I Hear Your Voice: Episode 5

This noona romance just floats my boat. It makes me giddy and it hurts my heart, in all the right ways. Why, Show, why do you hurt so good? And more importantly, am I ever going to watch a drama where Lee Jong-seok gets the girl? Say it’s this one, even if you’re lying to me.


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EPISODE 5: “Words that can’t be trusted”

After being arrested for beating up Min Joon-gook, Su-ha pleads with the cops to listen to him—that man is going after the person who testified to put him away. When they ask for proof that the reformed ex-convict is doing anything of the kind, he starts to confess that he can read minds…

But thankfully Hye-sung busts into the room to stop him. She thinks at him not to do anything stupid, and says that she remembers him now.

She signs him out as his guardian, but the cops are skeptical about the hammer (she tells them he brought it to fix her door), and their relationship since she’s neither family nor teacher.

She quickly says he’s a dongseng she’s known for ten years and they’re practically family. The cop who answered their emergency call the other night confirms it: “They live together.” Ha.

He says he even saw Su-ha leave the place in the morning when he came back around on patrol. They both freeze at that, but she thinks quickly and throws her arm around Su-ha and thinks: “Quick, act like we’re close. Call me noona.”

He squirms, and then complies in a teeny tiny voice: “Noona…” Heeeee.

Cranky Cop smacks Su-ha on the head and asks if he’s even sorry for what he did, and Hye-sung has to stop him from blowing a fuse. He listens to her and apologizes, and then when the cop goes to hit him again, this time Hye-sung grabs Cranky Cop’s wrist in mid-air to block him. Badass.

Nice Cop offers them a ride home, which is awkward since they don’t actually live together, but there’s really no getting out of it now that they’re supposed to be roomies.

On the way there, Nice Cop says he thought they were brother and sister when he first met them over the cell phone case because Su-ha freaked out and begged him to do something because Hye-sung was so scared she couldn’t sleep at night. Aw.

He asks what their relationship to Min Joon-gook is, and she answers truthfully and matter-of-factly: he killed Su-ha’s father and she witnessed it. That shuts them up pretty quickly, and they offer to investigate Min Joon-gook further, with the reminder for Su-ha to let the cops handle it.

They drop them off and tell her that she’s responsible for Su-ha now, so she throws her arm over his shoulder again and they pose for the cops as he very begrudgingly calls her noona again. But the cops just stand there and smile back, not leaving until the pair of them head inside. Sleepover it is!

This time Su-ha notes the men’s shoes she keeps in the doorway, and he asks if someone else lives here. She says that’s why she put them there—so that it looks that way. He notices two bowls of delivery jajangmyun too, and realizes she orders two bowls on purpose for the same reason.

She offers to make him food if he calls her noona, which he refuses to do. He lies that he isn’t hungry even though his stomach is growling like crazy, but it’s really her thoughts that get him to stay: “What if Min Joon-gook comes back?”

As they eat she asks why he didn’t tell her who he was right away. He reminds her that he said his name but she was the one who couldn’t remember, and when she gets defensive that no one would after ten years, he says he knew with one glance.

She thinks to herself what his deal is—is she his first love or something? Eep. I suddenly want to crawl under the table. He answers that she’s nothing of the sort, and lies that he just doesn’t like living with a debt.

She comes out in the middle of the night and her thoughts drift back to Su-ha running in to rescue her, and the things he said to Min Joon-gook. She sees the thumb he smashed trying to fix her door, and sits down to re-bandage it.

He wakes up and watches with a smile as she patches him up, and shuts his eyes before she can see he’s awake.

He stares at his bandaged finger for a while, and it brings him back to that day he was left at the amusement park. He sat alone in the office till nightfall, and then climbed a tree to get at the one balloon that got left behind when his uncle ditched him.

He fell out of the tree and his thumb started to bleed, and that’s what opened the floodgates for the tears to fall.

In the morning, Hye-sung comes out dressed very casually for work, with an umbrella strapped to her back on a sunny day. He reads her mind and realizes this is all in case the killer comes after her, and he decides to show her a few self-defense moves. While getting handsy, naturally. Mrawr.

She asks if he read the killer’s mind, and he confirms that Joon-gook was behind the cell phone stalking. She’s clearly freaked out, but he assures her that the killer can’t do anything right now with the cops patrolling. “And I’m here.”

They head out together, and then Min Joon-gook steps out from around the corner. Augh, creepy. He decides that he can’t do anything about Hye-sung yet with Su-ha stuck to her side, and then peers down at her mom’s chicken shop poster in his hand, wondering if this is the better route. Eek. Don’t you touch World’s Best Mom!

At the bus stop, Hye-sung gets a call from Mom asking if she wants to set up that blind date, and Su-ha perks up at that, suddenly panicked that she’s going on blind dates. Mom starts to describe the guy, but Hye-sung cuts her off to ask, “But how’s his body?” Pffft.

She’s suddenly very keen to make a boyfriend who can defend her, which is hilariously practical and totally ridiculous at the same time. She tells Mom that her number one criterion for boyfriends now is a good body, not money.

Thinking quickly, Su-ha asks for her phone and then sets up their phones to track each other. She watches curiously and when he explains what it’s for, she lights up: “So if something happens to me, you can come find me?” She calls him “smart like CSI,” which cracks me up, and he points out that he’s not smart; she’s just behind the times.

Pretty the Paralegal plays exposition fairy to catch us up on the Twin Stabbing case. First, both twins insisted that they did the stabbing, and now (with Hye-sung and Kwan-woo representing each twin), both are saying that they didn’t stab the clerk.

Kwan-woo meets with Twin 1, the one with priors on his record and a gambling problem. He says bitterly that his younger brother is doing this to get rid of him, always having hated him for being the black sheep.

Hye-sung meets with Twin 2, the smart twin with the puppy and the academic awards. He says his hyung was always a little bit jealous of his life, and Hye-sung asks if that includes his girlfriend. He nods.

Lawyer Shin and Pretty walk back with coffee and see Kwan-woo skipping down the street to catch up to Hye-sung. He stops to freshen his breath and then jumps behind her thinking he’s being cute, but she screams and goes to town on his unmentionables with her combat umbrella, just like Su-ha taught her. HA.

She refuses to apologize, even with Pretty getting upset on Kwan-woo’s behalf that he might not be able to have children anymore. She finally barks an insincere apology and runs off to eat lunch alone.

Do-yeon sits down across the table from her in the courthouse cafeteria, and Hye-sung looks up in surprise, asking if they’re close enough to be eating together. Do-yeon gets sickeningly sweet with her, which is really suspicious.

She plays nice and even concedes that she might’ve been wrong about the twin case, and Hye-sung says she isn’t dumb—what’s she trying to do? Do-yeon asks if she doesn’t believe her, and Hye-sung points out that no one could when she’s wearing that expression on her face.

That’s Do-yeon’s point, apparently, because she says that both twins wore that insincere expression on their faces when she questioned them. Her plan is to have them both go down for murder.

Hye-sung spins in her revolving door to think it over, as usual. Su-ha texts her to ask when she’s done so he can pick her up, and then she remembers that Gum-wad could help her out with the case.

He’s texting back and forth with her in the middle of class, and jjang (er, ex-jjang) Choong-ki’s enough of an ass to rat him out to Teacher, which gets him stuck at school till late that night, and without his phone too.

Adding embarrassment to insult, the teacher accuses him of using class time on his love life, which gets the class oooohing. Sung-bin is the only one who doesn’t look too pleased.

It actually does rain that day, and Hye-sung pats herself on the back for having an umbrella. Kwan-woo runs out just behind her and catches up… but then thinks twice and stays behind her the whole way back to the office, getting soaked.

She’s surprised to see him when they arrive, and he says sheepishly that he didn’t want to scare her (and be attacked) like earlier, and this time she concedes that even though it was his fault, she’s sorta kinda sorry she hit him. Heh.

He notes that she seems a little nervous lately like she’s being chased, and she tells him it’s nothing. They go over the case together, and he asks if she’s friends with Do-yeon. She jumps to say no, calling her fingernails-on-a-chalkboard kind of hateful.

He thinks the prosecution doesn’t have anything to go on, and says in a reassuring tone that everything will be okay, and that Do-yeon is just waving the red cape at her to get a reaction.

She thinks in her head that that metaphor makes her the bull, which should make her angry… “Why am I not angry?” She wonders to herself if after her eyes went crazy her head went crazy too, and reaches out to touch his face.

She realizes what she’s doing and grabs his cheek to pinch it and thinks up a jokey jinx excuse (that she was thinking the same thing he was) to cover for her momentary slip in sanity. That he buys it is funnier than her crazy move.

She waits outside for Su-ha, but he doesn’t answer his phone, so she figures she’ll just have to go it alone. Kwan-woo runs out and decides to put away the umbrella he brought, and asks if they can’t share hers.

He offers to drop her off at home before borrowing the umbrella for himself, which she happily accepts.

Su-ha is stuck at school and every attempt to sneak out gets shut down by Teach. Sung-bin watches and decides to help, screaming that she has a sudden stomachache and needs to be taken to the nurse.

Both Choong-ki and Su-ha run to her side, but she shoves Choong-ki away to have Su-ha take her, totally enjoying the ride in his arms before he puts her down in the hallway. She even pick-pocketed his cell phone for him, and he thanks her for helping him play hooky and runs off.

He tracks her phone and sees that she’s nearly home, so he heads over to her place.

As Kwan-woo chatters on about the case, Hye-sung wonders how she’s going to say goodbye to him at her door, thinking everything seems either too friendly or too formal. She gasps when he says they should meet tomorrow before the trial to “match lips,” clearly thinking of kissing, while he’s talking about getting their stories straight. Heh.

Su-ha arrives just outside Hye-sung’s building, when Sung-bin calls to ask if his first love is that lawyer unni. “Do you… still like her?” He brushes it off like that’s ancient history, and says he’s just repaying a debt is all.

She’s relieved to hear it, and he asks if that’s why she called. Sung-bin: “No. I called to say that I like you.” He laughs and says he knows, not taking it very seriously.

She means it sincerely though, and starts to confess, but right at that moment he looks up at Hye-sung’s rooftop and sees her with Kwan-woo.

His umbrella drops to the ground with a thud and his phone just hangs at his side as he looks up at them, and it’s a great moment of realization that’s underscored by Sung-bin’s confession to him, which he doesn’t even hear:

Sung-bin: I really like you a lot. I realized it today. I know you don’t like me back. It’s okay if I just like you on my own. But… you seeing someone else, thinking about someone else, liking someone else… it’s strange… that’s not okay. Just thinking about that makes my heart lurch. It hurts, like it’s sinking. I think I might like you a lot.

As she talks about her heart, he clutches his own while looking up at Hye-sung. Augh. He pulverizes my heart, this kid.

Kwan-woo leaves skipping, and then calls Hye-sung’s mom to say that he’s going to have to turn down that blind date with her friend’s daughter that she was setting him up on. Ha, is he rejecting a blind date with Hye-sung because he’s interested in Hye-sung?

Mom sighs, and comes clean to her friend that she was trying to set him up with Hye-sung on the sly, and even shows her a fortune she had read to ensure they were a good match.

Su-ha comes home soaking wet, and just brushes past Hye-sung without a word. She gabs away through the closed door, wondering why he didn’t call and why he got rained on, and if he can come to her trial tomorrow because she’s got this really tricky case.

He just stands in the dark room trying not to go berserk, and then comes out just as she’s reaching for the salt on a shelf way above her. He reaches up to get it for her… and then puts it up one shelf higher. HAHAHA. So petty.

He fires back at her that he DID call but she’s the one who didn’t answer, and he’s busy so he can’t come tomorrow. She looks at her phone and realizes belatedly that he called her twelve times.

In the morning, our two cops go to see Min Joon-gook, and find him packing up to move. He says that he wronged Park Su-ha a long time ago, and that living nearby will only cause him more pain.

He says he’s moving far away, and even asks them to apologize to Su-ha if they ever see him again. Urg. Nice Cop wonders if they should keep investigating the cell phone incident, but Cranky Cop says nothing was taken from the house, so it’s not worth pursuing.

Of course as Hye-sung gets ready that morning, she discovers that something is missing after all: one of mom’s chicken shop posters. She doesn’t think much of it, but now we know where Joon-gook picked it up. Also, the thought of him creeping around in her room is making my flesh crawl, so thanks for that.

She stands outside Su-ha’s room (well, the spare bedroom that’s become his room), and asks in her nicest tone if he can’t come to her trial today because she really really needs him, and because she needs to see his eyes to feel at ease.

She suddenly realizes that wording sounds weird and tries to take it all back, only to find his room empty. She’s relieved, until she heads outside and finds him waiting at the front door. She asks again and he says no, enjoying that he has something to lord over her.

The cops come by to tell them the good news that Min Joon-gook is moving far far away. Who’s ever even heard of cops this naïve? Is there no crime in your district?

Su-ha asks in a panicked voice if they got his new address, but she holds him back from starting any more trouble. They assure her that they’ll never see Joon-gook again. As they walk away, she asks him, “Can I believe those words?” Su-ha: “No.”

And then the killer goes straight to Mom’s chicken shop, and smiles at the Help Wanted sign looking for a deliveryman. Nooooooooo. He greets her under a fake name, having already called about the job opening.

Hye-sung runs to catch the elevator in the courthouse, and when she shoves her arm in first, Do-yeon jabs the button for the door to close about a thousand times. I love that they’re all equally fifteen, emotionally.

They have another elevator snark-off, and Do-yeon asks if she’s done her homework on double murder trials. Hye-sung names the case histories, and Do-yeon points out that the last one, where two suspects both served sentences for murder, was presided over by the same judge they’ll be seeing today.

Hye-sung shares her concern with Kwan-woo outside the courtroom, where they notice a group of students being given a tour of the courthouse. She turns to him: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” He pinches her cheek to say jinx. Hee.

The judge tells his colleagues that they’ll just get this hearing over with, only planning to give it his cursory attention and just go with the single trial for both twins. But when he enters the courtroom, it’s filled with bright-eyed kids, and suddenly his demeanor changes and he goes into teaching mode.

It’s amusing, but only if you don’t think too hard about the fact that they needed this to feel like he’d give the defense a fair shot. Hye-sung just keeps craning her neck the whole time looking for Su-ha, and lights up when he arrives.

He scans everyone in the room, and she thought-beams him to ask if Do-yeon has any proof that the twins planned and murdered the clerk together, and he shakes his head. So Hye-sung confidently argues (as does Kwan-woo) that if each twin is insisting he isn’t guilty, then they shouldn’t be tried together for the same crime, because the prosecution has no evidence that they were acting together.

The twins are outwardly hostile to each other even during the hearing, but something about the look on Su-ha’s face makes me nervous. So does the woman sitting behind him, who must be Twin 2’s girlfriend.

The judge rules that they should be given separate trials, and Do-yeon deflates while Hye-sung and Kwan-woo share a secret high five.

Hye-sung runs up to him after the hearing to ask if they should compare notes on the evidence and strategize together, but he says that now they’re on opposite sides, so they can’t go sharing evidence and stuff.

She frowns and tosses away the rubber thimble he gave her, only to go back and pick it up with a sigh.

Do-yeon comes up to her, livid that she threw away a chance to put a killer behind bars—now they could both end up acquitted. Hye-sung notes how little Do-yeon seems to care about the fact that an innocent brother would ALSO be going to prison just to put away the guilty one, per her arrangement.

Hye-sung: “Do you know who needs to be kicked out of the courtroom? A lawyer who always loses? A judge who always rules wrongly? Or a prosecutor who always makes mistakes in her indictments? None of the above. The person who makes a mistake and knows she’s wrong, but stands by it—like you—is the biggest problem.”

She gets up in her face to tell her to prepare her apology for Mom, and thinks to herself she was awesome yet again. She runs over to Su-ha happily and offers to buy him lunch.

They walk out of the courthouse together and she’s on cloud nine about beating Do-yeon, and tells Su-ha all about the firework incident and being forced to leave school because of her.

She says she wondered sometimes why she became a lawyer, but she gloats that now she knows the answer: “When I saw Do-yeon’s face just now I knew. I became a lawyer for that moment. To see that expression on that girl’s face.”

He sighs the whole time as he listens, and as they cross the street he asks if she’s that happy, and why. “Because I’m right, and she’s wrong!” Su-ha asks carefully, “And if she’s right and you’re wrong?” Uh-oh. She stops in the middle of the street.

The twins head back on the prison bus, sitting on opposite sides of the aisle and not speaking a word to each other. But when they enter a tunnel, we see their reflections doubled up in the window, and they’re smiling. At each other. Oh crap.

Su-ha gives it to her straight: those twins planned and murdered that clerk together.

Her step falters, and he has to catch her from walking into traffic. She repeats his words as they sink in, and then she grabs him by the tie, screaming, “You’re lying, right? TELL ME YOU’RE LYING!”


Oh I look forward to Hye-sung having to eat her words. Do-yeon can be hateful, but so can Hye-sung, and what she said (about not admitting when you’re at fault) is not only true, but coming back around to bite her in the ass like an instant karmic boomerang. Now we just have to see if she’ll live by those words, even if it means swallowing her pride and admitting her mistake to the one person in the whole world she’d never want to look weak in front of. I see a glimmer of hope in Do-yeon too, so maybe she’ll end up being more complex than just a heartless girl who’s spiteful for spite’s sake. Something about their very teenage rivalry endears her to me—like the elevator button thing, which smacks of petty childish feud, not horrible irredeemable villain.

I like that the cases of the week continue to be interesting, mostly because they’re written in a clever way to showcase the character relationships and the heroine’s personal growth, but also because they’re serious enough (murder, manslaughter) to keep us on edge about the consequences. This is life and death we’re talking about, not petty misunderstandings. Between that and our killer on the loose, the stakes remain high, which anchors us in the real world despite superpowers and rom-com situations. Murder and mayhem and flirty roommate shenanigans don’t normally go together, but everything about that combo works for this show.

Yay for the love triangle kicking into gear, as unconventional as it is. But that’s also why it appeals to me. And narratively it still works the same way, in forcing feelings to the surface and making jealousy cut through the denial smokescreen. My heart already bleeds for the Noona Love That Cannot Be setup, but when he looked up at her with Kwan-woo and clutched his heart today, I just about died.

Thank goodness for hapless cops and flimsy excuses for cohabitation hijinks. I really like that their relationship takes on so many different characteristics over the course of the show, and even over the course of one episode. Sometimes he’s the protector; and sometimes she’s the noona or the mom; other times he seems like a friend or an oppa that she leans on. They each take turns fluctuating wildly between teenage tantrums and surprising moments of adult behavior, and from petty arguments to running to each other’s rescue when it really matters. Basically, they just make my day.


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The feels, although I don't see why everyone is so worked up about the age difference, It doesn't seem like that much to me.
Anyhoo, This show is amazing, I am actually In love with everything, especially how under all the cuteness there is that serious hook to keep you coming back.
Side note: Lee Jong Suk is the most adorable thing ever


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Maaan. So many complainers and stubborn people who keep talking about their age difference. It's episode 5 and these comments are quickly losing its track and is verging on unpleasant. There are alot of people following this thread that are in the same relationship. Using words like "Creepy" and "uncomfortable" makes them feel uncomfortable.
Guys, if you dwell on that, it's going to ruin this fun, cute show for yall. Once you look past their age you can enjoy their interactions for what it is. If it helps, keep telling yourself they're forever noona-dongsaeng and will not be the end-game.
This is nothing to worry about if you compare it to KNG's pornstache in Shark, okay? be appreciative there aint none of that here.


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I think the age difference is brought up a lot because of the suspense of who will be with HS at the end of the drama...is it SH or KW?...almost all series you know who will be with whom, your only question is...is it tragic or happy ending...With this series everything is up in the air...everyone is guessing who will be end game couple...The funny this is...I think this is becoming a Team Jacob vs. Team Edward esque argument...So with that.....I'm Team Su Ha all the way.....lol


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I have never commented on this drama before. Nor have I read the comments on the previous episodes. This was my 1st time commenting on this drama and it was about the age difference because that is what is sticking out in my mind as I watch.
So, no - I am not a "stubborn complainer" who has been writing about the age difference from the get-go. Sure, it's ep.5, but there are some 1st time commenters, ya know.

I think Bo-Young was a wrong choice for the lead. Sure, it's my opinion - just as you are entitled to yours. Let's not bash others who don't share your views. Thnx


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Without even watching the drama, how can you say Bo-Young was a wrong choice?!
The drama is #1 on the slot. There is a proverb, "without both palms, one cannot clap" meaning it doesn't take only the story or a single actor to sell the drama, it is a combination of all so she is P.E.R.F.E.C.T for the role to the DOT!


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Dear Kaybee,
Maybe you should read others' comments more carefully or not assume things about them. I have been watching the drama. I only said I haven't commented until now.
I don't see where you get you get your conclusions from. Back to Kaplan, honey.


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My bad about it. :)


Oh man, resist resist resist

cannot read until I watch ep

resist resist resist resist


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Aaaaaaaahhhh! This show is awesome. Gotta love Lee Jong-suk.


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Thank you soooooooooooo much!!! You don't know what this drama does to me! I guess I am in LOVE! I feel all my heartstrings pulled and knotted when I see Park Su Ha and I love Suha and HyeSung's chemistry. Pray that they end up together. As the drama is progressing, I am rooting for them to be together. earlier I had my inhibitions about a School boy and a Lawyer but NOT NOW!!! I am all for them!!! THIS DRAMA IS THE BEST DRAMA I'VE SEEN IN A LONG LONG LONG TIME........ Thank you for reviewing it! Love you too for it! <3


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I love the current situation that it's Hye-sung that is on the wrong side this time. I remember Lawyer Shin's question to Kwan-woo about believing his defendants before, what if they are guilty? I kind of squealed when he said noona but then my heart broke seeing him clutch his chest, IN THE RAIN! I love this show, hope the writer won't go astray and keep this wonderful story and pace. :)

SN: That judge is so funny lighting up even more at the oohs and aahs of the students. Hee.


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There is a lot of freshness in this drama to me. The heroine is a total b--------, which is different. The romantic strong man is a teen stalker and the romantic rival is a clueless nerd with a terrible sense of humor, which is also fresh.

The characters are so flawed, but then still admirable, that they seem more real than some characters of some non-fantasy dramas.


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Kwan-woo: goofy, moral, optimistic, intelligent, and naïve. What a wonderful character. I married someone just like that, Kwan-woo is exactly my type.


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These recaps are so much fun to read:).

My favorite scene from this episode was Hye Sung bandaging Soo Ha's thumb. The look of pure happiness on Soo Ha's face made my heart melt. It's nice to see someone taking care of him for a change.

I really hope these two end up together. Their chemistry is what makes this show so compelling. Can't wait for the next episode!


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LJS looked heartbroken when he saw HS and KW together. I'm wondering if he could hear her thoughts from such long way away. I can't see KW with HS yet, mainly because her relationship with SA is so... Complex?

Anyway, I'm so addicted to this that its crazy!


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Oh please, please, pleeeeeeeeeease say the Noona love CAN be! Two tropes are battling each other here: Noona love that cannot be VS Childhood destined love. I'm rooting for childhood destined love.

I actually found myself getting very upset when Other "woman" started talking about her love for our hero. No, No, I want her to stop being around. I do not want him to even notice her. And I definitely don't want him falling for her.

True the noona-doengsang relationship has all kinds of subtle shadings: protector, sibling, parent-child, friend... but isn't that what a lot of mature love is? I am going to be so upset if this doesn't turn out the way I'm shipping it. That said, if it doesn't, Lawyer Cha is just perfect for our heroine. I'm still thinking/hoping that there will be the required separation then he returns and voila love! (he goes off to the army or --God forbid--ends up in prison for killing bad guy and she has to get him out of jail after 5 years kinda thing. I'll even take that.)

This drama abounds with villains and yet it feels so natural. I guess there's the spectrum of folks against us. But I really find Min Gook to be pretty hateful. Generally, I am indifferent to villains -- seeing them as necessary plot fodder. Or I admire their ingenuity or I pity them. But this is the first time in a long while where I actually am hating a villain and wishing Big Bad would just disappear. I guess because he is pure utter willful hatefulness. All the other villains I can think of -- Se Kwang in IOM, Baddie in GFB, Moo young in Arang, even respectable rich evil grandpa in Shark-- are being murderous as a kind of byproduct. Their aim is something else: wealth, power, reputation. But this guy...he doesn't understand the mercy given to him by the court system and he doesn't give mercy to any other. He's not even a parasite. He's just plain living to murder someone. It's very troubling to me because that's not an evil one sees. (although the twins might have it in them to do that kind of thing.) I seriously just want to wring his neck.

Thanks so much for the recap.


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I'm right there with you being upset that high school girl with the bad hair color who cusses all the time has confessed her love to Su-Ha. She is just not important enough to be giving her screen time. Leave the time for other people I am more interested in.


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The writer of this drama is the same in Dream High, and I love the fact that in Dream High we also have to guessing until the end who the heroine will end up with who. Isn't love triangle like that intriguing?

I see a similar pattern of Taceyon's character in dream high and SooHa in this one... Taceyon didn't get the girl, and that maybe Sooha won't get the girl in the end (although they get lots of screen time, and Taceyon's character was the one that involve in Suzy's character life the most)

But anyways, that's just pure guess without any solid evidences. I'm enjoying the triangle so far, I can see Hye Sung end up with either one. But I'm really really rootting her and SooHa. :) It's up to the writer who can convince us about the couple that they destiny to be together. I can't wait for the epilogue, fufufu.


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Great point about Dream high. I hadn't considered that. Teac was the main one with the connection to Suzy for several weeks. He even saved her from Loan Sharks was the first to cohabitate with her. I think we were a good halfway into the series before I was convinced that SamDong was really the lead, and even then.


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I like comparing this to DH because there are other clues to what kind of relationship works for the writer.

Taec's character didn't have the same vulnerability to her as Sam-dong did. Suzy's went out of her way to help SD, too, which I feel HS already did and will continue to with SH.

If we ignore the ages, everyone would ship HS and SH because they compliment each other so well.

Yes, Oska and she are adorable together, but they don't need each other. It wouldn't crush Oska to see her with another man, but we have already seen that affect poor SH deeply - more that he will admit.

What also gives me hope is there is no rush with HS to get married - except from her Mom. She has time to let SH get older as she sorts out her budding career. Maybe have a dating/kissing relationship or just a "I'll bandaid you while you bandaid me" one. Either way, it isn't just happenstance that brought them together. HS made a conscious decision towards SH all those years ago. That connection will never be undid. He owes her his life. Doesn't that make him automatically hers forever?

And who says they have to get married at all? They could date for seven years and break up, right?

All I know is I love this show!


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I agree! But one thing that bothers me as of right now is that Hye Sung see SooHa as a tool, still. And I need her to realize she needs him more than just a tool.
For sure her affection now is toward Oska. And how Sooha behaves with the intent to kill in the latest episode worry me a bit...

It's all about character developments that make this show very interesting. :D


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I think this writer doesn't have her OTP set in stone and instead works with their characters to see which one is most compatible with our heroine at the end. I like that, because alot of writers think of things along the way -- not everything is planned out. So i think she gives herself some wiggle room cause as of now OTP could go both ways.


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Although I find the cases really intriguing, I have come to like this show even more when it comes to the shipping part......they totally won me over with all that cuteness:-)
Right now, HS is totally counting on SH for support and for giving her a boost in confidence....but I can already see that there is a shift in their relationship on its way, a moment where she may start to see more in him than just a mere crutch to win the cases...
Hello, he is already living with her and right from the start, the plot has been centered on them. I like Oska as a quirky lawyer, but his character lacks background, whereas HS´s and SH´s fates are already so interwined that it seems impossible to untangle.
Maybe SH will loose his ability at some point and HS has to learn to rely on her own skills as a lawyer......I could see this coming as the showdown or the final face off with creepy guy! And him loosing his abilities would give their relationship a whole new base! Whatever the outcome, those are just my personal speculations, but I also hope for a time jump of several years in the end, so that this couple can have a real shot at love and start their "real" relationship afresh!


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I love the song added to the recap. I am, however, having a problem downloading it. The program keeps shutting my browser down. 4shared has changed something and not in a positive direction.

The show is like, how did you put it? fluttering butterflies. And Gee Wiz that kid is such a delight to watch. (Lee Jong Seok)

Thanks for the recaps!


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Hey Lizzy4e! Just to let you know: I just downloaded the song and had no problem doing so! Maybe you could use another browser?
Ah right, fluttering butterflies, love that and get the same vibe:-) Let´s hope that our main butterflies don´t flutter endlessly around each other and get ready to settle down at some point! xoxo


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Obsidiana~Hahahaha! (butterflies)

After I posted the above comment I realized that I was clicking the wrong download button>clicked the correct button>now have song. Thank you for your kind input.


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This drama is such a stress reliever!! Watch the episode in the evening after cramming in a couple hours work, then catch up with dramabeans recap first thing in the morning on the way to work - beautiful!!

Loving all the elements of the show; nothing is too weighty, and the bits which defy all logic I'm happy to take with a pinch of salt. The show's entertaining

The relationship between Soo-ha and Hye Sung is completely believable and so naturally sweet. It's a love of all sorts and that's ultimately what I like about it. So I'm on board 100%

Kudos for


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Kudos for the coninuing recaps is what I meant to finish with lol


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Omo! just realized that HS is in a tight spot now that she's already paved the way for her client to get released, and anything she does to stop her own brilliance will put her in risk of being disbarred.

Can she get disbarred if she teams up with the prosecutor to get the twins sentenced? Or if she forces her client to plead guilty when she knows he can get released if she pleads innocent?

No wonder she looked like she was going to faint.


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Thanks so much for the recaps!!! I meant to hold off and watch this series after all the episodes had aired, but after reading this I am going to start tonight. Cheers!


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I love how we're always complaining about the tropes and cliches running rampant in dramas... but as soon as we have a show that is hinting that it just might be considering going in a different direction everyone is screaming 'This is KDramaland!! There are rules, you know!" I, for one, welcome any breaking from the current KDrama formula. Keep it fresh, Dramaland! GO OSKA!!


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can't wait for the next episodes...post it post it now please!:)


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i really like suha, but i just can't imagine me or hye sung date a boy in a school uniform..


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Easily fixed.
Let's just remove the uniform, shall we?


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fanservice, dear writer! we need a brooding shower scene from LJS!


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Didnt you all check out the next episdode?!

Your wish came true :D

Its not broody though, but hot enough! ;)


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oh yes! Lets! :-)


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@Jomo - remove the uniform? what a naughty thought LOL


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Let's think of alternative pairing: if it is not SH-HS, it will be SH-KW (bring the good ol' days back: Sun and Oska in Secret Garden) :-D :-D :-D


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Oops my response to you is right below this thread. Posting FAIL!


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I can get behind this as well! ;) I find the disagreements and speculations on this show are pretty entertaining as the drama itself. I mean people, let's just all get along and enjoy the drama unfold shall we?


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Thanks for recapping! It's been a long time since I commented here -- mainly because I haven't been watching a whole lot of dramas lately.

Although I do like this drama, I feel like I am the only one who is hard-pressed to root for Su-ha and Hye-sung. It's not because of the age thing -- it would be pretty damn awesome for them to get together, IMHO. I guess I am just waiting for Hye-sung to take Su-ah seriously. I kinda feel like she still looks at him like, "Oh, it's that kid that can read minds." Also, I feel like she wants to take care of him because he's doing a lot for her (protecting her, looking out for her, helping her in the courtroom with his mind-reading). Even when he was trying to teach her self-defense with the umbrella previously, I don't feel like she got even a little bit nervous or flushed around him. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. I feel bad because I am watching this with a group of ladies who are totally fangirling them, and I can't bring myself to join them. *sigh* I am hoping that she gets to the point where she feels like she can't live without him, and not just because he's protecting her, and she feels obligated. Maybe then I can ship these two more. Right now I just feel like she's too into herself to notice him.

Again, thanks for the recap. Looking forward to more of your insights!


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Exactly, right now Hye Sung sees SooHa as a tool. But this is why character development come into play. SooHa will changes Hyesung, and of course lawyer Cha has the power to change Hyesung too.

The interesting thing is the different approach of the two toward Hyesung:

-Lawyer Cha still compliments her (bring out her best points) even though she's wrong and commit a mistake (refer to the lastest episode about the twins), in which Hyesung totally show appreciation for it (ask him on a date.)

-Sooha on the other hand confront her with her mistakes and make her change her way of doing. Sometimes with forces and tactics.

I must say Sooha character will impact Hyesung more, but we still have a lot of back stories we don't know yet.
Again, character development is very important to convince us who is fitting with who, and I love this show for doing a good job of it so far.
I'm waiting to see if Hyesung will realize her feeling toward SooHa that he's more than a tool.


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so so true. She has yet to have feelings for him. Like she said in the earlier part, call her Noona....she is definitely seeing him as a younger bro for now.


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I am surprised that I am finding Prosecutor Do Yeon such an interesting character. In this episode, she moved from coward/bully/bitch to three dimensional character I wanted to know more about. What was Do Yeon thinking when she saw the boy whom she didn't have the courage to help being so obviously close to her rival Hye Seung? Will Do Yeon have a chance to be brave instead of cowardly in some future conflict with the murderer Min Joon Gook? Does MJG even know about DY as a witness?

The thing about HS is she isn't really a nice person consistently. So that leaves room for me to start liking her rival DY too even tho' she isn't always nice. I sort of want to see the two girls become friends.

That high school girl who is crushing on Su-Ha, I could do without. She isn't bad, it is just I want more of the adult story and Su-Ha to be the sole almost-adult swimming in the big pool. Too much time devoted to the high school and the kids there takes away from time spent on creepy stalker and compelling court drama and laugh out loud antics with the lawyers. There are enough high school dramas out there, I don't want IHYV to become one of them.


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I some times get into the situation where I like a particular character but I can't see them paired up with the female in the show. Call me selfish, but I liked Kwan-woo immediately and want him for myself. I think Hye Sung is too much for him to handle ... she would steam roll right over him in a relationship, and he would become the kind husband who fears his wife's wrath so tip toes around her.

I am less certain at this point if Hye Sung and Su-Ha would make a good pair. Maybe they should just be best friends. A really good best friend who tells you the truth and challenges your bs is hard to come by.

HS and SH are probably the ship I will board if romance is where the show is going, but I could be OK if we stuck with the creepy stalker and court room drama and mind reading gumshoe. I know, it is shocking, as I am such a rom/com addict. Just where my heart is at the moment with this show.


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Su-Ha may have fallen in love with the girl who saved him, but I think he has more info about HS than just what he saw in the courtroom as an 8 year old. Remember, he has her journal, just like in I Miss You.


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in which case, he knows all about her feelings when she was a high-schooler herself. We are getting past it now in real time but SH's adoration of noona has been based on her being frozen in time for him.


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Thanks so much for the recap GF.... I'm totally in love with this show!! cant wait for ep 6. The lead playing su-ha is a revelation to me. I did not watch Dreamhigh as I'm not really into teenage /high school drama but oh boy, he is such a hottie here.. I'm down with SH-HS ship. Please dramagods let him get the girl..


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I kind of don't want SuHa to end up with Hyesung. The age difference doesn't really bother me... Okay, I confess, it bothers me the teensiest bit. Okay. A lot. But I feel like HS is using SH as a tool to win cases; even though he does owe her, didn't he already do so by helping her win the first case? The drama wouldn't go anywhere without this fulcrum so I'm gonna ignore it for a sec.

SO. SH's "love" for HS reminds me more of a celebrity crush/puppy love/fluffy stuff. I don't think its gonna work out. He'll realize that its just a crush and he wasn't meant for HS. I hope.

Waaaah. I really hope Sungbin ends up with Suha and Hyesung ends up with Oskaa... ship ship ship! Pretty sure Suha will get the girl, not sure if its THE girl, but he will get A girl. Or woman. Hehe~~


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does Sung Bin remind anyone else of Yeo Chi from History of a Salaryman I mean they're both offputting at first, curse a lot, framed for murder/attempted murder, and both potentially have a heat of gold underneath it all.


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Thank you GF for the recap! So glad I jumped on this drama. Now that Gu Family Book is ending, I need another drama to dull the pain lol xD

I'm a little annoyed at how the justice system is depicted here, I mean I know it's for comedy's sake and it's just a drama but would it be so hard to make the cops, Idk, a little more believable at their jobs?

That being said, this twin case is blowing my mind. I love it! Now I'm on edge to see if they're gonna find some way to charge both brothers. I'm very impressed at how the writer is weaving the cases throughout the plotline.

Gah! Can't wait for the next ep!


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OH. Does anyone know who the actors are for the twins? I can't find much info on them, but I read somewhere that the actors are twins in real life? I wanted to see if I could check out any other work they've done.


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Kwan Woo is such an awkward love interest. They keep trying to build up on the whole piggy back ride thing along with her thinking he's attractive, but...I'm not buying it all. I'd rather have them continue as professionals and for the writers to play up their rivalry instead of their romance.

It's awkward for me to watch.

SuHa on the other hand, I really like. Maybe because they are giving him and HyeSung significant character development - for each other and the dynamics of their relationship.

It's late.



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From this episode's setup I think it is pretty clear that Lee Jong Seok is not getting the girl again in the end. But for now, I am still enjoying their scenes together. Loved the self defense scenes! And loved Hye Song's mum trying to set up a blind date.


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Thank you for the recap and not giving up on the show! Lubbing it so much! It's so different!


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does anyone know what piano song was in the bg for when soo ha sees Hye sung with laywer Cha? the audio for the part is here:


thanks in advance!^^


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OMG! been dying to know that piano song also....


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Thanks for the song download. This is my favorite song from this drama! :-)


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I'm on the edge of my seat!


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5 stars for this episode


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this movie is super dope l really enjoy this movie


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When the mom explained to her friend why she’s matchmaking HS, “Relationships just don’t develop naturally these days...”, I guess the writer is already foreshadowing that HS’ and SH’s relationship will develop just like that in the coming days.


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