Open Thread #129

How can it be Friday already? HOW??? I’m not even exaggerating; I was thisclose to missing Open Thread altogether this week!


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@100 Carinne

Thanks for the tip....I'm sure if I check with Shirokiya and Don Quijote they will know where I can find them! Or some one in my apartment building would know as there are quite a few korean women here!

I'm really getting a kick out of this now because my brain is rolling a mile a minute and I can imagine the choco-pie with root beer because I love root beer!


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@ 1 eiko:

I think there is a Marukai in HI. Go may try marukai(dot)com for more details.

Yay! Nice to meet a root beer fan. Which brand is your favorite? My family is an avid fan of I.B.C.


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@ Carinne

I love A&W....they make their own root beer!

Oh gosh....there is a Marukai not far from where I am and my neighbor goes there! I'll check on line store and see about it.

Thank you!


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I'm a root beer fan too! :) I don't have any specific favorite, but I kind of like birch beer a little bit more than root beer. It was interesting for me to read that Japanese people rarely drink root beer because it tastes like medicines.. I wonder if anyone here in the states hates cherry for that reason?


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Thank You
I'm finally done watching this drama. I bawled.
No more tear-soaked tissues to be found strewn around my bedroom, I'm through now. This and OBGYN have really taken it out of me, I'm ready for something fun and lulzy now.

But seriously, what a brilliant drama! It'll stay with me for a very long time.

Oh grandpa, you sweet, sweet love of a grandpa, whyyyy?!?!
And those choco-pies really worked their magic on those formerly-heartless villagers.
I wasn't meant to end up liking Seuk Hyun but after he met Bom in Seoul and took her to the amusement park, brought her burgers and the yellow raincoat I kind of stopped hating the sight of him. He turned out human after all.
The latter episodes with Bom's grandmother were so winning, I was probably touched by them the most, it was a major transformation. Especially the scene where grandma disposes of her magic coat and then tries to get Bom in the bath, but Bom's backing away saying that without the magic coat she's scared she'll spread AIDS - a pivotal scene.
Young Shin, oh Young Shin, what a pure-hearted and selfless character. Episodes 15, 16 were definitely all about YS, and her standing up for herself and those around her finally realising her worth.
The bit where she throws away the teddy bear was pretty symbolic. YS's way of saying: ''hey I'll live, I'll make it in this world without needing anyone's *pity*''.
(Though I'm glad Bom got it back.).

Anyways, great drama. This has to be writer Lee KH's best work to date.
WISFC was love, but flawed, ALTK was blehh! And MiSa was pure misery from start to finish. Actually, I had a bit of MiSa vibe at the beginning of TY, which is what kept putting me off traversing any further than ep. 4.
TY turned out completely different to what I'd expected, whew!
Geez... I could go on...

Oh! Plus, wasn't it weird seeing Kim Soo Ro cameo-ing in this drama? Haha!


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@ choco pies : we certainly do have wagon wheels in Canada (and we also have those marshmellow cookies which are like mini-choco pies, puffed up, with a little bit of jam or jam-like substance; what are those called?). I met my first choco-pie some years ago in Hanoi on the ancestor altar at a friend's house. She was giving a (departed) grandparent a little sugar treat. I was very excited to find a Vietnamese version of the wagonwheel and I only recently worked out they were Korean.

The thought of eating a choco-pie washed down with Dr Pepper... hmmm... when my teeth stop hurting I think the sugar rush headache will set in. When I was in high school (Gr 12) the drink of choice was Southern Comfort and Dr Pepper. Shudder. I can still sing the Dr Pepper song, though. "Be a pepper"...

OK, maybe I had a glass too many at Easter dinner.


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@ supah

Hooray! I agree 100% about Thank You.....I am so affected by that drama and I still cry when I go over episode 14....and that part where they are sitting in the car and he says....you are not a woman and I am not a man and he holds her to keep her warm. Waaahhhhh.....that was so neat! And the chapel scene? I'm just a wooss when it comes to hitting the heart! I start crying as soon as the song comes on A FOOL YOU ARE.... I even wondered if he loved the other woman the way he loved Young Shin. Didn't you like the way they were connected in the spiritual sense? When he heard her calling him....ahjushii and he looked up right away. Even she and Bom heard him calling them.

I loved the ending....although I thought it would have been neat at the beach where Bom looks up and waves at him sitting there....if Young Shin might have been pregnant and that would have said...they got married and miracle going to happen for all of them.

Agree....great writer...really put it there where we were able to relate to the story.

And OBGYN....I've been going over episode 16 and I love the dialogue between Lee and Seo on the rooftop....his shyness and the way she said they would see who would pack their bags first and I had to laugh cause I could see him packing to go back to her because she said she would accept him when he gave her the ring again.

So we've been treated to some good dramas.....onward to new ones!


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About choco-pies.....do those have graham crackers with marshmallow covered with chocolate? :-)


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About Suk Hyun....it was tragic because he was a victim of his past and up bringing...something we all deal with in our own time when it comes to up bringing. Sadly, it just wasn't his fate to recapture Young Shin's heart and like Dr. Min told him....you're too late. I thought it was neat how he and Young Shin were able to close that part of their lives and he was able to let he know that he did love her. Of course, when she went back to Dr. Min I was wondering what she would say to him and the look on his face was tense....but what a way to let him know I choose you.

I'm glad you had a good time with TY....I knew you would. :-)


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Because of these threads, I marathoned TY again this weekend. I have so many new dramas to get to and still had to re-watch TY. DANG!
Did you guys notice, one of the times that Mr. Lee collapsed, the Dr. said he had high blood pressure and diabetes. Well, why was he eating all those chocopies if he had diabetes???
One part that always makes me bawl my eyes out is when Young Shin is packed and leaving with the movers and Ki Suh cuts off the moving truck and tells her how much he loves her and then Bo Ram's mother drives up behind the moving truck and pleads with her to stay. Another tear jerker part is the one that Supah mentioned about the grandma buring the magic coat and Bom backs away from the grandma, terrified that she'll spread AIDS without her magic coat.
I don't suggest marathoning this unless you have a new, full box of tissues!


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@ #10 wabbit

Once you marathon TY.....you go back again and again and you cry every single time at the same scenes and I have to smile at the opening line of the beautiful song... A FOOL YOU ARE.... You know....I even wrote the words down!

Sigghhhhh.... and you know he told her he loved her in the hospital too....but she just wasn't ready to accept him because of how she saw herself as "not" a woman....such low self esteem having a child out of wedlock....uneducated. She really saw him as way up there. Doesn't it make you think of Pal-gang and Kang-ha in Catch A Falling Star?

TY wrapped it up for me as a die hard Jang Hyuk fan! :-)


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6 reluctantbutaddicted
The puffed-up, marshmellow and jam filled variety are called 'teacakes' in England. Personally I hate those. But for the sake of grandpa's fondness of choco-pies, I think I'll have to try out a wagon wheel sometime. Not had them since... forever.

No more melo for me, I'm totally gunna be enjoying PP this week.
I think I'm going to have to drop C-Sister for now and watch Personal Taste instead, or marathon Still, Marry Me as second choice.

PP may not have the ideal storyline, but it has four reasons why I should watch it, that's three more than any other 'fun' show.
1) Funny
2) Kim So Yeon
3) General Choi (and yes, we do get the odd gratuitous shirtless scene.)
4) SHINee! ''So fly high... go to the skyyyy''.
Any other band singing the same song would've made my ears bleed, but because it's SHINee, it's feel-goodly infectious, see. Besides I love the part where Onew sings ''nooni bushyeoh'', even saucier than the time he sang ''talk to my baaaday''. Hahahah!
/end gush.

Of course this has nothing, NO.THING, to do with its timeslot. The fact that it's been vacated by YB, WISFC, OB-GYN and will be followed by Bad Guy. Nope. *whistles*


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eiko / supah

Thanks to you guys I'm watching OBGYN and I'm on ep 6. It reminds me of a korean version of ER but its more interesting since the writing is from a Korean perspective with lots of Korean superstitions, hangups and starker gender inequalities. I find I'm always learning about the nuances and flavor of korean culture by watching kdramas that show "day in a life" rather than the typical rom-com or melo. I missed the whole "New Heart/Surgeon Bong Dal Hee" craze so I don't know how this compares but I'm enjoying it with some caveats.

The acting by the cameos and and Jang Seo Hee is very good (the last time I saw her was in Mermaid Lass so I had no expectations of her acting but I find her totally believable as the hard charging, prickly, skilled surgeon) but my one beef is with Ko Joo Won's Dr Lee. I have always found his acting to be sub par or lukewarm and I suspect if the actor wasn't so good-looking his career would have gone the way of the dinosaurs. He is doing a better job than in Resurrection since this character suits him better but during key dramatic moments I find him missing the oomph factor and part the problem is his flat delivery and part of it is his emotive limitations as an actor. Also though Dr Wang isn't as good looking I find him way hotter and dynamic. I think I'm rooting for the 2nd lead in this one for maybe only the 3rd time out of the numerous kdramas I've seen.

The other beef I have with this type of drama is its way hard to marathon through because each episode is self contained and has its own story arc. The main characters' stories are what glues the individual stories together but its the vignettes that acts as the tension builder and climax for each episode. Its one thing to watch this as a weekly so you get doses of the angst and tension but from episode to episode point of view there is no ebb and flow so its all drama all the time which can be exhausting to watch. At a certain point even the really good vignettes lose its impact since you become so numb. The rape and police officer's story were so far the most touching but I wish I could have felt it more which I would have if they were surrounded by more silence. Anyway I think I will watch one episode every other day in between Cinderella Unni and Prosecutor Princess and drop Personal Taste. This way I will be less emotionally exhausted and enjoy it more.


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@13 nycgrl

I've never seen Ko Joo Won in any other drama so I don't have another role to compare with OBGYN. He is good looking...but I liked his role as a very intelligent, dedicated, sweet gentleman....perfect pediatrician. Dr. Wang....worldly and such a rascal with no intentions of getting hooked or hitched! Gotta laugh at his role because he does fit in! All the actors fit right into their roles....

The other recent drama that was excellent was Wish Upon A Star....everyone fit right in and the children added to the good feelings. It's playing on our local station now and I'm following it again....episode 16 today. Sweet Pa-rang gonna have his personal "talk" with Kang-ha! :-)

I personally don't care for Prosecutor Princess....and I stopped watching Personal Preference in the 2nd episode at the wedding.

Now to find my choco-pie!


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@ eiko
Choco pies go on sale occaisonally at Palama Market. There's one near the Kaheka Don Quijote or another one by the Dillingham Zippy's. They are a cakey type marshmellow sandwich with a chocolate coating. The cookie/cake is soft, not crisp like a graham cracker and the chocolate gets stuck on your front teeth when you bite into them. They are the best thing ever! I think regular price at Palama is about $5.49 or so for a box of 10 so sale price is about $3.99.


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@ 14 wabbit

Thank you! I know where both markets are and I appreciate the description of it because now I know what they are and I HAVE had it before! LOL LOL. I'm closer to the Kaheka market so will get down there first chance I have!



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I find Dr Lee to be too perfect to the point of maybe being boring?

The actor was in Resurrection (my first encounter and I thought miscast), Infamous Chil Sisters (was better), My Woman (very wooden). His performance in OBGYN is probably the best I've seen him so far.

@ supah

I also find prosecutor princess to be fun and large part of the fun is due to KSY and the clothes/shoes. I had no idea she can do comedy and though PSH is not a fab actor he does have screen presence and good chemistry with his female leads.


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Oh fab! Fab! So glad you're checking it out. I completely agree about it being near impossible to marathon. It is a fast paced show with some pretty intense moments. Even though it's broken down with some pretty hilarious moments between the staff (who act more like elementary school kids than medical professionals), they still don't soften the impact any.
I'd say it's best taken in in bitesize portions, else you'll feel swamped. Though you've already figured that out for yourself.

Dr Lee:
I'm right there with you again, I felt the same way about the character. He was too good to be true. But then I ended up liking him (bordering on pitying him) when the other doctors would gang up against him to leer, jeer, roll-eyes at his ''killer kindness''. Though they did it in jest it's still felt a tad bitchy.
As the drama progressed further I kinda ended up falling for him, and he wasn't exactly a doormat either, he was quite a dark horse.
See, you have all that to look forward to.
As an actor, this is the first time I've seen him in anything and I thought he acted out his role adequately.

Dr Wang is THE MAN! Best second lead, ever.

What do you think of Dr Ahn? It was nice to see Song Joong-ki go beyond just a cute face and his typical 'happy' character. He wasn't exactly diabolical as Ahn, but he was a douchebag a good 90% of the time.

Park Shi Hoo? Hmmm....
For some reason, the character he played in 'Which Star Did You Come From?' where he played second lead to Kim Rae Won is still entrenched firmly in my memory. It's the only other show I've seen him in, though I know he's done a few. The slimy persona his character had in WSDYCF just kind of stuck. Help!


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@17 nycgrl

I'm smiling because Dr. Lee might have been just a little too serious. I'll check out the dramas you mentioned.

I've been following Oh My Lady.....maybe you or Supah can give me clue....the woman who is the dance instructor....I've seen her in another drama but can't seem to really place her and I think it's because of her hair. ??????

I was also looking at Triple Axle.....noticed that our Dr. Ahn has some of the same characteristics there as in OBGYN.

By the way....I do like PSH....really liked him in Family of Honor which was one of the first dramas I ever watched on our local station. The other drama that caught my attention was Terroir. After those, I was hooked!


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@ 18 supah

You're right about Dr. Lee being like a dark horse....and he was different....he was more than just a pediatrician....I think he was really interested in finding cures and that's part of his taking on that job in America. He went beyond his calling....and I thought it was really touching the way he carried the babies and showed emotional concern. That's probably why he fell in love with Seo....caring about the baby that was in her womb. With his character, I wouldn't doubt he would make a good husband and father.

Oh for these drama characters to be manifested in real life form!!!! :-)

You know, it's true that if we saw an actor in another drama and it turned us off....that role will stick in our minds. Not a good way to judge an actor.....double yikes!


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Anyone interested.....check DONG YI.....from what I'm seeing of episode 1 it's a very good start!


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@ supah and epyc and anyone else

You GOTTA check out OH MY LADY!!!!! I am really enjoying this one! It's into episode 6.....WOW!!!!! After Wish Upon A Star and OBGYN.....this has got to be the pick me up again drama!!!! Lead male is FEAST for the eyes!!! :-)


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By the way....Choi Si-won who is lead actor is also with the group SUPER JR. He's doing a really good job in OML!


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Apology to epyc

I saw your comment on OML episode 5.....your name stuck in my brain! :-)

You're enjoying it as much as I am!


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My General Choi as Prosecutor Yoon sprinted across the field in a fit of rage and rescued Ma Hye Ri from her attackers! He descended on them with That Flying Kick, as good as Song Seung Hun's iconic badboy kick in He Was Cool -- the one I'll never forget.
After knocking them unconsious he earblasts her for her stupidity, but instead of feeling intimidated - she runs, sobbing, straight into his arms. And thus we have The Hug.
Ladies and gents: my OTP have hugged.
I shall die happy now.
See, I knew they'd have great chemistry together didn't I? I knew it right from the start.
Excuse me? Cheesiness? Cliches? Tch. Whatever, I love this!

I'll definitely be checking OML out at some point, but I'm totally distracted by PP at the mo.
Le Sigh! What a perfect pair.


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@ 25 supah

AIGOOOO......I've been checking but still no posting for PP....curiosity has me going cause I wanted to see if things might change! I really like PSH!!! Now I'm really laughing about our General Choi and MHR!!!!! LOL LOL.....I shall return!!! Darn if the hug came that early on.....is he the main lead? Or is it gonna be a battle between him and PSH?

You HAVE to look at OML!!! I promise you you won't regret it!!!!! The kiss already happened in episode 6!!!!! The lead actor is super junior lead singer Choi Siwon! Darn....he's really good and so good looking!!!! The actress Cha Rim is great also....they have great chemistry and there's a little girl. I think this one is really popular right now and people are dropping PP.

Actually I was feeling pretty funky after being bombarded with TY.....so watching OML is a nice change!

Also....Dong YI is looking really good.....great acting there also.


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@ supah

Okay....I got to episode 3 on viikii.....most of it raw....but that last scene in the field was something, huh? Her reaction is what I would have done if some handsome savior came to rescue me! LOL LOL.....and my prince PSH standing there watching the whole scenario! :-(

I'm still having a problem with the female lead and her "ditzy" personality! She really should have gone into fashion industry.....her father was really "p----d"!!!!! I can only hope that our legal system doesn't have a personality like her walking the halls! It's like she's in lala land!

Sighhhhh.....our General Choi and PSH are the draw to this drama!


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@ eiko, nycgirl, and supah

Missed all your discussions in the last couple of days. Great to see nycgirl pick up OBGYN - fully agree with what you said. This is the only drama that I really root for the second lead. Dr Lee (whose acting is quite wooden) is too sweet and nice to the point of boring for me, too. Dr Wang is getting sexier and cooler by the episode and by 2/3 of the drama, I just want him to to be THE ONE.

I've just begun a business trip and can't have the time to finish the remaining four episodes of The Devil - which deserves 'quality' time to finish.

Anyway, I manage to squeeze in time to follow Ep 5 and 6 of Oh My Lady! Honestly, I love it! Personal Taste sorts of becoming underwhelming despite all the anticipation earlier. I will certainly follow Prosecutor Princess and Cinderella Sister later but for now, OML is my guilty pleasure.

Back to catch up with you gals later on.


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@28 epyc

Wasn't episode 6 of OML something??!!!! I couldn't believe it happened so soon....but it was soooooo cute the way it did! CSW is a very good actor and I am enjoying him! I had to laugh when I recognized his face and thought....where have I seen him before? Then I goggled him and he's with Super Junior and wears the white suit singing with the group SORRY SORRY!!!

Another week going down the tubes quickly!

Take care wherever you are now! We'll be in OT #130 when you get back!


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Sheesh, my week is ridiculous really, I'm going to have to sacrifice precious kdrama watching time. It's PP during the week and C's Unni during the weekend.
Even then, last night I only had about 15 mins to zip through ep 3 of PP. I'm glad I skipped straight to the cliffhanger though, I squeed myself to sleep after watching my OTP hug.
I thought the attackers were pretty brutal really, this show was meant to be comedy, but that part was pretty gruesome.
When I saw that both male leads were rushing to find her I was like ''please, please, pleeease prosecutor Yoon, oh my love, please find her first --- you're the one, only you!'' And he did! *goes into squee-fest delirium all over again*

Anyway; what I meant was, I don't think I'll be able to take any more drama on board. Two at a time is just about manageable.

@epyc & eiko
I do definitely plan to watch OML, and for some reason I'm imagining Choi Siwon acting all Takeshi Kaneshiro-esque, adorable/endearing/oddball. There is a similarity somewhere but I just can't place my finger on it. If that is the case, it'll be worth enduring Chae-rim's deadpan expression.
I think deep down psychologically, I think back to a school friend who looked very similar to her, but was very deadpan. I could never tell whether she was just gormless or plain stuck-up. I really need to get over that and give this actress a chance - chincha.

I've seen Siwon in Spring Waltz, he had a small supporting role in it, back in '06. There's a part in it where he accidentally ends up auditioning for a talent contest and wows everyone with his dancing. I remember thinking then; I'd bet anything this guy's in one of those Idol groups. And yes, he was/is.


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@30 supah

Hey girlfriend! The secret to my scouting out dramas is.....don't work! :-)

My hangup is that if the drama gets toooooo gory....I skip it! Bad enough to deal with real world events..... Most of the period/historical dramas are really not up my alley because of the swords and knives, etc. I'm having rough time with Dong Yi now. Good drama....killings started early!

hehehehe....that Prosecutor Yoon is a real man isn't he? He and PSH are too different personalities....Like how Lee and Wang are so darn different. I want some of both!

CSW....there's something about his face that makes him attractive....the eyes? And CR is dead pan but matches up with the character.

I'm back to watching some of the dramas on our local station....Green Carriage and Two Wives are coming down to the finals. Then Wish Upon A Star has 4 more episodes and my neighbor asked me if Kang-ha will claim Pal-gang and I finally told her "yes". She was happy! It was cute because she said as mean and cold as he comes across, she felt an attraction to him from the beginning and I told her she wasn't alone!


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I'm formerly mookie, I lived in my own real kdrama as of last nite. (this is going be very eyerolling, sappy projectile vomit inducing, and knowing me, dun care... lol)

it all started w/ me catching up my fix of Good Wife, a US TV drama written for me (w/ my forever Nurse Hathaway fr ER as Alicia btw). On a very good day, and my head screwed VERY well on, I spout out sth remotely as mature/thoughtful as her character. ' It’s romantic because it didn’t happen. If it had happened, it would’ve just… been life.' Alicia said to Will (her college platonic crush/boss/bff/new sthsth) I said that to a certain someone not long ago!!!

Then w/ no expectation of whatsoever exc to fangirl MGY and CJM, I'm beyond invested in CU. It's not plain love of a drama, I have heart palpitations that's not stopping since glimpsing ep3 crack of dawn b4 work this am. It's not healthy, but this is like time traveling back to my first real crush.

MGY's Eun-Jo is an angsty teen w/ a dreamboat tutor in CJM, she cant get how he called her name out of her head. A 15 yo mookie also had a major crush on a physics tutor at some fancy tutor sch, a premed student then on his summer job. and scheming mookie talked mom into hiring him as my private tutor after the summer and mom thought *glee* suddenly somewhat studious and her daily migraines stopped (for a while).

Then he's in med sch and cant tutor me anymore... *sob*... time jump 2 yrs later, mookie graduating highsch...my biology teacher arranged a tour to a med sch and I got a hard pet on my head when I'm about to zzzz at some speech and voila my tutor crush! we played catch up all day, he took me and my bff to dinner. I rem I had heart palp/fluttering for wks after that before I decide college in US.

Then another time jump (I said kdrama) couple months ago, he found me thro facebook and we became fast old friends online. when I went back to HK last month, I met w/ him, he even ages dashingly (me shallow) and the married heart of mine did flutter tbh and watching CU3 o gosh I feel like I may need to see a shrink to just dump it somewhere safe! (or to my OT pals!!)

so after CU3 this am, I aspired to be that meadow/grassy mom's grave CJM's Ki Hoon leaned on, or that soju bottle/ soju, that little glimmer of sunshine and shone on him glorious or his cute little socks or that bowl of rice turned cold EunJo cooked for him. I dun care what existence I'm taking over as long as I'm some comfort.. and be close to him.

u can all puke now for all I care! ;)


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@ the puddle of ooey gooey love formerly known as mookie (or still my twin)

I'll be back to respond more later - but lady, you DEFINITELY couldn't fit what thou art spilleth your guts above into 140 characters. I'm not barfing at your gut spill (I LOVE IT), it only leads me to think of my only regret in life is never having had a genuine oppa crush of mine own. I can OPW just a tad shy of Bora-level, but it was aimed at the general Asian male oppa population of Stinkfoo and NYC. I want to OPW to my own devoted OPPA, and drive him insane. Kinda the opposite of you being driven insane by your tutor oppa.

But your tutor crush sounds mad mad hot. Too bad you couldn't star in your own version of My Wife is 18 (not with Ekin, mind you), but you as Charlene and your tutor dude just back from the UK and needing you to "school" him in the ways of the female psyche. Meowr!


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@32 Eun-ji-ahhh, or formerly @mookie (my dong saeng)
No eyes rolling,no puking from me; vent all you needed to us/me, your OT family/sister, anytime ....*HUGS*
Thank you for sharing with us something very precious to you :)


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@ nycgrl, serendipity

Sorry ladies, I owe you both a Tazza ending summary. If I didn't wait so long and wrote this before I started Ireland, it would be nice, long and my best attempt at coherent analysis for why it all went wrong. But to appease the drama-sirens known as mookie and belleza, I finally started my Ireland watch, and nycgrl can attest, doing so fries the brain. So, long story short, my Tazza review will be brief, cuz I want to save my sharpened knives for Ireland. *sound of sharpening knives*

Tazza - the ending sucked, the story sucked, the directing was abysmal, and the soundtrack was nothing short of marvelous. The acting was across the board mediocre - everyone showed up for their paychecks, except Kim Min-joon, who was so gorgeous to look at but woefully stiffer than a Chinese zombie jian-shi, so his acting was amongst all the KMJ dramas I've watched, the absolute upmost bottom of the heap crap bad.

Dare I say this.....KMJ in Tazza was like watching the worst possible combo platter of Kim Jeong-hoon in Witch Amusement and Kim Hyung-joon in BOF wrapped in mummy shroud of stiffness. Oh, lest folks think I'm a haterating on KMJ, I love KMJ (dude was The Rebel Leader, even though I am TEAM NAEURI FTW 4ever!!!, Rebel Leader still has my goodwill for all of eternity) and Tazza proves it, I still like him after this. Just hate him IN this. Anyone wanting a good gambling fix, go watch God of Gamblers 1 followed up with a double shot of GoG II. You won't regret it. And JH lovers, don't touch Tazza with a 10 foot pole. Even Bright Girl is better than this.

Shall I save my Ireland mid-drama review for this OT or unleash it tomorrow......

Btw, any TEAM REBEL LEADER FTW out there (other than langdon-unni.....), just curious...


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If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right. I will sit alone at my table for one, completely free of shame. :-D


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So glad to see everyone. looks like most everyone is back from spring break.

@ ockoala
have to say I love the venting on Tazza. Me I didn't hate it as much as you. It was just bleh/ok for me but I didn't finish watching it either. I can't wait to hear the Ireland review since I have a feeling we might be of the same mind. Lets see if I can get myself excited enough to remember what I didn't like about it since I've tried to purge some of it from memory.

@Eun-Ji-ahhh aka Mookie. Can we have an unpronounceable special symbol made for you instead? Am loving Cinderella Unni as well but not having heart palpitations yet. I know some people hate MGY's angsty teen but I love it. The overly self sacrificing good girl heroine usually have me barfing into the waste basket that I keep next to my computer . Isn't this why kdrama's touch us because they have this power to engross us and transport us back to the way we were or always wanted to be?

@epyc , eiko, supah

I've figured out who Dr Wang reminds me of and its Benicio del Toro. They have the same swagger and attitude. I can see the actor play a gangsta in the future. In terms of looks he can be Lee Hyun Jin (coral from assorted gems) older brother.

In my kdrama world I like the men to be masculine, complicated and flawed but my real life hubby is more like a boyish Dr Lee. I guess the grass is always greener.

Still awaiting my next project to start so just started watching "Goodbye Solo" and so far its good. I think it might make it into my top 10 if it keeps the pace and quality.


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@37 nycgrl

LOL LOL....don't we all want something else to hang on to? It's no wonder kdrama world just hits the spot!

I have no idea who Benicio Del Toro is but his name sounds musical to me!

I looked at Kingdom of The Winds and was impressed with Choi Jun Won....she looks beautiful in that drama!

It seems like forever when favorites come out and the next episode is another week away! I've decided I shouldn't watch any RAW versions of anything because it only makes it worse to guess! :-(

Tomorrow is on to OT 130!


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To commemorate the birth of Eun-ji-ahhhhh (who shall henceforth exist for at least the next 9 weeks), someone needs to dig up that YT vid of BIN!!! from F70s *(y'all know what I'm a-talking about, THE BEACH scene) and then have Eun-ji-ahhhhh imagine her Ki-hoon oppa doing that scene in CU. Presto, immediate self-combustion. ;-)

My attempt at brevity (wanting to ape WaterOB, who is mookie and mine self-selected triplet) to describe Tazza in one sentence:

Tazza: instead of handing the outline for an epic star-crossed lovers story to Shakespeare, it was instead handed to Stephanie Meyer, who then barfed up Twilight - substitute epic love for epic gambling.

@ nycgirl, Tazza doesn't kill me, it's just boring as hell, which is a crime really, since kdramas OWN the entertainment factor. Ireland, on the other hand, whew, its gotta wait until tomorrow. Let me preface: I am not bored, nor do I hate what I have seen of Ireland (up to ep. 11).....but I do have a lot to say about it.

@ langdon-unni

Damo I completely switched OTPs, and it happened so late in the game (end of ep. 12 actually, I can pinpoint that exact millisecond, you know, that crescendo of the swelling music and Chae-ohk hearing what is perhaps the most amazing declaration of love, and then stomping on it with her heart, yeah, I was TEAM NAEURI FTW from that point on). But I never forgot I was TEAM REBEL LEADER up on that moment, from the cave scenes alone, I was like, screw the heavens. I spit at convention and ickiness and morality. So, in the end, Damo is perhaps the only drama where I want to clone Ha Ji-won and have the guys each have one Chae-ohk of their own (actually, I may need to clone a few more of her, another one to the awesomely earnest pudgy scholar dude, and a few more for the fellow police officers who all adore her to pieces). As I do. I want a kickass Chae-ohk of mine own. She makes me consider batting for the other side.


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@35 ockoala

I am TEAM NAEURI FTW - 4evah always!

although you must admit, that was a close call. There were arguments to be made for both sides - hence the drama, I suppose! Thank you for braving both Tazza and Ireland. I ditched both after 1 episode.

@ 32 Eun-Ji-ahhh formerly known as mookie...

ah, k-drama brought to life. I had no OPW to speak of. Being a girl of the geek variety, I mostly specialized in unrequited geek, but crushed on a few of the handsomer ones way beyond my lasso-ing range. If one of them contacted me by facebook, after first recovering from palpitations, I'd be happy to have a nice dinner out. Come to think of it, one in particular....well....never mind. 8-)


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@32 Eun-ji-ahhh, or formerly @mookie

No puking from me, either. Yeah, I'm here for you to vent, spill your internal organs out or whatever. At least, you have experienced or are experiencing spellbinding feelings! I'm totally for that. Spring has come! I'm waiting for mine to to arrive anytime soon.


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@ ockoala

Because it's OT and we can say whatever we want here, I have to agree with you on this...I'd probably play for the other team too, should Ha Ji-won decide to use her powers for evil and turn her gaze in my direction. That girl is The Hotness, dude! It's like flowers and pollen in the spring...it just is what it is.

But please God..let it be Lee Min-ki who looks in my direction first! :-D


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Hhhmm, this calls for a ode to the Hotness of Ha Ji-won, newly crown Queen of the Baeksangs.

The Power of Ha Ji-won (other than making two ladies in OT consider switching teams), what else has this woman done to the kdrama world:

1. Turn boys into men by her simple kiss and touch: case in point - pre and post Hwang Jin-yi Jang Geun-seok.

2. Turn men into beasts when after one taste of her and then losing her: case in point - JIS in WHIB

3. Turn upstanding citizens into scheming embezzlers to afford her- case in point - SJS in WHIB

4. Turns "brothers" into "lovers" - case in point - REBEL LEADER and NAEURI.

5. Turned Kim Jae-won interesting for about 100 minutes in 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant.

And the list goes one. Unni, did she stop a tsunami in Haeundae? I wouldn't be surprised if she did. And she obviously out-acted Kim Myung-min since she got a Baeksang for MLBMS and he got diddly-squat (I kid, I kid, still need to watch the movie but one whiff of Lou Gehrig's and I'm immediately all oh woah I don't know if I'm in the mood for that.....).

Oh, and she gets away with wearing the shortiest short shorts this side of daisy dukes when everyone gets the memo to wear jeans (in the gooddownloader PBS special - and I swear I saw Kim Ha-neul give her the stink eye in the BTS but I could be mistaken).

And yeah, she just rolls like that, because she is Ha. Ji. Won.


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@ ockoala

She didn't manage to stop the tsunami, but she did manage to live through it, remaining ridiculously hot while keeping her head above water. *Sob* Unlike some people who shall remain nameless (but does MY I LUB YOU give you a clue)? :-(

On a serious note...MLBMS is NOT to be missed. I made it through surprisingly unscathed, and just so grateful that I finally know what all the fuss is about KMM. Wonderful, wonderful movie.


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@ unni

Poor your I lub you! But that's the law of disaster movies, no? The leading lady always make it out alive, unless its a certain movie called Deep Blue Sea where the leading lady getting eaten by a megashark validated the movie. And where the black fourth lead playing the chef dude survives. Presto, instant FX movie night classic.

I will watch MLBMS, I just need a big bootie kick, which you delivered, thank you. After Ireland and then Friends, I'll be more than ready for a slew of movies long tabled.


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@44 langdon813

MLBMS? Miss langdon, might I ask what it stands for? You guys are getting me curious. I even checked 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant. I meant I'd watched it some years? ago but didn't quite register with me and I had to look that up and all that!!! I just can't get myself into "WORK" mode and been doing everything else I can think of in the world. Even went to out and bought a Craftsman brand hatchet at Sears for opening coconuts... Help!


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@ celestialorigin

Sorry my friend! It's My Love By My Side; I've also seen it called Closer to Heaven. It's such a great movie. Have plenty of tissue on hand...



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Thanks! I've found it! I'm checking it out right now!!! <3 <3 <3


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o thank you my sistas for all ears to my sappy mess. I dont do good OPW a la twinockoala, I have nobody to really practice, a girl's sch education and the oldest of cousins but I'm a walking shoujo disaster w. impermeable thickskin chasing boys and having crushes left and right that my mom should be embarrassed/disowned but lucky for me she did not.

@twin , u r bigbrothering me I know it!

may I add to your ode to Ha! Ji! Won! : I'll give up my womanhood if she's straight. And my ode to u, I pulled out Ireland, if I can part myself fr rewatching a certain 10 snippet fr ep3 where MGY's EunJoAhh is tipping over w/ her voiceover of a certain line and hence my new being... I want to rewatch certain scenes, namely KK slapping that woman and a certain lonely jogging around some bball court and I was madly fangirling

@nycgrl: Goodbye Solo is easily MyKiHoon (aka C!J!M!)'s bestest drama (even though not his most heart fluttery role for me coz he's just driving me insane atm) I rem want to hold Free Hug signs and go to church, feel thankful I'm human and I exist and I have some ppl and family loving me right after my watch. Actually I've dug it out and re-watching while easing myself over CU palpitations and my psych meds.... and there goes my start of TY

I also want to rewatch Damo as well, I rem my heart completely torn bloody but I watched that drama quite promptly after it aired. and followed that by Ireland. And u can guess I'm TEAMNAEURI ftw, what's new?!


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Hum, <3 was supposed to convert themselves into hearts... didn't happen. Sorry.


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