Open Thread #154



Best Coast – “Sun Was High (So Was I)” [ Download ]

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Happy Friday/Saturday lovely people!
Anyone here from New York City? My cousin and I are exploring here this weekend, and in search of the best cheesecake/dessert in the town. Suggestions are most welcome!
We went to Koreatown today...much smaller than I expected! I guess I was expecting something on the scale of Chinatown.

I've been enoying the recaps of pk and mgiag, haven't actually watched any of them though, waiting for the series to complete.


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guilty! Junior's cheesecake absolutely awesome!


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Hmm looks like I missed your post but Juniors is fine but Eileen's at 17 Cleveland Place is better.


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@ Leonardswench

I'm thinking of purchasing a reader. Do you have any recommendations?( Kindle, Nook or something else)


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Personal favorite is my iPad, on which I can get both Kindle and Nook selections. However, family members have both, and honestly, as long as you get a few bells (if you read on commutes or night, get the reader with lights built in), you'll probably be happy.

Mother has Nook, sisters have Kindles, and not only are they reading more (it's so convenient, and the whole not losing your page ever and getting the text any size you need is worth it), but we've been giving gift cards for books and swapping out Kindles so that we are not paying for the same books twice. So if you've a close friend/relative who is also a reader, you might consider that option, as well (one of you get a Kindle, the other a Nook, their selections are different, but many books are on both), you both select books for your reader that you want to read, then swap every once in a while and read off the other's list.



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Omo omo omo! I remember watching this a while ago, I think dramabeans might have posted about it. While at the time I thought it was pretty cool I promptly forgot about it. Today though I looked up the song "That guy's girl" (link so kindly provided by lessaofpern) and this mv came up. It's Min Woo! How absolutely delicious!



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Nifty. I keep putting off watching MGIAG this week because I know it's going to end unsatisfactorily (and I'm going to be grouchy until next week). But now I actually care about Min Woo, it's a little harder. And the dude just keeps getting cooler. I feel like hitting him now.


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Gracious! He really really looks like Kame there. Someone else had noted it, and I went...NAH! He doesn't look like Kame at all. But then nope...he sure does in that video!


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This is a test so see if you are getting your money's worth from all the marshmallows you feed to the Pigeon Legion: Guess the line of thought that flashed through my mind in big, bold, and red letters as I watched this video.


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See, I am starting to think that I need to vary the pigeon's diet because they haven't given me anything good on you this whole week. They're swearing that there wasn't anything going on in your mind at all when the video was playing (although you had to wipe the drool off your chin twice). I think they're just being lazy, and if I had to hazard a guess about what you were thinking, I would say "That movie would have been so much better if I was that chick."


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That is seriously....... uncanny! You pass, extra 5 points to you. The force is strong in you. ;)


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sigh.. totally irrelevant to anything usually discussed here... but what the hell is up with the healthcare situation in the country! Too rich to qualify for Medicaid, too poor to buy insurance on my own!

This is absolutely ridiculous! 1/3rd of my paycheck goes to Tax, another 1/3rd goes to healthcare, then NOTHING for rent! AHHHH!!!!!


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Here sweetie pie, this link will let you know that at least someone is fighting for... something on Capitol Hill. Have faith that your government will do their very best to find a way to take the rest of your paycheck!



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I totally get where your coming from. But we wouldn't want any of that socialism stuff here... You know like they have in that country up north...Canada. That crazy place where you can get sick without going bankrupt. Nope, not us cause we're 'Mericans. Sometimes the stupid it just burns.

Good luck and good health.


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I really don't want to have a health care argument here... so I'm just going to point out some things very quickly about our government and the decisions being made in Washington. I'm sorry to anyone who is from another country and thinks that this might have some kind of significance to you: feel free to skip this rant.

All the ideas about health care right now are stupid. The simplest thing would have been to open up Medicare options for people who almost-but-not-quite qualify. Then, we wouldn't have had to make up an entirely new plan where the IRS gets more money than the people who truly need healthcare. Also, we should have made it a requirement for the politicians that we have elected to actually READ the stupid bill before passing it. Then, we should pass an amendment where we can red line the parts that don't help the public in a bill without throwing the entire bill away and starting from scratch. In the end, healthcare prices wouldn't have skyrocketed like they have in the last 6 months, increasing the amount of money that insurance companies make but decreasing the benefits that people receive. Also, the number of people who have lost their insurance wouldn't have increased as quickly as they have during the last six months.

I'm not blaming this on the party in power. They're just as stupid and incompetent (read: malevolent and power hungry) as the last party in power. I blame this on the voters who think that keeping a two party system who say different things but actually do the exact same thing when they're in power is worth fighting over. We all want the same things: but we keep name-calling and dividing ourselves over semantics and platforms. It's our fault for thinking that government can solve anything and then giving them power, when we should keep that power ourselves and let our wallets and our votes count for something.

Rant over.


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Look, I really regret doing this. If y'all could erase this, please do so. I try really hard not to get political anywhere. I'm really really sorry.


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Frankly, Dramabeans may not exactly be the best place to hold political socioeconomic discussions, but it is a place where I have felt comfortable expressing my views on almost anything and everything. Some for the better some not. The fact that we have wide ranges colors, cultures, religions, sexual orientations and politics. It makes the site interesting even if it is "only" about k-drama and k-culture.

I don't believe in "tolerance" never have and never will. It is a bad word and makes me mad every time I hear it. I don't want to be tolerated. I don't want to tolerate any body either. It means I don't like you and you don't like me. Instead I accept people and like them for who they are and whatever differing opinions they have.

I felt I had to say something since it looked like you were trying to erase what you felt at the time. Honestly I don't think it should be taken down. I don't agree with some of it, but I respect you as a person and your opinion. So leave it as is!


"Nope, not us cause we’re ‘Mericans. "

To quote the great Chinese philosopher Johnny Depp, "Are you a Mexican or a Mexican't?"


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ThisBelleza , just curious, what drama r u watching?Dongyi/Donkey? i am a GMWnoona killer?


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anybody heard about u-kiss being in I Am Legend? I heard from a friend that has watched it that they arent in it......what happened?


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@ 44 supah
"Cont. from OT 153:
Oh, but I am watching Gloria. :D
Well, only up to episode 4, but just when I was needing the motivation I watched random clips from last saturday’s episode and Suh Ji-suk had a Dr Wang moment. And I almost squeed myself to death.

When I was watching Rockstar, I was like whyyyy… WHY didn’t rambutan tell me earlier… how sexy this guy is, how utterly adorable Bae Doo-na is and how gut-bustingly funny So Ji-sub is? Heheheh….

The Country Princess mention was more one of jest. Sure it has KDW, BDN and the SSW in it, but the premise is almost laughable. BDN being all Mrs Mary Sue the Martyr in it. No thank you.

This one’s more tempting; Invincible Parachute Agent.
Look at that cast! *le droooolz*".

Oops! downloaded Country Princess already. Invincible Parachute Agent... looks like you are going on a Mr. Rockstar rampage, I'll follow! As for Si Ji Sub, who would have thought he'd be so goofy and hilarious after watching his more famous Bali, Sorry, or even Cain & Abel.

Gloria! If you're impatient for the Kang Suk-Gloria romance, jump to ep. 13. This is the ice-breaking episode, where I saw a glimpse of Dr. Wang. Imagine waiting 13 episodes to see the corner of his mouth move upward! It was like seeing sunshine after 6 weeks of rain! Episode 14 you can't miss. Powerful, powerful acting from Bae Doo-na (around minute 24) and I'm sure from here, Kang Suk's rate of thawing accelerated. At the end of this episode, my goose pimples rose as I saw two bodies getting ready to clash. Sqeeeee!


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Haha, yeah, maybe we just like these oddball types...

Re: Rockstar Rampage: here are a couple more I'm tempted to check out:
http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Special_of_My_Life -- which also
has Kim Seung-woo.
There's also Beating Heart and Secret of Keu Keu Island. Everything else is either too long (100+ episodes!) or too meh.

I'm up to episode 7 of Gloria now, will just FF the inbetweeny scenes till I get to episode 13 then, I mean, it's a little hit and miss. I like the show overall and the atmosphere is great.
I'm in LOVE with Grandma (who I also loved in Sandglass) and all those who live under her roof, apart from maybe the airhead who's like all ''oppa-oppa'' to Ha Dong-ah and the dorky guy with her.
Kang-sook, Yeon-soo and Jung-nan are mildly likable at this point.
I like the music (even the main Gloriyah! song is catchy and amusing) but in particular the ending credits song.


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OMG, squeeelybobs!!
Special of my life also has: Sung Ji-roo (Sung Ji-roooooo!!), Kim Roe-ha (Kim Roe-haaaaa!!!) AND Jung Kyung-ho!!

Pardon me for my spazzing, but I've just hit kdrama gold! How can there be so much goodness in one drama?


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AHHHH omg, someone help me! I think I may pass out from curiosity! haha;;
Any Playful Kiss watchers here? http://www.dramabeans.com/2010/08/posters-are-out-for-playful-kiss/
...The theme for those posters... are they copied from some popular pop culture type of thing by any chance?

It's actually quite a coincidence how I came across this... but anyone familiar with the group The Jadu? Well I was watching Playful Kiss and I knew that Seungjo's teacher looked SO FREAKING FAMILIAR... and I finally recently realized he was Kangdu (who used to be in The Jadu...)
So then I went on this little search, because I was curious about what The Jadu has been up to because I haven't heard from them in AGES!

Anyway, so I was looking through their albums.. and suddenly BAM: http://music.daum.net/album/album.do?albumId=474815
I was like O_O;; .....that cover looks AWFULLY familiar... and realized that's what the PK posters looked like!
Anyway, does can anyone tell me what this whole concept is copying? I mean, it can't be that PK copied an old The Jadu album cover and logo... I'm guessing they both based it off of something even more famous?
Can anyone tell me what that is...? thanks!


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For lj users and SKKS lovers out there:

I am so in love with this drama, can't get enough of all 4 of them!


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K previously I know there was something like this posted here, But I figure the place needs its own list of crazy "You might be a Kaddict if..." quotes. I figure the list could be really long even if we stick only to the things we ourselves have actually done. I saw some on earlier posts in this thread that would be good for this too. For my accomplishments as an addict , see below.

You might be a KDrama(ala-redneck) addict if:

Sleep is only accomplished after that next episode...no, I meant the one after that...But you really need to see if the mother is going to find out the truth this time....who am I fooling you don't sleep until the drama is completed and then you collapse in front of your normal sleeping area unable to go to bed properly.

You write poems and limericks about actors and dramas

Edit Dramas together to form your own music videos even going so far as to alter relationships to suit your tastes.

You can recite 5 contemporary(meaning they are on a TV show right now)
Korean actors names in 5 seconds but none from your native country in the same amount of time.

You wake up and odd hours of the night write on Blogs and read what was written about kdrama.

You use your only vacation for the year to book a flight to Korea and hang out in the Jimjilbang eating eggs with a towel on your head and watching dramas.

More than half of the DVDs you own are Kdrama

The first thing you do when you wake up even before using the bathroom is check for kdrama downloads or updates.

You have converted 4 or more people to Kdramas(becoming a drama pusher)

You go to your local Korean restaurant and order soju and tokkboki when things get you down(bad drama ending). Then want to jump on your friend's back to get to the car.

Write in an on-line contest about your addiction and the crazy stuff you did just to get another DVD box set.


K those are mine, I already know lots of the extreme stories from the contest, but who else has lines to add?


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If you do the "Hwaiting!!" gesture to friends, you're most definitely a K-drama addict. If you do same gesture to strangers, you need an intervention.

If you start calling your oppa "Oppa", you're a K-drama addict. If you start calling your dad "Oppa", you've fundamentally misunderstood the Korean language and need to watch K-dramas more closely.

If you're over 25 and like Yo Seung Ho, you're a K-drama addict. If you're over 8 and under 15 and like Yo Seung Ho, you got Justin Beiber so go away.


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That is the giggle I needed, thank you!


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My daughters object: there's not enough money on the planet to force them to watch or listen to Justin Beiber when Boomie (Kim Bum), Junie (Kim Jun), The Lee (Lee Junki), Wookie (Lee Don Wook), Baby Jun (Kim Hyung Jun), Leader (Kim Hyun Joong), Baby Face (Heo Young Saeng), Sexy Charisma (Park Jung Min), Sigh (Choi Siwon), Jang Geun Suk, Lee Hong Ki, Lee Min Ho, Kim Nam Gil, my fingers are falling off from all this typing ....

Let's sum it up this way, I offered to buy a Justin Beiber tee for my 10-year old daughter as we were walking through the mall, and she said, "No way," So I asked who she wanted on her tee shirt, and she was definite. "Lee Jun Ki." I know what I'll be hunting for Christmas, as well as an elusive pig-rabbit ...


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In honor of your daughters having good taste and just being all around cool kids.


warning squealing shall commence in 5...4...3...2...run for it!


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It's our wallpapers on our Mac! Prettiest man in the world! In unison "Awww!" Double "awww"! I love it! -- from the cool girls, who really do want a tee shirt with his picture on it. Emo Diadda, gamsahamnida!!!


O.K. I think I just lost some of my hearing. We had fangirl scream, just happen over here!!!


I warn people for a reason. anyone else watching this with loved ones please use ear protection the squealing can be devastating. :)

And that song has been played enough to cause internal bleeding even before this video. Good Luck!

and your welcome. I shall aways encourage good taste among todays youth. I feel a responsibility. I had only the force fed idols in my stable at that age, I only wish I had better choices. Good Moms make good kids!

I blame my mom! It's all her fault! Commencing self therapy session!


You're in LUCK, then, as Junki has to be therapy for whatever ails you -- just hit repeat often!

The girls said I missed too many names on my original post ....... gah!! It truly is sad, but I don't think they can name 10 American idols. Had to be told who Zac Efron was .... but they have a top ten Asian idol dimple list, best hair list, best body list, best smile list, best actor list, best singer list .... they regularly make changes, too, as new Korean/Taiwanese/Japanese/et cetera stars come into their world. When they are raving about Christopher Lee, they don't mean the British version!!


Oh Diadda I heart you! That was very funny and many of the same situations I have been in, word for word.


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Hi, this is my first time posting in OT. I'm new in this K drama watching and I don't know if I'm a K-drama addict yet since I've only watched 4 dramas so far (PT, Coffee House, Cinderella sister, Bad Guy) and now I'm watching SKKS. But this site and vikii has become the most frequent sites I've been visiting these past few months. Spend quite a lot of time googling anything about korean culture and tried korean food. Also I've bought books about Korean language learning (although not spent enough time reading them) and beginning to speak some Korean words I found kinda sounds funny (the one I use the most is "chincha?")...my younger brother thought I've already watched too many Korean dramas that I become a Korean wannabe.
@ belleza, I'm 17, just beginning my college ed and I adore KNG a lot (I think he's the best K actor I've seen so far), while most of my k-drama lovers friends love lee min ho and his F4 buddies.
So what does that make me? Am I a k-drama addict or do I need an intervention ?


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You are not an addict. You are a fan. Has it effected your sleep yet? Have you given up something you normally would NEED to do on a regular basis?(shower, eat, work, school) Have you forgotten to use your brother's name and replaced it with Korean alternative? Or worse answered out loud in Korean at the wrong time in the wrong place?

You seem a long way from crazed addict, but you have a great start. I look forward to your much less sane ramblings in the future :)

Welcome fledgling soon to be addict!


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haha. based on this, I'm not quite an addict yet. Wait...no. I've stayed up until 3 in the morning watching dramas before. And then had to wake up 2.5 hours later. So I guess I'm close...


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no worries, a fan is still someone in need of mental and emotional support. Fan is derived from fanatic. Any fanatical behavior is still seen by the rest of the populace as not quite "normal". But here everyone is among friends :)


non-committed looky-loos,


And I thought finally the shipper war was over after Coffee House, only to find it's starting a new one in SKKS but this time even stronger with three hoooooties for the contenders! LOL.

Nope, they haven't started throwing tomatoes just yet, but they might soon at this rate. Always turns me off to comment every time.

Hope the writer do justice to the characters and don't get swayed by this. *crossed fingers*


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Do you mean the Moony, Yummy and the Smarties? Granted, I haven't read all the comments but I thought it was all pretty friendly and the factions were done in good fun. In fact, I thought people took pains to keep it friendly, I know Ockoala and I did.


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I would like to thank the makers of Playful Kiss for spoiling Cyrano Dating Agency for me. Wow... was it really necessary to show the climactic proposal scene?


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They're showing movies in that show to get people to watch now?! (All jokes aside, that does suck)

There was a press junket or something for this Japanese Movie Akunin and they asked Fukatsu Eri her favorite scene and she proceeds to pretty much spoil the ending of the movie. I was like "you didn't just do that..."


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I love making these random Giant discoveries. I was thinking where I'd seen this Soo-jin-ehhh... (seriously, I j'adore how he uses the ehhh... suffix with his name.)
I was scartching my head wondering where I'd seen him before and then it dawned. (Yes, from 00:20 onwards.)

He may not be who we're guessing he is, he may just be... fanservice?


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Psh.. If you've ever seen Arrested Development, this guy is going to be my Ann Veal. As in, nicknames such as: "Him?" "That Guy?" "Egg?"

We already have guys doing sit ups upside down or crying in the shower or wearing aprons - take your pick. Room for one more? Not for me, go take your obvious stalking elsewhere boy.


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Apron. Mmmmm!
Yummy Apron dude looks so cute in that clip. Although you could clearly tell he was only 19 when he was playing that role, his voice is totally not that of a 19yr old. Do you think he was a heavy smoker? But I like that Park Sang-min has a very distinctive voice which is also played into the plot in Giant, too (episodes 11, 12 and 13?).
Oh and watch the full clip (towards the end) to see a very young Kim Seung-woo, so cute, but slapping our baby-faced Lee Seong-mo in the face. Not that handsome face, Not.The.Face maaan! :(

And janna, you disappoint me, I know you're not much of a male-harem person as you've said so yourself in the past but there is ALWAYS room for one more. By the looks of it there should be at least two more.


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I know I'm not a male-harem person, but it's not even that. I think I just don't like random additions to shows, male or female. Now, if we were slowly introduced and not all-up-in-my-face-yo, it would be okay. But in general I just wanted JY to smack him upside the face already - too much screen time, too much of an ass (we already have enough jerks, oh wait some of them are getting flashbacks about how great and calm and wonderful they are *cough*MW*cough*)


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About Dr Champ: I did manage to skim through it eventually and it's quite good. You're right about the cinematography but more than that, I ADORE KSY here. Plus, her and Jungshikee have something in common (no, not the wardrobe, she's already been there, done that, worn the sequinned t-shirt).
By inoffensive I had meant it seems a nice show, a do-no-wrong, foolproof, 'nice' show. Just 'nice', don't think anyone will become 'hooked' onto it (what with its very generic kind of premise), and it'll be impossible to hate too (how can anyone possibly, with that cast? Dammit, even Jo Min-ki!). That's what I meant. If you still don't get it, don't worry. I'm seldom understood. *sniff*
But now that I've seen it, I like it slightly better than I'd expected, so who knows?

And now Giant *cracks knuckles*: [SPOILERS!!] Hey there was even a flashback of said jerk singing lullabies, haah.
Hear, hear, too many jerks, it's like everyone's a jerk but MJ.
Not a random addition. I was expecting something like this with him. (Maybe not that he'd be this deliciously evil.) But I expected we wouldn't be introduced to him till sometime in the 90s, when he'll be an appropriate age. Not. Effin' 16! If only he was a little older. But remember the golden rule: there's a reason for everything. I guess he's meant to be one of those lost souls who was forced into the kind of lifestyle where he became everyone's hyungnim when he was still in his diapers or something (backstory please, show, we're still gonna need some convincing over here). Then the blame will be laid on GM and subsequently SM (and that they didn't even bother looking for him...). Yup, at this point I'm like 90% certain it's ''him''. There are signs and I don't know about you but I had goosebumps, serious goosebumps in that very brief scene when SM and this guy brushed past each other.
I do understand where you're coming from and this time last week was feeling pretty much the same, we're already deprived enough of our main cast to have someone else claiming all the spotlight. But now? The fact remains; for me he's become a welcome addition, as an actor he's sensational and already showcasing some impressive range, and I love how there's a science to the way they've been very carefully selecting the actors for their roles. You best be buckling up for this ride, yo!


OK, Giant 40:
Giant's getting too schmuck for us humbler viewers, haha! This episode was the shit.
So wanting to hug certain characters (namely the brothers).
On an unrelated note I was relieved to see Min Hong-ki back, wuv him.


Y'know what I was thinking was, it would've been so much cooler if he'd played the spawn of the devil's spawn of the devil, then he'd look exactly like the dad. He even has the 'crazy eyes', which would've made him a lot like the grandfather. Alas, they didn't. But imma trust them on this, whatever on earth they're planning on doing with this character. I'll only believe he's ''egg'' if he happens to meet the wrong end of Seong-mo's gun at some point.
Then again, did SM and egg-aah (as opposed to agah? OK, not funny) even have the chance to acquaint themselves back then? Anyways, fact is, he's THAT kid from The General's Son, all grown up. Yaaaayy!


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@ 57.1 supah: Invincible Parachute Agent (looks like it has potential), First Love (like), Special of My Life (needs to check out more photos), Beating Heart, Secret of Keu Keu Island ... wait, let me catch my breath while we are at this Rockstar rampage. My "To Watch" list is so long, the alphabets are falling off the page!


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@ 57.1 supah: Invincible Parachute Agent (looks like it has potential), First Love (like), Special of My Life (needs to check out more photos), Beating Heart, Secret of Keu Keu Island ... wait, let me catch my breath while we are at this Rockstar rampage. My "To Watch" list is so long, the alphabets are falling off the page!


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Now the problem is... finding these babies! Hehehe! I've looked around, lemme know if you have better luck than me.


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LOL that sounds just like my daughter. "What do they see in Justin Beiber"? She says, "They need glasses and a hearing aide"!!
Lee Jun Ki was her wall picture for the longest time. She even drew a picture of him. She took art this year, so she could learn how to draw her favorite Korean HUNKS better.
Now, that shows real dedication (addiction). :P
Her current favorite is Min Woo. She spent a whole weekend at home wearing black glasses like
him. LOL.
You know you have it real bad, when all your friends have given you the nickname "KOREAN".


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Ha ha ha!

We have our wallpaper set to 'tile' and change it every 5 seconds, so I've limited them to 1,000 pics in the folder. It's about 90% Korean, Jerry Yan and Joe Cheng and Mike He being the other 9%, and 1% is even a few actresses they admire and a wedding pic of hubby and I.

When we're at classes (dance, music, swim, tae kwon do), their friends always ask, "Who's that," so we've learned to slow down the tile change to every minute.

Not much addiction, er, dedication around here, unless you count oldest daughter's solo selections this year being "Sorry, Sorry" and "The Mermaid Who Loved The Shark". Ahem.

By the way, talked to sister at church, and it seems I can print Lee Jun Ki's face all over fabric with this special sewing machine/printer thingie she has at school (rockin' home ec teacher, my sis), and then we're going to make jammies out of them for both girls. I'm picking pics now to e-mail here and I'd better not let the girls back on this open thread or that will ruin their surprise.! I'm squeeing! If we are not happy with the samples, we're going to screenprint them! Sigh. Heaven. I think I need some new jammies, too ....


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oh, Mike He. . . is there an ICOMOlderM club?

Wait, I want some jammies! lol


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Send some virtual jammies our way.

I just ordered my Kindle today :D Send some juicy book selection ideas my way. Need some fab books to break it in :D


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Do you enjoy Lisa Kleypas? She's a regency romance writer I've enjoyed (especially most of her series work).

I tend to read mostly romantic fiction. so ... here's my short list!

The Rules of Gentility by Janet Mullany -- regency romance on its ear (I found it funny and refreshing, the reviewers called it Pride & Prejudice meets Bridget Jones' Diary, and it was fun!)

If you like Georgette Heyer, get Arabella and Frederica if you've not read them. They are, at times, laugh out loud reads, also set in Regency England. (And honestly, there are so many of Heyer's books I love. She's third on my list of best Regency romance writer's ever!!)

Away from romances, my sister bought all of Oprah's book club selections that came with Kindle, so I've read through a number of them, and the best so far has been Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible (missionaries in Africa in the late 50's) which I found compelling, and A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines (racial tensions and emotionally gripping) which I found unforgettable, and Stieg Larrson's Millennium Trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest).

Now, if you're into saucy contemporary romance, my sister also had Compromising Positions by Jenna Bayley-Burke on her Kindle. I laughed and blushed a lot: it's about a yoga instructor teaching kuma sutra positions with a fitness guru to a class ... taking over for their pregnant married friends. It's funny and a better story than I would have thought for all the .... sauciness, shall we say? If you blush at sex in a normal romance, not for you. :)

Uhm, that's a good start, what do you like? I'm about to swap with my mom, and she's reading mostly thrillers, so in a month or so, I should have more to add.


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Leonardsewench, you like Georgette Heyer too?! I was just thinking the other day what a splendid K drama These Old Shade will make! I highly recommend this book and its sequel The Devil's Cub by Geogette Heyer. There isn't much chance of going wrong with Heyer in the romance department. Oh, her novel Venetia is also one of my all times favorite. I have rarely seen such a strong and lovely heroine in a romance novel.

If you are in a fantasy kind of mood, check out The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfus. The writing is mind blowing.

Another author I highly recommmend is Michelle Sagara West. Her Chronicles of Elantra, first book being Cast in Shadow features the most fascinatingly delicious hero(?)Nightshade. Her other series, Into the Dark Lands is also very good, with a darker edge to it, which I quite liked.

Another series I am reading is Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. So so good, but the cliffhangers are killers.But Fortunately the last book is out already or maybe out in month or so.


See, this is what I absolutely love ... I'm always adding to my drama list, book list, some list around here (hot men Folder 5 on FB).

Uhm, yep, love Heyer, own most of her books, love most of her books (and kudos to a writer you can read 40 books she's written and not get bored!).

Btw, if you want to shorten my name to LW, it's fine. All the forums and boards do unless they're in trouble and sucking up not to be banned or something, then I become the revolting Ms. Leonardswench or some-such suckup title. Just so you know, Leonard was my grandpa, and he was Welsh and called us girls wenches when we were growing up. So about a decade ago when I was needing a screenname, it popped it my head and I've been using it everywhere since.

Back to Heyer, LOVE her Leonie series (and wouldn't Satanas make a good on-screen character, too??). In point of fact, I don't know why more of her novels aren't adapted for the small screen (BBC, you listening yet??). I love Devil's Cub, and Sylvester, and Black Sheep .... geez, there's so many. Truly, she has about 5 novels I can't stand, the rest are all good. I like her mysteries as much as her romances, in some cases.

Michelle Sagara West is on my sisters' list of reading, so I'll get to her Chronicles at some point.

Did anyone here get Twilighted to death? Truly? In all honesty, the books were just so-so and the movies were *whisper* disappointing.


Oh Satanas would be absolutely delicious on screen! The tropes used in this book will make an awesome K drama.We have the girl pretending to be boy, birth secrets, epic revenge game, the naive girl melting the heart of the cold hero.... I just made myself really wistful for a screen adaptation of this book. :)


I love book rec's!
Check out OT #111. Start at #287 and keep reading you'll get a lot of good book rec's. JB also recommended Georgette Heyer! http://www.dramabeans.com/2009/11/open-thread-111/comment-page-6/#comments


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Ha Ha HA! I love it! Yes, I'm familiar with Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Romance Novels .... and most romances are written with more prose during a tight storyline than the Booker Award winners!

Thanks, Anon! I don't always LOVE the book recs, but I've walked away from more great reads through recs than anything else!!


Thought I'd share a deal with my OT Family :)
Found a someone on ebay selling all sorts of drama related jewelry stuffs for reasonably cheap. I bought that necklace from You're Beautiful for $5!
I know, it sounds like I'm still totally obsessed, but I promise, I've moved on from that drama. But it was $5!!! The Asian in me was like: "come on, it's a deal!" So I went for it :) Anyway, hope you guys find this link handy :)


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And it is only fair that since I made the young girls squeal earlier, someone else makes me do the same thing.


Karma can be both good and bad.


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I love Onew, too. He's my favorite SM singer, I melt when I hear him sing. I wish he would release a ballad solo album.


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The other half and I have marathoned through 20 episodes of QSD this weekend - he even gave up a raid on WoW for it!!! And for those who understand the WoW addiction, that's saying something!! :P

I think he likes saeguks cos he has done the same on Dong Yi and Dae Jang Geum. I can't believe we've got another 42 epsiodes of this to go. It's going to be a loooonnnngggg week...... :)


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WoW addiction is very very bad. I have a year and a half of that under my belt and it took kdrama to break it :) I honestly have held interventions for that one. I even have one married couple friend, the only way I can talk to them is through WoW.

Hopefully your husband is doing like me, and slowly migrating that addiction to kdrama.


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OK, Gloria's Episode 8 -- Kang-seok, yeowza, bitchy-bitchy.
Not almost as bitchy as his Dr Wang self but almost. I don't understand though, Suh Ji-suk can hardly deliver his lines in Gloria, what on earth has happened to the guy? I understand his character's meant to be rather flat at the start and that he'll pick up steam but I really hope his line delivery improves too. Suh Ji-suk CAN act, yo! Those of us who've seen him in OB/GYN can vouch for this. I remember when news first came out about Gloria and I thought he'd been picked as a gangster as well as Lee Chun-hee. For some reason I’d expected Gloria's gangster themes to be similar to those I recently saw in Into the Storm (oh, that part was ALL Yoo In-shik, that), and SJS's role to be kind of like Kim Jung-tae's role in ITS. I'd still love to see SJS try out something like that. He'd be incredibly sexy at it.
As nycgrl once noted, he has a Benicio Del Toro thing about him.
Alas, it wasn't to be. I'm not going to FF any scenes, I guess I quite liking the buildup and anticipation of what's to come so I'll be taking it slowly. I'm just going to trust rambutan and epyc on this one and keep on watching until he turns on the charm (and hopefully starts y'know... acting, too).
I do find Lee Sung-min's being wasted here though, he had a relatively substantial role in Pasta. (You're pired!)

More Giant tonight, wheee!
Lee Gang-mo is seriously on faiyah! Cannot waiiiitttt!
And I know janna hates him (hee!) but I'm actually really excited about seeing more of this Han Soo-jin (--ehhh!), besides, he's already showing potential as a quality actor. Plus, he's a Han..? (O Rly? I hope so.) I think Han and I think of the lecherous, sleazy ahjusshi (that would be Min-woo then… *cough* I mean, not) who was formerly thought of as a pretty decent guy (def. not MW, then), but I don't know, seeing him hanging around at the shoe shop recently, gave me serious creeper vibes. I iz intrigued at all the potential connections, yo! <3 1986.
Oh and I'm still giggling over Lee Beom-soo losing his voice last episode after the yelling session, how can he be so cute!?!


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Full Disclosure: I stopped watching Gloria. Have I said I've never watched OBGYN? I heard it was pretty good, and Suh Ji-Suk is pretty fine and all but overall it bores me to tears.

I'm making my placards and off to the left, cuz Soo-jin suckksss. Show better give me some more Mi-joo time or at least more Kang-mo rolling up his sleeves time (you know what leads to) I also appreciated the short lived mom-fight part 2, sequels would be appreciated. No rules, claws out, hair pulling allowed.

Dr.Champ starts today? I'm going to go watch that, tell you how it goes....(Yes I'm off today, it's like torture waiting for Giant to come out)


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Giant 39
Possible SPOILERS!!!
You're right about MJ. Her moments are sparse and we've already established she doesn't eat like a 'lady', show. And what is this? The Jung-yeon show?
OMG, the gisaeng house courtyard scene. F**KYEAHLEESUNGMO! OK, maybe I should give a little credit to HTS there, but, shirroh.
And how long I've waited for an SM to meet with him face to face. I still remember their previous time: 'Dae-soo-yah, your son, he's a very handsome kid.' (It's true, that Kim Soo-hyun, is a very handsome kid.)
So GM and MW fighting over a girl got old quick, fighting over hyung is also old news (sorta-ish), I spy a game of 'whose dongsaeng are you, really?' coming up next.
Soo-jin: the actor playing him is OMGFANTASTIC! You cannot deny that janna, you really can't. He's just too good.


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SJS's role in Gloria is totally different from Dr Wang in Ob/Gyn. His Kang Suk is practically someone who grows up not knowing love or warmth. It would be completely beyond belief if he were switching to a talkative and expressive guy within the first 10 episodes of a 50-ep drama. I am therefore prepared to invest sometime as with other Gloria lovers in seeing the icy Kang Suk defreeze in a convincible manner because it will be much much more rewarding when seeing that happen. And it does - slowly, gradually and so lovingly in the last six/seven episodes. He still hasn't realised his own feeling but his gaze and stare at Gloria in the last two episodes are to die for!

Supah - I hope you will feel rewarded as I do :)


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Which is why I'm taking my sweet time epyc, my sweet time. :D


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Just finished episode 9 SkkS, slow pacing for the first half but good gravy what an ending!

I don't know if I can wait till tomorrow!


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That was a wonderful masterpiece of an ending! I am watching your boomss vid and waiting for the sub to come out!


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So Dr. Champ is pretty interesting, really strong cinematography.. lots of blood. I'll probably check out episode 2 because there's more UTW.


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I adore both Kim So-yeon and Cha Ye-ryun, but I don't know man, I'm not really pumped about this drama. It seems a bit too 'inoffensive', thus bland.
But maybe I'll need to watch it first before making such judgements.
What's funny is I was just browsing and spat my drink out, through my nose as I came across a little snippet on Dr Champ: ''Uhm Tae-woong (The Devil Queen Seondeok)''.

Make of it what you wish... hah!


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Not sure I follow you on what you mean by inoffensive, thus bland.

UTW barely gets airtime in the first episode. He's a scene stealer but so far the show has kept my attention without him around.


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Please keep the Dr Champ review coming - I'm interested because of KSY and UTW. They should be a good match.


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Dude, I responded somewhere up above. *scratches head*. Somewhere.


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I hope Sarahbeans doesn't mind the shameless self-promotion... but Thundie's Prattle is running a contest where you tell the story of any male kdrama character, in verse or prose. Two winners will each win an English-subbed DVD set of Story of a Man, a drama that Sarah loves! :D


Come check it out!


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OT 111: all I remember other than food and romance novels is how Korean parents go crazy at the all-you-can-eat-buffet. At least no one was trying to be PC.

@ JB, since that discussion, 2010 has been a terrible year for my RM consumption. The only pretty good one I've read is The Smoke Thief by Shana Abe, and it's part fantasy historical. Reminds me of cross between the Dragon Riders of Pern....and a romance novel. LOL.

And long after OT 111 ended, I realized that I left out Winter Garden by Adele Ashworth, immensely moving and poignant.

@ thundie - you are such an enabler, motivating people to be creative, as opposed to my usual stance of prolifically banal. Are you caught up on Giant, btw? (Is Kitteh still translating like mad?) All I can say is - I have no words to say any more. We have got to do the Comrades treatment for it, oh please pretty please. ^__^


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This is absolutely uncanny how similar all our taste in books are! I know I have been throwing around the words "kindred spirits" a lot but it is just soooo true!

Venetia, Devil's Cub, Lord of Scroundels, Enders Game, Codex Alera....... I have read all these books and most of them are sitting on my keeper shelf. I kind of feel vindicated now that JB and so many of the other OTers like the same romance novels I do. I feel so warm and fuzzy inside :)

I saw your recommendation for CB's "As You Desire" and I laughed out loud in delight. I love that book! I even memorized the poem on the back of the mirror Harry gave her. It was so beautiful :)

I have loved you through each long season
Through the span of each day each meter of the night....


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Oh viola, another kindred spirit indeed. At DB I constantly feel like I am Anne meeting Diana for the first time.

Harry of AYD is one of the best romance heros ever created, I stake my life on it. He's simply to-swoon-for. The entire book is chock full of bubbling dialogue that makes me melt, and that poem is marvelous. When he compares her to Egypt.....I think an AYD re-read is warranted again.


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Oh yes! I got shivers when I read the passage where he compared her to Egypt, I mean who wants to be a piddling rose when you can be someone's whole country!
The cover of the book too was just breathtakingly beautiful! It absolutely sealed the deal for me, since lotus's are my favorite flowers. That's one romance book I can take out in the subway, (commuters are incredibly nosy, always reading over someone's shoulder) no embarrassing pictures of half naked ladies with bounteous charms!


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I just finished episode 10 of SkkS...that was much fun! I already have one vid uploading right now since i couldn't wait for flippin' episode 10 to come out and now I have to go make yet another. That was way too much of everything to pass up.


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Mainly SkkS 7 with an episode9 chaser... I like this...warning its and angsty one.



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And the other one....episode 10 stuff. 10 was soo good it might have multiple vids with different footage :)



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Awesome vid, the song you used was so hypnotic... what song was it?


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boom by anjulie


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@supah: Ah, I saw your Dr.Champ review above.

I think I kind of understand you, in a way that the show is rolling like My Sweet Seoul or a Japanese Movie. It's not about the struggle to be the best dot dot dot or a pure romance story. It's more of a laid back day in the life sort of show.

aaaannnndddd I think UTW is getting paid by the minute. Episode 2 has a good scene but I can't spoil it. All I can say is that someone needs deeper pockets...

Oh I had work so I haven't seen any of Giant this week. Sheesh work.


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You didn't watch any Giant this week? Oh, you're going to LOVE 40. It's one of those episodes where you're like: 'Giant, ok, now you're boasting. We already know you're the big daddy. So stop being so damn good.' I think maybe cos' it was a landmark episode or it was filmed straight after they got news of the extension, but... it was good.


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Whatever happened to the Jang Geun Suk movie "Kimi Wa Petto"? I got all excited and even watched the Japanese version for it and then...


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When work starts to suck tremendously, I look at dramas when i get home. It sucks tremendously, so I have finished all kinds of dramas today.

Started Dr. Champ. Looks really good. I didn't really care for almost any part of "loving you a 1000 times", so I sort of groaned at Jeong Kyeo-Woon having a big part. Fortunately he is the brighter part of the show. And the rest of the cast is doing nicely as expected. I also want to know why almost all of the korean child actors are so good at acting. If only half that talent was translated here to the states I would have not laughed or cringed at the many movies and TV shows that were ruined by a kid.

Also is anyone planning on doing the recaps for this one? It already has me doing the cheering, giggling and rooting for the heros thing. Somebody somewhere should do it.

I also rewatched 9 and 10 of SkkS. That show can not get old.

I finished episode 10 of Zhong Wu Yan. The better Taiwan export of the year.

Most likely will start to watch giant starting this weekend. We are close enough to the end even with the extension so I won't have to kill people for the cliff hangers if I wait a day. I can't stand to watch shows that are tooo good while they are being broadcast. The wait makes me nutty.(ok nuttier than usual)

Not to mention the overload of vid ideas I have right now and MGiAG being on today. I think I shall be distracted enough from the work that sucks these few weeks.

Please powers of Kdrama shenanigans bring me piece of mind!


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I feel you on Loving you a 1000 Times.... Makjang-a-riffic. Jeong Kyeo-Woon had that tragic red perm going on. He's is more sprightly and lovable in Dr. Champ, and I forgot that he's older than me so I think we know how this goes... Everyone, the line starts behind me. Also who is his roommate played by? Whatever, line starts behind me there too.

Kid actors are good but sometimes I feel they aren't acting kiddish enough? It's a thin line. But yeah, stuff is good. I'm interested in seeing Queen of Reversals, it should be a fun watch. Oh and doesn't Runaway start soon? Too much stuff. Have fun with Giant...don't get too addicted...(!!)


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In Loving You Every time Jeong Kyeo-Woon came on the screen he was taller than every one and is acting was very stiff. I kept thinking, "Oh no here comes Frankenstien's monster again". Both the character's start out kind of fun and mischievous, but he has more focus and determination in Dr. champ which I think suits him better. That and/or the director knows what he is doing. Jung Suk Won I believe is the roommate from the underworld.

And Runaway started today. So I will also be watching that with the mute on. They don't need to talk and ruin it!


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I thought that he was just really tall. I guess... he was wearing some dope platform shoes (They're coming back, baby!... No they aren't.)

1000 years.. man even if Eric was casted main lead the show would still suck. Maybe I'd watch it more with Eric...man Eric needs to get out of the Army.. isn't that soon or has passed? What was I talking about again?


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''The wait makes me nutty.(ok nuttier than usual).''
Dude, look at me! Look. At. Meeee.... I have dark circles, insomnia, eyes perpetually pooling with tears, shortness of breath, sweaty palms, heart palpitations and sometimes like, cough and in general, a very sickly disposition... You did well, chingu by abstaining from jumping into Giantsville till around now. Unlike me and janna who've been watching since May.

Eeeeh, you two, and actually admitting you've watch a makjangeriffic show such as LYATT. Like, in public too, on someplace like OT....


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That kind of nightmare is not the worst thing I have sat through. When i get to a certain point in my vocabulary that I need to focus on I will zero in on dramas that use those words a lot. I sat through LYATT at the same time as Smile You cause I was trying to get family contexts right. sister in law, brother in law. Older vs younger, grandma, aunt, uncle. An seeing as how both shows had ridiculously large family based casts, it helped quite a bit. Like how would you address your uncle's wife, who is really your mom? See a show like LYATT, and you have that answer.

I compair it to reading horrible books in english lit classes when I was young.


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You see that, you see?
Sure it was educational but at like, what expense?
Times like this I'm truly grateful I'm generally a weekend drama snob (make that dailies too). (With the extremely rare exception of say WHIB and Comrades). I was burned very badly before I learned the golden rule of: 'd'oh, weekend dramas are only made for y'know... them, and not me'. I'm generally suffocated by themes with married couples, stuffy MILs and large families. The premise of LYATT alone made me green at the gills, nauseous and everything.


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Firstly there is no premiss and no point to LYATT without one rule. "surrogacy is a sin" Without that, there is no show. And since I totally disagree with that concept, it made zero sense to me. I literally dissected scripts for family pronouns. It was tedious but I didn't have interest enough in the horrible concept. I had no distractions from learning. I also had zero enjoyment. Which was a first since i started this. I have seen much worse shows, but none that I hated this much.


I never said I watched ALL of that LYATT, ha ha ha. Aw, can I get a Will Smith styled Hell No I watched the beginning also intrigued.. it was very shining inheritance pt 2 I started to back off. I did hear after all was done the girl was crying for her baby ommggggg the world can't separate ussss and then the sister who couldn't have kids did anyways later on? Well anyways surrogacy is WRONG-in the eyes of the Kdrama. I thought it might be pushing an interesting idea into the spotlight. It did, and it said shame on you! Shameeee.

But I watched most of Smile, You and every episode.. every.. of Sons of Sol Pharmacy. Every bark at Bokkifer was watched and scrutinized.

I never sat through Three Brothers/aren't doing too well with Gloria, etc etc.


Aaah, Smile. Want to watch.

Whatever floats your boat ladies...
And diadda: ''I literally dissected scripts for family pronouns.'' Tch, yeah, right. But it's the most imaginative excuse, ever. Points to u!


Also, anyone else see the Giant parody in Gumiho GF? They even had the music dammit, the music! And No Min-woo making a Seong-mo face! Golden!


I just had a Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness flashback. Like I needed that, Diadda!

I must go purge my soul in what my husband calls my new 'black hole of the internet', Dramabeans. Surely there's a recap or thread I've not read to cleanse the mind!


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Runaway/Fugitive Plan B/Cool Guys don't look at Explosions: What was that, I don't even...... it's supposed to be so bad it's good right? ...................................................................(long sigh) I don't even.. I can't even.. obviously this is a huge no from me. I want my ten minutes back Rain. Those ten minutes you better put a friggin shirt and shoes on.
(Yes diadda watch it with mute on.)

Someone please: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqz5dbs5zmo and Plan B Episode 1. Please.


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LOL! I watched your video first & then the 1st episode of
Runaway/Plan B. Can I just say that I'm having Peter Pan flashbacks?

Actually, since I'm only watching two currently airing dramas and one of them ends tomorrow. (MGiaG) And the other one(Giant) is gearing up to break my heart.(move away from the dark side MW!) I need something silly and fun to even things out.

I thought the first episode was cheesy and OTT and it made me laugh. We'll see if that continues. :)


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How're you getting on with operation RR?
OK, here's a quick rundown of the sites which have some of his shows:
aznv has Beating Heart and Invincible Parachute Agent.
mysoju has the above two and also Tropical Nights in December.
And there's a site called dramabean.net (wahahaha!) that has Keu Keu Island up, unsubbed. But I wouldn't bother it's kind of another Lost, except it isn't, and SSW isn't looking as buff.
Search is still on for: First Love and Special of my Life.
SOML has a jawdroppingly awesome cast, and FL has... a pretty poster. Thus I MUST find these....! Gahh... If I can't find them I'll see if AM-A can come to my rescue again, but till then I'm sure they may appear somewhere. Will keep looking when I get the chance.

Also Chuseok Drama Specials:
I still can't find Your Heaven with Jung Aa-ri that aired during the holiday, but I've found the MBC one, 'Na, Halmoni', which stars Nam Ji-hyun.
Have yet to sit and watch it all but why does it seem like the girly answer to Father's House, with NJH playing the girl version of KSH's character? OK I get it, those two were just meant to be.


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started my 4th japanese drama! I've seen Kimi Wa Petto, Yamade Somethingortheother (Wallflower, I think it was), and Hokaru no Hitari Season 1. Just started season 2! Has anyone else seen any of these?

I feel like Kamenashi Kazuya (from Wallflower) is a lot like Jang Geun Suk in a way.
-they're both unconventionally gorgeous
-they're both wimpy
-they can both sing
-they can both act REALLY well
-they both act like supreme trangender weirdos when not acting
what do you guys think?


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seen them all, and if you like that sort of thing.

Mei Chan no Shitsugi
one pound gospel
Absolute Boyfriend
Boys Este
Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku- (just finished it last week, fantastic is not good enough for this huggable drama)
Nodame Cantabile
Yukan club

All young, fresh and fun with hints of angst.


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@ staples

If you like Kame, I suggest you watch, in this order:

Nobuta wo Produce (where he makes you feel like you are IN high school again), then Tatta Hitotsu no Koi (where he makes you realize that he is in fact not a fey dandy but a real manly man when he feels like it).

The rest of his fare are either pitifully underwhelming or laughable, the funniest has got to be Perfect Girl Evolution aka Wallflower.

No, Kame doesn't remind me of Jang Geun Seok at all. Kame doesn't resemble any K-actor, prolly bc the Johnny's are in an alternate universe of their own.

@ momosan

Shun! Narimiya! Maki! Puppies! Tell me, yay or nay? Will Rui and Makino find true wuv? Or are they doomed to be ships that pass in the night, overshadowed by a gnomey yet strangely mesmerizing MatsuJun.

And did anyone finish watching Natsu no Koi blahblahblah? Totally curious but after the general letdown of HnH2 am feeling like J-doramas and I need to take a break.


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Natunokoi was the best dorama amongst not so great dramas of this season, better than HH2(What a disappointment except for Mukaikun) for sure. The girl in it is the girl from Pride which I'm currently watching(Thanks to you and momosama). There's something about the way she pronounces each words & I don't know if I like it or not in Pride. It worked in Natunokoi, though.

It's another no extreme characters, just a quiet snapshot of one man's personal growth surrounded by all loving people,sort of story, a typical J dorama. I rather liked this one . Refreshing to see it after, for example, watching typically mean girl's EHI in MGIAG or In Soo's character in SKKS.

If you want something really different. Nihonjinno shiranai Nihongo is an option. I'm learning from it a lot. That girl in Yankee kun is in it. OTOH, It's more like practical tutorial on learning Japanese.


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TAMNA thoughts (SPOILERS, no holds barred)

Okay, so me and the keyboard have been separated for the last few days, but we're not filing for divorce, we just needed some space. Any roads, I finished Tamna/Tamra/Tempted Again/Like Every Other K-drama Pick a Bloody Name Already.

Top ten Things I loved:

1. Im Joo Hwan (I am now devoted to his smouldering)
2. Almost all of the Tamra Island bit characters, especially Beo Jin's mama!
3. Loved to hate Park Gyu's mama and Best Diver Girl
4. The kisses and touching of Beo Jin and Park Gyu (you couldn't squeeze in more, right at the end????), including full body tackles, wrestling matches, chase scenes, the wrist/sleeve grabs, kisses, hitting and dragging each other around, the whispering ... we just needed more!
5. The three-way save (Beo Jin, William, Park Gyu)
6. Beo Jin's naivete
7. The bathroom humour (seriously, nobody does body function humour like k-dramaland)
8. The name translations of Beo Jin and Park Gyu (laughed the rest of the series about them)
9. That Beo Jin wound up with Park Gyu (I was seriously going to be pi**ed if it went any other way)
10. Did I mention Im Joo Hwan??? He's tall, sexy, smouldering! 'Nuff said.

Top Ten Things I hated:

1. The first three episodes (REALLY hated them) and maybe the next two to a lesser degree
2. The ease with which we ignored language barriers A LOT
3. The random nature of Yan's character (and the Crown Prince's)
4. The lack of more hot kisses and skinship/fullout body tackle contact between Beo Jin and Park Gyu
5. The total insignificance of the political story arc
6. Beo Jin's naivete
7. The acting skills of the Viperess and William should have been on the cutting room floor
8. The dropped storylines/verbage ('you are a goldfish', for example) between the leads with the exception of Exiler/Troublemaker
9. The drunken scene (WTF?), even if it led to another kiss, was inconsistent with Park Gyu's character to that point
10. The constant 'who's going to have a near-death experience in this episode'??

I did like the pacing, I felt the writing could and should have been sharper, we needed different actors in two roles to get the casting right, and, really, drama, did we need that many random throw-away characters to waltz in and out of episodes (the potter who sheltered the injured Park Gyu, for instance)??

I don't regret watching simply for ImJoo Hwan. HOLY &&**((%%$$!! I don't know where's he's been hiding from my k-drama eyes, but they are keenly focused now. :)

Okay, that was it, roughly.


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Hahah! The lady doth protest too much.

Let me know if you're serious about Cain and Abel, I have a feeling you'll tear your hair out. I still love the show unconditionally (and still get starry-eyed about SJS here, he even looks better than his Moo-hyuk (MiSa) and In-wook (WHIB) self as Cho-in) but I'm in a very, very miniscule minority. Read the following two threads: The first is Javabeans' thoughts, the second is generally a lot of DBers with their claws out.

Have you tried Bad Family yet?


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I was waiting to wrap I am Legend and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, see if Runaway was worth a watch (and it is, for eye candy only, it seems, let's wait a few more epis), but still have Bad Family on list. Now, off to read about Cain and Abel, ,and hey, I've given others a try, why not CaA?

And what am I protesting too much about? I liked TI, I loved Im Joo Hwan, I love how quickly and completely Park Gyu caved to his love for Beo Jin (geez, the guy was gobsmacked and never stood a chance), but there were definitely little sand-particle irritants throughout the series. But, I LIKED it, overall. And seriously, more kisses, please?


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Aaargh, man! Not watched TTI, yet, but ockoala's review is enticing. I like Seo Woo as an actress, she's unconventional and kinda like Tim Burton's muse-esque.

Moar kisses and kdrama? Haah! Good luck.
Unless you're talking Worlds Within. That was one drama with ample kiss scenes but none of them exactly squee-inducing.... uuuuntil episode 15. *died*


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So, is that a recommendation for Worlds Within???

C'mon, Supah, give me the juice on it!!


Not really a recommendation, I was just musing and semi-wondering whether you’d seen it or not, since there's no other kdrama with as many kiss scenes.
I’m kind of torn about this show. It was a decent watch overall, but I understand the general consensus on it, which is that people got bored of it and dropped it midway, so consider that a warning. :p I remember recommending it to the bff and she was bored to tears, but our drama tastes aren’t exactly similar. Y’see drama watching as with many things is subjective; one person’s treasure is another’s crapheap, and I get that.
It’s good if you’re in the mood for something a little maturer and thought-provoking… and Hyun Bin (yes really, there is such a thing as 'being in the mood for Binnie' he's just that kind of an actor).
It’s written by Noh Hee-kyung and I can only describe her writing as gritty and non-coy (and she’s quite witty here too, I liked the humour). It’s set against the backdrop of the behind-the-scenes--kdrama-making world, honing in on the lives of the writers, directors, producers, actors etc (I know, sounds yawnsville, right?). More than the BinKyo OTP I got a kick out of the Kim Gab-soo and Bae Jong-ok couple (those two just crackled onscreen – but duh, of course, it's them two). It’s a slow burn story and the initial episodes can be misleading but if you stick it out it’s rewarding and quite satisfying overall.
It’s directed by Pyo Min-soo (this guy seems to go for style over substance/depth – see Coffee House), hence you kind of feel a little arms-lengthy with regards to the characters. But if you stick around long enough and do a little scratching under the surface there is plenty of heart, it’s all in the writing and the acting.
Don’t be put off by the BinKyo OTP, their characters are purposefully written that way and will evolve, promise. SHK is concieved as being a little haughty, anti-social and succeeds in rubbing people the wrong way (hah!) and Binnie is this general nice guy who everyone instantly warms to and come to rely on. Or so you’re led to think. If you wait a little longer you see their true selves are quite different and that Binnie is the meanest *beeeep*, jerkiest, insecurest male lead ever.
ONLY watch this if and you’re truly in the mood for something a little more intelligent and unconventional.
It’s not a masterpiece, it’s not in my favourites list but I *liked* watching it. ‘Nuff said.


Are you going to watch that Cain and Abel? You are as mad as I was. The only reason I finished it was of course for SJS. I got totally sucked into SJS's universe.

But I wouldn't start it if I were you now. There are lot better things to do than getting into Bottomless mad pool and can't see the way out, lol.


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Yeah, I am, I'm going to watch it. I put it on the calendar for next week.

It won't be the first (or last) drama that I finished because of one character/actor .... is there a corner for me to stand in, in shame???




Can you drop your witty review in the comments section here? It's definitely worth sharing for people wondering whether to check out Tamra. :-D


I'm glad you stuck with it, I had to be pretty much dragged to watch it, but never regretted it a minute.


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No worries, didn't leave any remarks on that site yet, so it will be my first comment. Off to do it now.

But seriously, Im Joo Hwan just made that series, didn't he? Smoking hot, mother of ***, seriously, why are they hiding him in k-dramaland??


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As much as I love him in Tamna, IJH was non descriptive in SQ(as a matter of fact, I did NOT know he was in it til someone mentioned it)...

"seriously, why are they hiding him in k-dramaland??"....shhh...it's our TEAM PARK KYU's secret,hehe


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But I want to play some more with him ..... **biggest pout in Texas**

Yeah, I was checking out his profile and other work over last weekend, and I decided that perhaps this was his breakout role, and here it is, mostly under-rated and over-looked. Sucks. I hope his next gig knocks it out of the ballpark.


****Spoiler Runaway!****

Ok so the thing is as I was starting off runaway I started to have MST3k syndrome. Where you automatically start bashing something that is so awful, with snide comments and remarks.

I thought, what the heck, why not share this mental anguish with others? I am trying not to give away plot point but only my commentary on messy events. For details on what is going on, watch for yourself...

We open with Rain half naked swimming to a fancy bikini party that he is not invited to. Shock of shocks, as he is definitely a spy type and sent to steal the sacred Septor of Chuma from some poorly dubbed portly looking mobster type. He finally gets his disguise on with the help of a contact in a bikini.

Itsy-bitsy bikini squad helps distract the guards, while he sneaks his way to the Septor without anyone noticing. Which is why I say you should always have a female or two among security, they would have noticed a dripping wet Rain in a waiters uniform. Anyway he eventually gets caught when two other guards stumble on him holding the septor. Let the beyond sense gunfight begin! Complete with fast cuts to a flying foot and tumbling like no bodies business. If only bullets from 20+ mobsters could hit our agile star the show would be over. Alas it is not meant to be.

As he starts to strip he runs to a waiting motorbike outside the party location. This distracts the guards from noticing the septor was left by our hot boy in the bushes for Bikini girl. Mission accomplished?! Yay! Now to get away from two speeding jeeps filled with bad guys with guns. I always wanted to know where these fully armed vehicles magically appear from in the 80's cop shows..hmmm Apparently this show has found that answer. As a third car appears.

Our poor Rain might catch a cold since he has his shirt undone and is now blasting through the city at break neck speed again avoiding the poorly shot bullets of 20+ men. Fortunately with the help of that motorbike and a stunt double, he blows them up and walks away from the explosion all cool, half naked, and in slow montion.

Then we get the title Runaway Plan B. Ooo exciting! All that before the credits.

Next we see Tokyo and our former Chow Yun Fat -lite from Gumiho. He appears to be a ring leader in this spy hootenanny, and is explaining the charms and weaknesses of our precious Spy to Do Soo(Lee Jung Jin) and with quick cuts back and forth we also get to see Rain in a suit having a drink with a girl he asks to marry even as he is looking at other girls legs. He has a lick-your lips, mouth gaping fetish for them apparently. He continues to ogle even as he professes his love and caring. The "cute faces" he makes to appease this poor delusional woman are scary, and from Bi that is really hard. Insult to injury he asked for money for the ring he just bought. As the ring is rightly chucked back at him (by an actress who is too good to be in this so I am omitting her name) he spies yet another pair of legs that give him great interest.

Do Soo gets pissed with all this talk of that goofy guy and shoots Yun Fat-lite's cigar while he is still holding it. His hot temper was the first thing to get my attention in this show. Gold Star for you!

Crap, it's Bi again and this time he is having a debate over love and money with a buddhist monk in a temple. It is to show the audience that he is a skeevy money hungry perve. But we, the viewers saw that last scene so was this manifesto of bull really needed? Yeah he also wants information and a lead on other money matters, but really is this needed? At least could he take off his clothes when he does it?Am I right?

Next we are ported to James Bong Investigation Agency and a lesser dressed Bi. My mute went on but I think he found what he wanted cause he offered money in exchange for it. A metal can of hair spray? Doesn't he know about CFCs and how bad that is for the environment.? It looked like the perfect hair products costs lots of money too. Anyway off to a different Buddhist temple in Thailand where he whips out his newly acquired hair product and sprays a lock. Wait! Wait! Wait! You spent all that money on a lock opener? No wonder you can't afford a damn ring. The lock freezes and falls off. I still say a crow bar, a key, or maybe any number of the super spy skills should have been able to handle a lock.

And "Bingo" he is caught stealing an art piece and forcibly removed by the fully armed monks. But you and I know 30 monks with super training can't catch our Spy boy and he runs out to the James Bong truck and gets away with a knowing grin.

He goes to meet the nicer monk in Korea who put up with his babbling before, and we get the exposition and explanation of what happened to this Monk's art work. Complete with flashes to his arrival at this first temple and his ingenious evidence gathering skills, trips to his secret spy bunker where he can look at tech-no gadgets and say "bingo". This is how the theft was done and so on and so forth. Mean while Lee Na Young has been listening and watching this whole bit of nonsense outside with her cell. Posing like a supermodel in the moonlight selling a phone, I guess I was supposed to be in awe of super spy coolness, but since at this stage of technology a 5th grader could have done it better and with less obvious tools.

I'll skip over the next bit of information on her back history and plot points and move on from that mellow drama.

Back to the Cheif Do Soo in his head quarters. Danny Ahn what the devil are you doing in this? Seriously?! Happy you are acting, but why here? Cause you were in Chuno? I need to shake you don't I?

Finally we get to see the 4th lead in this hot mess, Yoon Jin Suh comes out fighting on a bus to stop a thief. Close quarters combat scenes can be exciting and make people's hearts jump, so why when she throws a guy through the windows do I not really care?

At this point I figure the rest of you get the idea or have gotten as completely bored as me. I am 30 minutes in and want to beat someone. I don't know if I can keep watching this even on mute. but for this much eye candy will try.


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You don't even know how hard I'm laughing at this. Hysterical!
Nope, no intention of watching this, plus don't really like any of the cast, nil-nada. I'm hardly even pumped for Athena and that has like some of my faves in there.
Question now is, who from Rain or Jung Woo-sung will be the Hyun-tae-est of them all?

*A Kim Min-joon character, who bedded a different girl in every episode, I kid you not. To think that very show was written by the same guy behind All In.... and er, IRIS and... Swallow The Sun. OK, I need to get off my high horse already and face the truth: Guy's a shitty writer and his All In? Was a fluke. The End.

''...the ring is rightly chucked back at him (by an actress who is too good to be in this so I am omitting her name).'' Onion? I heard she cameoed in this.


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I'm a little stunned at how bad it is ...

that said, I like the gratuitous musculature, but at this rate, I can wait for the innumerable 1/10th of a second screencaps that will sprout like fungi overnight to see said musculature. I like to see it in action, but I don't know if I'm going to make it through 3-4 episodes to see if the series gets better. (Remember TI, remember TI, remember TI.)

Of course, on a bright note, Rain could have spoken English throughout and made it even WORSE, so there's sunny spot in the dim sky.


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Didda keep your reviews coming! I have no intention of watching the drama but I will religiously read your reviews! Too too funny! :)


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THe songs arent working


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