Fated To Love You: Episode 8

Fated To Love You is a fairytale come to life, one that gives grand romantic gestures the kind of magic we didn’t even realize we’d been missing until now. Watching Gun and Mi-young navigate the ups and downs of their relationship never ceases to amaze, even when a blast from the past comes to shake things up. Whoever said romance was dead has clearly never seen this show.

As for ratings, Fated finally broke into double digits with 10.6%, almost an entire point higher than last episode. Joseon Gunman stayed in the lead with 11.9%, while new kid on the block It’s Okay It’s Love clocked in at 9.1%.


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Gun pulls Mi-young back into his arms when she moves to leave, and a long moment passes where Gun looks pained, physically pained, as he resists every urge to kiss her. All the while we hear the sound of their hearts racing: Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum.

Then, finally, Gun grabs her into a closer hug that lets him bypass her lips as he claims through clenched teeth that this is a breach of their contract, and that they should just sleep.

Of course, he’s the one who looks like a convulsing inchworm as he struggles to stay on his side of the bed. A little while later, he leans over Mi-young, amazed to find her snoring happily in dreamland.

“You worry-free snail,” he remarks with a small chuckle before cuddling up next to her. She remains asleep and unaware as Gun watches over her with one hand gently massaging her shoulder. Aww.

After grinning at the wedding band on his finger, Gun soon finds he’s not the only one taking a morning jog when Daniel passes him on the trail. Not one to be outdone, Gun tries to prove his alpha status by out-running Daniel… only to end up huffing and puffing trying to keep up.

“Why… are you… in my neighborhood?” Gun asks accusingly, all while pumping his arms like a marathon runner. Daniel dismissively says this is his neighborhood too, but that doesn’t mean he’s taking the high road—they take their competition off-road, leaping over shrubbery and other obstacles like gazelles.

When Gun starts to lag behind, he calls for them to give up. Daniel: “There’s no such thing as ‘giving up’ in my dictionary.” Gun: “I’ll buy you a new dictionary!” Hahaha.

They both end up stopping due to leg cramps, leading Gun to agree to contact Daniel about their business collaboration while Daniel apologizes for the whole not-a-priest thing. You’d think this would mean a truce, but Gun proves the fight’s not over when he literally pranks Daniel instead of helping him up. Hah. Boys will be boys.

Daniel invites Mi-young to his art exhibit in order to apologize and gain forgiveness, but judging by her happy expression as she looks over all the installations, she’s not holding it against him.

But when the paparazzi start filing up the stairs to take his picture, Daniel hurriedly pulls Mi-young into his arms so he can keep his back turned to them. In order to preserve her identity, he asks her to crab walk with him to the nearest hiding place.

Waltz music accompanies their awkward dance as Daniel ushers her to the nearest exit, promising to follow her soon. When she asks if he’ll be okay facing the mob by himself, he replies that it’s the least he can do for his new dongsaeng as her honorary oppa. Aw.

Mama Yong and Son don’t get a warm welcome from the head elder when they try to make light of the possibility that Gun could lose his position at Jangin Chemicals, since the elder is tired of dealing with their crap—enough to warn them that if they don’t clean up their act, he’ll make them disappear.

We find Gun and Mi-young leaving another prenatal class, this time about making baby food, and it’s extra adorable how Gun knows when to expect Mi-young’s tummy to growl. He promises to take her wherever she wants to eat…

…Which turns out to be a joint for fermented skate fish. Hah. Gun toughs out the stench while Mi-young chomps down happily, her smile brightening even further when she notices that Gun is wearing his wedding band.

After she tries and fails to feed him some of the potent dish, she asks him if he’s thought of a nickname for the baby. She suggests something quite off the wall: “Keddongie” which kinda-sorta translates to “dog poop,” but without such a negative connotation.

Gun, of course, is completely against this nickname no matter Mi-young’s reasoning that the old-fashioned and countrified nickname would mean good luck, but warms up to the idea once she mentions that she was called the same thing growing up—and look how healthy she turned out!

He thinks back to when she outran him during the dog chase, and agrees to nickname the baby Keddongie for now. It’s cute how he even addresses the baby when he gets dropped off for work: “Keddongie, I’m leaving!” So. Cute.

Gun seems loathe to leave Mi-young for the office, so he decides to just take her with him. And he’s so happy to show her off too. Gun takes stock of all the eyes on them and ignores her request to stay behind by taking her gently by the wrist: “Kim Mi-young, you’re not a post-it anymore. Don’t hide behind me, and walk proudly next to me.”

Taking her hand properly this time, Gun proudly leads her all the way to his office, only to find someone sitting at his desk…

“Surprise!” Se-ra says as she spins around to face him. Before Gun can react, Se-ra jumps to her feet to engulf him in a hug. “I missed you, Gun!”

When Mi-young turns to leave, Gun stops her. Se-ra looks confused as she asks who she is, and Gun’s expression is serious as he says, “Se-ra… That person—…”

“…I’m [Grandma] Wang’s secretary.” Mi-young purposefully interrupts, which is probably the first time in this series I’ve ever wanted to shake her by the shoulders. Let him speak!

Gun’s face falls as Mi-young continues the lie, which Se-ra totally buys. When he gets a private moment with Mi-young outside, he asks her the same question we’re all wondering: Why did she stop him?

But Mi-young is thinking from Se-ra’s perspective, and doesn’t want Gun to hurt Se-ra’s feelings by telling her the truth. Everything about Gun, from his face to his voice when he asks, “What about you?” is so incredibly tragic. She’s being so selfless that he’s having to remind her to think about how she feels, not just about how Se-ra might.

After Mi-young leaves, Gun spends a long time outside his office collecting himself before he lets himself in with his trademark laugh. Se-ra pulls him into a chokehold as she asks whether he’s soooo happy to see her that he could die from happiness.

“Yes, I’m going to die from happiness,” Gun parrots back, with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. After bringing up how Gun hasn’t been as devoted to her as he normally is, Se-ra tells him that she’s here on holiday for five days.

She doesn’t seem to notice how his smile fades when she kisses him on the cheek, and instead insists that he not work for as long as she’s visiting.

After watching Mi-young zombie her way out of the office building, we find Se-ra giving Gun a tour of her hotel room. Just when she starts to tell him how hard it was to be away from him, Gun takes her by the hands like he’s about to tell her the truth, but Se-ra keeps talking about how much she realized she needs him.

Mi-young tries to hide her sadness as she reads to Keddongie from the children’s book. She’s not as obsessive about checking her phone as Gun was, but she still sighs to find no missed calls or messages.

Gun stays with Se-ra until she falls asleep (no funny business), but before she dozes off, she says, “You know the only person I can lean on in this world is you, right? Let’s get married. I’ll marry you.”

His expression is pained as he takes in these words—if only she’d said them sooner. But he leaves a note on her bedside telling her that they need to meet tomorrow because he has something to tell her. Good for you, Gun.

The next morning, Mama Yong finds Mi-young chopping onions for a side dish alone, and doesn’t hide the fact that she knows Gun didn’t come home last night. “Do you think he’s cheating on you?” Mama Yong asks, clearly hoping to get some good gossip.

But Mi-young, of course, covers for Gun by claiming he was at the office. Mama Yong takes this chance to prey on Mi-young through pretending to commiserate with her as a fellow mistress—after all, they’re both “the other woman,” aren’t they? And “other women” always have to be prepared to leave, because that’s their fate.

Unbeknownst to Mi-young, news of Gun’s affair has spread in that passive-aggressive way most loved by Korean media, where they give every detail of the story without specific names. But Mi-young, aka Employer “B”, is being portrayed as a woman who purposefully approached CEO “A” with the intention of getting pregnant.

When she steps outside to take a walk, she’s hounded by members of the press who snap photos and ask invasive questions based on the rumor that’s been spreading. They follow an increasingly-nervous Mi-young down the street, until Daniel spots them passing by the cafe and roars at them to leave her alone.

Of course, they’re intrigued by the handsome man who steps in front of Mi-young protectively, and start hounding him with questions. They don’t seem to buy it when he tells them that he’s Mi-young’s neighborhood oppa, and he even spells it out for them: “Neighborhood PLUS oppa! Neighborhood oppa!”

Once Daniel escorts Mi-young inside the cafe, he gets the good-for-nothing media junkies to make like a tree after he threatens them against taking oooone step onto his property.

While Gun waits for Se-ra to finish her interview so he can talk to her, his thoughts inevitably drift to Mi-young when he finds a stray post-it note on the floor.

But he’s forced to leave early when Doctor Moon calls him with urgent news (about his mother?), so he leaves Se-ra a text saying that they’ll have to talk later.

Mi-young apologizes to Daniel for causing him trouble, but he brushes it off by saying that he’s always available anytime she wants to go for a walk in the future. He’ll protect her. (Aww.)

Gun rushes through a hospital and bursts through the doors to find “Mom,” aka Mi-young’s mom, in an exam room. Awwwwww, that’s who he was so worried about? What a perfect son-in-law.

Even though they’ll need to operate on Mom’s kidney stones, Doctor Moon and Mom have to reassure Gun that everything is going to be okay when he almost has a panic attack. Mi-young is the last one to the hospital room party, even though Mom didn’t want her to know she was there—it was her unni Mi-sook who spilled the beans.

Gun drives Mi-young home from the hospital, and an attempt to ease the awkward silence with the radio fails when literally every station he turns to happens to be talking about bad relationships.

He tries a CD next, and freaks out when the song “Que Sera Sera” comes on (because of Se-ra, get it?) so much so that he has to beat the dashboard to get the darn thing to turn off.

Finally, Mi-young breaks the tension by sincerely thanking Gun for today. He’s left a little confused, and more than a little guilty about the Se-ra issue still hanging over their heads.

It’s sad when Mi-young says goodbye to him outside Lee Manor, knowing that he’s going to meet Se-ra… but they’re both surprised when Se-ra meets them outside the house with gifts for him and Grandma Wang.

But when Mi-young tries to duck out of the situation, Gun stops her. Se-ra knows something’s up as Gun holds Mi-young in place, and he looks into Mi-young’s eyes all but pleading for him to not do what he’s about to.

“Se-ra,” Gun begins. “This person… is not my grandmother’s secretary. The truth is…” Mi-young desperately whispers for him not to say it, all but shaking in fear.

But despite Mi-young’s protests, Gun turns back to Se-ra: “I got married. This woman… This woman is my wife.” Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. Here we go…

Se-ra reels in shock and disbelief, and it’s only when Mi-young sincerely apologizes that the truth really sinks in. She drops her umbrella and almost faints on the spot, but Gun grabs her before she can fall.

“Tell me it’s a lie,” Se-ra chokes through her tears. “Please… please tell me it’s a lie. You were the person that would do everything I wanted, weren’t you?”

Gun can only tell her he’s sorry, and can’t help but follow her when she runs off in the rain. When he catches up to her, she tears into him about deceiving her like this—how did it feel to see her face again after he’d gotten married secretly? Was he always this cruel?

But before she can continue, Gun interrupts, “I’m having a baby. That woman… she’s the mother of my child.” Se-ra stops, completely stunned into silence.

Later that night, Gun watches his home videos with Se-ra and opens the gifts she dropped outside the house. He starts laughing when he reads the note that accompanies the cufflinks she bought especially for him, before his laughter devolves into wretched sobs of grief.

Mi-young, left all by herself, curls up in the corner of their bedroom and cries.

After fielding more gossip-mongering from Mama Yong the next morning, Mi-young puts a smile on her face as she follows Gun to the gate to see him off for work. He’s wearing the suit she set out for him, along with the cufflinks Se-ra gave him. Oh no.

Her smile immediately fades, not just at the cufflinks, but because Gun completely ignores her. It’s like she may as well not be there at all, which makes it all the more tragic when Mi-young waves after the car anyway.

Grandma Wang seems to know something about yesterday’s events as she sits Mi-young down to invite her to an upcoming party, where she’ll represent herself as Gun’s wife. “In this household, you are the one and only daughter-in-law,” Grandma stresses.

She apologizes to Mi-young for how she’s been treated since marrying into the household, since she knows it hasn’t been easy for her. But Mi-young claims that she’s under no such stress, only that she’s worried about not being able to help Gun more.

After taking a long look at a picture of him and Se-ra he’s kept on his desk for years, Gun decides to hide it in a drawer. He seems to have forgotten that he also put Mi-young’s heart-shaped lollipop there, and flashes back to the moment she gave it to him in Macau.

Manager Tak comes rushing in with all the papers that have been publishing hateful rumors about how Mi-young forced her way into the family/company, and seems at a loss when Gun demands that he block the articles.

Grandma Wang takes Mi-young to the formal gala, proudly introducing her as Gun’s wife and the new madam of Jangin Chemicals. Things start to go downhill the moment Mi-young is left alone, not only because she’s unaware that her douchey ex-boyfriend Lawyer Min is in attendance, but because all the well-to-do ladies are spewing vitriol about her based on the rumors.

Poor Mi-young hears all their insults and swallows her pain, but seems dangerously close to breaking. To make matters worse, her attempt to leave is foiled when she runs into that friend of Se-ra’s she and Gun saw outside of the prenatal class. The one who treated her like dirt.

Things are no different now, since the girl chucks her drink in Mi-young’s face as she calls her an embarrassment to her gender. Lawyer Min is right there to rub it all in, whine, and gloat at the same time.

But when tough-as-nails Mi-young doesn’t fold under his harsh words, Lawyer Min takes to the podium to publicly embarrass her in front of everyone in attendance by pointing her out as the woman from all the rumors. You inconceivable douche. I can’t even.

He’s relentlessly hateful, and just when you wish Mi-young would just turn tail and run, we hear a familiar slow clap…

…It’s Gun! I never thought I’d be so happy to see him. And Lawyer Min couldn’t look any unhappier to see him. Serves him right.

Gun takes over the microphone to address what’s on everyone’s mind: his relationship to Mi-young. He loudly announces that the crowd is right about them getting married because of the baby, along with Mi-young having been a contractor at a law firm, and soundly puts those rumors to rest as he sarcastically praises the audience for being so astute.

“There’s one thing you all don’t know about her, though: That woman is… a very strange woman,” Gun says. After living together, there’s this peculiar reversal about her. The more you look at her, the prettier she becomes. It’d be boring if she was just pretty, but on top of that, she’s cute, adorable, and extremely kind. Because I’m so sorry to know such a strange woman all to myself, I’m going to say it here in person.”

He snaps his fingers, and one of the musicians begins to play a tune on a traditional haegeum familiar to anyone who’s ever seen Chuno. I will never get tired of these throwbacks to Jang Hyuk’s past. Keep ‘em coming.

As the song plays, Gun saunters toward Mi-young while telling everyone the same thing her mother proudly declared when all the factory workers were pressuring her into the marriage: Mi-young isn’t the smartest, she wasn’t good at her studies, and she was especially horrible in math.

Gun:“But that woman… she really knows how to be sincere to others. And that woman takes good care of someone who’s hurting and knows how to sympathize with them. So she might be plain, but she’s very special and precious—my lovely wife, Kim Mi-young. Everyone, I introduce you to that Kim Mi-young.”

After that mic drop moment, the audience applauses while Gun leans in to tell Mi-young that a diamond like her doesn’t belong with rocks like these. And then he winks at her. (Quick, bring me my smelling salts!)

He gets her the hell outta there and takes her to a scenic spot where he plays a classic tune as he asks her for a dance, seeing as how they’re all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Mi-young finally smiles as she places her hand in his outstretched one. He pulls her close for their dance, and uses his fingers to count down from 3…2…1…

Then with a snap of his fingers, the sky around them suddenly lights up with fireworks. They both smile and laugh as they dance, while Manager Tak heaves a happy, relieved sigh nearby. (I’m not crying… it’s just been raining on my face.)

Gun asks if things have been difficult for her lately, before clarifying that he wasn’t avoiding her because he disliked her—he was sorry because he wasn’t yet ready to go to her.

“Thank you for waiting for me,” he adds as he looks into her eyes. “And for being by my side now.” It’s this last line that has Mi-young in tears, and Gun’s reaction is to simply brush them away with his fingers as he tips her face toward him to kiss her…

…Just as we flash back to Mi-young telling Daniel: “The better he treats me, the more afraid I become. The better he treated me, the more he made efforts for my sake… the more afraid I became. That I might depend on him too much… that he might be mistaken in liking me. That, on the day we promised, I might not be able to send him away.”


To preserve the integrity of this recap, I made a conscious decision to leave out any incoherent fangirling I might’ve been experiencing at any given moment because it would’ve taken over like a cancer. But now that we’ve reached the comments section, I can finally say: THIS SHOW WINS AT EVERYTHING.

I’m so enraptured with Gun and Mi-young’s romance that it isn’t even funny at this point, especially since this episode took their relationship to so many extremes—and all without giving us emotional whiplash. I’d been dreading the day Se-ra returned because I was worried that whatever Gun felt for Mi-young was so fragile and new that it would undoubtedly shatter when his six-year flame showed up. And as much as I love Gun, I was a nervous wreck thinking of how much of a jerk the show could make him while getting away with it, even if that would fly in the face of the man we’ve seen him to be thus far.

And the very reason why this show remains such a rewarding watch is because Gun and Mi-young are so fully realized that they’re not just going to act and behave the way other dramas have conditioned us to believe they would. It’s like magic, the way those two interact. Whether it’s just one look from Gun asking Mi-young to think about herself for once, or the way she cares for him so much that she would rather suffer and be miserable just so he can be happy, they share a connection that’s palpable to those of us on the other side of the screen. That’s the stuff true romances are made of, and this episode proved that Fated is destined to be one of the greats, the kind of drama we’ll find ourselves revisiting whenever we need to remember what being this in love with a story and its characters felt like.

But what am I saying all that for now? We’re still lucky enough to be living this as it happens, which is both a blessing and a curse when the future is still such an unknown. Even if dramaland laws mandate that happiness like this can’t possibly last for twelve more episodes, I can still love Gun and Mi-young just as they are, right in that moment. I don’t have enough superlatives for the way Gun stayed true to himself and told Se-ra everything, even though we know how hard that was for him. All he wanted was to hear the words Se-ra said to him this episode, but it was too late—and the fact that Gun knew that, grieved for it, and moved past it is what makes him so unbelievably endearing that coherency becomes impossible when describing him.

This was also a wonderful episode for Mi-young, and even if it’s been stated before, it’s worth repeating: Jang Nara is absolutely killing it in this role. My heart broke for her when she tried so desperately to stop Gun from telling Se-ra about her, and again when she stood in the midst of all those people refusing to let herself break, even though it’s hard to even imagine how alone she must’ve felt. Which is what made Gun’s save all the more poignant and perfect—but it wasn’t enough just for him to swoop in and carry her away from all those vultures. No, he made sure that they knew just how special Mi-young is.

Then came the slow dance by the river, Gun’s apology, and those fireworks. I’m sure we’ve all seen plenty of on-screen romantic gestures in our time, regardless of where we hail from. And well-timed fireworks weren’t likely to reinvent the romantic wheel at this point… or so I thought. That was B.G. (Before Gun). Now future heroes will have to top that act, to which I say: good luck trying.


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The scene in the car was just great. One of the radio channels was Jung Joon Young's Shimshimtapa and he's just like, this woman seems like my ideal type; just come to me instead. Ha! What makes it better is that JJY really is a big fan of Jang Nara.

Thanks for such a fast recap!


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I dropped 3 dramas so I can give more time in rewatching FTLY over and over again. Consider me obsessed.

I'm into party planning and part of it is color motif. Speaking of color, blue and orange must be the show's color. It cracks me up every time I see orange. Orange you glad you're watching FTLY?


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Huh, I hadn't really noticed the blue/orange color recurrences, but I think you're right. Blue and orange are color compliments. Now, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for when and how they show up in this drama.


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I'm not crying, there is just a river coming out of my eyes! This show literally is one of the best things I have seen ever!


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Thanks very much for your thorough and wonderful recap, HeadsNo2! :) very appreciative of your time and care with the recaps!!

I'm totally bowled over by this drama!! Thought Lee Jun Ki is my favorite fella and JG my fav drama these days----nah ah!! sigh...this one takes the prize now!

I'm rewatching JG twice, but FTLY has been on constant rewinds...episode 6 was rewinded SEVEN times no less!!

OMGracious...Jang Hyuk is an absolute wonder!! He's insanely gifted as an actor...each inflection in voice and manner cuts it and I'm totally immersed and intent on him when he's on screen. He can bring me keeling over with laughter one moment and then reduce me to a puddle of mush and tears in another...sigh...wow, wow.

Jang Nara also...can't imagine another actress as MY. Her portrayal of MY is totally natural---being endearing, sweet and kindhearted---this shines through and makes all the males in her life scramble and scamper to protect her.

Look how Daniel's always stepping in to protect her, even as we see how much he values his privacy. Even Gun can't help himself when it comes to protecting MY...his natural spirit of "goodness" keeps him concerned and caring of her, even against his "better judgement" even as he's constantly aware of the terms of their marriage. He simply can't resist his sweet snail...

I say Yay! Yay! to that.


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Out of curiosity: The classic tune Gun plays at the final scene is from modern film. I spent more time than I should trying to remember where I'd heard that song, here's what I remembered:
1. It's from a Disney Princess film
2. Not an animation but a live action movie
3. Quite old, but no so much
Then it hit me: The Princess Diaries, >.<
(I watched this film more times than it's healthy to anyone to watch something; I got pretty obsessed with this song thing)



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That's the movie!!!! I spent that whole scene going, 'I KNOW where this song is from. Where is this song from?'

I love Princess Diaries, lol.


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"If you know it through a wall, you know it too well" xDD


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so in love with this show!!!!!


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Unbelievable. Had to comment after reading the Flight of the Conchords reference.

Love love the recaps.....


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Thanks HeadsNo2 for the long awaited recap of ep 8. Frankly, I got a bit disappointed bcoz all the other Wed/Thurs drama got recapped earlier than FTLY, but it's worth the wait.. especially for the best things in life, hehe..

I think this drama is 16 episodes only but others are saying it is a 20 episode one.. which is true, may I know? But looking at the twist of events, Kdramas usually bring the comedy and romantic scenes on the first half and the angst ones on the second.. I get the feeling that the last scene with the fireworks and kiss is a prelude to you know, hardships and heartbreaks.. But FTLY, please be gentle in breaking our hearts here.. I hope for it to be unlike the rest and be a great and worth watching kdrama. I'm counting on this one a lot.. And since this version so far bettered the original so far, I hope it continues to be a winner drama, till the end.

I am really LOVING this drama.. fighthing!


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Also, thanks to all those who share their thoughts and observations here.. I love reading them and am very happy that many are loving and supporting this drama..

I am really wishing the ratings to soar high and break the 20 percent mark by next week. Fighting FTLY K version. Jang Hyuk, I love you and Jang Nara, I adore you. The rest of the cast, fantastic (sans, Lawyer Min and Sera's girl pal, of course haha).

FTLY, Daebak! Aja! Saranghae!


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what's FLTY and Daebak?


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FTLY = fated to love you.

dae-bak (대박) - current pop culture usage is "awesome" but another meaning (slightly older usage) is "big win" (i.e., like hitting the lottery).


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Lovely show..and like you said..it is nailing it all..

Just wanted to point out something...

You mentioned Gun wore the suit min-young laid out for him..but i believe he didn't cauz she laid out pink shirt and blue tie...and he is wearing purple tie...that was his way of 'avoiding/keeping distance' from her..


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now THIS is a romance. we've got wholesome characters, banging chemistry, flowing plot and a show full of heart.
it's not a realistic story (who expects that in a k-drama anyways?) but what it does make us believe in is love. that's what a romance should be, when you watch it your heart is warm and happy~


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i'm so in love with this drama that i keep re-watching for more than 10 times to the point that i'm beginning to question my sanity LOL.

Geon is truly awesome. he is always angry at MY when she is being selfless. he has never taken her kindness for granted and always respects her. i was swooning left and right listening to his speech at that party.

and for Mi Young, how can you not love her? her sincerity and kindness truly move me. my eyes are well up with tears at the end of the scene when she's sharing her insecurities and worries to Daniel. i just want to give this girl A BIG BIG BIG HUG!!!

thank you for the recaps an i can't wait for next week episodes!


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Question: who was the one who leaked the story? Two possibilities - one being Mama Yong / Brat Yong, and the other being Lawyer Min.

My guess is that it was Lawyer Min.


I initially felt that Mama Yong and her son were "bad" person, but now I feel differently.

People like Mama Yong are, perhaps through no fault of their own, outcasts. They aren't poor, but they aren't of any kind of social standing that would allow them to hold their heads up.

The son is bastard. He is a second-class person who is a pretender by his birth, and he has nothing except what falls from the tree.

The mother is a mistress, a concubine, or a whore, if you want to be crass. She has no standing.

Their chance at legitimacy would come only with power, and power would come only if they manage to take over the company. It is unfair that Kim Mi Young is targeted by their machinations behind the scenes, but Mama Yong and Son are not able to stand in broad daylight to act.

It is unfortunate that Mama Yong was chained to the family by the need for money and the slim hope for legitimacy, that the bastard son might one day take over. We aren't given enough information to know the circumstances behind what happened between Lee Gun's dad and Mama Yong.

But I think the advice that Mama Yong gives to KMY is earnest.

KMY is an inch away from being the mother of a bastard son. And the advice to KMY from Mama Yong for KMY to protect herself, is not bad.

If KMY were my younger sister or daughter, I would give KMY the same advice:

"It may be that Lee Gun will not have a choice but to leave you. It may not matter what he wants to do, but only what he is able to do. In such case, are you willing to give up your baby to Lee Gun? Will Lee Gun give up his whole life, his whole company for the sake of your child? How can you be sure? If not, then WHAT are you doing in that forsaken house? Leave. Come back home. Your family will protect you."


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I'm puzzled by this comment:

KMY is an inch away from being the mother of a bastard son. And the advice to KMY from Mama Yong for KMY to protect herself, is not bad.

How will the child be a bastard? They were married in front of her family, his grandmother and witnesses. That makes the baby legitimate when he/she is born.

It doesn't matter that they are out of wedlock when they conceived the baby - what does matter is that they are married when the child is born.

Now if she is referring to the fact that KMY can be kicked out after the birth of the child, she is preaching to the choir. She doesn't already know that KMY and LG have already discussed divorce after the birth of the baby. I do agree that she gave KMY some sound advice, although I question her motives. It's not out of concern for Kim Min Young, but merely an attempt to stir up trouble between the spouses. What she doesn't know is that Kim Min Young is already preparing her mind to the inevitability of parting with Lee Gun after her child is born.


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A bastard is a child born of parents who are not married to each other?

Gun and KMY were not married when the baby was conceived, and if they divorce before the baby is born, then they will not be married when the baby is born.


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Samsooki, I could not agree with you more.

Given the tense position Mama Yong is in the house, and the love shown to KMY by Grandmother Wang I would be surprised if she was behind the leak of the information. It would not be in her best interest to strengthen the relationship between KMY and Gun, which is what all of the outside attacks seem to have done.

I believe Mama Yang knows it is better to prey on the couples internal insecurity and force KMY to reconsider the marriage based on Gun's own actions rather than to force outside pressures on them. As the "other woman" she knows all too well that it is all about the relationship that will ultimately decide the fate of the couple. Plus what she has been told by the elder about her and her son disappearing if they continue to act against the president and the firm would be reason enough for her to stop bringing in outside parties.

That being said her advice to KMY is sound. It is something KMY should consider, and in looking at the last scene, is considering. I look at this like a business partnership, while outside forces can work to destroy you, it is much more likely that some internal problem causes the partnership to fail.

Great advice, to which I would also add:

"Figure out who you are, right now you are someone who allows themselves to be defined by others either as a Post-It note or Superglue. Figure out who YOU are while you can before you are just "MOM". If you do, you can survive whatever may happen in the future. Home will always be there for you, as will family. "


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Love this take on it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that whole conversation as purely manipulation. There were a lot of layers to it that I think are important for us to recognize.


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'as Not purely manipulation' I do know how to write. I promise.


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I saw Mama Yong's 'advice' to Mi Young more as Mama Yong projecting her own fears and insecurities and struggles onto Mi Young without realizing it (with a side of manipulation and greed, of course). What she said is how she secretly feels about her own life. Like you said, she's a mistress and her son is a 'bastard.' (I Realllllly hate that term. A LOT.) They will never fit in society. They will always be outcasts. And I'll admit that that does make me feel a little sympathy for her. I still dislike her, but I understand her character and her character motivation better now.


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Guns father seemed to have just dumped her and the child, ie in the last episode Mama Yound mentions living in sub standard housing. I am guessing she was brought into the family by grandma either through duty or pressure from the elders, so they could have a 'spare' heir if needed.


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i simply love the pair! they have such great chemistry =). I never thought Jang Hyuk can return to rom-com. He is such a great actor!!!


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I can't believe i didn't know about Jang Nara or jang hyuk till date...

this man is unbelievably awesome..

when i saw the promos..i was wondering how could they cast such an old looking man..but darn...he is more sexy than anyone i have ever seen...

and what an actor..what a bloody awesome actor..

i watched windstruck , finally, only for him..and was totally blown away...given the variability in his acting prowess.. on one hand he plays this sexy chaebol..on other hand he is this .. real 'champu'.. and then i understand he is part of IRIS too..so that must be one kickass fit spy guy role..ah!

Can someone suggest any other good dramas worth watching of either of these two? ( plz suggest the ones that were truly awesome...)

sigh..how could no actress get hold of him

PS: Question - how is korean industry? - divorce rates are high is it? do people marry late? :O

PPS: plz do a write up on korean Entertianment industry - their nuances- roles of agencies..how things work..the dos and don'ts of this industry...


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Hey !

I fell in love with Jang Nara when I first saw her in School 2013. She had this one scene in episode 5 where she both broke my heart and earned my full respect. That role was my favorite for a female lead. So, School 2013 it is.

As for Jang Hyuk, I've just found out about him when I saw the posters, and I had the same concerns about his age and looks .. But when I saw the first episode, I was intrigued and had all sorts of weird feelings, so I looked him up and before you know it, I've been obsessing over him and only him ever since.

You might wanna try "Thank You", but that drama pales in comparison with FTLY .. Or you can try Chuno (in HD) for the eye-candy, the beautiful scenery and the incredible acting, but it's a bit too long and you may end up skipping to the final episode.

I assume you haven't seen him on Running Man .. Try episodes 44 and 45. You'll have a blast.


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Jang Na Ra ( & Jang Hyuk)-
I love her in Successful Story of a Bright Girl
and My Love Patzzi.
after that I stopped watching korean dramas. Jang Na Ra had a lot of jobs in China/Taiwan then.

Jang Hyuk had a lot of local (korean) jobs.
I like him in 'Thank You'. Tazza I heard's good and then the famous Chuno.
But he did a lot of actions, intense movie/drama after Bright Successful Girl.


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Oooohh Jang Hyuk!! what a incredible actor... you MUST watch "Thank you" and, of course, Chuno.. in both dramas he was just awesome


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I also admire Jang Hyuk's acting prowess. My admiration started when I first saw him in "Thank You" with Gong Hyo Jin (now with It's Okay, It's Love...). Then, Jang Hyuk was also in "Tree with Deep Roots" where I concluded he really has serious acting chops. He did this drama, after "Chuno" where he also excelled; in fact, if I recall correctly, he received the Daesang award (KBS Awards in 2010) for his performance in "Chuno". Such a wonderfull actor!


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as a fan of Jang Nara, i suggest you watch her previous projects, such Wedding (paired with Ryu Si Won), Baby Faced Beauty, paired with Choi Daniel (she nailed me in that show, and push me to admitted that she indeed has a baby faced beauty), and School 2013. And of course her tons of project in China industry...


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if you watch wedding you she has a familar mother..the mistress mother of fated..korean drama world is a pretty small one.


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i have been a silent reader of DB for ages now..

and i finally break the silence..

this drama is THAT GOOD!

anything to add to its popularity..i doubt JG or the other one even come close..


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Hi EZ, am glad you found Jang Hyuk to be an awesome actor. I suggest you watch Deep Rooted Tree and Chuno. Have you watched Successful Story of a Bright Girl already? It was Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara's first team up kdrama. I just finished watching it since I was curious about their chemistry then.. and I can tell you that both have gone way better in acting and in their chemistry.


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Show just keeps getting BETTER!!! Episode 8 seals the deal for me! The Que Sera Sera song was HILARIOUS! And Lee Gun was not helping at all when he was trying to switch to another channel, which backfired and resulted in the word "Sera" being repeated over and over again :D And then the dance scene, just the way he looks into her eyes .... I M.E.L.T.E.D. Lee Gun-shi, can I be your damsel-in-distress too? Haven't seen the Taiwanese version, but did it even get THIS good?


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P.S. I can't believe Jang Hyuk is married ... with two kids.


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sigh..i know...

all good guys are taken...darn


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That depends on what you consider good. If you compare the Taiwanese version to most Korean dramas, the Taiwanese version would definitely fit under the makjang genre. If you like makjang, then the original should be right up your alley. If you don't like makjang, you might not be very impressed with the original.

It was really, really, Really popular in Taiwan while it was airing though. I think it's one of the most popular Taiwanese dramas to date.


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What is makjang?


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makjang :: a sylistic, tonal, or narrative element in dramas that chooses to play up outrageous storylines to keep viewers hooked despite how ridiculous the stories become (adultery, revenge, rape, birth secrets, fatal illnesses, and flirting with incest possibilities are some makjang favorites). Shows can be part of a makjang class of dramas (Wife’s Temptation is a makjang series), or they can have makjang tendencies (Mary Stayed Out All Night went makjang toward the end). Generally considered a negative thing (“Gah, how makjang can you get?”), unless a drama intentionally embraces the style (such as Baker King Kim Tak-gu or Flames of Desire).

Definition from dramabeans.


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Personally, I thought that Temptation of Wife was addictive like crack.

Some mak-jangs are poorly done, but the good ones rock.


Oh, I'm not saying they're all bad or anything. Makjang isn't really my genre, but I can definitely see their appeal.


Has anyone noticed that KMY wears her wedding ring on left hand... any significance.. what could it mean...


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sorry i meant right hand (she wears her ring on her right hand)


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I'm not sure if there is any significance or not. Most Koreans don't actually wear wedding rings. They have wedding rings made, but then they never wear them anywhere. They just keep them at home.

I always find it interesting when dramas show married couples wearing wedding rings, since none of the married Koreans I knew while I was overseas did that. It's definitely more of a western thing.


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I totally totally LOVE this drama...

I'm just so afraid of the next 12 Episodes ....

I am so relieved that this version the male Gun has so much more substance, he the man... that we all want our man to be *mienne hubs of mine* kekeke


Mani Chuthaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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Just wondering.. in the car radio scene, Lee Gun says he really likes 'the husky voice of this woman'. Is that radio presenter a celebrity? Her voice rings a bell but I can't put my finger on it.


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Its Park Kyung Lim, comedian/entertainer/variety performer/musical actress etc and one of Jang Nara's best friend.


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They really deviated from the original version this episode, which I’m more then happy about (SO MANY WONDERFUL THINGS HAPPENED!!!), but now I’m unsure of how they’re going to get us to the next part of the story. (And I’m afraid to say it guys, but I think we have heartbreak ahead of us for the next couple of episodes. And not just because we’ve entered the moody mid-quarter either.)

I’ll be honest and say that up to this point, I could have cared less about Se Ra (which is actually a step up compared to how I felt about her Taiwanese counterpart), but I definitely felt compassion for her in this episode. She basically gets punched in the face twice. First, Gun tells her he got married. Then he tells her he’s having a baby. As much as I love Gun and how he’s treated (and fallen in love with) Mi Young, and despite how much I want to dislike Se Ra (even though it’s not her fault her Taiwanese counterpart SUCKED BALLS), he did Se Ra wrong. He should have let her know about what happened Ages ago. That’s my one big complaint about this drama so far. But thankfully, the truth is out now, and I don’t have to worry about Gun and Mi Young trying to drag the secret out for forever/dance around it anymore.

And finally…DOG POOP?!?!?! WHAT KIND OF NICKNAME IS THAT?!?!?! I wish they had kept the name from the original version, but who knows. Maybe they will use it for the baby’s Actual name. But DOG POOP?!?!?!?!?!


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Oh don't get upset about the name 'GaeTtong/DOG POOP'. It was kind of common name for lower-class people if you watch SaKeuk/Historicals. People give not-so-elegant name like this for the baby inside because they say it keeps baby healthy (Just like there is saying you have to say ' oh such an ugly baby' when you see the new born baby, otherwise the baby could be taken away by fairy godmother-like/met with bad fortune).


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I'm liking this one way more than the Tdrama. This one gets to the point early on and doesn't waste time. I always felt that the Tdrama just dragged things on... forever! I guess it was due to the series length that things are happening faster with the Kdrama.


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I'm surprised how the plot point of Se Ra just up and leaving without notice to pursue her dream job was pretty glossed over. I understand that she has a passion and I would never tell anyone to throw an opportunity away for someone else, but she was coming and going for six! years and she knew what that flight to Macau meant but she just upped and left without even telling Gun.

Jang Nara is so unbelievably amazing in this role. Normally these kind of female leads drive me up the wall because of how meek and weak they are, but she's not weak in the slightest despite her meekness. I am rooting for her 10000%!

And let me just say that I was doing a face pack when watching that driving radio scene, and I had to wash it all off because I cracked it so much laughing LOL


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I'm right there with you on the whole 'up and leaving because of ballet' thing. She didn't even try to get in touch with him and explain. She just left and then later was like 'Oops, sorry about that! But you still love me, right?' I would have been like, 'Not anymore. Don't bother coming back. I'll have your things sent to you.'


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Haha, I really like reading comments on how we all watched episodes a couple times and rewind them and checking on her social platforms.

I know I hope the ratings at least go to 15% and 20% is hard to reach these days unless a miracle happen but this drama is a miracle to Kdramaland for me. I haven't felt this fluffy in a drama since Goong and My Girls days. Oh the feels.

I started watching the two other shows and they're pretty good too but FTLY just hits my hearts. It may have the same plot devices but something about it just makes it adore it so much!!!


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JANG Hyuk and Jang Nara 's depiction of their respective characters were so awesome to watch. i don't see them as
JH and JN but as Gun and MY .They both internalized their characters so much that it looked so real as i watched it on the small screen.Both of them are truly great artists .Jang Hyuk remains to be top in my list eversince i became a kdrama fan ,which was 9 years ago and Jang Nara my fave actress. thank you for the wonderful writing and direction.T HIS IS THE BEST REMAKE i watched so far.Jang Nara's underacting, love it!


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Thank you for the wonderful recap I enjoy your recap because as always you bring me more with the cultural insight I lack and that is needed so often


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Heads, I agree that this show wins at everything...
...but can I just say that YOU WIN at providing such awesome recaps!

Thank you!

PS. Pretty much everyone has said everything that made this series amazing but one little detail I loved from ep 8

The "snail gesture" with the fingers that Gun and later on, Manager Tak did before the big firework reveal.

So. Freaking. Adorable.

Oh and kudos to the Lawyer guy (whose name I can't remember right now) who helped Manager Tak at the bridge.

PPS. Can we dunk Se Ra's friend in icy water after that whole water throwing bit? Stay classy (insert expletive here.) and can we wipe the stage with ex-lawyer guy's face?


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well if she had been the lead girls best friend and learned that her boyfriend had got another girl preggy, we would all be handing her another glass of wine to throw..it all a matter of emoting I guess..lol


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I loved the last episode (7) so much. All I can think now is that I do not want the show to end.


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Omg going gaga over here!
Thank you for the recap!


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I was honestly expecting the worst in this episode especially when she got humiliated in the dinner party. But the last part of the episode was perfect. Gun's speech plus the dance to the "Princess Diaries" score was just perfect.


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at first I'm worried about the makjang that came from tw version. almost all of them are way evil to the female lead but this k version is way better. no over evil so far even the male lead. the jjangs awesome in everything make me wish the take over the rating. now that se ra has come back and know the truth, I become afraid of what to come to the couple when they barely just start to attach to each other especially gunnie. hope my words at the end of this episode wont bring any worries because I love my and gunnie together. thank you for recap. keep refreshing this web to look for new recap of ftly.


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It has been so long since I LOVE A DRAMA THIS MUCH.


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Lee Gun is Human know how to treat woman seriously Gentleman & Jang Hyuk is the real gentle man how he loves his wife & how he appreciates her make love him as an actor & a person :) <3


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*shakily drinks a large glass of water* I have literally no words, this episode was all kinds of wonderful and perfect. I'm really excited but dreading where this drama will go next.


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I kind-a like it that Se Ra isn't your typical Kdrama beauty. Granted she's just a second lead, but still she doesn't look like she's been overly "sculpted" ... sort of refreshing.


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I've been thinking about how...for lack of a better word, Normal she looks. I mean, she's pretty but not in some 'ideal type' kind of way. I really appreciate that.


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I have only started watching KDramas seven months but I must add my praise for this show. It is definitely my CRACK right now. Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara are seamlessly living their characters and I can't wait for the rest of the episodes.

I think that Sera is not in love with Lee Gun but more of in the habit of loving him. Her greeting in the first episode where she doesn't even give him a hug or a kiss but puts his head in a chokehold showed no romanticism whatsoever. It was during the recent separation do her feelings for Gun surface as more of "he is not paying attention to me as much but he was going to ask me to marry him so why is he keeping his distance"? And I can understand why she took the offer to be the prima ballerina since it was what she was triving for, but to run away, without discussing it with Gun, was cruel.


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triving = striving

And I love this show so much that I read each and everyone's posts (so addicted)

Dramabeans - this is my first comment but I go on this website everyday to see what recaps have been posted and read almost all even if I don't watch the shows.


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Love love love this drama sooooo much!!! what a feelings, what an actors, just perfect!! for my, the best drama of the year.


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This show is great. How can anyone not fangirl it?


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everything was great, well except for the peck on the cheek. hello?!!! i was expecting at least a kiss on the lips!

anyway, where do we get to see the preview for the next eps?


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The k-version of FTLY is so addictive, nothing new yet everything new! Great acting all round!


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Ah this show! I can't even describe how thankful I am to find this show. This show makes me fluttering, swooning, crying, at the same time.

Thank you HN2 for insightful recap, and thank you others for all your awesome comments :)

I just want to add two little details, which I afraid that this analysis come from watching this series with too much heart and soul.

First, when KMY read "Little Match Girl" to her baby. How this story metaphor her recent condition really well. When KMY recited, "Ah, it's cold, she must be very cold Gae-doong-a" At that moment, the first thought that came to me was, that little match girl, was KMY herself. She felt cold because of the "storm", but no one even cared for her. She had matches, but she couldn't use it. The matches represents LG, the only one who can warm her, but he didn't at her side at that moment.

Second, the last scene. I really appreciated how the writers and producers recreate the "princess moment", it touched my soul, and I am, as female viewer, only can dream about that moment, and do happiness cry for her. The producers once said that in order to thoroughly enjoy this drama, we have to keep attention to details (source: soompi forum). Do you still remember KMY's scene from the first episode, when she had to buy candies for her supervisor? The sales girl at that Candy Store, called KMY, "Princess". At tha time KMY said that she is not a princess, but now, in 8th episode, she finally treated like princess, by her husband.

Those two scenes give proof to me that at least, the writers are sensible and capable enough in writing this series really well, and this conscience makes me can't wait to watch the later part of this series. Please, don't disappoint me show! :) You have give me happiness for last 4 weeks!

Thank you!


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Wow, 200+ comments already! I've been busy replaying episodes 7&8 with my kdrama-watching friend that I didn't feel the need to read the recap as soon as it was posted. Only after the 4th or 5th watch and after all the fangirling and sighing with my friend was i finally ready to read the recap and the comments. Had to disagree with some comments defending Sera to the point of implying that Miyoung was the bad guy for what happened leading to the marriage. I think it was a bad/sad situation for all three and it was handled by the writer and acted by the actors well. I do agree that Geon was a little at fault for not telling Sera when he could've that he got married, but I also understand why a phone call wouldn't do for that revelation. I could also understand how he could've developed feelings for his snail despite his 6 yr relationship with Sera because, really, only an unfeeling jerk would not fall for Miyoung. I also agree that Sera was a little selfish and took a lot of things regarding Gun for granted. There was a lot of taking advantage and taking for granted on her part and that's not a good ingredient to any relationship.

As a lot of comments were expressed about the actors and characters and how brilliant they are, I just want to say that throughout the episode, I was thinking of where could I find my very own Lee Gun. In recent years, LG is in my top 5 kdrama male leads together with Kim Boong-do, Joo Joong-won, City Hunter, and maybe Dokko Jin. Alien Do Minjoon? Nah. Cha Dae-woong? Pfft. Adorable Hwang Tae-kyung? Not even close. I loved those last three I mentioned, but it was more that I was cheering for them and their heroines to get their happy endings. The top 5? Happy endings for them, plus clones for me please!


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In case you're new to kdramas:

Kim Boong-Do (Ji Hyun-Woo) = Queen In-Hyun's Man
Joo Joong-Won (So Ji-sub) = The Master's Sun
Lee Yoon Sung / John Lee / Poo Chai (Lee Min-Ho) = City Hunter
Dokko Jin (Cha Seung-won) = The Greatest Love [aka Best Love]
Do Min-Joon (Kim Soo Hyun) = You From Another Star [aka You Came From the Stars / My Lover From The Stars / You From Another Star / My Love From Another Star]
Cha Dae-Woong (Lee Seung-Gi) = My Girlfriend is a Gumiho [aka My Girlfriend Is a Nine-Tailed Fox]
Hwang Tae Kyung (Jang Geun Suk) = You're Beautiful [aka He's Beautiful / You're Handsome]


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I tell you, Lee Gun jumped to no 2 of my fav drama heroes.
1. Dokko Jin
2. Lee Gun
3. King in Dong Yi
4. Joo Joong-won
5. Kim Boong-do


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"And then he winks at her. (Quick, bring me my smelling salts!)"

That has got to be the sexiest wink ever ;-)


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Everything is perfect. I'm just confused about D.Pitt's long lost sister. I don't remember the Taiwan Version have that story.

And Please..Please..Let KMY be Daniel's Sister. My heart will break if he fell in love with her because we all know that MY will end up with Gun


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everything about this drama is PERFECT--- the eyecandy, acting, wardrobe, sets and the scenes that make us smile even and send ours hearts fluttering with how the three leads convincingly lead us to believe that this is all about THEIR
romance. even though i've seen the original version and enjoyed it, can't help but love this one even more since i'm a big hyukkie fun and have started to like CJH from his papa gu (family book) days....but since there 6 weeks left, i dread to think of mandatory kdrama scenes that would hurt our lovely couple before they live happily ever after...the title pretty much gives us a hint of happy ending but in between, sera could be a hateful evil witch or lee gun could treat wifey badly for some reason like the mysterious family disease...well, whatever happens i look forward to more screentime for our hunkie neighborhood oppa to always take care of our clumsy snail.please writer-


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This is probably one of the most heartfelt romances I've seen in a kdrama period. The onscreen chemistry is amazing between these two leads. Agree that miyoung actress is killing it. She makes the vulnerability of her character so believable. The dialogue in this drama is also fun and heartfelt.

Love, love, love this drama and hope they keep up the good work!


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am afraid i might never enjoy a korean drama after this show ends...my god!!! They just get it right! Then they inserted in that lawyer wondering why he was given the task of setting off fireworks when he was a lawyer! And i just lol-ed. They have you crying one moment then crying the next the swooning the next and it just flows. Mi-Young the things NaRa is doing with that


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At the reception, Gun's line--"don't think she's calculating, her worst subject in school was math"--was not merely a witty defense of Miyoung, but I think a great reveal /projection that he knew all about her. Just shattering the rumor mongers. Writers, thank you very much.


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i think he is copying miyoung's mother's speech..


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I love how the show goes on..
I laughed like crazy, but in the next second I couldn't hold my tears.
Thank you for the recap HeadsNo2...

I just wanna say I love the soundtrack which was sung by Baek A-yeon.
For me there are only 4 women (or girls) who could pulled out a great chemistry for the scenes.
Lyn, Baek Ji-young, Taeyeon and the last but not least, Baek A-yeon..


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"And as much as I love Gun, I was a nervous wreck thinking of how much of a jerk the show could make him while getting away with it, even if that would fly in the face of the man we’ve seen him to be thus far.
And the very reason why this show remains such a rewarding watch is because Gun and Mi-young are so fully realized that they’re not just going to act and behave the way other dramas have conditioned us to believe they would. It’s like magic, the way those two interact."

You're so right about that!!! That's why I'm so hooked to this show!!! Since the beginning of episode 5, this show has kept surprising me again and again!!!I didn't expect the characters to react the way they did...MY was the first to surprise me in this show! She's so honest! I simply fell in love with her in ep 5 for letting Gun know how hurt she was by the contract and his harsh attitude!!
And we've got so many other instances where the characters don't beat around the bush, they just say what's on their minds, like when Mi Young becomes upset over what Gun did with the old factory..I thought that it would take a long time before MY decided to confront Gun about it but no, just a little while later in the same episode, she lets him know what's upset her!!!

Really!!, I think that's what I love the most about this show: these characters are so honest with each other, they feel "real". How many times I've almost shouted to a drama character "come on, tell him the truth, tell him what he did wrong!!" and in many dramas, the minsunderstandings take such a long time to get resolved I'm so sick of them now!!!^^ lol because in reality, that's what I would do: have some guts and confront the person!! duh!!!

So I want to thank the director and the scriptwriters for creating such honest, realistic characters! Even Sera is wonderfully written! (So much better than the original TW character, Anna!) And in this episode, it's definitely Gun who runs the show and surprises me the most!! I love how good and upright he is!!! He's a real prince!!!<3
like you, HeadsNo2, I would have kissed him for standing up for MY at the charity event and for saying all those nice things to her!!!


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