.

Overall this is the show I look forward to every week and I hope we continue at this level of quality as we pass the halfway mark!


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Sun Jae is way toooo adorable, he is so damn wipped about Sol a was smirking at him doing everything Sol wanted, imagine when dating full on he will be at her feet doing abything she wants jajja...Also drunk Sun Jae was a mix of funny and sad combo seeing him unable to let go of her memory for such a long time considering it impacted his life...


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Drunk Sun-Jae was as cute as drunk Sol ... all we need is for them to be drunk together, only on their love. 😂


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As a person who wishes they could go back in time to 2008 and change things this drama is bittersweet for me. Also why did I not know about Byeon Woo-Seok before this? He's so talented and beautiful, wow!


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On that note of where was BWS till now - hilariously, there's a ton of people going back and posting all the cameos he's done in dramas over the years (there's a lot of them surprisingly!) and there's now an almost collective sentiment of 'oh my god he was in this show?? how did I not see him??' so turns out Sol being blind to him when she was fully focused on Taesung wasn't so far off reality, considering that's most of us now being like wait BWS was in that drama!?? 😆


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Currently rewatching RECORD OF YOUTH because I didn’t appreciate Byeon Woo-seok the first time 😁
And a nice surprise, Kim Hye-yoon actually made a cameo in the first episode, tho sadly not with Byeon Woo-seok 😢


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There you go lol another example of how it's very possible to be unaware of others when wholly attentive to one person (hello Park Bogum), I didn't realise/forgot/missed this cameo in RoY entirely!!


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And, the fact that he said in an interview he didn’t identify with the rich actor that he was playing initially and found the major beats of his life corresponded with PBG’s character’s trajectory!


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I was just reading the article you linked on your fan wall about this! I know we don't really ever truly know celebrities but he's got a v sincere aura about him, yet another green flag in my books hahaha ✨


We certainly don’t and need to remember that but to doubt everything is also vicious, unnecessarily doubting and assumes that nothing is genuine. It is a miserable world that one and we don’t want to live there, right?


I spent a whole day doing a thesis on all the available videos in youtube and this thesis has got nothing to do with my studies because I am long past the college era 😂😂😂.


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You should always study and learn @emsel! Never know this knowledge you acquired during your justifiable swooning might not become life-saving one day!😘😂🤗


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Totally! What this world needs is more Byeon Woo-Seok!😍
Speaking of which, has anyone seen Modulove? Aside from episode shorts, I can't find the complete episodes here in US😞


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he played a stiff chaebol in Strong Girl Nam Soon -- he was rigid and tho he's so fabulously handsome, his acting was not impressive or noticeable.

howEVER, seeing him in this drama -- he is so totally my new flavor of the month, shall we say...


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I started watching Moonshine and I'm enjoying his character as the bratty-flirty crown prince. But truly, him playing Sun Jae fits him perfectly!


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I remember thinking how stunning he was in Joseon Flower crew.


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I think there was even in-show jokes about how beautiful he was in JFC- He was the handsome one that all the girls were in love with.


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Except the wig was just subpar. He deserved an expensive and gorgeous wig but instead got that thing.


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Can’t have him outshining the leads.


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🤣 true. Good thing going forward he will always be the lead.


I thought it was part of the joke.. made me laugh anyway


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Do you mean an in-joke? Maybe. But it was atrocious and kinda bizarre as in some scenes, the Joseon top not didn’t seem big enough for him to have such long hair but then in other voyeuristic scenes where he was being ogled by the kisaengs, he had that thing on his head.


Yeah, but he was sort of incognito. I think that's why he had the horrible wig when he was out in public. It was a flower crew/Im not the son of a rich dude wig, not a this-drama-is-cheap wig. But yes, Flower crew should have known better than to have cheap wigs.


You have a good point! I didn’t think of that! Thanks for this insight!


I waited the whole day for the recap and yes, I felt the same about this episode. I loved the adult story line and the sexy tension that have been rising for a few episodes now. I agree that Episode 7 left me hungry, but I was willing to sit through it for a the revelation in Episode 8. I really wish there were more dramas like this in how they depict adult relationships. It's not as innocent as many dramas make it out to be, and the progressive tone the drama takes is amazing. And the actors are top notch! They really deliver.


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This episodes gave everything and adult SJ and Sol is fire 🔥
I just love how they have made distinctive difference in teenage and adult sol and SJ, but also being true to their character. They both are just more mature and they communicate with each other like adults so no misunderstanding.

I guess we gonna need to find out what happened in 2009 and also solve the killers grudge (maybe sol witness his crimes at the reservoir as I remember there was a short scene with a news about that?)
Go save your man girl!


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I think the killer's interest in more a case of 'the one that got away' therefore where it comes to Sol and Sun Jae it's about finishing the job he started. He was arrested and presumably imprisoned for the crimes he had committed up until that point however 15 years does seem a short sentence for murder(s), kidnapping and attempted murder.


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2 things:

1. The cab driver was gunning for sol the whole time, why? we don't know. He even killed (presumably) an innocent drunk who ruined his chance to kidnap/kill sol. Also we don't know whether he wants to kidnap or kill sol. He kidnaps yes but on both occasion she escapes, his intent was to kill.
2. There's an indication that he is also a time traveller, when they dug up the drunk's body in the plot of land that was to be a new road construction. It was emphasized very clearly that there's no way someone could've known that.

I definitely think there is a grudge involved. Psychos don't fixate on their victims, unless the kill holds a significant meaning.


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I was kinda sad Sol didn't get that chance and tell Sun Jae everything when they were at his apartament, she was in her own timeline so she very well could spill the beans,considering Sun Jae he would actually end up believing her and making sense of her till then...


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*Warning: this isn't a positive comment about the drama.*

I don't like the way this show takes things so lightly.

1. After more than a decade of hearing accidents and other scary stuff that sasengs do, I didn't like how chill everyone was about this stalker. Especially Sun Jae and his manager.
Idols literally move out for people like her. They get into car accidents for people like her.

And if the trick was to "buy them a meal, and tell them it's wrong", wouldn't this world be all rainbows and ice cream?

And let's not even mention Sun Jae's entire "being an idol is so chill and breezy" "worrying about me is a waste of time" response, when Sol was talking about his suicide, and the "rumors" she heard about him.

2. OG Sol...
Apparently something happened again in 2009... and you're telling me that for Sun Jae and In Hyuk it doesn't makes sense that she doesn't want to have a walking reminder of her traumatic experience?

I seriously wanted to slap In Hyuk when he said that Sol was "ungrateful" to the guy that saved her. Like wtf he wanted her to do? Throw him a party?
In the flashback is so obvious how scared and anxious she was, but she still had the decency to be honest with Sun Jae. She was grateful for his help, but seeing him wasn't helping her get over the incident.

So do I feel bad for Sun Jae that spent 14 years getting drunk on her name? Nope.
In Hyuk keeps talking like Sol had being playing with Sun Jae for 15 years or something, when it's not her fault that SJ hasn't get over her. She literally appeared 15 year's later, bro. Leave her alone.

Acting like she's bad for Sun Jae because her traumatized 19yo self didn't want to go out with him 15 years ago, is straight up nonsense.

I seriously hate how the characters were putting the blame on her, instead of the Sun Jae. Heol. But the cherry on top was that she apologized to him. Brilliant.

3. It was funny how Sol's friend said that changing your fate won't make you happier. That things won't automatically be "better". And that she didn't regret her decisions.

I know that conversation only happened to make us panic about Sun Jae. But it's weird to hear that in a drama that completely changed the timeline to get rid of the main character's disability, make the single friend opposed to divorce and be the mother of two kids; and obviously the depressed idol now has no worries in his life.

I'm very curious about what the show is really trying to say with this stories.


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Hi, I loved your critique of the show even though I may not entirely agree with it. For your last point, I’m wondering whether Hyun Jo’s comment is a foreshadowing that fate will end up the same in the end (Sol with a physical disability and Sun Jae with depression) even if it doesn’t happen in the exact same way. That’s what her comment made me think!


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I thought the same!
But then why would we have a serial killer behind Sun Jae's death, instead of addressing his struggle during those 15 years of his life.

Last week I thought of the possibility of the show going back to square 1 (the original timeline). But after watching the preview (Sol going back to the past), I feel like the show doesn't really want to talk about the original timeline anymore (like her accident or Sun Jae's mental health). I feel like Sol will try to save him till the end, and any conversation will be lost in all the timeline mess.

Well, that's more of a fear I have. I still hope we get a little deeper into the characters at some point.


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But you are assuming that SJ killed himself in the original timeline- whereas it seems likely that the serial killer pushed him off the balcony. The implication has been that he recently got out of jail, after SJ helped put him there. (SJ and the killer clearly saw each other at the Reservoir in the original timeline)


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I said the contrary. That we have a serial killer to explain his death, so there's no meaning into going back to the OG timeline.


I'm hoping that's the case, honestly. I would find that more meaningful than time travelling "fixing" everything


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i'm pretty sure she only apologized to him for two things. first, the fountain incident, and second, rejecting his confession, only because she liked him at the time too, but she just couldn't accept his feelings. unless i missed something, i don't think she apologized for her twenty-year-old self blowing him off after the second incident.

i'm a little nervous about how they plan to handle the disability as well. it wasn't part of the original web novel, and they specifically inserted it to frame the adaptation, so i'm hopeful they are aware it's a delicate subject that requires a lot of thoughtfulness and respect.

the interesting thing about the conversation with hyunjoo is that she herself is an example of someone presumably living a better life bc of changed fate. she was not married to im geum in the original timeline, nor did they have the two children they adore so much now. their convo is a little bit of a misdirect bc you think it is alluding to something negative, but i think it's ultimately driving home the point that there's truly no way to know as hyunjoo herself doesn't—it's neutral in that sense, and more ironic than anything else really.


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Ah, yes, she did. But that's from Sol's POV. What the guys were talking about was the second incident, and the show never correct them. Sol gave him an apology that Sun Jae could interpret differently. For him, she could be apologizing for all of OG Sol's behavior, not only rejecting him (I don't think she needed to apologize for rejecting a guy 15years ago either, but that's neither here nor there).

So, the show never addressed the guys (esp. In Hyuk) comments that were completely out of place. And that's my main problem with this drama.
Sol gets a job at the company that rejected her for having a disability, she says nothing. Sasengs try to break into an idol's house? Chill. Guys making misogynistic remarks. That's fine.

So what I mean is that even if Sol wasn't apologizing about what OG Sol did, they show didn't make that clear for the guys, and didn't give validation to OG Sol's choice. Which I would prefer the show to make clear, given the world we live in.

2. Idk if the fact that her disability wasn't in the webtoon is better or worse. It's hard to understand the intentions of the show, imo.
I hope it's for the better.

3. Oh! I like the neutral view! It makes it seem like it doesn't really matter. Every life is the "better" timeline, since the life you're living is the only one you actually know.

But to me it did feel like "hyunjoo is that she herself is an example of someone presumably living a better life bc of changed fate", but we never got to see her OG life, and all we know now is that she's married with children. So that was a weird thing from the show, imo. Also, because Sol kept saying that she was happy now because she was "healthy, and with a job".

But I'll try to see it more neutrally like you said, since that's more interesting than thinking the show has some weird agenda. 😂
Let's see what happens in the next few weeks.


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And, while having babies has been wonderful for hundreds of millions of people, for others having children whom they ended up resenting for their extinguished dreams and their overall unsuitability for becoming parents needs to be remembered. There is a lot of baby-related propaganda in KDs. I get it. They’re in crisis with their fertility rate but babies don’t inherently create happiness.
And, her husband is still a dumbass who blew half of their savings so she was putting up a brave front.


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Like you said, I don't think we can do much about the baby propaganda in this period of time, because of the fertility rate crisis. But showing her husband being literally the worst, and her reacting like "divorce is never the answer", was kinda annoying.

I read that even with the crisis, they don't support single women having a baby on their own. So watching how her character got this random love line with the most annoying guy in the entire show just to give her babies in a new timeline, felt like that.

If that scene really was propaganda of an "ideal family" or wtv, I feel like they really did a bad job at it.
I think Sol also mentioned that she had a dream she couldn't achieve in this timeline? Or was it college? I don't remember. But that was the cherry on top to make me feel bad for her character.


T, you’re absolutely right that they don’t adequately support single women who have children. The old patriarchy marches on, particularly when the conservatives are in power.
T, just to see a happy/silly thing, look at my fan page for this vid of fans calling for “Sunjeha, Sunjeha, Sunjeha” when BWS walked the red carpet for an event a few nights ago.


I can't find it, Em. :(


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So cute! Sun Jae-ya!
I'm glad the actors are getting so much love from the fans of the show. They deserve it all!


Me too. It is a lovely tribute to BWS. I hope KHY gets a similarly loving treatment. And, for Tae to come back as a character and Song Geonhee get a loving boost too!


I'm kinda mad uri Tae Seong's story is focused on the killer and not anything else.
I'm sad he's not on Eclipse and hanging out with the boys. 🥺

He's such a charismatic character... maybe in this third timeline we'll get more of him (including a totally different future where he's actually the bestie's husband, and rocks all the time with the boys)?


from your lips. He got marginalised so I hope your wish comes true. I wanted his role to be much more expansive too but it is tough being the SL even if you are ridiculously charming.


But this is so unfair!
If he was an annoying SL he would occupy half of the screentime of an episode *cough* Sam Dal *cough* QoT.

But only for the fact that he acknowledges his mistakes, and knows that a "no" is a no, and can read the room (he's a SunSol supporter); they're making him catch a killer instead? 🥺😂

He better be at wtv college past Sol went. 😖


It really is! I’m glad you referenced the situation in SD. We’re now half way there so I’ll be really sad and mad id we don’t get our wish. Showing him only for a few seconds in ep 7 and leaving him out of ep 8 totally was criminal.


@DancingEmma thank for sharing the link 😁


i posted a response but it doesn't show, and when i try to post it again, it tells me it's a duplicate comment... 😭


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Don't worry. It'll appear in a few hours. DB loves eating comments and spitting them years later. It's part of the site's charm.


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1. I think they treated the saesang like they should, they filed a restraining order against her and I think he was filing a lawsuit before finding out that was Sol. Probably it's not their first rodeo with such countless harmless fans and besides being annoying she has not done anything to threaten his life thus far. So I don't know what else they could have done...beat her up? Live an isolated life?
The meal and talk was Sol's idea after seeing that she was a runaway teenager and not some creep, so that is in line with her character and her crusade of changing lives of troublesome teenagers (SML). She shouldn't have done that?
"And let's not even mention Sun Jae's entire "being an idol is so chill and breezy" "worrying about me is a waste of time" response, when Sol was talking about his suicide, and the "rumors" she heard about him."
Well, yeah, they were rumors this time around and he is loving being an idol now. He is not traumatized for indirectly causing Sol's disability now ( let's not forget that the reason she stopped at that location and encountered the serial killer was because he stopped the bus so my theory is that he blamed himself not because he was not able to save her completely but because he thought that if he wouldn't have stopped the bus and let her sleep this whole thing would not have happen) and there is no need to be depressed. His relationships with In Hyuk is better and he has a different manager. So why not enjoy himself now? Should all idols be traumatized and hate their idol life? Should they all commit suicide because some, unfortunately do? Did you want this show to portray this aspect of the industry and now that it doesn't and shows the exact positive, you are "hating it"?
Let's not confuse the characters changed fates and feelings after different time travels, only Sol, as far as we know, has the whole picture of events.
2. I think that it made sense for both of them because they did not interfere with her life after that. They might not have liked it but they understood that part. But you are ignoring something very important. It was Sol that acted she was very much in love with SJ in front of In Hyuk until the accident in 2008 and probably 2009 so of course he thinks that she was a player and that she played with SJ's feelings. So I get his feelings about her hurting his best friend, he has a right to feel this way about her because he doesn't know the whole story. If we play everything that In Hyuk have seen of Sol and we will see that it only makes sense that he would think of her like that. This is not like the OG timeline, when he told her on the phone that SJ felt responsible and wanted to apologize (or something like that). This after seeing her throwing herself at him for months only to turn cold afterwards. Of course he would feel this way and that is why Sol felt the same way also. The apology was exactly for that, for "playing" with his feelings.
I didn't get the...


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I think these are very valid points. I am wondering though whether the writers have sth up their sleeves, as Sundae briefly paused when describing to Sol what he's taking. So I hope they will go into his mental health at some point. It's out there and quite obviously weaved into the topic of this drama, so I hope they won't let just slide away. In True Beauty there were some amazing self-reflected scenes as well, so I hope this is gonna be continued here as well.


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Oh, it's the same writer? Maybe I should watch TB. I keep hearing good things about it.

I hope we have a little self reflection time in LR too. Crossed fingers!


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It has a lot of charm and Hwang Inyoup was a riot as Han Seojun.
I was very meh about Cha Eunwoo and would have had a much easier time with Moon Gayoung if her character didn’t have this infantile voice.


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I think Sunjae paused because he didn't want Sol to know he still likes the candy she gave him years ago. It was also on the table, along with his vitamins and supplements


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Thank you Dramaddictally for capturing the essence of this show so well.
Episode 8 was just a squeeeeeeefest.
Long may it continue.


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Thank you @dramaddictally! I'll be with you buying whatever SunSol is selling.


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And filling the recap comments with all hearts!! 😊😍 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


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I can't believe how good of a romance this is, in any and every timeline. I absolutely believe that whether it's high school or present day or somewhere in between, these two would fall in love. And that's what makes this drama so good.

When some said that QoT would only have worked with KSH and KJW, I didn't agree, because I felt the story itself was distinctive enough that another talented pair with chemistry would have sufficed (not to take anything away from the leads we did get, because they were wonderful). But when it comes to LR, I think it could only work with these two actors. To be sure, the crisp pace and direction should also be lauded, but if I'm laughing at Im Sol accidentally knocking Sun Jae into a fountain or giggling when our FL is mistaken for a stalker because she's wearing the same type of jacket or gasping when the same two fall together on a bed--all versions of scenes I've seen a thousand times in kdramas--I have to attribute that to the actors. We're getting all the tropes here and some I can see coming a mile away, and yet I'm never bored, just delighted.

As I said elsewhere, I'm so impressed with how seamlessly the show switched from cute, poignant teen romance to sexy, poignant adult romance. There are so many shows that can't do even one of these right, and this show does both! Normally I would be rolling my eyes at these two attractive (and in the case of Sun Jae, hugely famous) people still carrying a major torch for their first love (who they never even properly dated) but this show makes me believe it's the only possibility for these two.


--I didn't much care for the brother and best friend in the teen portion, but I love that they're married with two kids in this timeline, especially since it gave us that lovely scene in the hospital where best friend explained why she wouldn't want to change her fate even if she could. That moment really resonated with me.

--Sun Jae running out of his dressing room after reading Im Sol's card, him pausing and then saying "It's me" on the phone, the way he *looked* at her on the bridge, with all that teenage hope blended with adult fear and excitement, and the absolute joy he took in every cute and cringey thing Sol did (from praising the fragrance of a faux plant to feigning sleep at the kitchen table) . . . at the moment, I'm hard pressed to remember a ML I liked this much. He's so disarming and likeable and human even when the drama is obviously pure fantasy.

--Loved Sol's mom facetiously granting her permission for her adult daughter to stay over at a man's place if that's what she wanted to do. Wish we saw more of this in dramaland!

--The twist with the 2ML in the parking lot was so good! I did not expect that at all. I don't think he's a bad guy in any timeline, so I can't wait to find out what he's up to.

--That kiss scene was so, so good. I know it was heavily choreographed and probably filmed from...


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multiple angles, multiple times but again, I'm impressed with both the actors and the crew for imbuing it with the weight it deserved. Sun Jae waited 15 long years to kiss this woman! So when he finally did, it needed to feel worth it. And it very much did.


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I'm not into kiss scenes that much and would be okay with a kiss-scene-less drama. They always seem so perfunctory - like "okay at his point, we need to write in a kiss". But holy moly - that kiss blew me away! It happened at the right time and conveyed all the longing of 15 years apart. You're so right that the kiss was imbued with the weight it deserved. And I loved how he pulled back when he noticed she wasn't sure. And I loved how she ended up deciding to go for it and initiate the kiss and the rest is just magic.


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Consent, so hot. The director also loves showing the characters feet, it was squee-worthy for me to see Sol tiptoeing as she went for that kiss.


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I loved those touches too. Sol deciding for herself and Sunjae waiting for her consent were both seductive and joyful.


Yes, that was an INCREDIBLE kiss


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🤣🤣 "There are so many shows that can't do even one of these right." Love it! So true.


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My heart--this show just delivers the feels. Sure, it's great on the comedy, which I give all the props for delivering laughs and ridiculous situations incredibly well. But in the midst of all this comedic chaos (sometimes on a turn of a dime) are so many moments of poignancy: the scene on the bridge when the exchanges of "it's been a while" with such longing and emotion in their eyes; at the bar, when Sun Jae is trying to see why Sol came to see him, and Sol just straightforwardly says that even without the time capsule her wish to see him just like this had come true; Sol telling him that she was worried he that he might die and Sun Jae realizes how Sol still cares and worries about him; after overhearing how Sun Jae was still not over her, and seeing that he had retrieved the time capsule that he had not forgotten anything; and, most of all, Sol's confession that she liked him but couldn't tell him because she was struggling and in pain and missed him and then his processing what she was saying. At the heart of all this is that these two have shown how much they care for each other all along in all the timelines that the connection that they share seemed so deep and meaningful even in small moments. It's more than chemistry, which they sure have in spades and in many dimensions from cute to intense attraction--the feelings are so believable because they have shown us how much they really like each other. It's a rarity because a lot of dramas use tension and bickering between a couple to build the chemistry and the story, but when you get a couple who truly seem to not only be attracted to one another but actually like each other, it's pure magic. It makes the comedy better and the heartfelt moments that much more intense. Both Kim Hye Yoon and Byun Woo Seok have their own charm (yowza), but together they are magical here because the genuineness of their acting and their connection transport this story. I love them so much because I like them so much and I like how they are with one another so much.
I still don't understand how the time travel works, and why and how Sol remembers or doesn't remember things. But that's not a quibble, but an observation because when I watch I am carried along for the ride and running with the joy and feels. Love it.


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These two episodes really highlighted just how likeable the two leads are and made me root for the relationship even more—I love that no arrogant idol attitude developed in Sun-Jae with his rise to celebrity, while the new timeline Im-sol is still caring, straightforward, and feisty. Also, they are both kind of funnily awkward with each other, a dynamic that is more convincing when they are playing characters closer to the actual actors' age than teenagers. Like @dramaddictally I loved that nervous monologue from Im Sol about how she hadn't really been proposing they sleep together-- it really was unusual for kdramas to have a character honestly consider the possibility that spending the night together might reasonably include intimacy. This made the show's handling of the standard trope of two characters spending the night together innocently but uncomfortable in proximity with each other because they would really prefer something less innocent funnier than it usually is.

But, I’m still a little uneasy that the show will notcomplete the promise of episode 8 with a truly happy ending, which for me would be one that wouldn’t rush them together just at the end as the serial killer falls to his death. Partly its because I’m pretty confident that the next 8 episodes will

1. Reintroduce the love triangle in the final time travel loop with Im Sol feeling that she has to stay with Tae Sung to protect Sun-jae, resulting in hurtful misunderstandings all the way around.
2. Double down on the struggles with the serial killer, who will prove amazingly resilient and resistant to arrest.

So this brings up my objection to this show, which is not quite the same as @enriquequierecagar 's —but rather a more general complaint about the murder-romance juxtaposition found in a lot of shows. I understand that murder, in terms of a romance narrative, increases the stakes of the relationship, while, thematically it works to raise questions about the line between desperate actions for love and insane actions from hate—or, if its a serial killer, compare and contrast evil obsessions with the intense feelings of love.

But often, I just don’t think murder is necessary to make the show gripping, and for me, it really undermines the escapism of the romance. In this one, with its theme of missed connections, and feeling trapped by--or wanting to escape--a cruel fate, why not have just two accidents, one crippling and the other deadly, with no serial killer; or, even an original timeline that did in fact have the suicide of a depressed star who felt isolated and alone?

I’m just thinking, based on what I’ve seen so far, that without the serial murderer, the show could, if anything, intensify its squee factor, and that's saying something!


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Yes, I feel like kdramas have lost the sight that human relationships can be just as dramatically interesting and compelling as literal life-or-death stakes.


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I worry that there is a lot of pressure on the writers by the producers and investors to make them anything but straight forward romances as the gendered lens has pigeonholed the romance genre as not of interest to men so they are ‘diversifying’ the focus to attract male viewers/not alienate them.


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100% with you. I really loved it when I thought we were talking about an actual depressed idol. I'm sad to see the drama back out of that.


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Sun Jae has not changed since high school how is that possible? He still has the same giddy reactions to Sol and care for her the same way. While Sol still has a one track mind to save Sun Jae from harm.
Let us not forget their hot makeout sesh. 🔥🔥🔥

I'd rather not mention that creepy killer stalking Sol. Which makes me wonder if he was the same one Sol bumped into in the original timeline. I thought he was caught.

Now I also wonder about the appearance of Tae Sung. Why was he where we found him? What is he up to now? Did Sol's peptalk change his life's course for the better? Also why is Sun Jae so fond of hiding things under blankets this week? 🤭

We are only halfway the drama so there may still be a lot of time travel hijinks and lessons to be had. I jsut wish this will be a happy ending for our beloved Sun Jae and Sol.


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In the OG timeline, he was caught but was then released after 15 years. Some prison sentences are really too short to call it justice.

In this second timeline, he wasn't caught the first time he went after Sol, but the second time which was a year later. And then he was released likely weeks before the concert.

I like to think Sol's talk did change him for the better. I like to think he followed his dad's path and joined the police. Kdrama detectives are always so shady looking.


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Thats for the info. It just may be the same guy. Also you are right prison sentences in SK is too lenient.

I would like to think Tae Sung is a detective like his father.


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My guess is that it's the same killer that was released and even in the first timeline killed Sun Jae, as there had more beef with his interventions and coming in between him and Sol to say so...


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It also made me think that since the same thing happened when Sol dropped her phone the first timeline that the person knocking SJ's door is the same person, which is the creepy stalker killer.


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It's not like I was "in love" with the show during the previous weeks but I'm feeling kinda meh about it nowadays. I'll still continue watching but I don't crave the week to be over so I can get to the next episode like I felt during the 1st or 2nd week.

That being said, I felt kinda stressed while watching cause I just kept thinking about how the serial killer comes into play. I thought if he was dealt with quickly, then what was the point of him in the first place and after the timeline changed, I thought "sigh, now we have a sasaeng and a killer to deal with". Why?!
Killer with a "one who got away" grudge and a creepy/obsessive teen. Neither things makes the overall story more appealing to me, just stressful.

I don't know if Sun Jae committed suicide in the original timeline; to me it did seem plausible that he did but now with this new element of him being harmed, I'm not sure.

I totally understood why he's felt so guilty all these years. If I were him, I would feel the same way. It's such a sad situation born from such an innocent choice.

I also felt bad for 19 year old Sun Jae. He apparently was just never meant to be with Sol at that point in time yet she was the only one in his heart for 15 years.

I wonder why the brother and friend got together in the new timeline but not the original. The only thing that seems to have changed is Sol's walking.

Confused about what they're doing with Tae Sung. Why does he even know where she lives? Why does the serial killer know where she lives?

There were some cute moments such as their kiss and how they both kept smiling when thinking about it but all the questions I have as well as the serial killer overshadowed that to me.


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My speculation about Tae Sung is that he’s become a cop like his dad and he’s keeping an eye on Sol since he knows murderer has been released from prison. First love and all that.


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That's what I thought.


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Makes sense to me plot wise but Kdramas often throw me a curve ball. Love your name. Is that a Georgette Heyer nod??


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I 'm with you on this one, i totally believe he became a cop after Sol's whole case back then and kept tabs on her from the shadows after the killer was released...But i doubt he knew the killer had eyes on Sun Jae first, to get rid of him as he played a big part in both timelines...


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i have a soft spot in my heart for Tae Sung...


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I think in the OG timeline, Sol was always with Hyun Ju, but since time traveler Sol often spends time with Sun Jae, Hyun Ju often ended up spending time with Im Geum instead.


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Sol's accident in the original timeline would have affected everyone, not just SJ. Remember how the friend says that the friend purchased the car so she could take Sol places? Doing things like that and helping Sol deal with the accident would have cramped her love life. And the brother would have been stressed about it as well. Not very conducive to romance between the two of them


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I'm confused why they have the same house in the modern timeline. It looked like they bought it originally because their old house had accessibility issues. Or maybe I just assumed that


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The old house got redeveloped. In the current timeline we have flashbacks to SJ being drunk and there is signage about the redevelopment. SJs flat is now near where the tree with the time capsule was.


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This show has a pacing problem, a huge one. For a lot of these two episodes, nothing happened. The best part was the make put session because something interesting finally happened. The serial killer/kidnapper is absolutely the least interesting part of this drama, why they didn't just make this a tight 12er with just a timeslip romance, I don't understand. I know it is based on a webtoon, but we can kill the serial killer aspect, pun intended. It is boring the show is at its best when our two leads are adorable together.


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Thank you! That was a great recap!


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This drama most def isn’t perfect but it has gotten under my skin in a number ways and it has been a balm to chat with @Tabong, @Cera, and other Beanies until your review came out a little while ago @dramaddictally. Thank you for your funny and heartfelt review.
What I didn’t like:
1. I second T’s No 2 concern. InHyuk’s awful comments are expressed in the RL by so many men and some women. They were misogynistic and I wish Sunjae had called him out on that and not for his drunken buffoonery. It made me sad and mad that those views were expressed and not challenged and rebutted.
2. It was profoundly disappointing to a number of us beanies that Sol didn’t have at least an in internal monologue about the lack of accessibility and the rights of people with disabilities who have to endure and be subject to such treatment day in and day out. It could have been done poignantly and even humorously. A good opportunity to raise consciousness and speak truth to power was wasted.
3. I loath the serial killer angle and was so stressed that ff’d through those bits. I believe there is far too much gratuitous violence against women in entertainment the world over and still believe this didn’t need to be a narrative driver.
I will write about my fave bits in another comment.


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I loved these episodes. I laughed so much. I have been really sick and then have a huge work deadline, so I can’t completely focus on getting better right now. It was exactly what I needed.
I also realize there are a lot of things I am ignoring in the background. (how does Sol’s head even work? How did the self she left behind get into college with brain gaps? Does she have all the knowledge from all the timelines? What is it saying about disability and what happiness is? If 30 year old self made memories with 18 year old Sun Jae, is she invalidating her 18 year old desires? ) But this is working so much for me, with few red flags, that I am more than happy with just being along for the ride.

With Sol giving a time piece to Sun Jae, I have been wondering if Sun Jae will use it to go back in time for Sol at some point. I could see that as a finale, which I wouldn’t mind. It would be way better than noble idioticy in episode 13-15. With the old wristwatch not making an appearance these episodes (I think? Did anyone see it somewhere? The watch Sun Jae took off was fancy.) I am curious how she will find it to go back in time.


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So let me get this straight, only Sunjae remembers their first kiss, now Sol is going back to the past for the third time to change the future, then it means only Sol will remember their second kiss. Does that mean it's a guarantee we're getting a third kiss that both will remember? 😚


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you're asking the important questions here.


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I had the exact same question!


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Looking forward to it! 🤣


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Technicaly, Sol could still remember the first one, she was drunk it's why she forgot but not because she time travelled.


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I like the way you think!


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Thank you for the recap that really captures the drama's squeeworthyness. The drama is full of heart-squeezing emotions and LOL moments. The repeated sounds of "I'm not coming home tonight" was hilarious. And the Joseon fakeout had me laughing, though I knew it was a drama set with the cheesy romantic dialogue in the background. The fountain push was a great bit of comedy too. I'm glad she chose to go to her friend in labor rather than wait for Sun-jae. I love how well the actors play their young and older selves. Even though Sol was already 34 in a 19 year old body in 2009, her 34 year old self in the present day self felt more matured.

I hate that there is a serial killer, but I'm relieved that not much time is given to him.

I am worried about how we're halfway through and we're already on the 3rd and final trip back. I doubt they will spend 8 episodes in the past. I'm guessing there will be another trip to the present to track and trap the killer and I hate the idea of having to have a killer rear its ugly head in 2023 rather than just sending him into a truck of doom in 2010. In Sol's head, there would be 3 sets of traumatic memories. Yikes! OG timeline -kidnapped once. second timeline - kidnapped twice. third timeline - maybe kidnapped 3 times?


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screaming crying I love this show SO DAMN MUCH!!!!!!!
ep8 had me screaming with their antics especially with Sunjae IMMEDIATELY folding for anything Sol requests ARGH. My heart couldn't take it AAAAAAA

god I love them so much!


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If I'm really honest I found episode 7 nearly unwatchable and even some moments in 8. I agree with several commenters here, you know who you are, so I won't repeat what's already been written.

However I will add that as delightful as show is when at it's best, we have to talk about Sol....I appreciate that she has a bright bubbly personality and she can be impulsive at times but that doesn't make her a moron (too harsh?) and sadly that is how she does appear to be at times. Am I the only one dying from embarrassment on her behalf? Where is the 30+ years of maturity gone?


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I was also dying from embarrasment and wondering how everyone else was managing to watch it. :)


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if anything like me eyes closed screaming into a pillow 😳


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I just let second hand embarrassment scenes be slightly out of focus. It helps if the scene moves quickly and the drama has been good about pacing.

I feel like it also helps that Sun-jae also gives off just as much second-hand embarrassment, so they almost cancel each other out. Sun-jae taking that sexy anime cutout and putting it in the weirdest spot (in his bed under the covers...) was almost too much!

Also, as I get older, I feel like people doing or saying embarrassing/dumb things with little to no self-awareness is more of a norm than an exception. So the embarrassment feels less sharp.


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Because Sol has had a very sheltered life for 20 years and hasn't experienced much outside her home (apart from fangirling) after her teenage. She's not a moron, she's just confused and stressed out.

And lets note she was happy and cheerful alone with no "moronic" decision making until she found out that the concert was postponed and then she went back into savior mode. Its ok to panic and be a moron when you think someone is going to die.


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I worry that the show will not be able to top this reunion in coming episodes, this was literally perfect in terms of squee, awe & heartfelt, it was a long time coming. But I really dont know how their other (future) reunion will be as satisfying as this was,as after the third time travel I don't think we will be able to see the "Sun Jae" who waited for her for 15 years.


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I really love them together! Their feelings are so strong and they really care about each other. What a kiss scene!

But the story is pretty weird. First, the killer, why he has this obsession with Sol? Sun-Jae seems to be a collateral damage/jealousy. I prefered when I thought it was a car accident and depression than a obsessed guy who tried to kill them in each timeline.

Then, Sol is missing 15 years of her own life because of it. It's weird that they are different Sol because it hurt Sun-Jae so much and changed Sol's life a lot.

Why we got only one scene with Tae-Sung? Why he's in her parking? I missed him.

I was happy to see In-Hyuk and Sun-Jae still friends. But it would have been nice to know why happened this time.


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I hate, hate the serial killer subplot. I can’t see how it is going to make any sense.


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Yeah, me too. I've picked up on reddit that the serial killer may be a time traveller himself and tries to kill Sol and Sunjae because of something she/ he might do to him in the future. That would make it slightly more interesting … but honestly, the serial killer plot is unnecessary. Why do so many romcoms need a serial killer plot?


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@dramaddictally Wheeeee! Your recap was like a fantiction that made me all warm on the inside. Thank you😘

OMG! Byeon Woo Seok is killing it here, I had never seen his dramas, but he has become one of my favourites ❤ and first in the list of korean hunks 😂😂

Anway back to the story, Why can't I find such fictional men in real life? *cries in Kim Soo Hyun* I want to give credit to the director because he gave detailed instructions for the kiss in the BTS video and the outcome was fabulous! He knows his viewers and knows the product he want to sell and without his guidance, I don't think we would all be this emotionally charged. The sound editing team also needs to be praised because all the minuscule sounds (like Sol pulling her coat tight around her at the hotel) add more to the comedy.

Adult bestie and brother were much better, but I missed the trio of Tae Sung, Sun Jae and Sol.


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Because RL men and women are imperfect and are prone to being capricious, self-centred and petty. This is why love in the RL is mostly complicated and doesn’t always endure.


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Omo emsel "*cries in Kim Soo Hyun*". I don't know should I 👏👏👏 or 😭😭😭

You're hilarious and I'm shook. ♥️😍😊😆


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And, now what I liked/like:
1. It evokes real emotions in me as opposed to manipulating me because I can tell the difference. If I only get slightly teary and forget what I have watched the next day, I know it has been manipulative. What stays with me and affects me over and over again is authentic and mostly enduring. I find the interactions between Sunjae and Sol deeply moving because as T said, we forget that they are acting even though we know that they are professionals who ate honouring their profession by creating authentic feelings if empathy, sympathy, sorrow and affection for the characters.
2. I want to have faith in the writer that Tae will not become a sacrificial character and be injured or killed. Song Geonhee has given me/others so much joy because of his performance that I want to see it get imprinted in the viewers’ consciousness and to endure.
3. I love the continuing skinship between our two leads, the focus on their hands and holding each other’s faces. I love that Sol was allowed to exercise her agency to initiate the kiss and subsequently to respond passionately and lovingly.
4. I can say much more but my parting words are for my fellow Beanies (and Dramaddictally) who have given me so much joy in the last few weeks by being ready to chat, to commiserate, to laugh and to fall head over hills for this fictional story.


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Cheers! I🥂


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And, ah, how could I forget to mention the wonderful smile that incrementally appeared on Sol’s radiant face after their passionate make out sesh in the apt’s corridor. Thank the Goddess that the busted pipes gave them privacy until they got unceremoniously interrupted.


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Btw, does anyone know why a security guard has to fix the “busted pipes”?


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In a lot of places in Asia, the security guard is also the handyman of the building.


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Heels not hills, you dodo!😂


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Thank you for the recap @dramaddictally this week was a joy from the time she woke up thinking she had been transported back to Joseon to the unnecessary speech before being taken in to the bar I was laughing hard. I hope the killer storyline is wrapped up fast it was so cruel they only got one day of joy then were flung into sorrow.

Sunjae was clearly hiding his pain re the meds so some elements of the original timeline didn’t change.

I don’t get how the killer and the obsessed fan both got through the security for the apartment. Sol was able to loiter outside as well so it was like a normal hotel rather than a celebrity’s secure home. I was also surprised the family were not made aware of the killer’s release date.

I am really enjoying this drama but yet again wish I had just waited for all the episodes to drop so I could binge watch it as the suspense each week is so hard to endure.


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But if you had waited, you’d miss out on the camaraderie and the vibe of its live watch.


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I really love the live watch chats but hate the wait between episodes. I will always have a preference to binge watch. So whilst I do live watch I usually have something to binge watch alongside them.


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I think that was what in the specific envelope that Sol picked out from the stack of mail on the kitchen table. But then she got distracted. Still, that is pretty short notice. Given that so much mail is junk now and time-sensitive stuff come through email and text, I don't think people check their mail as frequently nowadays. They should have texted her. Maybe the killer was supposed to have a longer sentence, so they didn't expect him to be freed anytime soon.


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The award to the sexiest words ever spoken in a drama goes to...Byun Woo-seok for “It’s me”.👏👏👏👏👏


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“Naya” is ridiculously hot when he says it. How could that be? But there we go.


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We discovered a new level of sex appeal 😍🤣


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I swear my heart clenched and I just knew it was him before Sol turned around. *squee maximux* ❤❤❤❤


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I wish I could like your comment ♾ times.
For now here are some Sun-Jae style flying kisses for you!! 😘😘😘😘


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What an episode. Let me fan myself with you

1. "he’s crushing hard, she doesn’t know he exists"
The OG timeline always made me cry

2. Their reunited in that bridge was so beautiful and it's more sad (again) when we see in Sunjae POV

3. "She’s smiling innocently but nothing he’s thinking is innocent."
and the clown grant what Queen wish LoL

4. I love the adult tension between them, I can barely breath


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THAT KISS pretty much outshone everything else.

I am with other beanies in hoping that TaeSung is helping in nabbing the serial killer, we'll commiserate with him as the SML since there's really no breaking the bond between SunSol.

SunJae is still as dork-in-love as he was back in high school, even with his idol status. I liked that Sol declared how she felt for SunJae, because she couldn't do it when she was in the past.

But how did SJ know where Sol lived? He's still keeping track of her? Sol should just move elsewhere, too many men knows where she lives.


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How did SJ know where Sol lived? You mean when he dropped her home? She probably gave him her address so he could drop her home??


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When he ran up the stairs in ep8 he knew exactly where Sol's apartment was. But he has not been watching this walking version of Sol from afar right, so how did he know? In ep4 he knew where she lived because he was watching Sol who was in a wheelchair.


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I retrieved my DB account to leave a comment on this wonderful show that's keeping me awake and anticipating in the last month! I'm so glad to watch this show as its making me feel young again. KHS is such a good actress and BWS is a revelation. The director and writer of this show are both fantastic with the nuances in body language and with the script. I hope this show will continue its momentum in the next 8 episodes.


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It is lovely that you’re back. Stay for awhile even after LR (am sad just thinking about it ending) wraps up as there is strength in numbers and we can chat and commiserate about how quickly time went by and we were left behind again.


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👋🏾 Welcome back. It is a great show to join in the comments.


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sorry for the typo KHY.

I did read spoilers of the web novel reference and so far I am holding on to the promise of a HEA for our dearest Sol Sun dimple couple.


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My brother was watching this episode with me and insisted I make a written timeline and that is when I realized that in the latest timeline, the kidnapper just cruises past Sunjae as he rescues Sol, which means he was never arrested. But they show on screen that the criminal was arrested for some crime in 2009, which means he was arrested for something else in 2009? Is that the college kidnapping that happens in Sol's dreams? Did Sunjae rescue her again?

Also its weird that time travelling v1 Sol doesn't remember anything that has happened to the v3 Sol who's actually lived the latest iteration of her life. Or does she remember things only in bits and pieces? Like she remembers that she's a good driver and has driven for 10 years but only after her mom reminds her that she has a car.

Also why does the grandma know that she has time travelled? Curious.

Also I know people think his friend was rude towards Sol but he might not be talking about the rescue we already saw, he might be talking about the upcoming episodes and college time rescue from the next kidnapping. Just a thought.

Personally I thought he was kinda funny in the way he exposed Sun Jae.

But lets not feel too sad for Sun Jae not having a relationship for 30 years doesnt mean he hasn't had fun female company (as alluded to by Sol herself in the past, that the women he said he was just friends with, weren't really so). I am sure he has had his fun, he certainly seems to enjoy being a star! I loved the way he pouted and smiled for the ajummas waving at him after he fell into the fountain :)

And I liked that the show did a bait and switch with us (and Sol) making us think that he didn't like his fame when he clearly is enjoying it. It was a warning to fangirls almost, that we assume too much based on the little we read (most of which are rumours).

Found some of the comments hankering for him to be depressed instead of the murder plotline to be quite messed up.


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I remembered something. Sunjae is listing the meds he takes, but next to that is a box of sweets that look suspiciously like the sweets that fangirl Sol gave him in the first OG timeline! He looks at it and his expression changes? Does Sunjae know that Sol is timetravelling? I had my doubts when he stood in front of her and stopped her from crashing into the car(just before he asks her to break up with Tae Sun). sun jae knows stuff. maybe.


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I have a theory and it concerns cupcake.

Later later *runs back to work desk with her tea in hand*.


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1. Stopping in front of Sol in linked to when he found her on the rainy day (think ep 1 or 2)... that incident stays and does not get impacted by second time travel... hence SJ jumped in front of Sol because seems like it is a regular habit of hers - not watching her way on road, sleeping in bus etc...

2. I think in time travel 1 , she gave him box of candies.. will ahve to rewatch again.. but it is not the candy box from the original timeline


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I think that he timetravel when he asked her to break up with SML also. Besides protecting her from the cars, he also followed the buss, almost knowing that she will fall asleep (which she did) and end up at the reservoir.


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Yes because he has seen her fumble too much.. not being able to get down from the bus, not being cautious when on road etc.. and then she keeps mumblin random things about dying,a ccident

the show is keeping it very simple...and for now doesn't look like that SJ was time traveling..at all


if he were time traveling, the 1st thing he'd do was sort out the killer situation.. and not pretend to be oblivious to what Sol is saying or doing..


You are right, maybe I am reading too much into it.


It looks like that jar in the OG timeline though but has something with pink and yellow in it too. Sunjae’s gaze hovered over it so either it is a misdirection or is relevant.


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I am sure the timeline is repeating for Sunjae because after they took the picture in the photobooth, the photo appeared in the future on his table at the hotel, but NEXT to the it is the box of sweets that she gave him in the OG timeline. This is the second time they are showing the box of sweets I just realized this. ITs not pin and yellow, its white.


Never mind. I rewatched it and I was wrong. The box is different from what she gave him. But the og box shows up at the end of episode 2 on his table next to the photo they took!


I guess that was just the second timeline where he has her picture and remembers meeting her but thats it.


I didn't re-watch that scene, but I noticed that Sun-jae appears to gloss over something (a bottle?) when listing the supplements he takes. I wonder if he is hiding something.


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I thought the jar of sweets was given to him by Future Sol in the past?

Will rewatch the first 7 episodes and find the answer for you😉


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“ Found some of the comments hankering for him to be depressed instead of the murder plotline to be quite messed up”.
I didn’t follow this. What did you mean?


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I saw people on twitter wishing that it was depression and su*cide as opposed to the serial killer angle so that it would be "interesting"


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That’s appalling. Yikes.


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Also find people wishing for Sol to be handicapped weird. Sol wasn't in an accident or born with a handicap, a deranged killer pursued her and made her like that. Why does he have the right to "play god" and Sol not have the right to "fix" his playing with her literal life?!

I mean no one has a problem that her mom didnt have those burn marks anymore, so why shouldn't Sol fix this debilitating injury that SOMEONE ELSE IMPOSED on her.

Strange to see.


Original Timeline - Killer attacks Sol, SJ was there, fought him and police arrested him

1st time travel - same thing played out as original timeline, ebcause Sol went back before accident happened

2nd time travel - Sol is saved but SJ doesn't see the face of the killer. When Sol is back in the future she has flashbacks of another accident. So, what really happened is that since killer did not get arrested in 2008, he went back to attack Sol few months later, presumably in 2009... which is the flashback we saw and SJ was there fighting (glass window breaking etc)... so killer got arrested then... that's why Sol's mom said why is she talking about an accident "14" yrs ago and not 15 yrs ago which was the original timeline

Because killer got arrested late, he gets released late (assuming same judgement both times), and hence SJ's death was delayed in ep 8


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👏 That makes sense. Thank you for explaining your theory about the time travel timeline.


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Thank you for joining the dots. It is a very well-thought out theory which clarifies a lot of points.


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I have so much to write about these two episodes, but I am so swamped with work....duh! So taking a rain check and will return tomorrow with my essay.

Meanwhile I caught the bts for their kissing scene, and while I can't find the actual kiss (the first one, not the one we got to see) anymore, I will leave you with the bts link to enjoy.

In the first kiss that PD nim vetoed, Sun-jae goes all out (he literally bulldozes Sol against the wall 😂), and the PD becomes a little upset. But dang, it was hot. The kiss we actually saw on screen was about a 20% of it.

It made me wonder if BWS is crushing on KHY in real life too.....



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Thanks for sharing this, I'm more than happy to finally see a complete translation on this part. Now I can't stop rewatching it, lol.


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You’ll get mad for me saying this but don’t go there. He and/or she might not even be straight. We should be content that amidst the tightly choreographed kiss scene, these 2 wonderful actors have somehow -incredibly - managed to convince us of the emotional intimacy of that moment and many more. I want to hug them both for it and say, keep living and working.


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Emma, The RL shipping is less for these two actors compared to QoT actors. Park Sung Hoon is getting bashed for his role in QoT more than "Glory" because of the lead shippers. Poor guy! It must be heartbreaking for him.

Minnie, BWS is a good actor and as well as a talented promoter. You must watch his interviews with Kim Yoo Jung for some korean movie. He had the same level of comfort with KYJ as with KHY and called her cute. Plus, he takes good care of his co-stars because in his previous drama as a villain, after a fight scene with the FL, he patted her back and made sure she was okay.


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Poor PSH. That is rough. I hope he and others can insulate themselves from the netizens whatthefuckery.


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@dncingemma Point. Though I did find it very cute. To be honest I found his interpretation of the kiss much more believable, especially as it was initiated by Sol, but I think they have some kind of manuel as to how the episode 8 kiss should be. Though I am also very happy with what we got because these two incredible actors are acing it.


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i think it is about interpretation...

As an actor, he would have thought that this guy has been pining and yearning for 15 years...so when she tells him that she has liked him always.. it is an explosion of feelings... even i would interpret the character and go for a a very very hungry fierce kiss..

But then, we do what the boss says... director in this case


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Agree. I think he was on point too.


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and i see director's point

SJ, as a personality is someone who always prioritizes Sol. Going in for a softer kiss is carrying forward the same sentiment... how SJ always handles her with utmost care... so while he wants to pounce :P .. he is still being soft, slow, and gentlemanly


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That scene the next day where they are still in the glow of their bliss and are flirting so sweetly on the phone, has that incredibly foreboding moment when Sunjae says to Sol “조금 많다, a bit longer”. BWS conveyed the sudden and subtle sadness of that scene so deftly as his intonation changed slightly and this yearning sadness coloured his voice given what tragedy would come to pass in that timeline. So devastating and grnuinely heartbreaking.


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I should have written “afterglow”!


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A very nuanced acting and directing. Pulls viewers in and makes them almost feel character’s emotions at that moment, doesn’t it?


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For sure it did.


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Correction: 조금만 더


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Everytime this drama almost loses me, it brings me back in! I really love how fresh and interesting the storyline is. Still wish that the male lead's feelings for the female lead weren't just love at first sight, but oh well.


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I hear you. It is a deeply embedded trope but at least in the trajectory of their relationship across the timelines, it has been superseded by a loving and deepening friendship, appreciation for each other’s love and loyalty nursed through adversity and enduring.
At least, they have wisely not included past lives or childhood connections so am tolerating this trope which in RL means a potent attraction and not ‘love at first sight’.


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Oh stop picking on all these tropes, guys. Just admit that you secretly enjoy them - we wouldn’t be watching as many Kdramas without these oh so familiar and recurrent things. Otherwise, how would we recognize them all without watching hundreds of dramas,right?


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Haha, I know that you're being facetious (I think?) but for real, I HATE insta love. Nothing bores me faster. I agree with DancingGemma that this drama has developed the relationship enough to make me invested, but I would have preferred more actual development of Sun-jae's feelings for her


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Some dramas (this one, Dali and Cocky Prince) I totally believe the guys are smitten at first sight, based on what we know of the characters' background and what is happening in the moment. Poor motherless Sun-jae, recently moved, no time for girls between swimming and helping his dad, sees a radiant girl his age running joyfully towards him. That's gotta make an impact.


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It's not that I don't find it believable, it's that it's boring for me to watch. I want to watch feelings develop, not just instantly appear. Especially with Lovely Runner because it even happened before the story started.

I was smitten right away with my husband, but I also don't think our relationship would make an interesting romance story, either. Lol


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Watch questions....
In the time capsule there was also a watch besides the note. I wonder if Sol placed it there or someone else did later on and when it was placed there. Why would she give him a watch and why a watch in the first place? She doesn't have the same one since she never was a fan after she changed the fate.


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She did say her gift was "time". She wants him to continue living and that his time wouldn't stop.

(I am personally against giving watches or clocks as gifts...since I don't want the bad omen feel of when that clock or watch stops)


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Jeez. I hadn’t thought of that. I try not to be superstitious but sometimes I fail at it.


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Thanks for the wonderful recap!! You guys have read my comments these last few weeks and you know how much I love this drama. Its warm and refreshing and Sun/Sol is going into my K drama hall of fame if they keep up this momentum.

Now there was some things I find interesting. I think Sun Jae will figure out that Sol is from the future somehow. I also think that its Future Sol that Sun Jae is in love with.. Its Future Sol that Sun jae made all of those memories with. He had a crush on Sol ( past version) but that growth into love was all future sol. Its the same with Tae Seung, he liked the future version of her more than the past.

I have a theory that the other time traveller may be the Taxi driver which would be a proper plot twist. I am thinking that he has a reason for being obsessed with Sol/Sun Jae.

Best takeaways were:
* Sol realising she could walk again and how happy she was in the future
* Sol Grandma remembering the old timeline where Sol lost her legs
* Sun Jae falling into that water and trying to play it off 😂😂🤣
*Sun Jae running to that bridge to meet Sol and how he didnt hesistate to go with her
* Sol thinking Sun Jae taking her to a hotel meant something else 🤣😂 I was dying laughing...
* Sol realising Sun Jae spent most of his years missing her and her opening up to him was so beautiful
* that KISS.. THAT KISS THAT KISS.. It was 15 years of longing in that kiss.. I have to say that kiss ranked up there in my top 3 K drama Kisses ( sorry I am Robot is still number 1, boy Yoo Seung Ho is probably the best kisser in Kdrama land ).
* The brief glimpse of Joy we get at seeing our Sun/Sol couple.. They really are so good together.

I honestly love how this drama balances comedy, love, and vulnerability. Even though I hate how exposed Sun Jae's heart is at times, I am so glad that Sol didnt say anything like they do in most dramas but opened herself up to him too and told him the truth. This drama is purely heart melting and how they keep making my heart melt each week is crazy to me. I literally look forward to Mondays now...


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I’m not a fan of turning characters into celibate-seeming piners as it isn’t healthy but is a trope that resonates with women because we are conditioned to accept that in gorgeous fairy tales such as LR. I wish Sol and Sunjae had remembered and loved each other but not depicted as martyrs.
And, am not Faith Hill fan but your “that kiss, that kiss, that kiss” made me think of her song, “This kiss” and when looked up the lyrics, this bit seemed particularly apt here:
“ It's the way you love me
It's a feeling like this
It's centrifugal motion
It's perpetual bliss
It's that pivotal moment
It's, ah, impossible
This kiss, this kiss (unstoppable)
This kiss, this kiss”


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I'm enjoying it very dearly..It always keeps the storyline unpredictable and interesting, while not giving up on the romcom part..wow the comedy and romance are so good in this. Actors are nailing it. They feel so believable playing both high schoolers and adults. Anyways waiting for the next episodes


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This show is hitting all the right beats for me. I can’t imagine anyone else playing Sunjae and Imsol. They both embody these characters so well. Also, all my theories about the time travel are elementary, at best, but I do believe at least Taesung is also traveling. And probably Sunjae too. And everyone just wants to be happy and alive. I still have one qualm and that is the paraplegic aspect of the original timeline and how that shaped everyone. I don’t know how to explain it, but I hoped that she may have still been injured and he love her even through that. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been watching every iteration of that nearly 2 minute kiss and the BTS’s on multiple social media platforms, but how much hotter would it have been if he was on his knees and kissing her that passionately. Take all my ovaries now. I really wish we had a show that showed how a paraplegic/ quadriplegic can have intimacy with a “normal” person. I’m probably thinking more about this because I have a quad patient who had a wife who was not. She also recently passed away and their love story is the stuff of legends.

Anywho, I knew from the first episode I would love this show. Been following BWS for a while and have always loved his look and now his acting skill has caught up with him. I love that he sings too. And me not even being able to resist any model-actor I’ve ever seen. I’m enjoying this show very much.


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I am so happy people are appreciating BWS (i followed him for awhile too). I am actually thrilled these two were cast because I feel that they are super underrated. Kim Hye Yoon was amazing in Sky Castle and I have loved BWS for awhile now. I think I saw him in a high school drama with Kang Mina ( not FLower crew)... I loved him then and I really feel in love in record of youth..


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He’s also got bit parts in weightlifting Kim boc joo and a lot of other “famous” Kdramas. He’s been doing the rounds, honing his craft, and I love that. I really started to see him mature in Moonshine as the crown prince though.


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I loved these episodes. I found it very cute that the moment Sol comes back into his life he is a smitten with her as when he was 18, as seen in his secret smiles and doing everything she asked, except as adult and idol he has to act extra aloof to hide he has been pining for her for 15 years. Even his friend tease him for it.
There kiss was great, it’s nice to have one where she is sober and fully invested. I like how she confessed that she did like him, but she wasn’t in the right place to accept him. I really like their honesty. And since she did confess we had done great fluffy moments of our leads smiling like idiots.
I am certain seon jae was murdered in the first time line by her kidnapper, and it seems in this timeline he wants to finish the job and get rid of the person who stopped him. Mabey they have to kill the stalker to save both their lives…?
There is also the glitch in the matrix with its being only 14 years and the grandma seemingly remembering Sol being paralysed. So even tho she changed events there are still traces of the original timeline
This drama keeps telling us it’s hard to escape your fate as it will eventually come for you as seen by the last scene but I do hope they have a happy ending. I actually wouldn’t be mad if Sol did have her accident at some point and was in a wheel chair but had seon jae by her side to help her push though and they lived happily ever after.


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I can totally understand why he is smitten with that cute little bulldozer of a girl. So full of energy and very spontaneous. Other females, no matter how pretty, are just dull compared to her character.


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Where is Sunjae’s dad in the new 2023 timeline?


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Probably still working. We saw him weeping at the funeral in the first timeline.


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It just occurred to me that he didn’t reference him even once when we have seen all of Sol’s close relos.


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Thank you for the recap! I’m currently re-watching the whole ep.8. for the first time. Some scenes deserve 0.75 speed rewatch.


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Am I the only one who thinks the sasaeng is Im Sol from the future, somehow in the same timeline and therefore needing to stay hidden? If so, why is she stalking Sun-jae, to manipulate events so second iteration Sol can meet him? Is she trying to warn him about something? Has she just gone crazy from trying to keep the various timelines straight?


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How could she be, when she's a 14-year-old runaway with a different face and body? Or do you think there's more than one sasaeng, and one of them is IS? There's been no body-swapping into other people's bodies so far, nor any coexistence of different physical versions of the same person in the same timeline, and I wouldn't expect the the show to introduce those now. Only IS's consciousness/memory seems to travel between past and present but she's always the same person.

I'm definitely going a little crazy trying to keep the timelines straight, which is half the fun!


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I suddenly thought what is the young runaway is connected to the serial killer? If Sol and Sunjae help the kid to have a stable life and it turns out that the serial killer was her dad or is another relative, maybe this could explain his fixation on Sol and Sunjae. This might be too out there as a theory but I just thought it wasn’t necessary to include a runaway teenager as a sasaeng-ish character as Sol still could have been suspected to be in given their unfortunate prevalence.


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I thought it was interesting that the stalker girl is 14 and 14 years ago was when the serial killer made his second attempt to kill Sol (and then was caught). I'm not sure if it means anything.


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Ooh! It might! I reckon you might be on to something and maybe a bit of my theory is true too. I just want that serial killer to be made irrelevant and gine!


But notwithstanding the age and appearance disparity as @Elinor said, how could she meet her younger self without the timey wimey physics going bananas? Also, more importantly and to defend her honour, Sol was never a sasaeng!


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Oops, have travel brain and forgot they actually revealed the stalker. But it still seems odd how they hid her face. There must be a future plot purpose to her, surely.


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Don’t worry. I empathise.
And, I agree. It is too random otherwise. She is also a young kid who isn’t violent. Just lost and unmoored so hopefully will be dissuaded to become an unhinged sasaeng.


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Rather “dissuaded from becoming an unhinged sasaeng”.


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I thought the saesang character with the same coat was going to end up being the victim in a case of mistaken identity. Be nice if I’m wrong.


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Hahaha .... that was my first reaction too. But then it's a different girl altogether so ... 🤷‍♀️


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Sorry to all you beanies in the LR thread for posting so much.
I have come down with bronchitis, am pretty sick and feeling sorry for myself so you are all keeping me company.


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Oh, phooey! I’m sorry to hear it, bronchitis can be so miserable. Get lots of rest and fluids, I hope it will go away quickly 🤒


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You’re a gem. Thank you. I thought I had dodged it but …
Please take care.


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been there, done that. Both the bronchitis and the over posting. Get better soon.


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Thank you! You made me feel a but better.


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Oh no sorry to hear to that, do rest and take it easy. There are a lot of bugs going round so you need to stay away from people so they don’t share something else with you when you are already struggling.


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Thank you Mother Bean! Some of my students are like petri dishes and as they don’t wear masks, the bugs spread. This is my third -almost consecutive infections-bug this semester. Sigh.
Please stay well.


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I know it’s ridiculous, the hero mentality leads too many people to come in when they should just accept they have already been defeated by the lurgie so they need to conserve their energy to fight it AT HOME.

Thankfully, with my back injury I have limited time in the office and do most of my work online. So far I have successfully dodged both the 100 day cough and the even worse stomach bug.


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Emma, feel better soon. I work with kids too and hear you.


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Thank you Minnie! You take care too.


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I adored these two episodes, with episode 8 being a total blowout on everything - feelz, emotions, story, surprise...the entire episode on their mis-communication, and then finally Sunjae running out of his dressing room like a crazed man and then that look he gave her....and those words - da-ya...

The humour, though nothing we have not seen before, was still so uproariously funny. The kiss was so satisfying.

Now here is my theory:

Sunjae never sees the serial killer during the second timeline. However, in 2009, the man attacks again, Sunjae saves her and Sol again forgets everything, and asks Sunjae to stay away because he reminded her of that incident.

Now here is my theory. It's highly possible that Cupcake finds Sol's watch and travels to her present timeline and help her trave back. Seeing how Sol remembers her original timeline, Cupcake will also remember his original timeline and become a detective?


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Tae has been marginalised as a SL and that has stayed a CRIME. I hope your prediction comes true but he also gets to become more fleshed out, isn’t left a tragic figure and we’ll get to have additional sparkling scenes full of mischief and charm. Sunjaeya needs to get a little run for his money!


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On that call for Tae gravy train with you!


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Lovely Runner is a cute k-drama.

The FL and ML are adorable, and I'm rooting for them.

I'm curious about the SML's story line in current day. SML made a short appearance in this week's episodes.

I look forward to Lovely Runner every Monday and Tuesday, and I'm very invested in seeing how this k-drama unfolds.


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Some Musings of mine:
1.With all the foreshadowing going on in these episodes about cost of changing one's future and paying the price I think we can all guess what route the show will take after final trip to past.
2.Even though in earlier recaps I have said that disability acceptance would be interesting but after watching episode 8 I don't think my heart would be able to take it, it would be just too sad (there is also that spoiler photo of Kim Hye Yoon in a wheelchair)
3. There were 2 cars staking out Sol's house and one of them was definitely Kim taesung's (the first car they showed), He prob became a detective, knew taxi driver got out and went there to protect her ( I don't understand why no one from department informed Sol's family of his release)

What do you guys think will happen to Sol in the future ?


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I am so happy I finally had time to catch up on this show! I really loved it that when she caught the young teen stalker, Im Sol immediately took her to get something to eat. The humor and pace of the show give us a picture of her cheerfulness, but I really love how kind she is to younger people.


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One thing that I love the most about the present time sequences after Seol's "successful" 2nd time-travel was her appreciativeness of every little thing that she would take for granted if not for her previous timeline memories. From the big change of her uninjured legs to the simple sight of her high heels collection and her own office table. Weirdly, though, it's the loss of her Eclipse fangirl paraphernalia that affected me the most. Being a fangirl is definitely not Seol's entire identity after her accident, but it was a huge part of who she is, and seeing that part became non-existent was bittersweet indeed. A part of me couldn't help wondering where did she channel that overflowing energy and love to now that she wasn't a fangirl anymore.

Speaking of Sun-jae's-fangirl-Seol returning, I love her outburst about stalkerish fans and the entertainment industry's tendency for misplaced leniency. The drama's guidebook portrayal of fun and harmless fangirling is definitely one of its highlight for me.

I'm also having so much fun with the dual perspectives storyline in this week eps. Seol the ordinary office worker whose life didn't tangle in any way with Sun-jae in this timeline. She was unsure of his reception after her future self (and the original 17 y.o Seol both) wreaked havoc to his otherwise ordinary high school days with no explanation whatsoever. Then there's Sun-jae the popular idol who still held torch for his first love from high school, even after his heroic rescue met with careful distance and their previous closeness evaporated into nothing.

Their re-meeting 10 years afterwards was instant fire as expected, and I couldn't be happier giggling over their hilarious miscommunication (fueled by their well-meaning friends and family and all those nosy reporters). If only there isn't real "fire" waiting on the horizon that Seol needs to realize and take care of soon. Also, are we finally going to catch up with Tae-sung in the present timeline? I miss that guy.


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Thank you for a lovely recap.

If we thought Sun Sol were cute before, this week they were on fire. 🔥 🔥 🔥

I like how similar story beats - Sun-Jae's concert, meeting on Hanyang Bridge, serial killer storyline are presented with different perspectives / changes due to different choices made by the characters.

I think the wish fulfillment in the drama is not - "I wish I could be together with my idol" - but how I can change my fate with different choices.

I do hope our characters continue to make strong and positive choices and get to live a happy and fulfilled life together.

Somehow for me that meeting on the bridge and "Naya" were more powerful and intimate than the kiss ... not to say I did not enjoy it. 😂

I like idol Sun-Jae. While Sun-19 was also perceptive about Sol, Sun-34 is even more so. I love how tuned he is with her thoughts and emotions and how closely he observes her.

I don't know what I find more adorable. Sun-Jae's drunk crying, practicing hello with the time capsule egg, covering up things with blanket, acting cool in front of Sol, loosing his cool for her, cooking for her, panicked reaction at her proposed staying overnight, saying that love-struck yes to everything she asks for, clicking pictures of his clothes and underwear for her, falling not just headlong in love but also the pool for her, .... the list is never-ending.


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Just started watching this series, and I'm in the middle of episode 7 ... and I am screaming expletives at the TV. Sol uses a box cutter to free herself ... and then LEAVES THE BOXCUTTER in the car for the psycho! Sol runs away down the middle of the road, and psycho starts following her, yet she CONTINUES TO RUN DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! WTH, Sol! Take the boxcutter to defend yourself and get off the road for cryin' out loud!


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