Open Thread #114



Damien – “Confidants” [ Download ]

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@ langdon-unni

Re: AC - hahahahahaha - "Meteor Garden 2 When Will It Ever End For The Love Of Humanity Please Make It Stop” territory" - oh, I'm right there with ya, drama sister!

AC is still probably my fave TW drama this year, but it's taken a significant slooooooow down in the last few episodes. I know it has been extended because the end date is now sometime in 2010.

@ samsooki

I thought our spork forked back when you founded Save Bora and I joined Kill Bora? If I knew we were still on the same road to dramaville, then I may agree with you more often, just for solidarity sake, you know?

Well, I'm still Baby Rain's auntie, so you can't kick me to the curb so easily. ;-)

Oh, and eh? with the latin. Je ne comprende? You silly.

@ JB

Truer words were never spoken. What I LOVE the most about the Robotech love triangle is that is the most fully developed and explored love triangle I can recollect for an anime (and light years ahead of many dramas to say the least).

I love that Rick picks Lisa, and vice-versa, having work through each of their own issues and baggages. They get together, break up, get back together, and in To The Stars, the final episode, they are like Adam and Eve, the last fighters standing against the unknown future, ready to help and lead the rebuilding of their Earth and civilization.

And through it all, Minmei keeps singing and whining, and vice-versa, depending on her mood.

I did like that Rick dated Minmei multiple times, only to realize time and again, and finally once and for all, who was the woman in his heart.


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(soft-sub translation)

250 11:49:00,000 --> 11:49:15,000
I am defeated! Save me! JB has destroyed my forces! Where are my allies?!!!


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By the way, Robotechies -- have you read the novelizations? They follow the plot of the anime directly, but they're really quite good at getting a little more depth out of the characters and situations. And unlike the animated series, which has to be viewed with a grain of salt since it doesn't QUITE hold up now as well as in our memories, the books are eminently re-readable. I highly recommend!

There are six in the Macross saga, 18 overall including Masters and Invid, but really, Macross is where it's at: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6


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I know what I'm getting myself for Christmas, in addition to the electric toothbrush. Thanks (gah, it's getting old, but I never tire of saying it), javabeans! I'm a really slow adapter to the novelizations and/or fanfics of my fave animes and series, but each time I read them, I just love them!


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Try the crest spin-brush before you buy a real expensive one. They last about as long as a normal toothbrush, and cost about $6, which is expensive for a regular toothbrush, but a fraction of the cost of a true electric toothbrush.

As for the Robotech paperbacks by Jack McKinney, if you can't find them in stock, you can likely find them at your local public library.


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@ ^_^

I currently have a Crest spin brush! In fact, I have two (it comes in a handy dandy two-pack, as you most likely already know).

It's caused my tooth brushing to double its time, because I stand there and argue with hubby as he uses his Oral B electric toothbrush I bought him years ago (he's been convincing me to go electric for as long as he's been convincing me to have a third child - much too long!), as he says my Crest is "lame", an "electric toothbrush wannabee", "you're wasting money", "buy the real thing, woman!', and so on and so forth.

I've capitulated for my sanity (but really, I'm old school, I do just fine with an old-fashioned toothbrush, thank you much), but if you have to go electric (like I am being forced to) I highly second your recommendation of the Crest spin brush! Seriously, like how hi-tech do you need to be, use your hands to do the brushing people (oh, I am gonna have to eat my words, cuz I used a Clarisonic to wash my face, eeep, contradicting myself in real time, how embarassing)! And how many MORE razor blades does a man need on his razor, we're up to like 6 blades in a razor these days, right?

Thanks for the 411 as to finding the Robotech novels. Can you believe my hubby, sci-fi lover reader extraordinaire, has never seen Robotech? I was flabbergasted, and then wanted to feel special over him so didn't ask him to go watch it. Also, I fear another Minmei lover may be born.


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I watched IRIS ep 17 last night with hubby. We took a break while I was away on biz trip and I have to say we practically had to slap ourselves to pay attention. Whenever IRIS shifts gear to the love story it becomes a snorefest and I really really hate whoever is responsible for the music integration (or whatever its called in filmland). The Gladiator wailing music during the shootout was just so, so overly dramatic, inappropriate, not fitting? IRIS is packaged to the point of being clumsy like they took all the ingredients that makes a blockbuster, shook it up like a martini and tossed it out to the public and said "there you go, its a hit!"

BTW the only bright spot was TOP being a very naughty little boy. He needs to be spanked by me but that whole scene was lifted I think from a Tom Clancy movie.

But I must preserver. Only 3 more eps to go. Must make it and then I can move on to What's up Fox or Whats up doc and then maybe I can check out the snow in christmas and Go Soo's eyes that everyone is going gaga over.

@ cingdoc
*waves* I am well. I was part of the big mess in Northeast but I have boots and I love snow. I was once stranded in Chicago for three days. That was not good.


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Ah....just as I was reading the Robotech posts....
Guess what just arrived in the mail?! My Robotech Protoculture Collection DVD's!!! (and my A New History of Korea book, too)

@ langdon813

Of course, you can borrow them!

@ JB

The novelizations are tempting as well. :D

@ Samsooki

Nice try, but...tsk, tsk...stubborn Samsooki, are you never going to learn?!?!

@ cingdoc

I thought you were busy with your cousin's family?
I'm in charge of 4 kids this week, and today, two of my cousins came over with theirs, so there was a total of 9 kids (aged 2-12) in the house. Can you say - EXHAUSTING?!
But it was fun watching them all having fun with each other - reminded us of when we were kids and how all the cousins would get together.
I'm up for another meet if ockoala is (since the kids & ockoala's babies bonded so nicely).

@ ockoala

I've got the Oral B spinbrush (cheap, battery operated, in 2-pack from Costco).
It halves my brushing time (and really does a better job than my manual brushing...at least, my dentist seems to think so).


So, YB has now trumped IRIS with the kids.
It's actually a nice break - they get to watch YB, while I get some computer time.

Some comments:
YB - That's such a girl's voice...and she totally looks like a girl. How come they can't tell she's a girl?!!!!
QSD - yeah, there are a lot of stupid parts (but they're also addicted to QSD)

@ nycgrl

When I tried to get hubby to watch IRIS, whenever the sappy love story music came on, he'd frown and go - there's even this cheesy crap in an action drama? How lame.

I watched IRIS 11 & 12 with the kids (they hadn't watched the first 10 eps), but they were pretty much able to follow along without any trouble. I, on the other hand, kept having the urge to check email, OT, and other stuff while it was on. ;)


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@ hjkomo (and samsooki)

You also bought the New History of Korea? Yay, let's cheer each other on in the reading, and perhaps take notes and quizzes afterwards, to actually learn the stuff, you know, rather than the in one eye, out the other, outcome that seems to plague me these days.

I'm actually past the first chapter title, the so enticingly name "Communal Societies of Prehistoric Times" and barreling straight through until now I'm smack dab into the history of the Three Kingdoms (Shila, Gorguyeo, and Baekchae). Definitely very dry reading (where's Song Il-gook to liven up the dustiness?).

@ cingdoc

I'm always up for a getogether! But I'm headed to Big Bear on Saturday, so anytime before then.


I'm finally done watching episode 6. Love the melodrama, I love the dramatic beats in melos, the pauses, the camera shifts, the eye stares, and slow mo turns, all that stuff is like I found my eucalyptus tree.

But seriously folks - Goo So is hitting it so hard as Kang-jin, I'm now feeling both bad for HYS, and just awed by how sincere Go Soo's acting is.

It's like a dance where HYS stands in the middle, and GS dances all around her. And I actually don't think many k-drama actresses can meet GS's intensity in this drama, so its not all HYS fault, but her expression currently wavers between bordering-on-weeping and prickly-and-evasive. Neither is going to work as we headed deeper into the meat and potatoes of this story. But ya know, WISFC is just something I *want* to keep watching, and that's that. Nom Nom Nom, more GS and Kang-jin oppa please!

Oh, and one final quibble - GS and HYS have very little to no chemistry as a couple, whereas HYS and Oh Ji-ho, woaw, watching Fantasy Couple, half the time I thought those two would pull a Romancing the Stone and just start ripping each other's clothes off in any given scene, it was so redolent with sexual tension and the undercurrent of attraction. IN WISFC, GS is doing the eye sex to HYS, but really, all the vibes I get is GS-HYS spooning in a PG sort of way, chaste and oppa-like.

K-drama producers - please do a screen test beforehand, okay? Love all the actors/actresses, but some pairings really light up the screen, and others not so much!


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Ok...chalk this up as me being old and senile...I thought you live up North...You mean you came down here to visit??? For how long?? This week is kinda wacky for me- hubby wants to take the girls skiing/snowboarding the next 2 days. Since I can't do any of that , he suggested me to go to work (someone has to be there for the patients ;) If you are here past Sat, then I might be able to meet up with you and ockoala...
As for my cousin, now that's another story. He has yet to call me!!! I mean, dude, I have a busy schedule, too. I hope he doesn't expect me to just drop everything for him and his family ( although my Mom already called me to play hostess, etc (tongue sticking out) ). I mean I have kdrama to watch, he he ;)


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Oh boy, hubby just got a new toy. You know that scene in Christmas Story where the dad is opening the crate with the words "Fragile" on it and he is full of glee to get that free leg lamp. Well that is him just now. As a christmas present to himself he got the complete star wars DVD set from barnes and noble. They actually deliver within 24hr like a pie of pizza around here. He donated his old Star Wars VHS tapes this year so I just knew it was a matter of time before he was going to go through geek withdrawal and buy the entire set. He additionally bought a Star Wars book so he can completely geek out. He can go on and on about how he had the complete milliumum falcon and all the action figures ad nauseum.

He plans on having a Star Wars and Lord of the Rings marathon during christmas weekend. He will be quoting Star Wars from now to doomsday and IRIS will be cast aside like last year's christmas toy. Good for me. clap clap. I'll jump on to another kdrama or bake cookies.

@ hjkomo

"When I tried to get hubby to watch IRIS, whenever the sappy love story music came on, he’d frown and go – there’s even this cheesy crap in an action drama? "

We now just fast forward when the sappy music comes on. Its just too painful to bear witness to the long stares while the world is ending. Whats a couple of bullets whizzing by your head and the nuke bomb when you need to relive for the billionth time their precious love in akita. Where did the calorie of their love go? In this inflated production thats where.


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@ nycgrl
He can go on and on about how he had the complete milliumum falcon and all the action figures ad nauseum.

Yup, still got hubby's in a box in the garage. He refuses to get rid of it, even though it's just wasted space. Luckily, he never watched Robotech, Voltron, or any others...otherwise, we'd probably have a bunch of those, too.

@ cingdoc

I'm only down for the week, and ockoala's going to Big Bear next week. :(


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Just finished Iris! If you are still watching it please skip this. Just in case I say anything remotely close to a spoiler...

OMG! What's this! It's worse than Oedipus! in terms of the enormity of the tragedy! I Can't believe this! Can't stand it! Can't accept it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gaaarrrrhhh!

How am I going to move on?

It wasn't a perfect storytelling as a whole but last 3 episodes were gripping. And now I know LBH is GOD like! I can't in right mind equate a human with God. So I'm saying the next closest thing! Now I understand my Japanese counterpart obasan tachi going GAGA about him. He's like a super human, everything about him is so appealing and attractive! Those smiles of him have gotten hold of me... Anyway, have to go to work now. Shower and drive...

Happy holidays for everyone on OT board. And thank you so much JB for this place.


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What!!!! How could I TOTALLY missed reading the part that you were coming in the past OT's. Ok....I'm thinking...what to do....rats....double rats...what to do....I sooo wanted to meet Samsooki's doppelganger( well, ahem.. the better, smarter version ( had to stick with my Cal sister ;) Sorry, Samsooki ;)
@ockoala , you wouldn't have taken pix/video and uploaded it on YT , eh??? If you did, it would be soooo nice.
PS I go to the Bay Area at least 3-4 times per year (high possibly on 2/14- not for Valentine's Day...puuulease, Hubby doesn't do mushy stuff like that...but rather the fact that it's Chinese New Year, and it's mandatory for all of us to visit Mom ( who will by then return from HKG, hopefully with a few pig rabbits for me and the girls..yeah ;)


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"Yup, still got hubby’s in a box in the garage. He refuses to get rid of it, even though it’s just wasted space. Luckily, he never watched Robotech, Voltron, or any others…otherwise, we’d probably have a bunch of those, too."

Ok I might as well confess. I have the Tick and Arthur action figures still in its original shrink wrap package. I was obsessed with the Tick and I kept collecting them. My prized one is a green mucus tick and thrakazog or "susan". I'm going to bequeath them to my children and nothing else.

OT, I was researching korean new years on youtube so I can be ready when I go to my MIL's house when I happen across the below link. Its the gilmore girls clip of lane. Haha I laughed my butt off since the whole thing was so off. Who the hell eats Dokguk with chopsticks? When does a korean mom discourage vanity?



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Yeah, I'm not going to be sleeping tonight much.

One word: DAMO.

Go Watch Now. Everybody Who Has Not Seen It.

Thank You for Listening to the Public Announcement - trust me, this is for your own good.

I Aint EVER Seen a Love Triangle like THIS. Sorry for the Weird Capitalization, I'm completely off my emotional rocker right now. I said I was going to write about Damo when I finished, but yeah, not gonna happen like that apparently. I've been gasping, forgotten how to breath for episodes on end, crying towels full of tears, seriously, I'm now langdon watching MiSa.

A few locations to highlight: 1. Cave Scene. 2. Tent Scene. All in ONE episode, it's too much, really, for my heart to take. It must be seen to be believed.

I just have to say word of advice to Chae-ohk: pick the guy who loves you more than life itself, woman. Oh right, they both do. Damn, *(&^%&(*^&**, can I have one then?


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OMO... Hwang Jini is on KBSW rerun and today it's the first episode, at the preview for 2nd there's Jang Geun Suk, he still so young and CUTE AS HELL!!
kekekeke.... XD


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*tornado blow through nose*

Oh how I cried through episode 62. This Belleza died and has returned back to sad, sad Belleza.

"Can sometime tell me how QSD ended?"

Like Damo. Meets Gladiator. OMG I can't see or speak English due to these tears of pain :(

Bidam's death is gruesome. And poetic. And beautiful. And gruesome. And heart-rending. And gruesome.

I'm stunningly numb right now. I . . . this is going to haunt me for the rest of the week. Oh yeah, Deokman dies too. Meh. LOL



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@ ockoala

Oh dear God. Like "langdon watching MiSa"? OK! OK! I'll watch it. Right now. Christmas is canceled!


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Today is my Friday!!!!!! Last day of work all year. Hallelujah!!

Now I gotta go bust my a$$ so i don't have a fat pile of work when I get back from my trip...

Kinda sad that I missed OT all week, but i barely had time to breathe, much less get sucked into the wonderful addictiveness that is OT :)

Still very frustrated that I will not get to watch AC's final ep until i don't know when. i wonder...does viikii work in taiwan?? anyone know?!?!


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@ 263 celestialorigin

I share your pain. I actually woke up thinking about it this morning. :-(


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@ cingdoc

I was just in WC last weekend for a Xmas party.
Whenever you come up and feel like heading over to Bear Territory, I'm always around. ;)

@ nycgrl

It's always a hoot watching Lane's family in GG. Some things are just so off, and yet, some are spot on. It's like the writers took some Korean-American anecdotes from a member of the crew and mixed it up with some internet research and other Asian quirks.
I mean, who's ever heard of a Korean vegetarian? Koreans think pulling the meat out of soup that's already been prepared with the meat is considered vegetarian.
A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving (partial clip) -


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Hey...it's a definite yes....it's been a while that I've gone back to Sproul Hall, etc. Besides, I think I have to start college tour for the 16yo anyway, and one can always hope( her choice- UCI; her reason-it's near the beach and mall (Fashion Island)...yes, I worry about this one, sometimes :(

Ok...since my memory is declining exponentially, I better clarify this while I remember a speck of it:
@langdon, was it you who mentioned that you will be in So Cal early next year?

Lucky you....have fun in your trip ( Korea, right?)


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Damo (The Undercover Lady Detective).

Ha Ji-won as Chae-ohk (the Damo)
Lee Seo-jin as Hwangbo Yoon (the Police Commander)
Kim Min-joon as Jang Sung-baek (the Rebel Leader)

A far off mountain....
A mountain with a deep green forest...
A destiny... that could not foresee that divide
A love I could not measure...
A love that tore my heart apart...
Not again... never again...
Do not live for me...

The poem above flashes at the end of the series, and its so beautiful I had to start with it. I marathoned Damo last night, in fact, I couldn't sleep at all after it finished. At a brisk 14 episodes, Damo is a lifetime of drama-telling in a scant 14 hours, and its 14 hours that may change your perception of intensity and pathos forever.

I wanted to write about Damo when it was still fresh in my mind, before time passes and this experience slowly dims, as it will. Damo is an amazing viewing experience, full of passion, conviction, heart and depth, it has moved me so that i cried nonstop from episode 12 onward until the ending. Damo is the story of three people, each struggling in their own way against the constraints of their position in society, and their paths cross as fate decrees it.

Ha Ji-won delivers a bravura performance as Chae-ohk, a Damo or tea pourer in the police bureau who also performs lady detective work. Whereas in WHIB, HJW held her own against Jo In-sung and So Ji-sub, but those two stole the spotlight from her. Here, she is every bit as vibrant and intense in her role as her two leading men. It's a THREE way awesomeness, can you tell how excited I am (this is esp. soooooo needed because of my recent drama-watching where the lead actresses are doing a sub-par job in that given role).

I cannot believe HJW went from Damo to WHIB, the woman must be INSANE to do two back to back such dramas. Damo is WHIB set in feudal chosun era, but then upside down, so that the darkness of WHIB is now the light and purity of Damo's soul. Lee Seo-jin - have never seen him act, never wanted to, in fact, steered clear of him for no discernable reason other than lack of interest - but here, as Hwangbo Yoon (Hwangbo is his last name), the police commander who grows up with Chae-ohk, LSJ was a force to be reckoned with. A steely tornado of emotion and resolve, Yoon is my favorite character in the drama, and I went him predisposed to picking the other guy actually, so this was a totaly turnaround for me. And it was because of LSJ's performance, his Yoon is Park Kyu grown up, with a chip on his shoulder.

And lastly, but not least at all, Kim Min-joon as Jang Sung-baek, the rebel commander. His was the heat, the hidden rage, the smoldering intensity. Man oh man, he owned it as the man who wants to change his world. And HJW is caught between these two men. Girl is so lucky (or unlucky), I am still breathless recalling many many scenes from the drama that just have these 3 acting, outacting, and just plain killing it, with their elevating their roles to a new level of wow.

Episode 12 may, just may, be the best episode of pure drama I have ever watched. Like episode 10 of Robbers for langdon, and episode 15 of City Hall for me, this episode I can re-watch anytime, I already can feel how special it is.

I DO NOT want to give away a lick of plot, because really, this story should be experienced like I did, without much, if any, spoilers or understanding of the story beforehand. I caution that the first 3 episodes or so are kinda slow, and really give little indication of the awesomeness to come (kinda like Tamra and CH was kinda jokey and off-kilter in its beginning eps). Also, (mookie can back me on this), for folks who grew up watching TVB wuxia serials and HK wuxia movies, the wuxia/kung-fu choreography in Damo is borderline so bad I can't watch, but once I realized that it was just a minor and meaningless distraction, I just overlooked it easily and the story and acting took over completely.

Damo really gets rolling after episode 5, and never slows down or compromises until its beautiful ending. And lastly, I have a new favorite song! Tamra is still my fave OST this year, followed by YB, but neither had one song that was an utmost fave of mine (which has thus far been Heaven from TBDAW). My new favorite k-drama OST song is: A Song of Devotion from Page. Damo would only be a 8 out of 10 without this song, with it, Damo is a 10/10. It's that awesome and perfect for the drama's most riveting scenes.

Song of Devotion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiVJy9DxdME&feature=related

This is an awesome MV, but DO NOT watch if you have not seen Damo, because it contains spoilers for the ending:


I own the superfabulous Damo boxsex from YA entertainment, and it will become a treasured and adored member of my DVD family, so worth every penny to watch this baby on the big screen.


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You are killing me! I am so backed up with dramas and things to do. And even in Jan 2010, I got to get back on the translating horse again and start subbing again, after I finish recapping and lounging around dramabeans OT.


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@ Samsooki

CITC first!!!! ;)

@ cingdoc

beach and mall?!?!?! but the college experience isn't complete without a football team! If she's going to a UC, at least pick one with a team she can root for (against USC :P ). ;)

Hey, I didn't really enjoy my first semester at Cal (going from quiet, suburban OC...to riots my first week and getting mugged my first month of school). But then, it grew on me...and now there's no place else I'd rather be. :D


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@ samsooki and hjkomo

CitC next for me, as well. I may well come out of CitC thinking drama-wise, the BESTEST whatever accolades it deserves, but from what I get is that CitC is a political thriller.

Damo may discuss politics, societal classes, cultural distinctions and the like - but for me Damo is first and last a story about how a person can reconcile love and loyalty with their meaning and existence in life. Multiply that three times for each of the three leads, and that triplicate of intensity and gut-wrenching emotion that was at times so raw I flinch in pain, and stifle a gasp at 2:30 a.m. when watching it, I know I've just experienced what many many drama lovers before me have experienced - Damo.

You guys know I'm probably a middle of the road drama viewer - I definitely don't like everything I see (and am more critical the more k-dramas I watch due to the development of discernment), but I enjoy even so-so dramas as long as it delivers the goods for my tastes.

I've had a string of mild disappointments lately, which led to a lull in drama-watching, but Damo was like a shot of caffeine to the heart - bam, I'm back and on full alert. CitC next, hjkomo, and then let's talk about it. ;-)

Oh, and sorry about throwing another gem in your to-watch pile, samsooki. Didn't mean to, honest. Whereas I recommended you watch Tamra - I'm recommending everyone to watch Damo.

Oh, and I posted the wrong YT video for the Damo OST song, I meant to post this one which has the song lyrics in English (the other has it in Chinese): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDkwKXN8ndE&feature=related


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regarding the real reason for the 16yo's choice of colleges- yeah...I doubt she cares about football. At least for now, it's about "Asian Association".
In a way it's sad, but it wasn't until high school that my kid has any Asian friends(I'm not kidding...esp here in the Inland Empire). There were 3 Asians in the elementary school ( the other 2 were not Chinese). This, then, was "upgraded" to maybe 20 in junior high.
The high school is a totally different story- about 40% of the student body is Asian. The funny part is that one day during her freshmen year, my kid actually wanted me to enroll her back to Chinese school ( the last time we attempted it was 8 years ago, and it was pulling teeth and constant battle kind of experience). I just looked at her and smile...ummmm, is this your latest fad??? Alas, the crazy, regular AP classes-filled schedule preclude such extracurricular activity. I would occasionally speak Chinese to the kids, with no one ever acknowledges me, let alone answers me back... yup, so sad :(


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@267 bbm
Yes, JGS was sooo cute in HJY...just come to OT when you reach epi 9....there's a HJYE9 (Hwang Jin Yi epi 9) support group. I'm the main counselor now.


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@ cingdoc

I am definitely planning a trip to SoCal next year, just not sure exactly when. It all depends on how my mother is doing. I will let you know way in advance, I promise!


I'm watching Hyang Dan today and it is heelarious. :-D

ockoala told me I wasn't allowed to watch Damo before Christmas (she knows me well, I suspect she doesn't want me to fling myself off a bridge before the holidays), so I'm catching up on quickie things to watch while I pass the time until, yes, ANOTHER Christmas party tonight.

No awesome sauce for me tonight...my liver needs a break. ;-)


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Finished Tree of Heaven last night and am still in a bit of a funk over it. I loved it! I don't know why exactly.It was bittersweet, heart-wrenching, irritating, emotionally stressful, and beautifully painful. I will have to sort through my feelings in the coming days. Its on my list but I really don't know where. I'm glad I watched it and YES I would definitely watch it again.

Read recaps 1-3 of WISFC and HAD to see ep 1. OMGoodness! I am going to have to continue watching that one. Tears were streaming down my face by the end of recap 2! Kang Jin is wonderful. Loved the kid actor. Haven't seen the "GoSoo magic" but I really can't wait! I feel Tree of Heaven paved the way for this one. I hope it continues to do well.

CitC and Alone in Love are still on the burner, simmering. I will get those done by the new year and at least by the premiere of Chuno.

I have to say I when I turned on Damo when it popped up on DF, I texted my drama buddy immediately and said, "This show has the best first 8 mins of any drama I've ever seen!" It sucked me in! Loved it!

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve! Keep warm, safe and healthy.


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@ hjkomo
I went through a vegetarian phase for about 8 years and when I was in HS, before my mom realized I was serious about being a vegetarian, my mom would try to sneak meat into all the dishes because she thought being a vegetarian was unhealthy and unnatural. Songpoong in sons of sol pharmacy is the first character I've seen in a korean drama who is portrayed as vegetarian.

@ ockoala

Your making me want to watch damo again. Its been a while and I remember liking it a lot but didn't remember absolutely loving it. I'm not sure what it is but if someone can convey passion for something I get excited and want to watch or read the work being discussed even if its a re-read or a rewatch. At the time I watched Damo I had no one to discuss it with and I think I watched most of it in hotels during my many trips to Boston. I think its time for a rewatch after what's up fox.


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The YT video of Damo I linked to in comment 277 is actually a great capsule view of the entire drama, without any spoilers.

@ nycgrl

I'm totally the same way, too! When someone I know loves a drama or TV show, I get excited and want to see what all the fuss is about. Unless that someone raving is me and the listener is my sister - in which case she rolls her eyes and goes "oh no, here we go, crazy drama-loving sister and her intense mad love for whatever drama she just watched."

I told her to get thee to watch Damo, and she's like, hehehe, not so fast buddy, she just started Queen Seon-doek. And I'm like, okay, lost cause for 3 weeks or more then.

@ nea:notoriousnoona

I loved the opening of Damo in terms of concept (brilliant!), but the mad (as in goofy) wire-fu was hella hilarious to someone like me who ate up kungfu dramas and movies like there was no tomorrow. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon the choreography it was not, but the visuals were lovely (throughout the entire drama actually) and the effect it was meant to convey came through.

@ langdon-unni

Well, watching Damo actually made me crazy happy for the reason that I just consumed such a masterpiece IMHO. But yeah, I need to keep an eye on you, sister. ;-)

I *cannot* wait to hear your take on Damo.

I suspect it'll go something like this.........

Episodes 1-4

Eh, nice, interesting....

Episodes 5-6

Woah there, wow, hollay it's getting serious. This stuff is gooooood. Almost as good as awesome sauce.

Episode 7-14

.............. *shrieking like a banshee*..........*inaudible noises due to high decibel*........*calling ockoala on phone now!, pause, where is that pause button*.............*silence*........*langdon hubby administering cold presses and CPR to revive our beloved langdon*.........speaking in full sentences again "That was a good drama."

Or......maybe not - and you'll say "that silly koala, it was nice but nothing to rant and rave about."

And I'm alright with any of the above (except for the CPR and reviving bit - a mite too theatrical, don't you think, I'll tone down my usual schtick now).


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@ ockoala

Trust me, the langdon husband would NOT do CPR; he would happily let me perish, telling the family that I brought it on myself. ;-)

No promises on the loud squealing and anguished phone calls/texts though...I require lots of hand holding, as you well know. I haven't forgotten how the Lying Liar Who Lies led me merrily down the HGD yellow brick road ("You'll love it, it's so GREAT! Trust me...") but was nowhere to be found while I was having a nervous breakdown. At least you (Damo), hjlomo (CITC), and belleza (MiSa) warned me in advance that I would be completely destroyed!


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Don't forget.......I was there when you needed me during the great WHIB debacle of 2009. :-) You recall I was texting from a hotel room in Boston for ya, right?

Well, belleza just called the ending of QSS "Damo meets Gladiator." And I'm assuming you've watched Gladiator?

Actually, this may just light a fire under you......Damo is the first drama I've watched where I was literally gasping, panting, OMGing, heart-constricting, during EACH of the latter episodes. Unlike HGD and WHIB, the ending of these dramas being so intense and somewhat out of the blue (and which kinda define each of those two dramas in a way - i.e. people love to talk about the ending, and sometimes its all they want to talk about), I walked away from Damo not even thinking about the ending. The ending of Damo isn't the singular ooomph-ow-gut-punch, it's the scenes that build and build and crescendo so maddeningly towards the carthasis that stick to your craw like taffy. Just magnifico.


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I haven't forgotten! Although I thought you were still in meetings in Boston when the WHIB texting frenzy began! :-D

Seriously can't wait to start this...Dec 26 is DAMO DAY!


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I must be on a melodrama kick but did anyone see Stairway to Heaven? I'm not sure if I actually want to see the entire drama for I read the synopsis and its seems extremely weepy but I'm liking the kids in the beginning. I wonder, should give it a chance?


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@ cingdoc

Aren't there enough Asians for her at UCLA or Cal, and if she goes up north, she'll at least be able to get far enough away from immediate family (and having 3 cool aunts nearby, but not too close, would be fun...I'd imagine). Hubby and I are waiting for the kids to get to college and possibly follow their parents' and aunt's footsteps to bear territory.

@ nycgrl

I lurved Damo up until a certain point...where my heart was ripped out, stomped on, and torn to shreds. The rest was certainly beautiful as well, but I remember, at the time, feeling a bit unsatisfied with the ending - not what happened (I was fine with that)...just the manner in which it was executed. I wanted it to be a little more...it felt a little too abrupt compared to the flow and build up of the rest of the drama.

This was way before I had so many fusion sageuks under my belt, so I'd like to rewatch it now and see if I'd like it even more. I may have to join langdon813 after the holidays. ;)

@ ockoala

Aigoo....your sister chose QSD over Damo???
Well, when you and Samsooki get to CitC, I may have to rewatch (yes, so soon!), and then you can rave some more to your sister and get her to watch it. :D


So, the kids are very into YB.
Even they find it quite predictable, but they're enjoying the comedy.

The current vote tally is -
Jeremy - 2
Shin Woo - 1
(and the 3 year-old is split between Tae Kyung and Jeremy)


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@ nea:notoriousnoona

" must be on a melodrama kick but did anyone see Stairway to Heaven"

belleza - you there? - you want to take this one?

Okay, if belleza doesn't offer up her usual super duper review of STH, I'll let you know some thoughts of mine about it. Quick question - rate the degree of melodrama you want in a melodrama. i.e. I want a 4th degree melo this time, then I'd recommend X drama, or something like that.

STH is a 10th degree melodrama.

Or you can go to OT 100, start at comment 398 (though forewarning, we discuss the ending to STH).


@ hjkomo

Damo - "the manner in which it was executed."

Someone forgot to say I LOVE YOU on top of her lungs to someone else on that frippin beach! All I have to say on this subject for now (before I implode). As for the execution of the entire ending - I'm actually loving it, because I've seen so many fushion sagueks, including HGD. It flows with the tenor of the drama.

Sis started QSS last week (blergh) before I watched all of Damo, so she's a goner, but she lurves her some Bidam.

I can totally see the kiddos loving YB. I'd pick Jolie personally these days, with a pig-rabbit on the side. ;-)


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a couple problems for 16yo to go to Cal- 1) this child of mine is waaaay too NOT competitive. The other Pre meds/Engineering etc would eat her alive. 2) My 3 sisters- I love them dearly- are NEVER home. They leave each day by 630am, and they do not come home til 12am, M-Sat. I swear to God....they are your classic workoholics. On Sat....TVB drama marathoning. Days off- travel to far away countries. I just heard that Sis #1 , 10 days after the Amazon Cruise, will join Mom and Sis #3 to a trip to Dubai.Whenever my kids ask about Granma and Aunties, I basically tell my kids this- Yee Ma ( Mom's older sister) and Pwa Pwa ( Grandma).. Well, what day is today??? lol I think I need a GPS on all of them in order to keep track of them.
Me- it's easy...either home or work...after 7pm each nite, with my laptop ;)

@pig rabbit
Have you guys seen the 3 ( yes 3) mini pig rabbits in YesAsia ?? about 7.5 in tall, all for US$ 12...not bad... one for me, one for the 16yo...another one for me, he he


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You're making me want to rewatch Damo! It was my first ever sageuk and until Conspiracy in the Court, was my favorite. But it's been years since I've seen it. I just remember that it was so heart-wrenching (and beautiful) and what Hwangbo's father tells him (I don't remember the exact words at the moment) something about mountains standing in the way and staking your life on it to succeed was a quote I had on my desk during my freshman year of college. But since I just finished watching the last episode of CitC last night...I don't know if I want to watch something so heartbreaking so soon.


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@ ockoala

AC has been extended? They have been promoting the new show that is suppose to take over AC, is that being delayed then? What about Vaness saying on his blog that he has finished filming AC.

Just checked on Dramawiki and it has AC until ep. 17. So it looks like it really got extended. I have really mixed feeling on it. I like the show, but a big part b/c it didn't drag.


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I've been lurking here reading OT for couple of years, but not really stirred up enough to brave a comment but, OMG, I'm tearing up just reading your comments about Damo. I was always wondering why none of you mentioned it before whenever everyone was posting their favorites. It IS the bestest, most emotional, heart wrenching drama ever! Totally agree it takes an entire tissue box and after, just sit there in agony.


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I'm missing all the intersting talks here on OT. Again from Sydney... Now you got me curious about Damo... My calender is pretty much filled up for the first half of the next year already.... After screwing up?(didn't get to do anything else that day) with Iris Marathon on Tuesday, I told myself no more K dramathon... I'm being tempted again...

290 cingdoc -

Mini pig rabbit!? Oh! I must check the site up! Thank you!


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@ 293 anonymous

Thank you, thank you for de-lurking to share your thoughts on Damo. I would have it high high on my faves had I actually WATCHED it before last night. I think there might be a resurgence of Damo-love by the dawn of the new decade, starting from OT and dramabeans.

Can you pick a user name and join us? I always wonder which anonymous is which, and if any of them are one and the same?

So happy talking about Damo brought you to share your drama watching experience. I didn't use any boxes of tissues, but instead destroyed my sweatshirt (actually, come to think of it, it was hubby's Calpoo sweatshirt, so no worries) AND my t-shirt underneath last night with the buckets of tear snot. Not a good sight, but couldn't find any tissue within 1 feet of me, so not worth pausing to look for it.

@ jtinman

AC is done filming, but it has been extended to 17 eps. I'm totally unmotivated to continue now, cuz it's draggy (hence no AC recap this week, kinda not in the mood - short cap: GX and MC revisit old stomping grounds and fiancee shows up).


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@279, cingdoc
i think i know what happen in ep 9, coz i somewhere heard the spoiler or something, but i really need to watched it to see the effects... so i'll be joining HJYE9 in another 8/9 days (well KBS showed it daily, so i have to be patient)...

Why... why... i even haven't finished CitC, why oh why Ockoala Unnie, you're tempted me with your description of the show... i have to finished CitC, then Jang Geum, after that Damo comes next... weee... i'll never get out of my room if that's the case. LOL

Stairway To Heaven? i remember crying every episode watching this. Not that it's that good, i'm still a kdrama-noob at the time, actually STH was the 2nd KDrama i watched (the 1st was My Love Pattzy)...


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"(and the 3 year-old is split between Tae Kyung and Jeremy)"

Too funny. You have a 3 year old addicted to YB. I pick HTK over the other boys since I'm a sucker for quirky personalities though you wonder where does a relationship go with someone like him. I can't see it working out. He would need years of therapy to get over his mom's handiwork and his OCD. I think manager ma might be the best bet if you widen the circle.


I actually went through the trouble to check it out on Yes Asia and I'm totally tempted by the price. Three little pig rabbits for $12. It just needs a big bad wolf and the set would be complete.

@ ockoala
Did you ever watch broadcast news with holly hunter. One of my old favorites. Ever wonder if women just need a good cry ever once in a while to function and kdramas are like the pin that releases the pressure point?


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@ ockoala

You could be such a good saleswoman in your next life. I'm off to an island with no internet or mobile phone after X'mas. Naturally, I am selecting the drama to watch there. The question is: Tamra or Damo - either will be my second saguek since DJG. (I'm not into Saguek.... you know.) I may go for Damo as I want some good crying as 'de-stresser'.

@ nycgirl

So, you like Broadcast News huh!!! It is my favorite - Holly Hunter at her prime, and William Hurt too.


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hey guys!
interesting discussions have been going on I see...I think I'm convinced to give Damo a try. I got premium membership at dramafever and I am determined to take full advantage of it before I cancel :).

On another note, I google-newsed Gong Yoo (I do not have a crush on him, do not have a crush on him, do not have a ahhhhhhh)..and anyways, I was pleasantly surprised to see a full article writeup on his return in a Peruvian paper! Seems coffee prince's popularity is very wide spread :), and so it should be!


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I got the pigrabbit doll for my drama buddy for Christmas but OMG I think I need this mini pigrabbit! its the cutest! As soon as I saw it I giggled mindlessly. Its something about that thing that makes me do things I never even did when I was twelve :)

@289 ockoala
Well ok. Seems this drama is going to be a doozy? So much so, I'm kinda scared to read the old OT posts. But saying that Stairway is a 10, what is another drama that is in the 10 category? Or something close. Ultimately, I think I will definitely give it a try but I would like to know what I am in for.

On my melo-meter I would say:
Tree of Heaven- 8 (I cried entirely too often), Crazy for You-7( though I cried more watching that show), La Dolce Vita-6, A Love To Kill and If In Love Like Them-5, 90 Days-2
As you an see, nothing as reached the 10 mark so that number kinda scurrs me :)
I think that I can say, I usually appreciate melodrama for what it is but I can't say that I've seen many. I mean I haven't seen a few of the dramas that are referred to here like WHIB or MISA or SQ. Alot of the popular older dramas I really haven't seen(at least not fully). Though I've seen alot of dramas, I think I've seen some underrated newer ones. I usually shy away from the older ones out of fear of not liking the "classics." The only other Choi Ji Woo dramas I've seen are Truth(skipped thru and watched the last two eps.) and Air City, plus a couple mins of Stars Lover with a few read recaps.

I think the only drama I actually cried almost every ep was Crazy for You but I cried a bit for Flowers of My Life, Who Are You, and Tree of Heaven, especially in the last few eps. All for different reasons though.

@Princess and the Frog
All those who haven't seen this watch it! Watch it! Watch it! Outside of some pretty deep voo-doo entanglements, this Disney movie was wonderful! Loved it!


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